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I smoked two packs of Malboro, daily for almost twenty years and was able to quit with this surefire guranteed method.

I hereby offer anyone that wants to quit smoking the chance to do so, the same as I did without patches, hypnosis or any other mumbo jumbo.

Here is how it works; You must stop smoking forever. At the end of the period you will receive a $1,000 (USD) reward for doing so, directly from me.

If at any time you start smoking again, you will have to pay me $500.

You will have the option of starting over for a second chance. However, starting to smoke, once our second agreement goes into effect, will cause you to have to pay me $1,000. The reward for suceeding with our second agreement is $2,000. A tidy little sum for controlling such a unhealthy habit.

Cost of the plan: You must pay for an initial blood test, that confirms that you are a smoker, and an annual blood test to confirm that you have not started the use of nicotine again. Anyone that provides a photo of you indulging in the use of nicotine will be rewarded with a $100 prize.

It works! I have not smoked or in any way used one single ciggarette for over 7 years.

Here is how it works; You must stop smoking forever.  At the end of the period...

At the end of "forever"? <deleted>? :D


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


I offer it as a joke on the forum, for I do not think that anyone will take me up on the offer, but, I really quit this way. If I start again, I have a large debt to pay. If I never start up again great!!!! and my wife and kids will collect everything anyway.


I stopped on November 5th 2003 after nearly 25 years of being a smoker, I haven't had a puff since. Here is why and how I stopped.

(1) I was 46 years old, I knew that if I didn't stop now, the damage I was doing to myself was becoming more and more irrepairable.

(2) I didn't want to be a smoker during my 50's. I needed that smoke free decade to cleanse the system.

(3) I've worked hard all my working life, I want to enjoy the comfortable retirement that I've worked hard for.

(4) I want to be able to walk around the golf course in my 60's feeling healthy.


(1) I read up via the internet and learnt to understand my addiction.

(2) I recognised that patches, gum and other aids only help to feed not cure the addiction

(3) I set a date and stopped.

(4) I took one day at a time.

and most importantly


The rest is easy, except you will become a fat bast........d

I heard a Thai saying that if you smoke you don't love yourself, makes sense eh?

So if you do love yourself, quit now, it will be the best thing you ever did.



To all of those that have quit! Good on you. The rest of you, be strong and at least give it a try. If I can be sucessful at quitting, than anyone can do it. You do become a fat bustard though, that is somehting I certainly can attest to. Just make sure that your wife does not quit, if she ever did smoke, cause it seems when both husband and wife are fat ...................................


After reading this thread, I could not help but laugh inside. Actually financial incentive is part of the smoking cessation therapy. If you quit you get your money back gradually from what you would have spent on smoking. If you don’t quit you just lost a lot of money. There seems to be no mention that smoking causes impotency, and most of the people that need truly need viagra are ether smokers or ex-smokers. As for getting fat, well that is only if you let it happen. People come to me to quit and not replace their habit. So I provide the appropriate suggestions to see to that. Mouse is on the right track, but unfortunately when people joke and argue about not wanting to stop smoking, simply remind then that it is the nicotine taking and not them. Malcolm was successful, however if he is counting the days from his last puff he is still addicted mentally. If he is only saying it as a point of reference then he is done forever. Some people have the strength to give it up. I encourage everyone to quit. When I was young I had to gulp my food to get away from the table before my parents started smoking. I am so glad that Thailand is taking a proactive approach. I love the posters they have that show what happens. I truly expected to find many more smokers here. But it seems the actual number is about 20% . Hypnosis works, but I will not take you as a client unless you are ready to quit. Because it is hard to quit, I break the mental addiction on the first day. I know it is hard, and one day you are in control and the next the nicotine. For every 10 people who call me to quit, about 4 are no shows. Simply because the day they were to come the nicotine was in control. Good luck to all of you on whatever method you choose.

John Krukowski, C.H.

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