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Perscription Or Legal Or Easy Steps To Obtain Diazepam


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I am wondering about obtaining Diazepam/Valium for helping with some symptoms of PTSD. I have already used it before and found that it really did help but haven't used it for quite awhile, I just relocated to Thailand and have begun to re experience insomnia, anxiety, nightmares. Not enough to strongly effect me, I am a pretty optimistic guy and work out quite abit, but it would be nice to suppress some of these things for awhile while I am still working on the big picture.

Do I have to go to a Hospital or a Psychiatrist and go through all the bull things to obtain a perscription, or am I able to just get it over the counter. I am not looking to obtain these in any illicit way but I am also not quite willing to spend money on going to a doctor that cannot understand the dynamics of the situation or just give me a perscription for something I can obtain legally.

Thank you

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Atarax is an antihistimine and mild tranquilzer, avaiable over the counter in any good pharmacy. Try that first. Two 25 milligram tablets before sleeping should do the trick. Soludine is another antihistimine that promotes sleep. Tiffy can also knock you out.

If you do need a barbituate, then it normally requires a doctors prescription. Some pharmacies do sell Xanex, Vallium etc but it is expensive as the pharmacist is selling it ilegally. As for addiction. I used diazepam for almost a year (5mil a day), stopped taking it and had no withdrawel symptoms wahtsoever.

When I need to promote sleep i use an antihistimine. I recommed Atarax.

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OP, certain drugs are available over the counter in Thailand and if you know which drug has been prescribed for you previously by a qualified doctor and your happy with the medication and it has no side affects then I'd say up to you.

On the other hand if you haven't been previously prescribed drugs for PTSD and you have taken them because they were reccomended, then I'd seriously reccomend that you see a doctor and let him decide which drugs may be best for you or not, regardless of the cost in seeing a qualified doctor, IMO it's money well spent and could work out cheaper in the long run if things go wrong.

I have given a link below which gives a list of some of the drugs used in the treatment of PTSD which may be of interest to you but please consult a qualified doctor who should be able to prescribe what's best for you.


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In fact it is much cheaper to see a GP in Thailand to prescribe benzos than it is to try and buy them over the counter. A consultation in a good hospital is only a couple of hundred baht, and the cost of the medication is miminal.

Obviously what the OP really needs to do is speak a proffesional mental health worker. But in the mean time it may be worth seeing a doctor to get a script.

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Thank you everyone for your help so far, Yeah I have been doing some research and will see about trying atarax although It would seem that it only will work on some of the sleep related symptoms.

GeekFreakLover, what is your expeirence with this med? is it something that you can take during the day and still function, I am attending University here for the moment, and although it is not an everyday occurance I have found the need for something to calm me down during the day at times yet would not be sutiable for just falling alseep in class or something, Is it that potent?

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As some have noted, Diazepam and related drugs are controlled substantce in Thailand, need to see a doctor for it.

Atarax is indeed sold OTC. It comes in both 10mg and 25mg strengths. Used in low dosage as an antihistimine and higher dosages as a minor tranquilizer; some people also use it for sleep.

Disage as a tranquilizer is anywhere from 25 up to 100 mg. As to whether or not it will make you too sleepy to function, really depends on your level of anxiety to start with. If you are really anxious it wil calm you down without making you too drowsy, altho you will have a very dry mouth. If you take it when not very anxious, same dose that would allow daytime functioning with anxiety will make you sleepy. Example: Many years ago after a major, life-threatening traumatic event I was temporarily on 100mg of it 4 times a day, which greatly helped and was stil lalert enough to continue a demanding job. Nowadays, 25 mg makes me very sleepy and 50 knocks me straight out. That's how much difference the circulating levels of adrenal etc make to how someone responds to it.

Big advantage to Atarax over diazepam is that it is non-addictive, plus of course the convenience of being able to get it over the counter. Despite report of one poster, most people who use benzos on a regular basis do have serious problems getting off them, in fact process should be medically supervised or better yet avoided by either not using them or using only on an occasional basis.

If you decide to try Atarax start with 25mg and can increase if necessary. Do not combine with alcohol and do not drive after taking it.

I am sorry to hear about your problems with PTSD. There are some new therapies that are highly effective for it, particularly what is called EMDR, Eye Movement Desentization something. I myself had that type of therapy for not exactly classic PTSD but something a bit similiar and can attest to its efficacy. The excellent therapist who treated me is based in Phnom Penh but I know trained some Thai professionals in it for use in tsunami victims, if you like I can give you her contact info. Actually she is so good that it would be well worth traveling to Phnom Penh for treatment, if she is able to take on new clients.

If you are like most people with PTSD you have probably already had therapy of one type oor another but I assure you that EMDR, done by a properly trained professional, offers something that other approaches do not. I had plenty of therapy of various types before I had EMDR. They all had sbenefits of one sort or another, but no comparison. EMDR actually corrects the underlying problem in how your brain has processed (or more accurately not processed) the initial trauma.

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OP, certain drugs are available over the counter in Thailand and if you know which drug has been prescribed for you previously by a qualified doctor and your happy with the medication and it has no side affects then I'd say up to you.

On the other hand if you haven't been previously prescribed drugs for PTSD and you have taken them because they were reccomended, then I'd seriously reccomend that you see a doctor and let him decide which drugs may be best for you or not, regardless of the cost in seeing a qualified doctor, IMO it's money well spent and could work out cheaper in the long run if things go wrong.

I have given a link below which gives a list of some of the drugs used in the treatment of PTSD which may be of interest to you but please consult a qualified doctor who should be able to prescribe what's best for you.


Thank you for the website. yes I have previously been perscribed something awhile back that worked wonders although I cannot think of its name, small word, started with an A , in a combination with narcotics codine and oxycotin for pain management.

The pain is now managable though exercise etc, and the previously perscribed medication was to strong to the point where I was feeling pretty dam_n good but I feel it was overkill and would not be able to study.

Im looking for something pretty light, I know valium isnt so light but I was just looking at a half a dosage at perhaps at most once or twice day and some days no dosage

Also nothing that would cause decreased appitite :-)

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OP, you'll find that Atarax is a sedative and may help with sleep disorder, but have a look again at the link I gave previously and it seems to me from the info on the list given that Diazapam/Valium is used to treat SAD, GAD and PD, but the list gives no mention of Diazapam/Valium being used to treat PTSD.

The list lists that an alpha blocker named Minipress/Prazosin which is used to treat PTSD (Nightmares).


I'm no Doctor, so my advise is to still seek professional help from someone who is qualified in this field.

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Sheryl said it better than I could attempt to.

The level of anxiety is proportional to medictation taken. My cousin has a fear of flying, she took a heoric does of vallium when she last flew. Because her fear, adrenalin and anxiety were at such a high level she was able to intake a large amount. Most people would have slept for a week.

I would seriously recommend Atarax, St John's Wort (which I believe helps depression and anxiety although it hasn't been medically proven) and a good balanced diet. B vitimins I also think help lift mood.

Stay away from benzos if you can. Benzos work pretty much the same way alcohol does. A short fix for a long term problem.

Good luck mate.


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As some have noted, Diazepam and related drugs are controlled substantce in Thailand, need to see a doctor for it.

Atarax is indeed sold OTC. It comes in both 10mg and 25mg strengths. Used in low dosage as an antihistimine and higher dosages as a minor tranquilizer; some people also use it for sleep.

Disage as a tranquilizer is anywhere from 25 up to 100 mg. As to whether or not it will make you too sleepy to function, really depends on your level of anxiety to start with. If you are really anxious it wil clam you down without making you too drowsy, altho you will have a very dry mouth. If you take it when not very anxious, same dose that would allow daytime functioning with anxiety will make you sleepy.

Big advantage to Atarax over diazepam is that it is non-addictive, plus of course the convenience of being able to get it over the counter. Despite report of one poster, most people who use benzos on a regular basis do have serious problems getting off them, in fact process should be medicall supervised or better yet avoided by either not using them or using only on an occasional basis.

I am sorry to hear about your problems with PTSD. There are some new therapies that are highly effective for it, particularly what is called EMDR, Eye Movement Desentization something. I myself had that type of therapy for not exactly classic PTSD but something a bit similiar and can attest to its efficacy. The excellent therapist who treated me is based in Phnom Penh but I know trained some Thai professionals in it for use in tsunami victims, if you like I can give you her contact info. Actually she is so good that it would be well worth traveling to Phnom Penh for treatment, if she is able to take on new clients.

If you are like most people with PTSD you have probably already had therapy of one type oor another but I assure you that EMDR, done by a properly trained professional, offers something that other approaches do not. I had plenty of therapy of various types before I had EMDR. They all had sbenefits of one sort or another, but no comparison. EMDR actually corrects the underlying problem in how your brain has processed (or more accurately not processed) the initial trauma.

This sounds very intreasting, But perhaps I don't need to go so extensive, I understand that many symptoms of PTSD don't show up untill much later but for my it has been the opposite. As I have undergone extensive counseling I and have made the majority of my recovery with lifestyle changes: volunteering, exercise, and the fact that I have a strong mentality towards life in genereal. I would want to try and continue on my little journey, as I find it a defining moment in my life.

that aside it would appear that since I have come to thailand, the fact that I am in a new place, new people, etc along with this ASEAN summit security thing going on may be triggering abit of symptoms that are still remaining.

thank you , I will be back later to see anymore suggestions

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It is worth a laugh but more crying out loud to see selfmade docters leading others to drug abuse and prescribing daily doses with no further knowledge of the person and or their problems. Wondering how long this topic is open. :)

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It is worth a laugh but more crying out loud to see selfmade docters leading others to drug abuse and prescribing daily doses with no further knowledge of the person and or their problems

Most of the people replying to the OP have actually reccomended that the OP seek professional advice on what drug to take so IMO the advice given to the OP in general has been good and has been welcomed by the OP.

You don't actually have to be a doctor to give advice to people (expeirience can count and be helpfull) but I'd agree with you that anyone prescribing daily doses are ignored by the OP until he gets that advice from a suitably qualified person.

On another note, you don't actually have to be a doctor to diagnose someone with a Troll Disorder, so therefore I'll prescribe you with new to the market Troll disorder pills to be taken 4 times a day with anti troll food, please make a follow up apointment 3 months from todays date and I'll try and evaluate how your treatment is progressing.

Please be aware that as it's a new pill the side effects are unknown on humans at the moment so could you please take note of any side affects you encounter.


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It is worth a laugh but more crying out loud to see selfmade docters leading others to drug abuse and prescribing daily doses with no further knowledge of the person and or their problems. Wondering how long this topic is open. :)

The thread will probably last longer than you would imagine. Some posters are medically qualified and give advice accordingly. Having a sound knowledge of the condition of which the OP speaks of and the medication available in Thailand, my comments may help the OP decide which steps to take..

It can sometimes be dangerous to trust the information from doctors that assess a condition during a fifteen minute consultation. It makes perfect sense to gather a wider opinon before commiting ourselves to a medical consultation and diagnosis. The more information you have the better.

If you wish to discuss any certain drugs then ask me about them. If you simply wish to write-off any type of medication during times of PTSM then fine. Everyone has their own way to deal with life.

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OP, you'll find that Atarax is a sedative and may help with sleep disorder, but have a look again at the link I gave previously and it seems to me from the info on the list given that Diazapam/Valium is used to treat SAD, GAD and PD, but the list gives no mention of Diazapam/Valium being used to treat PTSD.

The list lists that an alpha blocker named Minipress/Prazosin which is used to treat PTSD (Nightmares).


I'm no Doctor, so my advise is to still seek professional help from someone who is qualified in this field.

Yeah thats kind of the problem here,

baisically I don't want to be taking medication for the actual PTSD due to the progress I have made so far, but rather I want to take medication for some of some of the symptoms that I am expierencing. Baisically the doctors will base their decision on the best option for treating the disorder in its entirity.

I have many friends who are taking all kinds of medicine and expeirencing all sorts of awful side effects which I want no part of. I have made more progress then the majority of them through means other then full out medicated treatment of PTSD which is routinely seen as a disorder that is solved through treatments that can be just as bad as the PTSD itself, exspecially considering I have to worry about my education and other things to be sucked up into the drowsy mood swinging lethargic side effects of some of the treatments.

I do thank everyone so far for their help, and plan to pick up some atarax tomorow test it out, if not sufficient then I will go see a physician.

I do know enough about medicine to understand that there is no such thing as a safe drug and not to just go and take anyones advice, but the fact is in terms of being in Thailand many of you are the best source on advice I can come across and I do appreciate it, I hope more people can join in with suggestions on particularly legal and safe medications available in thailand.

thank you

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I am pretty sure the medication I was perscribed before was Nortiptyline aka Aventyl but that is not an affirmative. What ever it was it made for some quite enjoyable side effects in the sex dept.

I dont feel the want or the need to take this med again. although maybe a tiny bit of a want haha

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To above post, the drug you name is used to treat PTSD but I never knew it had the type of side affect you mention, you wanna be carefull who you tell or it may go up in price when everyone in Thailand start using it as a substitute for viagra/kamagra/cialis and so on.

Actually I thought one of the side affects was a decrease in sexual ability and desire..

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To above post, the drug you name is used to treat PTSD but I never knew it had the type of side affect you mention, you wanna be carefull who you tell or it may go up in price when everyone in Thailand start using it as a substitute for viagra/kamagra/cialis and so on.

Actually I thought one of the side affects was a decrease in sexual ability and desire..

its not that part haha it the actual orgasim that is increadable, the desire i think is permanent for me

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