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Bathers Told To Steer Clear Of Water After Quake


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Bathers told to steer clear of water after earthquake

KRABI: -- Bathers in Thailand's southern resort province of Krabi were warned to stay out of the water yesterday when one of the province's major canals turned red and murky, apparently as a result of the earthquake off the Indonesian coast of Sumatra.

Normally known for its crystal clear water, Tha Pom, otherwise known as 'Klong Song Nam' (canal of two waters), is renowned throughout Thailand, often attracting upwards of 1,000 visitors a day.

But yesterday tourists were puzzled and disappointed to find that the water had turned murky, and that the seawater, which meet the freshwater canal at Tha Pom, appeared stronger than usual.

According to Pol. Sgt. Maj. Somchai Laklaeng, a community police officer responsible for tourist safety at Tha Pom, the water first began changing at around 08.30hrs yesterday morning, getting gradually redder and murkier until the canal bed was no longer visible.

Tourists were told to stay out of the water, with officials warning them that bathing could be dangerous.

What is particularly notable is that a similar phenomenon occurred on 26 December 2004, the day when an earthquake off the coast of Sumatra triggered the Asian tsunamis.

The water is said to have taken around half a month to return to its normal clear state.

Traders around Tha Pom complained yesterday that their businesses had been disrupted by the incident, as there were few visitors to the area when the waters were unsuitable for bathing.

--TNA 2005-03-30

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