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Re-entery permit validy period

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How long can I leave Thailand for until my re-entery permit comes unvalid?  I plan to leave for 30 days but will that be ok?  Is there any maximum ammount of time I can be outside the Kingdom?



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Ice -

Assuming that the visa that you originally used to enter Thailand was single-entry (or has expired), then the re-entry permit is valid up until the expiration date of the entry permit that you had when you received the re-entry permit.

All the re-entry permit does is keep your present entry permit "alive" while you are absent.  It dose not extend that entry permit.

So - if you have only a 30 day entry permit to start with - don't even bother with the re-entry permit.  If you have substntial time remaining on a  60 or 90 day entry permit, or a one-year extended entry permit - and that timing exceeds the duration of your absence from Thailand - then it makes sense to go for a re-entry permit.

The above does not read very well - this sequence is not easy to articulate.  'Hope it makes sense to you.

Good luck!


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Ice, let me give you an example. My one year visa comes up for renewal every sept 13. I go to the US every year around May. My re-entry permit is valid until sept 13. so, it is valid until the expiry date of your original visa.
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Your Re-Entry Permit shows in the second line, right side

"VALID UNTIL" and a date chopped in red ink. On this date your permit expires und you better be back before that day (on same day is tricky as your re-entry expires same day as your visa)

One exception, as sbk says, her visa comes up 13 Sept. If she applies for renewal of the visa on (let's say) 30 August the re-entry is no longer valid and a new one is required which will be issued in accordance to the expiry of the new extension. Usually, there will be a chop "...extension under consideration, come back in person by Sep. 30..." i.e. the old re-entry until 13 Sept. is NOT valid even on Aug. 31 but the new one will be valid until Sep. 30. On Sep. 30 sbk might get an extension until  13 Sept. of the following year. So again a new re-entry must be applied for which will be valid as well Sept. 13 following year.

Edited to change to "she", sorry sbk

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