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Diabetes In Thailand


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Fianlly we have found a (new) specialised shop for Diabetics! The name is Diabshop (having a website in Thai and English) and a walk-in shop at Saladaeng Road (between Silom and Sathorn) and advising and selling all kind of products for Diabetics. More important is that they selling not only the well knowned prodcuts which are also available at the local pharmacies, but good alternatives and much cheaper. I am Diabetic Type 1 (insulin dependable) and happy with what they offer.


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Its to bad they have not open sooner, my wife is a Diabetic and we have had her suppilies mailed to us fron The States. Sorry to say we are leaving Thailand this week. Its good to know that they have a place were Diabetics can get supplies.

Maybe we will came back to stay next time.

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It is certainly a step in the right direction to have a shop dedicated to these products, and I will keep it in mind if there is anything specific that I can't find elsewhere.

It seems to be some kind of foreign "chain" or "franchise" as there are number of 'diab' products for sale, such as 'Diabshop Smart glucose meters'

I have been an insulin diabetic for many years and there are many of these type of stores in England. Personally,through the years, I have found them of little use and have rarely, if ever, bought any of their products.

For example, they always have these travel products for sale that keep your insulin cool. Well I have carried varying amounts of insulin stock for days, weeks and even months in normal temperatures when travelling and have never experienced any problems. All the insulin products state that they can be keep at normal temps for at least a month, and in practice this time can be safely extended.

They have Dextro glucose tablets available for just under 100 Baht per strip. I used to use these in the UK for Hypos, but they were are fraction of this price. I have looked for anything similar to Dextrose tabs made locally in Thailand, but have always drawn a blank, as obviously the cost of importing foreign products increases the cost considerably. However, chocolate, or just ordinary Coca Cola works equally well, (Coke is full of sugar), and are readily available wherever you happen to be in LOS.

Presumably they don't sell any drugs, as none are shown for sale on their web site. The availability and price of drugs (insulin, and other diabetic meds, cholesteral reducing meds, blood pressure meds etc etc) is the main issue confronting diabetics in Thailand, and here in Pattaya, I find that Fascino supplies all my needs, including general diabetic products, such as Blood test meters, insulin needles and a whole range of other stuff.

So I am not particularly knocking this store, as I haven't been there and one day I may need it, but I can't help feeling that in general these type of places are just "cashing in" on the sick, and offering "fringe", largely unnnecessary products at a high price, most of which are available elsewhere at a lower price.

But for those who will find this place useful, then good luck to you. :)

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I feel that I need to react on your comments :D

First of all, off course Dextro is much more expensive here in Thailand then back home in Europe, it is all import. If I get 'low' and am in a bar, I will take regular Coke also, but when I am working or somewhere else, I feel very comfortable to have Dextro with me, just in case.. (am Diabetes Type 1)

Secondly, "cashing in on the sick'??? Read 'about us' and you will see that this is not a foundation and indeed a commercial company, but offering products with a minimum profit to be reachable for all (Thai) people is not 'cashing in on the sick"..... 'Cashing on the sick" are the Pharmaceutical companies, Private Hospitals and so on, not an innocent shop like Diabshop!

Most people when they are diagnosed Diabetic, they are offered to buy their prodcuts in the Hospital, but as we all know...the Hospitals are too expensive, that's why a shop like Diabshop is so much welcome. You can test all the products, take your time and more.

You're right, they don't sell Insulin, that should only be allowed at the Pharmacy and not in shops.

One thing I agree with you, and that is that everybody is totally free to shop or not to shop where ever they want.... :)

It is certainly a step in the right direction to have a shop dedicated to these products, and I will keep it in mind if there is anything specific that I can't find elsewhere.

It seems to be some kind of foreign "chain" or "franchise" as there are number of 'diab' products for sale, such as 'Diabshop Smart glucose meters'

I have been an insulin diabetic for many years and there are many of these type of stores in England. Personally,through the years, I have found them of little use and have rarely, if ever, bought any of their products.

For example, they always have these travel products for sale that keep your insulin cool. Well I have carried varying amounts of insulin stock for days, weeks and even months in normal temperatures when travelling and have never experienced any problems. All the insulin products state that they can be keep at normal temps for at least a month, and in practice this time can be safely extended.

They have Dextro glucose tablets available for just under 100 Baht per strip. I used to use these in the UK for Hypos, but they were are fraction of this price. I have looked for anything similar to Dextrose tabs made locally in Thailand, but have always drawn a blank, as obviously the cost of importing foreign products increases the cost considerably. However, chocolate, or just ordinary Coca Cola works equally well, (Coke is full of sugar), and are readily available wherever you happen to be in LOS.

Presumably they don't sell any drugs, as none are shown for sale on their web site. The availability and price of drugs (insulin, and other diabetic meds, cholesteral reducing meds, blood pressure meds etc etc) is the main issue confronting diabetics in Thailand, and here in Pattaya, I find that Fascino supplies all my needs, including general diabetic products, such as Blood test meters, insulin needles and a whole range of other stuff.

So I am not particularly knocking this store, as I haven't been there and one day I may need it, but I can't help feeling that in general these type of places are just "cashing in" on the sick, and offering "fringe", largely unnnecessary products at a high price, most of which are available elsewhere at a lower price.

But for those who will find this place useful, then good luck to you. :D

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Thank your for your comments to my post which I truly appreciate.

A few more from me :)

I'm afraid i would treat with a degree of skepticism anyone who was running a commercial business and claimed that they were "offering products with a minimum profit to be reachable for all (Thai) people". Very altruistic motives indeed, but it does stretch the bounds of (my ) credibility. Especially bearing mind that this is Thailand, where ethics, and integrity are somewhere near the bottom end of business principals.

Indeed, you get the same sort of statements made by commerce undertakings in the west where they selling medical related products, usually to deflect the very accusation that I made in my previous post - "that they are cashing in on the sick".

But for the sake of argument, let's assume that the people who have opened this business are doing it with perfectly altruistic motives, and are not in it to make a decent profit to finance their lifestyles.

I still maintain that a vast majority of the products they sell are really unnecessary for a majority of diabetics, especially Thais with limited incomes. I have looked at the website and the only products they sell which are needed by all diabetics are the blood test meters, which I am sure you are aware, are widely available throughout Thailand at any decent sized drug store - where there are many low cost options available.

Yes, I too used dextrose in the UK, as I agree it is very handy to have in your pocket, but at nearly 100Baht a strip, its is simply a luxury, I for one can do without as there are many alternatives such as coke, chocolate, and other locally produced sugar loaded drinks which can be carried with you.

It hardly seems justification to open a diabetic store, just to sell test meters and dexterous tablets, does it?

My concern in all this is that people who don't know any better, are 'fooled' into spending money on stuff that just isn't necessary.

But there again - I'm a cynical old so and so, and maybe I've got it all round my neck.

Just a warning to new diabetics - study the subject thoroughly before spending your hard earned money on products you don't need.

Edited by Mobi
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