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English Writing Skills


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Its painful to read.....end of story. People who use THEN rather than THAN. I am not talking non natives, who make a slip. If anyone has seen Discovery Channel adds recently, they have started as well, making mistakes in their promo blurbs, where do you put a stop to it and where do you draw the line, American drama series, live programs, the grammar and language is off, it just serves to make them look stupid. It is wrong on so many levels..


And improper use of "advise" and "advice" on this forum.......... Jeeezus, that pisses me off!

There is no excuse for not using a spellchecker before posting.

Just lazy bastards..... :)

Grammar, that's a lot different, not much help out there for that.

Jesus :D

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Why is it that most posts on Thaivisa seem to end up with members ripping into other posters about the poor standard writing and grammar?

Do the ones who do the ripping have nothing better to do?

My English isn't perfect, I know that and do not need to be told.

There are many non native English speakers here so maybe we should cut them some slack.

As can be seen above, the OP asked why people rip into others about writing standards and grammer.

Many replies, rather than answering the question posed, saw this thread as an oportunity to talk about they're own personal dislikes in other posters language. They are the loosers.


You're on your third bottle of red, aintcha? :)

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one flaming post deleted


4) Not to flame fellow members.

Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

Please keep it civil and without name calling. Otherwise I will grant holidays

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Its painful to read.....end of story. People who use THEN rather than THAN. I am not talking non natives, who make a slip. If anyone has seen Discovery Channel adds recently, they have started as well, making mistakes in their promo blurbs, where do you put a stop to it and where do you draw the line, American drama series, live programs, the grammar and language is off, it just serves to make them look stupid. It is wrong on so many levels..


And improper use of "advise" and "advice" on this forum.......... Jeeezus, that pisses me off!

There is no excuse for not using a spellchecker before posting.

Just lazy bastards..... :)

Grammar, that's a lot different, not much help out there for that.

Jesus :D

Nah.....Different bloke! :D

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Oh wherefore art thou proffessor of my language that thou taught me oh so well in the world into which I was spawned , in a time of mass illiteracy . Here in my darkest of hours , I struggle to recall the scribings enfolded in ancient tomes , read with enthusiasm but little understanding , ah , that is , until you enlightened me as to the panoramic feast laid out before my eyes . Your mastery of words slid off of your tongue like satin , full of colour , it gurdered your pen like a mighty sword , scything through the ignominious hordes of the unwashed , etc , etc .

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Why is it that most posts on Thaivisa seem to end up with members ripping into other posters about the poor standard writing and grammar?

Do the ones who do the ripping have nothing better to do?

My English isn't perfect, I know that and do not need to be told.

There are many non native English speakers here so maybe we should cut them some slack.

it's the only way to feel better about yourself when you buy yourself an ugly wife and move to a ricefield and speak to a wall all day

don't get offended, just laugh it off.

There are lots of members who buy themselves an ugly wife and stay in Phuket! :)

Having said that, I'm sure there are also lots of members for whom their native language is not English. So who cares if the grammar is not perfect. :D

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With my rapid action two finger typing , it takes long enough to write a post , now it is suggested to read and understand what I have written to make sure all is correct .

What is a 'Spell checker' ? , not much use if that is what Uselessly is using , I will just stick to my way of writing , if you do not aprove of it write me about it , no , not e-mail , the old pen and paper way , huh , thought not .

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There is no excuse for not using a spellchecker before posting.

Just lazy bastards.....

Grammar, that's a lot different, not much help out there for that.

Don't use it, would rather try and work out the correct spilling and if it's actually wrong then so be it, I left school a long time ago and if the grammar police want to have a go at my spilling then wooopy <deleted> doo.

Oh by the way grandma is a lovely lady and is very helpful at times.

All spilling mistakes correct at time of going to press. :)

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Why is it that most posts on Thaivisa seem to end up with members ripping into other posters about the poor standard writing and grammar?

Do the ones who do the ripping have nothing better to do?

My English isn't perfect, I know that and do not need to be told.

There are many non native English speakers here so maybe we should cut them some slack.

I totally agree. But you cannot teach all these old timers to cut them some slack cuz that’s like teaching old dogs new tricks.

I don’t see the big deal about English too. I wasn’t born or plan to live in England.

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I find that most people ignore spelling and grammatical errors unless the poster starts claiming that he/she is cleverer than someone else. IMHO any post that puts down someone else's intelligence better be written perfectly.

Any post that puts down someone else's intelligence isn't even worth reading.

With that I concure... both nidge and Ug's comments.

I have been a looser a few times, but with the help of Imodium I managed to get rid of it. :)

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I find that most people ignore spelling and grammatical errors unless the poster starts claiming that he/she is cleverer than someone else. IMHO any post that puts down someone else's intelligence better be written perfectly.

Any post that puts down someone else's intelligence isn't even worth reading.

With that I concure... both nidge and Ug's comments.

I have been a looser a few times, but with the help of Imodium I managed to get rid of it. :D

I thought Imodium kept it in? :)

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Language as such is only a means to an end , to enable people to communicate with other people , as apposed to 'Italianese (sign language) , we are not in competition or writing essays for publication , we are merely giving an opinion of our own feelings on a given subject . Personaly , as an older participant , I do the best I can in regards to both grammer and spelling , I also was taught in an older style of writing which can be easily misinterpeted by those who only do a rapid scan of what is written , or do not have the wherewithall to use the commas in the manner for which they are intended , monotonic reading is very misleading as to the gist of a statement .

Lighten up you people , life is far too short to make an ass of yourself on a forum of this nature , have a smile at the silly mistakes , but please , do not give yourself an epilectic fit over dyslectic spelling or the fading memories of posters with a long time away from the field and confines of an education system . Only one man was 'Perfect' , and look what happaned to him , thorn crowns anybody ? .

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I find that most people ignore spelling and grammatical errors unless the poster starts claiming that he/she is cleverer than someone else. IMHO any post that puts down someone else's intelligence better be written perfectly.

"Should be written perfectly" UG, "should be..." :)

I agree with UG.

"Had better be" would have been a better correction, Chiang Mai.

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It's funny how many mistakes are made here by native speakers. As Ulysses G said or suggested: if you insist upon correcting another poster's post, you'd better make a perfect post; otherwise you'll be mercilessly corrected.

Fair enough, too.

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Why is it that most posts on Thaivisa seem to end up with members ripping into other posters about the poor standard writing and grammar?

"Most" threads do not end up that way but a few do. When I do it, the act is not so much "ripping" as the selfless performance of a valuable public service. It is akin to picking up and handing back an item of litter with a cheerful, "You seem to have dropped this." The way in which one's help is received often furnishes a window on the character of the recipent.

Do the ones who do the ripping have nothing better to do?

Of course we have something better to do. But some of us feel that we cannot ignore our public duty.

My English isn't perfect, I know that and do not need to be told.

True. But do you not recognise that you are an improved person once you know that that last comma of yours should have been a full stop or (better) a semicolon?

There are many non native English speakers here so maybe we should cut them some slack.

I think that we usually do. They probably value the free lesson. I love it when someone puts me right after I have made a mistake in my use of the Thai language. Those who object to being corrected tend to be those who know that they should know better.

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Its painful to read.....end of story. People who use THEN rather than THAN. I am not talking non natives, who make a slip. If anyone has seen Discovery Channel adds recently, they have started as well, making mistakes in their promo blurbs, where do you put a stop to it and where do you draw the line, American drama series, live programs, the grammar and language is off, it just serves to make them look stupid. It is wrong on so many levels..


I agree. It IS important to maintain some standards, otherwise the language will evovle into thousands of dialects, making communication less effective.

Meaning can be lost with a spelling, grammar, or vocabulary mistake.

As someone mentioned, there is a difference between apathy and ignorance. Apathy will perpetuate the ignorance of others.

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It's funny how many mistakes are made here by native speakers. As Ulysses G said or suggested: if you insist upon correcting another poster's post, you'd better make a perfect post; otherwise you'll be mercilessly corrected.

That’s true, but in my case being an intelligent member, obviously I have a good command of the English language anyway.

But of course we all make errors, so I always type my posts in Microsoft word that has an excellent spell checker and thesaurus, before I publish the text into a post.

I do try and make allowances for the American posters, who have invented they’re own version of the English dictionary.

Using good punctuation, grammar and correct spelling gives a post and it`s author much more credibility.

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"Most" threads do not end up that way but a few do. When I do it, the act is not so much "ripping" as the selfless performance of a valuable public service. It is akin to picking up and handing back an item of litter with a cheerful, "You seem to have dropped this." The way in which one's help is received often furnishes a window on the character of the recipent.

Very good point and well written. Do you by chance, teach or write yourself?

There are very smooth ways of rapping someone's knuckles without calling them an arsehol_e.

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I for one will hold my hand up about bad English and spelling , I am Dyslexic, I have been the butt of many jokes, and disbelievers, I have a form of word blindness, also i say things back to front some times without thinking , Mainly when i am tired, But it will not stop me having an opinion, Wether right or wrong. The good thing is though i have a photographic memory for faces and places, take me there once and i will remember ,Show me a face and i never forget, the bad side is i cannot remember names , although i can remember places and how to get there , I know many songs from the last fifty years nearly word for word . Yet i cannot spell ,after 50years i do not take any criticism to heart. (spell cheaker used)

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