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English Writing Skills


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mostly its the English which criticise the non native English speakers. But specially the English English is sometimes so difficult to understand that even Thais in a relationship with one of them doesnt speak English or even understand their partner.

I am living since 10 years with my wife now and her English is perfectly understandable for both, foreign and native English speakers. So keep it simple, at least in Thailand or at the Forum.

Best thing is, most ppl which are always criticising doesnt speak another language, not even Thai after ten years in the country!

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mostly its the English which criticise the non native English speakers. But specially the English English is sometimes so difficult to understand that even Thais in a relationship with one of them doesnt speak English or even understand their partner.

I am living since 10 years with my wife now and her English is perfectly understandable for both, foreign and native English speakers. So keep it simple, at least in Thailand or at the Forum.

Best thing is, most ppl which are always criticising doesnt speak another language, not even Thai after ten years in the country!

Criticism would drop like a rock if non-native English speakers and Yanks :D would say where they are from in the box on the left.

"I am living since 10 years" :)

Where are you from Mozzie? :D

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"I am living since 10 years" :D

Where are you from Mozzie? :D

:D :D :D .....with my wife....I am a bit older :) Mossi is from


SPANDAU ....which is a part of Berlin Germany, we had a lot of English Barracks there, remember the group Spandau Ballet?

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Criticism would drop like a rock if non-native English speakers and Yanks :) would say where they are from in the box on the left.

How about Scotts, Irish and any Brit without an upper class accent? :D

Nah mate we all post using our best Dick Van Dyck accent innit.

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But in this day and age, with programs like Word for Windows and Open Office, which almost write the dam_n post for you, I am becoming less and less tolerant. :)

I had planned a long and informative post about a simply stunning beach I happened across. It has cheap lodging, beautiful women strolling about, and ice cold beer at Bt 20/bottle.

So I opened Word for Windows and sat watching my screen for almost an hour. Then I thought Open Office might work better and gave it a try. Alas, another hour wasted. Neither of those darned programs wrote a single word. :D


Thanks for the morning laugh.

It STILL takes someone with a creative mind and a FEW language skills to write something witty and interesting. Very often, correct English does not always work, or portray the verbal picture that the writer is trying to convey.

And, sometimes a picture can tell a thousand words. To show what I mean...

In regards to our recent Halloween celibration...


Edited by IanForbes
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true, Burton had a phantastic voice. I had this LP and I loved it, even when my english was terrible bad, guess it was about 30 years ago.....

as an old Trekki (Star Trek fan) I love everything which have to do with science fiction. I am in an online game since some years and the graphics are much better in the meantime like these ones in the WAR OF THE WORLDS Video.

If someone is intrested in gaming check the link out. Its not a simple game or an Egoshooter for brainless people, you have to communicate and read a lot but its fun, I play with Australians, Russians some Germans and people from all over the world

CHECK here and if your net is fast enough, watch it in High Definition (HD) ask me for details if you like it

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"I am living since 10 years" :D

Where are you from Mozzie? :D

:D :D :D .....with my wife....I am a bit older :) Mossi is from


SPANDAU ....which is a part of Berlin Germany, we had a lot of English Barracks there, remember the group Spandau Ballet?

my guess is, that when the question Where are your from? comes from a citizen of a country of the Allied Powers of WWII, and the questioner is old enough to remember Spandau Ballet, than another clue given by you to explain where you exactly came from is the that you had that famous Spandau Prison with its infamous inmates there.

to draw imaginary line from the group Spandau Ballet to Berlin (West) could be quite tricky. it is to think outside the box and straight on at the same time. i like your answer, honestly. what are the usual reaction you get if you identify yourself as Spandauer? people will remember the group, but how many remember the Prison and the story how the band came, alleged, to that odd name?

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Both good and bad I believe:

Good to point out the error on TV for those that wish to improve their Eng skills.

Well, I'd really appreciate it, if someone corrected my English from time to time. So please feel free to point out my language mistakes. :)

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Well, I'd really appreciate it, if someone corrected my English from time to time. So please feel free to point out my language mistakes. :D

absolutely, the same goes for me, I know that my grammar is terrible, so if someone correct me from time to time absolutely no problem.

@ Rumfoord,

guess you are right. May be most people remember Spandau because of its prison, but trust me, it was not my intention to remember them of

Hess or the other ones.

To be ABSOLUTELY honest. When I wrote it, I havent thought a sec on the prison. I wrote SPANDAU and Barracks because

we had a lot of Barracks for the Allied English soldiers there and I am quite sure some of the English mates in our community remember my part

of the city by that. BTW, SPANDAU is the oldest part of BERLIN, so we are a little bit proud to be in the history books before Berlin was :)

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I had a job interview today, and as part of the interview process I had a grammar test. I sat down and wrote it out and then handed the boss my paper. He told me 'this is not gramley correct.'

I said: 'Gramley is not a word. Perhaps the phrase you are struggling for is " it is grammatically incorrect?'

Needless to say that went down like a pork chop in a syangogue. And I keep job hunting.

Ian, I am proffesional writer too. Google me.

professional writer or proffesional writer.

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I had a job interview today, and as part of the interview process I had a grammar test. I sat down and wrote it out and then handed the boss my paper. He told me 'this is not gramley correct.'

I said: 'Gramley is not a word. Perhaps the phrase you are struggling for is " it is grammatically incorrect?'

Needless to say that went down like a pork chop in a syangogue. And I keep job hunting.

Ian, I am proffesional writer too. Google me.

professional writer or proffesional writer.

"profffesssional." It never hurts to throw in a few extra letters. :)

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I had a job interview today, and as part of the interview process I had a grammar test. I sat down and wrote it out and then handed the boss my paper. He told me 'this is not gramley correct.'

I said: 'Gramley is not a word. Perhaps the phrase you are struggling for is " it is grammatically incorrect?'

Needless to say that went down like a pork chop in a syangogue. And I keep job hunting.

Ian, I am proffesional writer too. Google me.

professional writer or proffesional writer.

Flupin 'ell.... :) you couldn't make that up!!

Geek...just checked your profile out and you are 32...in my mind you were 55 plus! is that you in your personal photo?

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Tell me this all you English teachers....

Why is offence spelled with a "c" and defense spelled with an "s"?

There are lots of crazy things like that in the English language. It must drive non-English students crazy.

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professional writer or proffesional writer.

Flupin 'ell.... :) you couldn't make that up!!

Geek...just checked your profile out and you are 32...in my mind you were 55 plus! is that you in your personal photo?

Hahaha. I knew that one would come back to haunt me. :D

No I don't know who that is in my personal profile..Some old movie star... Who put that there?

Yes. 32.

Back on topic. One mistake I read a lot, is posters joining up the words a lot, so it is alot.

Is it a lot?

or alot?

I'm confused. Need a beer.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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But in this day and age, with programs like Word for Windows and Open Office, which almost write the dam_n post for you, I am becoming less and less tolerant. :)

I had planned a long and informative post about a simply stunning beach I happened across. It has cheap lodging, beautiful women strolling about, and ice cold beer at Bt 20/bottle.

So I opened Word for Windows and sat watching my screen for almost an hour. Then I thought Open Office might work better and gave it a try. Alas, another hour wasted. Neither of those darned programs wrote a single word. :D


Thanks for the morning laugh.

It STILL takes someone with a creative mind and a FEW language skills to write something witty and interesting. Very often, correct English does not always work, or portray the verbal picture that the writer is trying to convey.

And, sometimes a picture can tell a thousand words. To show what I mean...

In regards to our recent Halloween celibration...


That really is such a good photo!

Of course it's celebration and not celibration! Sorry had to get back on topic. :D

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But in this day and age, with programs like Word for Windows and Open Office, which almost write the dam_n post for you, I am becoming less and less tolerant. :)

I had planned a long and informative post about a simply stunning beach I happened across. It has cheap lodging, beautiful women strolling about, and ice cold beer at Bt 20/bottle.

So I opened Word for Windows and sat watching my screen for almost an hour. Then I thought Open Office might work better and gave it a try. Alas, another hour wasted. Neither of those darned programs wrote a single word. :D


Thanks for the morning laugh.

It STILL takes someone with a creative mind and a FEW language skills to write something witty and interesting. Very often, correct English does not always work, or portray the verbal picture that the writer is trying to convey.

And, sometimes a picture can tell a thousand words. To show what I mean...

In regards to our recent Halloween celibration...

That really is such a good photo!

Of course it's celebration and not celibration! Sorry had to get back on topic. :D

Of course it is. I was waiting for someone to correct it. :D

I think a lot has to do with English or American dictionaries. The Americans changed a lot of words for convenience sake. America dropped the "u" out of a lot of English words... like humour. "WORD" in PCs uses an American dictionary.

And, while we are on the subject, I never understood why "speech" was spelled with "ee" and "speak" is spelled with an "ea"? Both words have the same derivative.

And, in a month's time I'll celebrate that I'll no longer have to be celibate... or is that celebate? :D

Edited by IanForbes
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Thanks for the morning laugh.

It STILL takes someone with a creative mind and a FEW language skills to write something witty and interesting. Very often, correct English does not always work, or portray the verbal picture that the writer is trying to convey.

And, sometimes a picture can tell a thousand words. To show what I mean...

In regards to our recent Halloween celibration...

That really is such a good photo!

Of course it's celebration and not celibration! Sorry had to get back on topic. :D

Of course it is. I was waiting for someone to correct it. :D

I think a lot has to do with English or American dictionaries. The Americans changed a lot of words for convenience sake. America dropped the "u" out of a lot of English words... like humour. "WORD" in PCs uses an American dictionary.

And, while we are on the subject, I never understood why "speech" was spelled with "ee" and "speak" is spelled with an "ea"? Both words have the same derivative.

And, in a month's time I'll celebrate that I'll no longer have to be celibate... or is that celebate? :D

You could always hire a professional spell checker.

( And the reason that speak and speech is spelled that way is a matter of tone not derivation )

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You could always hire a professional spell checker.

I do. That is why magazines hire editors.

And, for ANOTHER correction... you should have used "are" instead of "is"... :)

"And the reason that speak and speech "ARE" spelled that way is a matter of tone not derivation."

I don't know how many times I overlook my own mistakes when doing the dozens of rereads necessary before submitting an article. And, typos are often the worst problem when a word is correctly spelt, but improperly used... for example... loose and lose. I often type "and" when I intended to use "an".

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