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Thai Men Unhygienic?


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Thais always go on about how we dirty farangs only shower 2X a day.... However, when I am out it seems that the vast majority of thai men pee or crap then walk straight out of the toilet without washing their hands. :D

This behaviour seems to happen at all locations equally, be it at the office, upscale or cheap charlie bars/restaurants/hotels. I am not saying that we farang guys always wash our hands after pointing percy, but the majority of my mates would do after having a sh*t I think, even if out on the p*ss. Wonder what the spotlessly clean Thai ladies would think about this? :o

Funny too, I've seen Thai guys wash their hands and then do their business!

Maybe it is a cultural thing, or are they just too lazy?

FYI, these observations come after 6 years working in LOS and I don't loiter in public toilets!

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Thais always go on about how we dirty farangs only shower 2X a day.... However, when I am out it seems that the vast majority of thai men pee or crap then walk straight out of the toilet without washing their hands.  :D

This behaviour seems to happen at all locations equally, be it at the office, upscale or cheap charlie bars/restaurants/hotels. I am not saying that we farang guys always wash our hands after pointing percy, but the majority of my mates would do after having a sh*t I think, even if out on the p*ss. Wonder what the spotlessly clean Thai ladies would think about this?  :o

Funny too, I've seen Thai guys wash their hands and then do their business!

Maybe it is a cultural thing, or are they just too lazy?

FYI, these observations come after 6 years working in LOS and I don't loiter in public toilets!

Check the stats on other races ( westerners don't come out well )

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Thais always go on about how we dirty farangs only shower 2X a day.... However, when I am out it seems that the vast majority of thai men pee or crap then walk straight out of the toilet without washing their hands.  :D

This behaviour seems to happen at all locations equally, be it at the office, upscale or cheap charlie bars/restaurants/hotels. I am not saying that we farang guys always wash our hands after pointing percy, but the majority of my mates would do after having a sh*t I think, even if out on the p*ss. Wonder what the spotlessly clean Thai ladies would think about this?  :o

Funny too, I've seen Thai guys wash their hands and then do their business!

Maybe it is a cultural thing, or are they just too lazy?

FYI, these observations come after 6 years working in LOS and I don't loiter in public toilets!

I also wonder whether the twice a day bath is remotely close to accurate

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However, when I am out it seems that the vast majority of thai men pee or crap then walk straight out of the toilet without washing their hands.  :D

Gross generalization... maybe accurate in the places you frequent, but certainly not in general. :o

Just curious... where do you go "when you go out"?


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Washing your hands before you go to the toilet is a sensible thing. You don't want to put your hands on your sensitive parts after shaking hands, opening doors, handling money, tying your shoes etc, etc. Your hands are not too clean after al those things. If you shower and clean yourself properly your sensitive parts are probably cleaner than your hands anyway. And after if you did not "splatter' your hand sprobably not get much more dirty.

My advice is wash before and after.

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Thais always go on about how we dirty farangs only shower 2X a day.... However, when I am out it seems that the vast majority of thai men pee or crap then walk straight out of the toilet without washing their hands.  :D

This behaviour seems to happen at all locations equally, be it at the office, upscale or cheap charlie bars/restaurants/hotels. I am not saying that we farang guys always wash our hands after pointing percy, but the majority of my mates would do after having a sh*t I think, even if out on the p*ss. Wonder what the spotlessly clean Thai ladies would think about this?  :o

Funny too, I've seen Thai guys wash their hands and then do their business!

Maybe it is a cultural thing, or are they just too lazy?

FYI, these observations come after 6 years working in LOS and I don't loiter in public toilets!

Check the stats on other races ( westerners don't come out well )

Without checking the stats I would say that Thais seem to be more hygenic than farangs.

How many Thais do you see chewing on their finger nails?

How many would spit on their fingers to dampen down a wayward tress of hair?

How many Thai mother's do you see chastising their young'ens for having dirty knees then yokking on a tissue to wipe off the dirt?

How many Thais do you see pulling out a bogey and then placing it in their mouth?

Farangs are far from perfect. :D

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I go out in Khaosan, RCA, Thonglo, Sukhumvit etc. in Thai and farang style places. Also the Conrad (Diplomat/87), Bed, Met etc.., and various offices on business.

Most farang I know shower 1-2 times per day and if they have got sweaty, though we don't spend hours talking about it!

Agree to wash hands before and after is best, though the latter is better for everyone else!

Think the thai girls are great with their hygiene, though sometimes a bit over the top. No complaints at all about that.

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The morale of the story being "Don't piss on yout fingers"


Actually I'm not too sure just how unhygenic urine is. Urine isn't waste extractraction similar to excreta. Urine is only fluids that your body can't absorb or use at that particular time. Don't forget that some people actually drink their own urine so in effect, they're recycling what they've already drank.

Anyone fancy a night on the p1ss? :D

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Without checking the stats I would say that Thais seem to be more hygenic than farangs.

How many Thais do you see chewing on their finger nails?

How many would spit on their fingers to dampen down a wayward tress of hair?

How many Thai mother's do you see chastising their young'ens for having dirty knees then yokking on a tissue to wipe off the dirt?

How many Thais do you see pulling out a bogey and then placing it in their mouth?

Farangs are far from perfect. :o

Thais are more discreet (or sneaky) about it.

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Actually I'm not too sure just how unhygenic urine is. Urine isn't waste extractraction similar to excreta. Urine is only fluids that your body can't absorb or use at that particular time. Don't forget that some people actually drink their own urine so in effect, they're recycling what they've already drank.

Anyone fancy a night on the p1ss? :o

You reckon with VD they would still drink their own urine?

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Washing your hands before you go to the toilet is a sensible thing. You don't want to put your hands on your sensitive parts after shaking hands, opening doors, handling money, tying your shoes etc, etc. Your hands are not too clean after al those things. If you shower and clean yourself properly your sensitive parts are probably cleaner than your hands anyway. And after if you did not "splatter' your hand sprobably not get much more dirty.

My advice is wash before and after.

Thank you Khun Jean... very true.:o

And, I hate to generalize but... this is how the "majority of Thais" think too. :D

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Thais always go on about how we dirty farangs only shower 2X a day.... However, when I am out it seems that the vast majority of thai men pee or crap then walk straight out of the toilet without washing their hands.  :D

This behaviour seems to happen at all locations equally, be it at the office, upscale or cheap charlie bars/restaurants/hotels. I am not saying that we farang guys always wash our hands after pointing percy, but the majority of my mates would do after having a sh*t I think, even if out on the p*ss. Wonder what the spotlessly clean Thai ladies would think about this?  :o

Funny too, I've seen Thai guys wash their hands and then do their business!

Maybe it is a cultural thing, or are they just too lazy?

FYI, these observations come after 6 years working in LOS and I don't loiter in public toilets!

Try using a women's public toilet first before deciding Thai women are spotlessly clean. More often than not I have to flush someone else's sh!t before using the toilet.

Absolutely amazing why some people can't figure out how to flush a toilet, doesn't seem to matter if it is flushing toilet or a bucket of water down the hole type either. And many women I have seen do not wash their hands after going to the toilet but do spend ages making sure their hair is alright.

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So its all a myth then - Thai women are just as dirty as women from other countries! All the Thai girls I have known er...'well' have been clean and fresh when with me, but other times, how am I to know. Probably pick their noses (and their friends spots), scratch their <deleted> etc. like the rest of us!

Think is goes back to 'face' and external appearances. As long as everyone thinks you are clean on the surface, then it is all ok!

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Actually I'm not too sure just how unhygenic urine is.

From my old days as a 1st Aid Attendant, Urine is actually sterile when it leaves the body (assuming a healthy individual), any impurities are filtered out before it hits the bladder.

A study done by a soap manufacturer many years ago, showed that North Americans went through more bars of soap per month (on average), than people from any other (developed) countries.

Of the countries surveyed, guess who came in last, at less than 1 1/2 bars per person/per month ?


But they top the lists in perfume sales and use ! Hmmm, go figure..... :o

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I think what people do with their urine is their own business, AS LONG AS it doesn't end up in contact with other people unvoluntarily. Even if you think you are healthy, you may be carrying something that can damage other people's health.

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CNN is reporting that Lance Armstrong may be stripped of his 6th Tour de

France title.

In a random check for banned substances, 3 were found in Armstrong's



The 3 substances banned by the French, that were found in his hotel room


as Follows:

(1) Toothpaste

(2) Deodorant

(3) Soap


I'll close the door quietly on my way out.........

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Who on earth use soap bars in this century? Only seriously backward and oldfashioned people. Everyone else uses liquid soap. Sheesh :o

Aye, Aye.

sbk, I have exactly the same experience from male public toilets here (and in Sweden where people are out drinking). Rings and floors all p1ssed down, lots of brownies in the toilet bowl.. :D

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Who on earth use soap bars in this century? Only seriously backward and oldfashioned people. Everyone else uses liquid soap. Sheesh :o

And here I thought the only people that used liquid soap were sailors and prisoners (because it takes longer to pick up when you drop it in the shower) :D

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As a Thai fellow (although I don't speak for all of us).... I shower twice a day and bathed professionally around 2-3 times a week. I've also been told on numberous occasions both here and abroad that my excrement smells sweet as well.

Compared to most places, I'd say the LOS is relatively BO free (but by no means completely free).


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The morale of the story being "Don't piss on yout fingers"


Actually I'm not too sure just how unhygenic urine is. Urine isn't waste extractraction similar to excreta. Urine is only fluids that your body can't absorb or use at that particular time. Don't forget that some people actually drink their own urine so in effect, they're recycling what they've already drank.

Anyone fancy a night on the p1ss? :D

Healthy urine can be sterile or nearly sterile... :D

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Try using a women's public toilet first before deciding Thai women are spotlessly clean. More often than not I have to flush someone else's sh!t before using the toilet.

Absolutely amazing why some people can't figure out how to flush a toilet, doesn't seem to matter if it is flushing toilet or a bucket of water down the hole type either. And many women I have seen do not wash their hands after going to the toilet but do spend ages making sure their hair is alright.

Here here, SBK. I have worked with many Thai women, and they definitely don't all wash their hands afterwards. Bus stations are notorious for brown bits leftover in the bowls. Yuk.

Other hygiene matters that happen are too gross to mention on this forum. Lets just say that some people are absolutely disgusting. But I am not saying that this is only Thais. God no. I've seen it back home too. It's people in general. No matter what race they may be.

Nose picking - definitely seen it.

Eating it - definitely seen it.

I guess they don't want wet hands coz it might mess up their hair!

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i've never seen a thai guy wash hands after but maybe cause they're washing themselves already w/water so...

i mean, the guys that work with me dont wash thier dishes in much soap if at all, never seen a bar of soap at the sinks, only for showers, and when i use the bathroom at their living quarters, i sort of discreetly borrow soap from somebody's toiletries bag (usually a plastic bag); at work, i wash hands with soap a million times a day since i work with animals, tried to explain salamonella to thai worker (after touching turtle always wash hands with soap!.. his answer, no soap, i wont die)

and last: noticed one guy perpetually had mismatched socks, asked my friend, he said that the guys work in the fields, dont use toilet paper etc so they use socks!!!, once used, thrown out!!! therefore the mismatched socks.....

urine is sterile if healthy

and they do use their pinky nail (the long one) for picking noses, i've seen it often

or they snorf the stuff out instead of using a tissue but maybe they think tissues with snot in them are gross


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Actually I'm not too sure just how unhygenic urine is.

A study done by a soap manufacturer many years ago, showed that North Americans went through more bars of soap per month (on average), than people from any other (developed) countries.

yes, but as north americans are fatter than any other nation in the world it would be expected that they would use more soap to wash their fat bloated bodies, also fat obese people tend to sweat a lot more than your normal average euro aussie type person :o the average american will generally weigh 50 kilos or more than your average euro or aussie person, thats a lot more belly and man tits to wash :D

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Never mistake neatness for cleanliness. Most Thais i know prioritize neatness over cleanliness. Sometimes the two conditions are simulltaneous, but not always la.

Of course, different people would define cleanliness differently, so can't really judge la. My mom always ask for central serving spoons when dining out, and some Thais wuold find that a hassle, while others would understand it, same goes with the Chinese la, regardless of class na, it's more a personal culture with some influence from the larger culture. Chinese people I know seem to find central serving spoons obtrusive.

Back to the bathroom, I try to use a piece of tissue to avoid direct contact with the tap after washing my hands. I'd try to get some dishwashing liquid when the bathroom has no liquid soap. In the case that I can't get liquid soap or dishwashing liquid, and if there isn't a hand dryer around, I usually prefer to go dry in the sense that I'd use tissue paper to avoid direct contact with anything in the bathroom. I try my best to hold my s--t in until I find a satisfactory place to let go off my brown burden. I am bit of everything, and some think I am a bit paranoid.

By the way, my excrements smell pretty good too.

Edited by bangkokian
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