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Who's The Fatty Now?


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Hahahaha, you're #1, you're #1!

"The proportion of overweight or obese men is higher in some European countries than it is in the United States, experts said yesterday in an analysis of Europeans' expanding girth.

The International Obesity Task Force estimated that Finland, Germany, Greece, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Malta have exceeded the United States figure of 67% for overweight or obese males."


"In Greece, 38% of women are obese, compared with 34% in the United States."

Well, well, it seems Ravisher is on mark. Bring your own lithe Thai lunch when visiting Greece. Cut down on grease!

"Up to 8% of the current healthcare costs in the EU can be attributed to the effects of being overweight or obese, he said. To counter the worsening trend, the EU is linking up with the food and marketing industries, consumer groups and health experts, and plans to assess national and industry efforts to counter the trend. "

Get ready for new taxes boys. Sin Food Tax is in the making.

It's seems the Atkin's high protein diet and the S.Beach high protein and veggie diet has led US citizens to stumble in their race to the finish line via a heart attack. Our portly EU friends have taken up the baton of cookies, torts and baguettes made from refined flour and refined sugar. We will wave our turkey legs, rib bones and our 2 lb. chubs of cheese! Lead on EU! Lead on! :D:o

Edited by aughie
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Hahahaha, you're #1, you're #1!

"The proportion of overweight or obese men is higher in some European countries than it is in the United States, experts said yesterday in an analysis of Europeans' expanding girth.

The International Obesity Task Force estimated that Finland, Germany, Greece, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Malta have exceeded the United States figure of 67% for overweight or obese males."


"In Greece, 38% of women are obese, compared with 34% in the United States."

Well, well, it seems Ravisher is on mark.  Bring your own lithe Thai lunch when visiting Greece.  Cut down on grease!

"Up to 8% of the current healthcare costs in the EU can be attributed to the effects of being overweight or obese, he said. To counter the worsening trend, the EU is linking up with the food and marketing industries, consumer groups and health experts, and plans to assess national and industry efforts to counter the trend. "

Get ready for new taxes boys.  Sin Food Tax is in the making. 

It's seems the Atkin's high protein diet and the S.Beach high protein and veggie diet has led US citizens to stumble in their race to  the finish line via a heart attack.  Our portly  EU friends have taken up the baton of cookies, torts and baguettes made from refined flour and refined sugar. We will wave our turkey legs, rib bones and our 2 lb. chubs of cheese!  Lead on EU!  Lead on!  :D  :D

Obesity can kill....I suggest that fatty foods and fast food be banned.....After all at the rate obesity is growing...it will kill more people than smoking....lets learn from past mistakes and ban all of these unhealthy habits.....


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You complain about our moderation:

Elitist and also prejudiced.....

Still cant understand why some topics are accepted and yet others are not

Yet, you want to make laws telling people what they can and can't eat? :D

Makes our moderation that you complain about seem rather trivial doesn't it? :o


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You complain about our moderation:
Elitist and also prejudiced.....

Still cant understand why some topics are accepted and yet others are not

Yet, you want to make laws telling people what they can and can't eat? :D

Makes our moderation that you complain about seem rather trivial doesn't it? :D


Your moderation never killed anyone..................yet..... :D

BTW my post on this topic was again TIC..... :D:D

Now do you really want to start the "why cant we post about BG's here" debates again... :o

Edited by gburns57au
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The International Obesity Task Force estimated that Finland, Germany, Greece, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Malta have exceeded the United States figure of 67% for overweight or obese males.

Yes but it takes 7 euro countrys to equal that figure lol :o

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Their findings could be true but I still bet that the yanks are FATTER.

Anyone who is overweight is obese, be it by 1 kilo or 200. And I have never seen so many Extremely obese people as when I was in Louisiana / Texas. Europe does not have a look in when it comes to the sheer size of these people and the frequency with which you see them.

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Their findings could be true but I still bet that the yanks are FATTER.

Anyone who is overweight is obese, be it by 1 kilo or 200. And I have never seen so many Extremely obese people as when I was in Louisiana / Texas. Europe does not have a look in when it comes to the sheer size of these people and the frequency with which you see them.

Obviously, they didn't look at Thailand when they did that study. The number of "obesity challenged" tourists here would have upset the balance somewhat :o

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