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I'm Off Thai Girls And Fancy Farangs Again...

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I didn't say sexist, I said misogynist. And no, I don't think informality or lack of trendy PC terms necessarily equates to chauvinism. It's the attitude underneath the words. That's why a collection of posts is much more instructive than a single one.

And I'm done contributing to this thread.

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How is this a woman hating thread? At least explain the point Kat, don't just throw words around, let's have an explanation of the attitude implied and how you got to that reasoning.

Done contributing to this thread? I don't think you even started. :o

Edited by bkkmadness
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I didn't say sexist, I said misogynist. And no, I don't think informality or lack of trendy PC terms necessarily equates to chauvinism. It's the attitude underneath the words. That's why a collection of posts is much more instructive than a single one.

And I'm done contributing to this thread.

If you're not alone in your opinion, somebody will pick up where you left off.

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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I didn't say sexist, I said misogynist.  And no, I don't think informality or lack of trendy PC terms necessarily equates to chauvinism.  It's the attitude underneath the words.  That's why a collection of posts is much more instructive than a single one.

And I'm done contributing to this thread.

I always thought that misogynist ment a hatred of women or one who al;ways is talking/thinking of hatred of women.

I can't see in skamps posts that this fits the bill at all....or am I just thick? :o

Edited by chuchok
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Did he really?!!  Fair play! Don't suppose you have a related link?

Sorry no link. Just passed by one of those rags in the Seven Eleven check out, The Star, Enquirer, can't remember. Now, Angelina, that's a real woman! She has that filthy, nasty, I want to #### you, look in her eye :D ! Not the bewildered chicken head look in her eye :o .

Yeah! Doesn't she just! We share the same taste mbkudu. :D

While we're at it....Terry Hatcher is also the bomb. She's 40 and looks great, so pretty and smart. Paris Hilton to me is the epitomy of the blond idiot. She gets the

'Chicken Head' of the year award in my book. :D

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Why was it after reading this post I knew straight away who the "blonde aussie with the big tits" was??? :o she does have a lovely rack :D, nice to see both scampy & nat back, sory I missed the night out in BKK last week, hopefully next time :D

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Know a 45 year old American lady who would blow away any thai lady with her body and looks. Keeps in great shape and has money. The money part is especially good. Heck, I dropped the Thai girls a long time ago. Better to have a beautiful woman with cash who will wine and dine you and take you on trips than some 25 year old poor thai girl.

Furthermore, I am also enjoying the company of a wealthy chinese lady in Thailand who takes very good care of me. I turned the tables around. I am the ho! Yea.. get off the thais and get involved with the rich foreign ladies in this country. They are after a little company and a whole lot of lovin' with no attachments. Guys don't get caught up with the all the Thai dating scenarios and customs.

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No I wouldn't have sex with Jennifer's Lopez or Anniston

Dude if this is true you should post in the Gay Forum in future...... :o

So because I wouldn't have sex with a premadonna who looks and acts like a Bronx whore ...

The Australian girl with 'huge tits' was an in joke reference to a fellow Thai Visa member who I knew would read this post and see the funny side, and she did.

As for Jennifer Lopez, to me she does look like a Bronx Whore...  I doubt she would look like a Bronx Whore in my eyes if I had seen or read anything about her that gave me the slightest inkling that she was a nice, talented person who had not been affected in the slightest by fame and fortune.

I am not giving you grief because you commented on a nice rack, nor am I defending anyone. I am giving you grief because of your persistent double-standards, and the very easy and careless way in which you refer to women you don't like as "whores".

And I chose the right word:

self-ab·sorbed (slfb-s๔rbd, -z๔rbd)


Excessively self-involved.

Edited by kat
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Know a 45 year old American lady who would blow away any thai lady with her body and looks and has money.  The money part is especially good. 

Guys don't get caught up with the all the Thai dating scenarios and customs.

Man...I've been <deleted> up all these years! :o

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Why was it after reading this post I knew straight away who the "blonde aussie with the big tits" was???  :o she does have a lovely rack :D, nice to see both scampy & nat back, sory I missed the night out in BKK last week, hopefully next time :D

Same. And i only met both of them once. Nice pair! :D:D:D Scamp and the Ozzie that is. :D

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Funnily enough, on Saturday a pal and I went to KS Rd, for me the first time in 2 years and was quite impressed with the place. It seemed 'cleaner' than before. I will post my comments about the place somewhere else.

Back on topic, we got chatting to a couple of young Dane chicks and for sure the conversation was very refreshing to the normal crap, yeah, for the first time in many many years I quite fancied giving a Farang Chick a 'go'. It made a nice change for an hour or so having a decent laugh and chat.

Slightly bought down to earth when the one I was chatting up called me an 'old man' but she has agreed to meet me tomorrow night. I doubt it will go further than a drink or two.

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Hi Scamp,

I think it is probably a case of Human Nature. It is not in man's nature to stay with any female for life. It is man's nature to mate with as many 'different' females as possible to ensure procreation of our kind. This is also true of many animals. The female role is to mate with the 'best' specimen she can attract. Best specimen being, strongest, fittest, richest, most powerful, best provider etc etc.

The male's job to ensure procreation and the female's job to ensure the 'quality' of the offspring. The basic idea is, that when a child reaches 4-6 years old and the female can cope on her own, the male moves on to pastures new and the female takes another mate..... This is our basic human nature from our cave days. It is inbred. In our genes.

Back in the tribal days, the young women of the village wanted to mate with the 'best' of the tribe. The best hunters, the powerful chiefs, the wisest, the smartest and most cunning... etc etc. Nothing has changed since then... It is only religion and modern society that tries to change our human nature.

This old pop pseudo-science has not been believed to be factual since John Gray's stupid Mars and Venus books hit the bargain bin.


fixed coding snafu

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It all started when I went to Cambodia for three weeks to stay with friends - It was definately Khmer ladies that initialy dampened my mojo upon my arrival, not that they were all mingers but it is a dodgy, demented and desperate place is Phnom Penh.

Anyway, the Danish girl I met after a few days turned out to be one of the best femele friends I've ever had and more - she was also very good looking and most amazingly - she enjoyed my company.  :D

From Scampy's journal...


The place, was, as usual full of horny, drunk backpackers dancing with prostitutes who had danced with many a horny backpacker and sucessfully relieved them of $20 a few hours later.

I was at the bar with Maria from Denmark, knocking back mudslides until she'd had enough to tell me how she felt about me and I'd had enough to tell her it was mutual... It was a wonderful feeling, I'd not got on this well with anyone for years and now it would soon be over and things had to be said.

Since being back in Bangkok after Cambodia, I've found myself more attracted to farang girls and less interested in Thai's - I've since met an English woman I'd like to see again, and a very nice Australian girl with huge tits.  :o

Is this a phaze I'm going through or have I come to realize that in three years, I haven't found what I need in a Thai girl?  :D

Hi Scamp,

I think it is probably a case of Human Nature. It is not in man's nature to stay with any female for life. It is man's nature to mate with as many 'different' females as possible to ensure procreation of our kind. This is also true of many animals. The female role is to mate with the 'best' specimen she can attract. Best specimen being, strongest, fittest, richest, most powerful, best provider etc etc.

The male's job to ensure procreation and the female's job to ensure the 'quality' of the offspring. The basic idea is, that when a child reaches 4-6 years old and the female can cope on her own, the male moves on to pastures new and the female takes another mate..... This is our basic human nature from our cave days. It is inbred. In our genes.

Back in the tribal days, the young women of the village wanted to mate with the 'best' of the tribe. The best hunters, the powerful chiefs, the wisest, the smartest and most cunning... etc etc. Nothing has changed since then... It is only religion and modern society that tries to change our human nature.

Rav, have you ever read any books by Desmond Morris. "THE HUMAN ANIMAL" is one of many that he has published on Human and animal behavior.

He does not agree with your rational..maybe parts,but definatly not all.All his books are great reads too. :D

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As far as I am concerned there is no difference, I loved my Farang Wives and I love my Thai wife. I do not distiguish any more, I have some great Farang women freinds back home and I love to see them, so many people are reading too much into this Scamp. You love who "YOU LOVE" at that moment in time. You may find yourself more attracted to Farang Women right now, but hey you live in LOS, that opinion may change within a week or two, but for today "Love Farang" if you want, thats your perogative. But I would bet that within a month you will be back to your old self, that is not a "Put Down" to western women, everybody has something to offer and its not all about sex. If you REALLY want a good chat a Farang woman wins hands down IMHO

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Why was it after reading this post I knew straight away who the "blonde aussie with the big tits" was???  :o she does have a lovely rack :D

Been voted Melbourne’s best :D. However, Boo you give me a good run for my money... very impressive set :D:D .

Nat- you are too much darling! :D I'll confirm Boo can give you a run for your money!!!

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Interesting comment, I suppose so, what other name can you give them, if they are black and from Europe or the States. "Blarang"

(I am in know way being racist, but its a very valid point).

What about Africans, do Thais distinguish between western sounding people and Africans?

Scamp perhaps you should put out a topic on this one, perhaps we might get an answer from a Thai person

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In general I underrstand 'farang' to be white westerner (Euro / US).. Even some doubt as to whether S american's / latino's really come into that but it seems as though the word is now used that way.. Of course the words is spreading now but I dont think black / indian / etc come under 'farang' terminology..

Though I bet they still double price them !!

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