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I Hate Johnny Walker Red

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It's not tasty, it feels pretty bad the next day, and it's overpriced and poor value for money, in my opinion. I would rather go upmarket OR downmarket, either way- but since the 'in' crowds at many pubs have decided this is THE thing to drink, choosing anything else makes you stand out even more than being a foreigner. Bleah. I hate the stuff, really hate it!

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It's not tasty, it feels pretty bad the next day, and it's overpriced and poor value for money, in my opinion. I would rather go upmarket OR downmarket, either way- but since the 'in' crowds at many pubs have decided this is THE thing to drink, choosing anything else makes you stand out even more than being a foreigner. Bleah. I hate the stuff, really hate it!

Thanks for sharing that with us. :) Of course no one is forcing you to drink it!!

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after a few i can't really tell which is which

start with the blue or gold when i can because that's the best

later i could be drinking 100 pipers, red,black, whatever and not know or care

one thing i am darn sure about is that the JW tastes different here than back home

anyone else notice this?

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after a few i can't really tell which is which

start with the blue or gold when i can because that's the best

later i could be drinking 100 pipers, red,black, whatever and not know or care

one thing i am darn sure about is that the JW tastes different here than back home

anyone else notice this?

Only after about the 3rd bottle. :)

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If you were in Scotland you would be drinking Grouse. Another good whiskey is Dewars and a big bottle of Ballantines goes for a song in Thailand, and I have always thought someone here doesn't realise the quality of Ballantine whiskey.

Johnny Walker Red is firewater....just my opinion as an expat Scot.

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Red and Black are both crap! Gold reserve and blue are good whiskeys. Blue is too expensive though.

agree gold reserve has a nice malt taste and not to exp. Thailand has a great varirty to choose from and imo anyone who uses a mixer in there whiskey should reconsider their drink of choice.

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Some of the upmarket whiskey is really, really good- not for mixing at all- but that's not what you go to clubs to drink.

I'll put another plug in for Benmore as a kind of 'whiskey lite...' (all the alcohol and very little of the flavour) :)

But I just REALLY, REALLY hate JW Red!!!

'Course I usually don't drink it on my own- but there are social necessities and marketing has made this 'the thing' in many clubs for the moment... sigh...

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Has anybody else tried the other 100 Pipers? The one that is in a gold colored box, is in a square bottle, its a single malt, or that's what the lable says (if it could talk!).

If you are talking about the 500 baht per bottle its not a single malt, but for what it is it tastes better than JW black or red.

Benmore and William Lawson are also good value for money.

For me there are only 2 whisky's I buy, cheap for mixing if on the piss, or decent for drinking at home, eg Ardbeg, Mcallans, Highland park or any other ISLAND single malt, sorry Glenmorangie doesnt cut it for me.

The problem in Thailand is, people are drinking the label and not the contents, its all about being hip and trendy and being seen to be drinking a certain brand.

JW screwed up big time by producing Green label in the same shape bottle as black, Thais's didnt buy it because it was more expensive, and in a night club the bottle looked just like black.

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If you were in Scotland you would be drinking Grouse. Another good whiskey is Dewars and a big bottle of Ballantines goes for a song in Thailand, and I have always thought someone here doesn't realise the quality of Ballantine whiskey.

Johnny Walker Red is firewater....just my opinion as an expat Scot.


I guess your are American with Scottish heritage. :D

I'm not Scottish but I prefer Glenmorangie cellar 13.


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What are people paying for 1 L bottles of red? In Phuket you can get them for as low as 700-720 baht. Anyone know anything about the cheaper versions of 1 L red? My gf calls them the "mai jing" bottles, and says to buy the .70 L bottles to be sure I'm getting the real thing. I picked up a "mai jing" 1 L for 580 baht, and the difference was the labels say its from Singapore and Duties Not Paid. The bottle and other labels seem genuine. I did a shot of both real and "mai jing" and they both tasted the same..like shit lol. Can these non taxed bottles really be this cheap or are they counterfeit? Some clubs are doing deals for 499 baht bottles but I think you have to leave them there if you don't finish them. There were fake bottles of Black 6 years ago http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/2831275.stm and the contents were hazardous to your health.

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after a few i can't really tell which is which

start with the blue or gold when i can because that's the best

later i could be drinking 100 pipers, red,black, whatever and not know or care

one thing i am darn sure about is that the JW tastes different here than back home

anyone else notice this?

It does taste different than back home and it's because most of what is sold in Thailand is copies from China.

One of my Thai friends imports allot of the copies from China and sells to many bars, thats the only reason I know there are allot of copies in Thailand because he's not the only one doing it.

I perfer the black, but will drink red, dont care for blue or gold. Dewars is excellent.

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If you were in Scotland you would be drinking Grouse. Another good whiskey is Dewars and a big bottle of Ballantines goes for a song in Thailand, and I have always thought someone here doesn't realise the quality of Ballantine whiskey.

Johnny Walker Red is firewater....just my opinion as an expat Scot.

As an Expat Scot you should know 'WhiskEy' is Irish ( Japanese. American and all the others I think), 'whisky' is Scottish. As one guy says later diluting it with coke? that's a crime,,especially with the better whiskys. I've been trying to educate Thais into drinking water with their whisky, no luck, just lots of soda and ice. ( BTW the spell check is trying to make me spell whisky the american way!)

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ALL whiskey is sh*t and anyone who tells you different is lying. Why do think that they have all those mixers, but to get the putrid taste out of your mouth. If you want something that tastes good, try pure fruit juice!
UG is right. I never drank a hard liquor that didn't taste like kerosene. I never understood why you're expected to 'develop a taste for it.' Or why every toast or celebration must be drowned in crap that is toxic, until you're nearly unconscious.
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ALL whiskey is sh*t and anyone who tells you different is lying. Why do think that they have all those mixers, but to get the putrid taste out of your mouth. If you want something that tastes good, try pure fruit juice!
UG is right. I never drank a hard liquor that didn't taste like kerosene. I never understood why you're expected to 'develop a taste for it.' Or why every toast or celebration must be drowned in crap that is toxic, until you're nearly unconscious.

Then you've never had a Glenfiddich single malt, wonderful stuff.

And I agree with the OP. Johnny red is awful.

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ALL whiskey is sh*t and anyone who tells you different is lying. Why do think that they have all those mixers, but to get the putrid taste out of your mouth. If you want something that tastes good, try pure fruit juice!
UG is right. I never drank a hard liquor that didn't taste like kerosene. I never understood why you're expected to 'develop a taste for it.' Or why every toast or celebration must be drowned in crap that is toxic, until you're nearly unconscious.

You ought to try, or maybe not, the Vietnamese rice hooch (vodka some will try and tell you it is but it's their equal to Lao Khaw) that tastes like a subtle blend of gasoline and industrial solvent.

The only Scotch I ever tried and liked was Isle of Jura, 21 year single malt (as I recall), now that was so smooth that I drank far too much of it but still not enough.

Happy day, shit morning after. :)

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How do you know what you are drinking is the real thing? China is producing a lot of fake Scotch Whiskys. I read somewhere that the number was around 200 at one time. A lot of them can fool experts in a taste test.

I have to agree,once i brought a bottle of JW Red from EU,compared to the Thai stuff,very different.

Now don't ask which one was better.

All the alcohol is bad if abused,but i find that hangover from beer is worst than hangover from whisky.

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