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Dr Porntip Tells It Like She Sees It


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If you're not familiar with the story: this young fellow was some politician's secretary, and while being questioned by the anti-corruption agency his body somehow ended up outside the window on a roof of a lower building. Sound familiar?

My opinion is that while being questioned he said the wrong thing, someone made a phone call and said the birdy was singing, then another someone was sent in to solve the problem. They've been trying their best to claim it a suicide, and I guess they hoped bringing in the good doctor would further that. I'm impressed she didn't sell out. Go get 'em, khunying!

For more info, do a search on "Teoh Beng Hock"

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I'm amazed that the body was buried, we all know that the normal funeral service under Buddhism involves cremation.dry.gif

Not if the deceased was a muslim. Burial is within 24 hours. (Muslims have a requirement for burial within 24 hours and the bodies are not to be injected with embalming chemicals. The two benefits are that it is an environmentally sound practice as there is no chemical leakage into the ground as bodies decompose and the absence of the embalming fluids allows for more accurate examinations in the event that a body must be disinterred.

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I'm amazed that the body was buried, we all know that the normal funeral service under Buddhism involves cremation.dry.gif

Teoh Beng Hock is Malaysian, so he is probably Muslim, and Muslims do bury their dead.

latest_drpornthip1_feapix.jpg There is an 80% chance that the death of political aide Teoh Beng Hock was caused by homicide, the coroner’s court was told Wednesday. Based on her examination of the autopsy reports and pictures of the site, Thai pathologist Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand said that not all injuries on the body were consistent with a fall from a height. morebtn_focusimg.gif

Correction, the late Teoh Beng Hock is a Malaysian Chinese so he could be either a Buddhist or Christian - most definitely not a muslim

Edited by xv1100
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He was (is) Muslim .. and he was buried (Malaysian media)

Good for Doc Pornthip .... never one to shirk from the truth.

She cites the following injuries as cause for concern:

the injury to [Teoh's] anus could have been caused by penetration with an object before his fall” – After two rounds of fabricated sodomy charges against opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, has our authority become so obsessed with anus?!

Teoh’s skull fracture was not typical of an injury from a fall” – It can only mean that poor Beng Hock, prior to his deadly fall, could have his head banged against the wall or floor, or had a heavy hard object knocked against his head.

The autopsy report indicated that he was alive when landing on the ground, but she found no protection injuries on the body.” – She basically objected the government’s theory that Teoh was alive when he fell (to support the claim of suicide). I take it that “protection injuries” means injuries sustained during the fall out of human instinct to protect himself, such as injuries to the legs for trying to land with them. Such injuries are crucial indication that the deceased was alive before impact to supprot the claim of suicide. Nope, I took that to mean defending himself while been beaten in the office - before been thrown out the window (??)

the marks on Teoh’s neck indicated the possibility of ‘manual strangulation’” – It means Beng Hock was strangled on the neck, usually to cause suffocation from breathing.

... not very consistant with falling out a window if you ask me... but of course I could be wrong (er, what)

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He was a Chinese Malaysian and a Buddhist. His fiance who is carrying his child married him after his death in a Buddhist ritual.

Not withstanding that what you have read regards his religion may be correct (and I was only repeating what was said in a Malaysian writeup), marrying a dead partner is a cultural/religous practise (not a legal one) that anyone can do - much like the Thai marriges that take place in a temple (non-Buddhists folk can go through with it, and many do), though I do accept it seems a little unlikely if he was Muslim that his side of the family would have allowed her to go with it.

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Some background

Silent outrage at Teoh's funeral.More than 2,000 people gathered for the funeral of Teoh Beng Hock in Alor Gajah, Malacca.ad61c674c6ee0de2d87f09099772223b.jpg

During the funeral rites, which began at 9.45am, Teoh's pregnant fiancee Soh Sher Wei (right) read out a moving tribute.

She called on Teoh to "come back". Many were in tears as they listened to her.

Seputeh MP Teresa Kok represented DAP as she read out the party's condolences.

Among those present were representatives of several Chinese guilds and associations, and members of Pakatan Rakyat.

The funeral procession began at 10.45am. The crowd accompanied the hearse, which was decorated with red trimmings to signifiy sudden death.

Family members and Pakatan leaders and supporters followed the cortege on foot for about 1km from the house to the main road.

Many were crying openly. His sisters murmured "rest in peace".


Black-and-white A4 posters with Teoh's photograph were held up by many in the crowd, displaying the words jangan biarkan Beng Hock mati sia-sia (don't let Beng Hock's death be in vain).

A huge black-and-white poster, prepared by PKR, was carried in front of the hearse. It bore the words 'Justice for Beng Hock'.

Other banners had wordings in Chinese that read 'Justice for Beng Hock' and 'The people want answers'.


At 11.05am, the procession ended and many transferred to vehicles for the rest of the journey to the Nirvana Memorial Park in Semenyih, where the burial will be held.

The convoy arrived in Semenyih town at 12.50, where people were waiting with banners and flowers.

Earlier today, some 500 people had gathered at Teoh's house by 9am. The atmosphere was one of silent outrage, with dozens of banners being displayed outside the premises.

These bore messages ranging from 'Don't let Beng Hock die in vain', ' Justice for Beng Hock, answers for rakyat', ' Set up royal commission (of inquiry), let justice be served'.


It is learnt that the family had requested a low-key reaction from mourners and that the crowd had complied by not shouting slogans.

All the main Pakatan leaders paid their last respects at 10.18am. They were joined by former MCA vice-president Chua Jui Meng, who had only joined PKR last Saturday. They were followed by Malacca MCA exco member Gan Tian Loo.

About 10 police personnel, including traffic police, monitored the situation and directed traffic.

'Do it now, Najib'

DAP leaders led by Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh and Guan Eng held a press conference about 9.30am.

Kit Siang said he wants premier Najib Abdul Razak to announce that a royal panel will be set up immediately on his return to Malaysia today, rather than wait until the weekly Cabinet meeting on Wednesday to make a decision.


He also urged Najib to order the MACC to "stop the war against Pakatan", adding that the anti-graft body has "become Umno's tool to topple the Selangor government".

Karpal said he wants Najib to suspend Ahmad Said as MACC chief.

PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim also spoke briefly to the press, calling for stringent action.

He said the government must not dilly-dally and that both the police and anti-corruption heads have to assume responsibility for the situation "because the questioning of Teoh broke some rules". Pakatan leaders will meet in the shortest time to discuss the issue, he added.

PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub backed calls for a royal commission of inquiry, saying Malaysians should be told what had happened to Teoh.


DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said: "We want to tell Beng Hock that he will not be forgotten. We also want to tell the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) that we will not let them off (the hook)".

Teoh, 30, the political secretary to Selangor exco member Ean Yong Hian Wah, was found dead last Friday.

He had been picked up on Thursday about 5pm for questioning by the Selangor MACC in relation to a proble into the spending of constituency funds.

His body was found about 1.30pm the next day on the fifth floor balcony of the building in which the MACC is housed in Shah Alam.

Investigations are in progress.

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the injury to [Teoh's] anus could have been caused by penetration with an object before his fall” – After two rounds of fabricated sodomy charges against opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, has our authority become so obsessed with anus?!

Putting the 'fun' in funnel, aka breaking in the new recruits :)


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she is great and very brave woman

You referring to Pornthip - not the deceased's partner?

Yes Pornthip is - I don't think anyone doubts that about her, she has a larger than life personality/character and is not scared to speak out as a "human rights" activist which "stirs the pot" - sometimes doing so deliberatly, which irks her superiors no end!

She is a guest at our kitchen table on occassion - my wife and her are good buddies.

Everyone who has heard of her, will have heard about her unconventional and ever so discreet dress & hair style ... sorry, that should be "styles" - her personality is no less outgoing and bold.


Penangkaki is correct - the deceased is/was not Muslim - he was a Chinese - Hokkien (or Hokkien/Chinese, if you will) - and therefore [more than likely] Buddhist (of one type or another ).

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Malacca is a muslim center. Not to sidetrack the subject, but often the prevailing religion or culture influences burial rites.

In respect to the apparent anal injuries, it is not uncommon for Malaysian detainees to report being sodomized with a blunt object. In homophobic places the greatest affront is to sodomize someone. For example, Iranian political prisoners often report such assaults. People detained in Gaza and accused of being homosexuals also have reported such assaults. It is sadly a common event used to humiliate a prisoner and is a telltale sign of a political agenda. I am unaware of allegations of such treatment to detainees in the South of Thailand. Allegations of beatings etc., but nothing like this. One small point in favour of the Thai mentality I suppose.

Does anyone have any news on the position of the Chinese government in this matter? China does take an active role in protecting persecuted Chinese communities in SE Asia. Just as the British or American governments will send an ambassador to protest the treatment of political detainees in Zimbabwe, China has and does the same in those countries where Chinese ethnic groups are persecuted.

Seems to me the Malaysians are going to have some civil unrest on hand if they don't respond properly. You can't keep harassing the Chinese community this way and not expect some blowback.

Naive of me to be surprised by this I suppose, but it shows that the Malaysian PR machine does a good job of public image because this event is not going to register in foreign tourist and business consumer/client source nations.

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