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for all i know he may not back the BNP in anything else

I gave him that benefit of the doubt to begin with, but then he said Enoch Powell was a visionary and his Rivers of Blood speech was 100% correct.

Id have possibly been killed if i had hit the 9 stone Pakistani Muslim that wished to start a fight with me for no reason in a predominantly Pakistani area of Rotherham, this verbal threatening assault was for no other reason then i am white.

There is gang war on the street of many towns and cities in the UK, The Met have a section setup to eal with black on black male gun crime, he was right there are daily deaths on a never seen before rate in England committed by immigrants. I believe this is what he was talking about as opposed to a physical river just in case you took his quote literally.

PS Enoch Powell and most politicians of his day were articulate and capable of expressing their thoughts to the electorate in a way which left them open to genuine debate, unlike the Labour and Tory MP's who in parrot fashion spout the party line and refuse to answer the question.

PPS If you vote Tory or Labour i dont understand how you can claim the moral ground over the BNP, when you support a party that has killed 100s of thousands of innocent in Iraq and Afghanistan, people who are a different race to myself if it werent for similar minded people this wouldnt have happened, so long as it doesnt affect you though!

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Are people still scared of calling other races racist, for fear of being called a racist? Is it still the case that only white people can be racist?

Anyone who has lived and worked amongst 2nd and 3rd generation British Indians will know that, in general, those people are BY FAR the most racist people in the UK. I get a racist 'dig' from them on an almost daily basis. They don't even try to hide it. They're simply racist.

If the BNP was to open its arms a little wider and start collecting British Indians I think they would have a larger, though still quite impossible, chance of being elected.

So, Whichschool, you believe that your wife has a right to migrate to the UK, but nobody else does?

She isnt my spouse and had citizenship before i met her due to being married to a Brit for 10yrs, Immigration through marriage is controlled.

If the BNP had been in power 10 years ago she would not be your wife, as she would not be in the UK and you would not have met her.

I know that spousal immigration is controlled, in fact I spend most of my time here advising posters on that very subject. In fact, all immigration to the UK from outside the EU is controlled! Even immigrants from the EU have to satisfy some conditions if they wish to live and work here; as UK citizens do if they wish to live and work in another EU state.

Hence the presence of those Polish workers you speak of.

The BNP candidate in the London mayoral election is the father of a mix raced child

Yes, fascist may not like black people, but they are fond of screwing black women. Non-whites barred from 'open' BNP meeting.

UKIP are not as openly racist as the BNP, but one of their policies is to stop all immigration to the UK for at least 5 years; this includes spouses of British citizens and their families. Still, wont worry you as your wife is already here.

Most of the rest of your post shows that you do not know the meaning of the word ignorance, as do your replies to others. It is not an insult, it means that you do not know about, or are ignorant of, some subject.

my thai is ok thanks,and like many expats who marry into a thai family and do actually assimilate to some degree,and also take care to some degree financially so they dont have to go down to socialsecurity to collect dole checks :)

OK, you've made your sarcastic comment.

Now how about a response to the census results which show your claim "that the indigenous whites will become the minority in the not to distant future" to be nonsense?

Are people still scared of calling other races racist, for fear of being called a racist? Is it still the case that only white people can be racist?

tut tut roastlamb you will be roasted on TV for comments like that,but i'm with you on the above quote.

British National Party (UK)

If elected how would this affect British Thailand Ex-pats who have Thai Wife's & Children?

I have been following the UK news over the last few weeks regarding the fascist British National Party (BNP).

Now it appears that it is very possible that this party could be elected and become Government in the UK.

I, having a Thai wife and child find this prospect very alarming.

1. If the BNP did come to power and expelled all Thais from the United Kingdom, would the Thai government conduct a tit for tat policy and do the same with Brits living in Thailand?

2. Would this mean that UK citizens living in Britain and having a Thai family, would have to leave Britain or otherwise be faced with the prospect of being separated from they're family's?

3. What about the Brits with Thai families living Thailand, how would this affect them?

All rather scary and hope this scenario never happens.

What do you think?

Hope I haven't opened a can of worms here. Have created this thread for the reasons that the title explains.

This is not a platform for the discussion of British politics or who is to or is not to blame.

I feel now that there is a strong possibility of a fascist leadership in the UK that would affect all British ex-pats with Thai families and should be mentioned.

I hope that if any idiots post on here material that contravenes ThaiVisa rules, racist comments, of is abusive to others, that the Mods will close this thread and ban the offending posters.

They havent got a hope...dont lose any sleep over it!!

my thai is ok thanks,and like many expats who marry into a thai family and do actually assimilate to some degree,and also take care to some degree financially so they dont have to go down to socialsecurity to collect dole checks :)

OK, you've made your sarcastic comment.

Now how about a response to the census results which show your claim "that the indigenous whites will become the minority in the not to distant future" to be nonsense?

my reply was no more sarcastic than yours.in regard to the census,i cannot disagree,but tellthat to white people living in cities where there is a huge immigrant population.I read somewhere,for example that in the city of leicester there are in fact more immigrants living there than white people,and that this was the first time that it had occured in an english city.I fyou live overseas you would expect to be a minority in that country,but my point was that it could soon be the other way round in the UK in industrialised cities.would you be happy if you lived in a city wher ethere were more immigrants than natives where they predominantly do not integrate?

British National Party (UK)

If elected how would this affect British Thailand Ex-pats who have Thai Wife's & Children?

I have been following the UK news over the last few weeks regarding the fascist British National Party (BNP).

Now it appears that it is very possible that this party could be elected and become Government in the UK.

I, having a Thai wife and child find this prospect very alarming.

1. If the BNP did come to power and expelled all Thais from the United Kingdom, would the Thai government conduct a tit for tat policy and do the same with Brits living in Thailand?

2. Would this mean that UK citizens living in Britain and having a Thai family, would have to leave Britain or otherwise be faced with the prospect of being separated from they're family's?

3. What about the Brits with Thai families living Thailand, how would this affect them?

All rather scary and hope this scenario never happens.

What do you think?

Hope I haven't opened a can of worms here. Have created this thread for the reasons that the title explains.

This is not a platform for the discussion of British politics or who is to or is not to blame.

I feel now that there is a strong possibility of a fascist leadership in the UK that would affect all British ex-pats with Thai families and should be mentioned.

I hope that if any idiots post on here material that contravenes ThaiVisa rules, racist comments, of is abusive to others, that the Mods will close this thread and ban the offending posters.

They havent got a hope...dont lose any sleep over it!!

just enjoying a debate,mai pen rai.


As an outsider I find it easy to see why the BNP dislikes non-white British people. But, for God's sake, how can the BNP tolerate the rudeness and drunkeness of the average white British folks?

As an outsider I find it easy to see why the BNP dislikes non-white British people. But, for God's sake, how can the BNP tolerate the rudeness and drunkeness of the average white British folks?

because thats what they are?

my thai is ok thanks,and like many expats who marry into a thai family and do actually assimilate to some degree,and also take care to some degree financially so they dont have to go down to socialsecurity to collect dole checks :)

OK, you've made your sarcastic comment.

Now how about a response to the census results which show your claim "that the indigenous whites will become the minority in the not to distant future" to be nonsense?

my reply was no more sarcastic than yours.in regard to the census,i cannot disagree,but tellthat to white people living in cities where there is a huge immigrant population.I read somewhere,for example that in the city of leicester there are in fact more immigrants living there than white people,and that this was the first time that it had occured in an english city.I fyou live overseas you would expect to be a minority in that country,but my point was that it could soon be the other way round in the UK in industrialised cities.would you be happy if you lived in a city wher ethere were more immigrants than natives where they predominantly do not integrate?

Don't particularly want to get drawn into this debate as I'm one of those pesky liberals but regarding Leicester, where I've lived for 15 or so years, I believe it's the case that no particular colour is a majority. It's certainly not immigrants, just 2nd and 3rd gen South Asians.

I would also add that Leicester is regarded as something of a model for successful race relations (after a rocky start). The BNP have literally been laughed out of Leicester in previous years.


UKIP are not as openly racist as the BNP, but one of their policies is to stop all immigration to the UK for at least 5 years; this includes spouses of British citizens and their families. Still, wont worry you as your wife is already here.

Another lie from someone who claims not to be ignorant, they will take us out of the EU thus stopping the uncontrolled immigration from the Eu zone we presently have, ALL PEOPLE IN THE EU ZONE at present have absolute rights to work in the UK, another point you were wrong on.

They will allow in skilled workers that are needed and take control over our borders, oh yes and spousal immigration will still be allowed view page 4 section 9 to see how wrong you are


Most of the rest of your post shows that you do not know the meaning of the word ignorance, as do your replies to others. It is not an insult, it means that you do not know about, or are ignorant of, some subject.

But ive just shown you are clearly wrong so will you now accept you are ignorant, and i am actually well informed

The article below showS English is a minority in London, i will find the predications for the people being a minority later as i now have to go out.


PS She isnt my wife.


If you walk in the town centre I live (in the UK) every other person you walk past is a foreign EU national, I work for a Company who employes over 250 people and I would say 90% are from other countries, The town is becoming more and more racist and BNP are getting a much larger following, people think that they are talking our job etc... and I can tell you they have all soon clicked on to the benefits game!! They are given vouchers for food clothes, a council house and what ever else is available.

I don't understand politcs or economy but I sometimes wonder if this is a factor why our country is in such a mess? The population in UK is growing rapidly but this is due to foreign nationals.

But back to the orginal post by the op the BNP will never get into number 10, not if the greedy Company directors have anything to do with it because they are getting skilled workers at a knocked down price by employing foreign nationals.

I would just like to point out I am not a racist I have alot of friends who are foreign and I love learing about the culture and back grounds they have come from.

If you walk in the town centre I live (in the UK) every other person you walk past is a foreign EU national, I work for a Company who employes over 250 people and I would say 90% are from other countries, The town is becoming more and more racist and BNP are getting a much larger following, people think that they are talking our job etc... and I can tell you they have all soon clicked on to the benefits game!! They are given vouchers for food clothes, a council house and what ever else is available.

I don't understand politcs or economy but I sometimes wonder if this is a factor why our country is in such a mess? The population in UK is growing rapidly but this is due to foreign nationals.

But back to the orginal post by the op the BNP will never get into number 10, not if the greedy Company directors have anything to do with it because they are getting skilled workers at a knocked down price by employing foreign nationals.

I would just like to point out I am not a racist I have alot of friends who are foreign and I love learing about the culture and back grounds they have come from.

So if I read you correctly - 90% of your work force are EU citizens?

yet they are claiming benefit too?

for all i know he may not back the BNP in anything else

I gave him that benefit of the doubt to begin with, but then he said Enoch Powell was a visionary and his Rivers of Blood speech was 100% correct.

Id have possibly been killed if i had hit the 9 stone Pakistani Muslim that wished to start a fight with me for no reason in a predominantly Pakistani area of Rotherham, this verbal threatening assault was for no other reason then i am white.

There is gang war on the street of many towns and cities in the UK, The Met have a section setup to eal with black on black male gun crime, he was right there are daily deaths on a never seen before rate in England committed by immigrants. I believe this is what he was talking about as opposed to a physical river just in case you took his quote literally.

PS Enoch Powell and most politicians of his day were articulate and capable of expressing their thoughts to the electorate in a way which left them open to genuine debate, unlike the Labour and Tory MP's who in parrot fashion spout the party line and refuse to answer the question.

PPS If you vote Tory or Labour i dont understand how you can claim the moral ground over the BNP, when you support a party that has killed 100s of thousands of innocent in Iraq and Afghanistan, people who are a different race to myself if it werent for similar minded people this wouldnt have happened, so long as it doesnt affect you though!

whichschool or should that be, whimsical.

You are completely diverting the topic of this thread and now going into British politics.

You are griping about UK immigration and some of the downsides to immigration, yet you are married to a Thai and believe she has a right to settle in the UK. You’re just not twigging it buddy and it`s people like you that extreme parties like the BNP play to.

So because you are a white Englishman and have chosen to marry and bring into Britain a person who is not of European ancestry, that’s OK, because that’s your choice, in which you have a right under a democratic system.

I agree with many of your comments, the problem is, you seem to want your cake and eat it. Some people do just not understand the facts and need educating what it would mean to have a fascist government in power.

If the BNP obtained power in the UK, your Thai wife will be put into the same category as the blacks, Pakistanis and poles. There would be very few exceptions under the rule. They will not give you the benefit or respect your choice of marriage partner because you are white and English.

There is a hidden agenda written between the lines of the BNPs manifesto. They are in collusion with other extreme right wing groups worldwide, it is a conspiracy to gain power in Europe. For the time being these thugs in suits need to give the semblance that they are part of a democratic party because on inception they have to be voted in. Once in they will form a police state, abolish free elections, free speech, bring in press censorship and all populations would be directly under rule of the Junta.

Although Britain has now become in urgent need of drastic political reforms, voting for the thugs in suits is not the answer.

For the first time in my life, I am no longer proud to be an Englishman. We have been let down badly by the heiracky of that country which I can see could have a knock on affect for us Brits who have Thai families.

If you walk in the town centre I live (in the UK) every other person you walk past is a foreign EU national, I work for a Company who employes over 250 people and I would say 90% are from other countries, The town is becoming more and more racist and BNP are getting a much larger following, people think that they are talking our job etc... and I can tell you they have all soon clicked on to the benefits game!! They are given vouchers for food clothes, a council house and what ever else is available.

I don't understand politcs or economy but I sometimes wonder if this is a factor why our country is in such a mess? The population in UK is growing rapidly but this is due to foreign nationals.

But back to the orginal post by the op the BNP will never get into number 10, not if the greedy Company directors have anything to do with it because they are getting skilled workers at a knocked down price by employing foreign nationals.

I would just like to point out I am not a racist I have alot of friends who are foreign and I love learing about the culture and back grounds they have come from.

Not whilst working, they know all about you only have to work 3 days and you can go on the sick and claim and that is the law for everyone. I know of people bringing sick elderly parents over so that they can get them good healthcare on the NHS.

I know of people caliming family allowance for children who do not live in the UK with them!

Why would people not come to England when you can get benefits for not working? You can claim for 70% of child care if you are working you can claim working and family tax credits, family allowance, reduced council tax free health care etc that is why people come from the EU they have it alot easier over here as do alot of Brits who have not worked since leaving school and this is passed on from generation to generation.

I myself have been very fortunate I am 38 and have never been out of work, I have never claimed benefits even though at one point in my life I was a single mum working full time and studying Accountancy but it paid off for me and not everyone is the same!

So if I read you correctly - 90% of your work force are EU citizens?

yet they are claiming benefit too?

If you live in thailand with a thai wife and baby (as i do) then you should already be familiar with the BNP policies.

Have to prove you have an average 6 x salary as a thai guy, will never get citizenship no matter what your contribution to the country. always be an outsider, depending on the govt of the day, may have to leave thailand without your family, as a foreigner you are always wrong.

dont worry about it, being here you are in training to be a bnp member!!!

You've got a point there.

Anyone who things nationalism isn't a cornerstone of Thailand has been wearing rose-tinted glasses too often.

The policies of jobs for capital punishment, indigenous populations, self sufficiency, small army and keeping out / reduced membership of the big boys clubs (NATO, UN etc) are also BNP ones...

As far as affecting expats I sometimes wonder what their gameplan is on the expat question.

Dismissing the BNP would be an easy thing to do 5 or even 10 years ago. But the UK is very much shifting to the BNP to a certain extent.

Question Time has, despite what many must think, seen a sympathy factor for the BNP. The British public often rally to a 'perceived underdog' and in this case NG is being looked at in this light.

A fair few expats who have left the UK permenantely are for the BNP due to the state of the country and openly tell me they've donated, the wealthy ones pretty large sums...

For me it would be nice if the Libertarian Party were elected. We'd be nationalist but without the authoritarion overtones. Mind you we already have the UK as an authoritarian country as it is! :)

on the surface the topic and the question asked would appear to be a non starter.BUT.......................

Our history books tell us what happened in germany in the 1930's also to a smaller degree in england too(moseley's black shirts)and many english people including our royalty sypathised with the nazi's.So nothing is impossible in the future too.

The price of peace is eternal vigilence against these type of people IMHO.

I believe multiculturalism in this world is a no boner,unfortunately.people are scared of differences,of skin colour,religion,etc,anything that stands out as being different,sad really,as that what can make life interesting,accepting the differences.

THe type of "politics" used by these groups is not restricted to the extremes of politics - many govts u8se the concept of "scapegoats" to pull the wool over thegeneral public - the inane comments on immigration expressed by both posters and mods on theis site show how the myths and untruths expressed by the BNP and their ilk are swallowed by more than just the street fodder of these people .


I agree that as never before, there is a situation conducive to the rise of the BNP.

Whether that party becomes a major force is probably unlikely, but they are set to become a more obvious part of the political and social scene. This I think has been somewhat obvious to many people who have seen it coming for some while.

What you may see appearing are more tolerable and articulate factions joining with them. If at sometime in the future someone comes along who appears to side far enough with the BNP, appears more tolerable to the milder supporters, be able to articulate policies and be politically ambitious; this is when you will see their rise to power.

Politics is a fluid game. It is not the loyalists who rise to power, it is those who read the situation and see what tools are available and use them to their advantage. This could possibly happen within a loose BNP framework.

Certainly the time has never been more favourable.


To be honest I don`t think there is much more that can be said on this subject.

I would like to say; that all the posters on this thread have been the most common sense level headed I’ve even seen on ThaiVisa.

Just to conclude for myself, when the fascists first began showing themselves about the late 1920s and where making idle threats, many said, rubbish, this could never happen. And after WW2, the phrase was changed to, it will never happen again.

Taking into consideration that many of us are living abroad and can only judge events happening in the UK by news reports and the media, to us on the outside looking in, it does appear that Britain is rapidly becoming an unstable country, on a short fuse that could blow at any moment.

I shall be keeping a close eye on the political situation, not because I’m paranoid, but for reasons that I never take it for granted that the worst won’t happen.

They (UKIP) will allow in skilled workers that are needed and take control over our borders, oh yes and spousal immigration will still be allowed view page 4 section 9 to see how wrong you are


From the above leaflet

"2. End Mass Immigration. Put in Place

a five-year moratorium on immigration

(except for those with parents and grand-parents

born in the UK)."

No mention there of spouses being exempt from this moratorium; but spouses are mentioned further down.

"9. Permission for non-citizens to enter the

country to marry, or after a marriage to,

a UK citizen should only be granted where

the intention to marry was registered in the

UK at least three months before, where the

spouse or intended spouse can speak fluent

English, is over 21 years of age and can prove

a relationship of not less than twelve months.

They should also prove that they are reasonably

conversant with British rights and customs,

by means of a written test taken at British

consular offices in their country of origin

at their own expense."

From Immigration: UKIP policy 2009

"The UK Independence Party is calling for a five-year freeze on immigration into Britain......After the moratorium.....No one should be admitted unless they are fluent in English, have the required educational qualifications......"

Like you, I was thinking of supporting UKIP as I am broadly in favour of the UKs withdrawal from the EU. Thinking, that is, until further investigation came up with their overall immigration policy.

EU nationals do, as you say, have a right to live and work in the UK, just as UK nationals have the right to live and work in other EU states; but it is not an unqualified right. See European Nationals & Schemes (EUN)

The Telegraph article you link to does not say that English is a minority language in London, as you claim; it is about the number of children in school who have a language other than English as there first language.

If you're going to quote pamphlets and newspapers to bolster your argument, perhaps you should read them thoroughly first!

You still seem to have failed to grasp the meaning of the word ignorance; maybe English isn't your first language? From Dictionary.com "the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc."

Finally, she may not be your wife, but she is an immigrant; if the BNP or UKIP have their way people in the future will find it a lot harder, if not impossible, to bring a foreign spouse or partner to the UK.

You may be ok with that; I'm definitely not.

England is the 3rd most populated country in the world, with the South East of England becoming the second most populated in the next 20 years when according to govt research the population will rise by 10 million in the UK, 7 million of these will be immigrants, they are not wanted or needed here.

Source please, because this is just horse hockey, I await with baited breath to be disproved.

it seems that the indigenous whites will become the minority in the not to distant future,

According to the latest (2001) census, 92.1% of the UK population is white (source).

I actually checked these figures this morning and they are correct, so there would have to be mass immigration, coupled by mass emigration by indigenous whites for those very same indigenous whites to become a minority.

What I will add, as an aside, if this continues to go almost entirely UK related, I have a feeling it will have the hammer dropped, just a thought.

Damm, i have contributed to its possible downfall :)

Taking into consideration that many of us are living abroad and can only judge events happening in the UK by news reports and the media, to us on the outside looking in, it does appear that Britain is rapidly becoming an unstable country, on a short fuse that could blow at any moment.

Sorry , I just do not see that at all!, GB, the United Kingdom is still one of the most liberal, tolerant countries on this earth!.

Strewth, the Jocks have just released the Lockerbie bomber!.

The BNP bloke came across pretty piss poor on QT, though he did score some points off Jack Straw on "what my dad did in WW2"

Sass I would not lose too much sleep on Brit ex-pats married to Thai's scenario.

Too improve your media input, I would recommend, BBC I player, Radio 4 Today program, or at worst, 5 Live.

Ignore World service, too much BS on the Stans!!

So, Whichschool, you believe that your wife has a right to migrate to the UK, but nobody else does?

Most migrants to the UK are not only legitimate, they are essential! The indigenous UK population is declining, and without immigration it would not be long before there were not enough people to fill the essential jobs, not enough people working and paying taxes to fund the NHS, state pension etc.

As Moonrakers says, it is ignorance such as yours which plays right into the hands of the BNP; not that they would accept you as a member, or even allow you into one of their meetings, as you are tainted by marrying a non white and having a mixed race child.

I think the word you need to insert here is "selective immigration"

australia is a case in point.they are very selective in who they let in,and up until now this policy has been successful.Signing up to the human rights charter of the EU has been an unmitigating disaster and has only added to immigraton problems in my opinion.

Ah, yes. The good old 'White Australia' policy. Nothing racist about that.

australia is a case in point.they are very selective in who they let in,and up until now this policy has been successful.Signing up to the human rights charter of the EU has been an unmitigating disaster and has only added to immigraton problems in my opinion.

Ah, yes. The good old 'White Australia' policy. Nothing racist about that.

that was over 40 years ago,i'm talking about now.they dont let all and sundry in,usually only ones that can contribute to life there,and not bludge on the system.nothing wrong with that infact it makes sense,something UK immigration policy lacks.

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