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This is not personal Scamp, I am just upset with you really, I know and have read about your ex-lover,  and followed it through thick and thiin and even contributed. there are a lot of people on this forum that do not know of you I DOI dont have anything to proove to anyone, I have made my pile and beleive you teach English, but whats the point of this post , I mean who can give you advice, you are just setting yourself up. I dont mean any disrepect, in fact I really respect you for what you did, but PLEASE think about your posts in future, otherwise you are open for admonishments from far more intelligent people than me. I am not for one minute saying I do not like you, in fact the opposite, I know where you are from and I FELT YOUR PAIN. What more can I say. I am just being HONEST

Best OF Luck Mate, Feinds are hard to find, enimeis are very eay to find. PM me if you want to be freinds

All the Best


Look, I bear no grudge on this but I can't help thinking that maybe my posts were better when I was struggling and it was a public, documented struggle that many inc yourself could relate to?

Things are fine at the moment, I've got money and I'm taking a break, visiting friends and enjoying life - very different to before.

Maybe that's why my posts are more relaxed and lighthearted - maybe not, but I have taken on board what you've said anyway as I can see you do give a toss.

I have nothing to prove but sometimes I feel I do, one of my faults though this post is not an example of that, it really was a genuine thought I wanted to share.

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This is not personal Scamp, I am just upset with you really, I know and have read about your ex-lover,  and followed it through thick and thiin and even contributed. there are a lot of people on this forum that do not know of you I DOI dont have anything to proove to anyone, I have made my pile and beleive you teach English, but whats the point of this post , I mean who can give you advice, you are just setting yourself up. I dont mean any disrepect, in fact I really respect you for what you did, but PLEASE think about your posts in future, otherwise you are open for admonishments from far more intelligent people than me. I am not for one minute saying I do not like you, in fact the opposite, I know where you are from and I FELT YOUR PAIN. What more can I say. I am just being HONEST

Best OF Luck Mate, Feinds are hard to find, enimeis are very eay to find. PM me if you want to be freinds

All the Best


All I got from that is Thai Pauly is completely p.issed :o

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BKK NO I AM NOT pissed I am going to bed now and have not had a drink tonight.

I am less than happy with YOUR post, all I am trying to do is tell the TRUTH. If You Do not like it then Fukc off, I have read a lot of your posts and think they are Sh*t, but I have not comented, you seem to have an opinion on everything, so think twice before you post your drivel.

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BKK NO I AM NOT pissed I am going to bed now and have not had a drink tonight.

I am less than happy with YOUR post, all I am trying to do is tell the TRUTH.  If You Do not like it then Fukc off, I have read a lot of your posts and think they are Sh*t, but I have not comented, you seem to have an opinion on everything, so think twice before you post your drivel.

Ok no worries TP, keep your hair on, it just seemed that you got really way over the top upset and angry at the Scamp for no reason and this line

"Best OF Luck Mate, Feinds are hard to find, enimeis are very eay to find. "

kind of clinched it for me. :D

No need to start getting abusive and swearing at people ThaiPauly, you really do need to calm down a bit. :o

Considering this could have been a decent thread you have turned it into 3 pages of abuse and s**t with your mindless ranting, I can't beliveve you have the audacity to say Scamp's posts do not contribute to the forum. :D

I do not have an opinion on everything, but being a discussion board probably the best place to post the opinions I have right? U can tell me to <deleted> off when your a mod until then not going anywhere.

Anyway, nitey nite, remember plenty of water before you go to bed, and a couple of anadin in the morning :D

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From the evidence displayed in this thread, I was concluding “Scamp” was in reality young Harry Windsor.

However after further consideration it now seems obvious to me he is no older than 13 years of age (as it appears is Thaipauli also).

What a pity we cannot instruct these two children to play in separate playgrounds

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... I was on the phone to my conservative father for the first time in ages, earlier on today.

He asked me what the website was but I was reluctant to tell him and explained that it was my world and that not everything I posted would be sensible enough or correctly spelled enough to win his approval and that with respect, I'd rather not - even though part of me would like him to see that I socialise with mostly intelligent and wise expats, I wouldn't want the subconscious restraint when posting of knowing that he may be looking in to see what I'm up to because it would be a good way of finding out about my life without having to 'lose face' and e-mail me.

Incedentally, I had a great chat with my dad and he hadn't criticised me for once.  :o

What's the deal here? **The rest went too far - edited - cv**

Edited by cdnvic
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Anyway, I sent a chilled PM to ThaiPauly, I can't be a.rsed to have abusive arguments on this forum and I apolgised if I made a wrong assumption that he was p.issed.

Back on topic - Yeah I think I wouldn't just show this forum to anyone, kind of keep it personal to a degree, and it's a nice escape because of that.

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BKK Madness you have gone so far down in my estimation that I will never read anything else you write. I have NO GRUdge against Scamp and you will see that from my last reply (unless You WERE TOO PISSED to read it properly)

You have now lost a former admirer of your contributions, take the sleeping pill yourself as tomorrow is another day to slag people off

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I have read a lot of your posts and think they are Sh*t, but I have not comented, you seem to have an opinion on everything, so think twice before you post your drivel.


You have now lost a former admirer of your contributions


Anyway, I sent you a PM apologising if I offended you and asked for no more of this here, I can't see what more I can do. I tried to make a little peace and you continue with your insults. I feel the better person really :D .

So you went mad at Scampy for making a post and mad at me for joking you was drunk, there really is no need to get so stressed out, I'm only hoping that this is just a bad day for you., and tomorrow business as usual. :D

If you wish to ignore me I believe there is an ignore button somewhere, I suggest you use it.

Edited by bkkmadness
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paulie, take a chill pill, you will give yourself skin faliure.

i am a friend of Scamps and he is a thouroughly bloddy nice bloke, a little levity never hurt anyone the amount of homor lobotomys just seems to have risen by one

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This is not personal Scamp, I am just upset with you really, I know and have read about your ex-lover,  and followed it through thick and thiin and even contributed. there are a lot of people on this forum that do not know of you I DOI dont have anything to proove to anyone, I have made my pile and beleive you teach English, but whats the point of this post , I mean who can give you advice, you are just setting yourself up. I dont mean any disrepect, in fact I really respect you for what you did, but PLEASE think about your posts in future, otherwise you are open for admonishments from far more intelligent people than me. I am not for one minute saying I do not like you, in fact the opposite, I know where you are from and I FELT YOUR PAIN. What more can I say. I am just being HONEST

Best OF Luck Mate, Feinds are hard to find, enimeis are very eay to find. PM me if you want to be freinds

All the Best


was that enigmas or enemies? teach :o

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I enjoyed this thread , it seems a few too many beers were quaffed.

FWIW I had a similar chat with my old man about Internet forums last week.

I'm 39 with 2 kids and not a Daddy's boy.

Nice to see you back Scamp and keep 'em coming.

ps anyone calls me a Daddy's boy , just ask MrVietnam2001 what happened to him...... :o

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To answer the question……The great thing about these forums, for me, is very simple, one can post a point or two in complete anonymity. One can even flame to a degree without getting into the physical results.

Likewise, there is not a chance in ###### that I would ever attend a TV p1ss-up. HarryHacker wants to keep himself private. When in Surin I will call in on Chelski’s bar, but there is no way he will know who I am.

So Scamp, you are right not to open the door to your father, in my view.

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He asked me what the website was but I was reluctant to tell him and explained that it was my world and that not everything I posted would be sensible enough or correctly spelled enough to win his approval and that with respect, I'd rather not - even though part of me would like him to see that I socialise with mostly intelligent and wise expats, I wouldn't want the subconscious restraint when posting of knowing that he may be looking in to see what I'm up to because it would be a good way of finding out about my life without having to 'lose face' and e-mail me.

Even this new avatar of mine he would find extremely childish.

Incedentally, I had a great chat with my dad and he hadn't criticised me for once.  :D

Did you happen to name-drop your nickname to your Dad during your discussions??? If so, a simple search on your nickname, and add thailand to just refine the search a tad... and your nick on this website are the first three results.... thus allowing him to log as a guest or anyone else and read your hundreds of past posts.... or the 1 or 2 you have left to post before backing off from this ID?


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To answer the question……The great thing about these forums, for me, is very simple, one can post a point or two in complete anonymity. One can even flame to a degree without getting into the physical results.

Likewise, there is not a chance in ###### that I would ever attend a TV p1ss-up. HarryHacker wants to keep himself private. When in Surin I will call in on Chelski’s bar, but there is no way he will know who I am.

So Scamp, you are right not to open the door to your father, in my view.

You see how easy it is to post a decent reply?

Whay can't they all be like Harry's and Siamesekitten's?

You really need to reconsider that move back to Scotland...

Tell you what, I felt somewhat guilty when kasi had quoted me on f***ing yank, but it's comments like the above that drive me to say these things.

I'm not from Scotland but would like to see some friends there - get your facts right BM, I know you're still 'pissed' at me for saying on another forum that the pope waved at people and wore a silly hat.

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To answer the question……The great thing about these forums, for me, is very simple, one can post a point or two in complete anonymity. One can even flame to a degree without getting into the physical results.

Likewise, there is not a chance in ###### that I would ever attend a TV p1ss-up. HarryHacker wants to keep himself private. When in Surin I will call in on Chelski’s bar, but there is no way he will know who I am.

So Scamp, you are right not to open the door to your father, in my view.

You see how easy it is to post a decent reply?

Whay can't they all be like Harry's and Siamesekitten's?

You really need to reconsider that move back to Scotland...

Tell you what, I felt somewhat guilty when kasi had quoted me on f***ing yank, but it's comments like the above that drive me to say these things.

I'm not from Scotland but would like to see some friends there - get your facts right BM, I know you're still 'pissed' at me for saying on another forum that the pope waved at people and wore a silly hat.

Well he did, didn't he!A very silly hat. :o

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Scamp, we all were with you during the time you went with your Thai girl last year. So do us all a favour and post rellivant information or dont post anything, I 4 one am sick of your posts nowadays as we were really rooting for you before. So if you have nothing of significance to post then DO NOT POST.

Sorry , I may speak alone but thats the way I feel, this post is Tosh

Sorry to say but you are becoming one of those crashing bores  time for bed said Zebadee

Your Avitar means nothing to me, you suerly would not even for ONE MOMENT let your parents know about TV,otherwise you really would be a MUMMYS BOY, GROW UP SCAMP , if you need some advice on how to do this then PM mer.

Grow out of your 20 something environment and ASK FOR HELP, I liked your previous postings but now..... well let me not judge you as I do not know you personaly, Baht and Sold will voch 4 you, let him in to be a judge of your character now. It seems that you have undergone a full frontal labotamy. IMHO

Yiu said (as I belive you wee leaving the forum) so why post rubbish on your first day back- I thought you were more intelligent than that

My appologies for the spelling mistakes but I am really angry

Scamp you have to remember that we followed you, rooting for you, even on my part PRAYING that things would work out for you, so you cannot come back to the forum with Tosh like this and "Have tou ever felt about  having a Farang Woman Again" YOUR CREDIBILITY IS DOWN THE BOG. i SUGGEST YOU TAKE A BIT OF TIME TO EVALUATE YOUR SITUATION BEFORE COMING UP WITH ANOTHER GENERAL TOPIC

Suggest Diazepam, 10 milligrams now and repeat hourly, as necessary.

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Theres no way i would want my dad finding out about my batteries up my arse experience,

so definately im with you scampy, no need to show some people what little privacy/ outlet you have.

ps. dad if your reading this, i didnt really have batteries up my arse.

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My family and friends know I post here and my user name, part of that is they read my blog to find out whats been happening see some pics ect. It saves on e-mails!!

I always feel that when writing here that if you would'nt say something to someones face, why write it? seems a bit cowardly to me, any one can just sit anonamyously and rip people apart. In fact I'm probably mroe abrasive in person than online.

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