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Thaksin Reaffirms Vow To Wipe Out Mafia Gangs


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PM reaffirms vow to wipe out mafia gangs

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday reaffirmed his intention to launch a new round of suppression to put the country's mafia gangs out of business for good.

He said the second round of suppression would be more serious than the first one, saying that as long as those classified as influential figures still exist, poverty could never be eradicated.

These crooks have been allowed to prey on the poor and the underprivileged for so long, particularly operators of vans, motorcycle taxis and vendors, he said.

Mr Thaksin has already been supplied with information on the ringleaders of the extortion gang operating at the Bo Bae market.

Police inspector-general Pol Gen Seripisuth Temiyavej and the National Intelligence Agency have been assigned to investigate the racket.

Some former military men, said to be the gang leaders, are likely to face tough legal action as they had also expanded their influence to the provinces, including Phuket's Patong beach, the prime minister said.

Supreme Commander Gen Chaisit Shinawatra, meanwhile, said he would order tough disciplinary action if soldiers on active service were found to be involved in the Bo Bae market extortion. He said military men were allowed to work part-time outside official hours but their work must be legal and honest.

Meanwhile, Democrat party chief adviser Chuan Leekpai welcomed the prime minister's plan to allow city vendors who had been intimidated and extorted to register and file their complaints at Government House on Wednesday.

He said action against extortionists must be taken indiscriminately, not only in Bangkok but throughout the country.

Mr Chuan said in the provinces officials hesitate to take legal action against people claiming to be working for the government.

--Bangkok Post 2005-04-04

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PM reaffirms vow to wipe out big businessmen/politicians

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday reaffirmed his intention to launch a new round of suppression to put the country's big businessmen/politicians out of business for good.

He said the second round of suppression would be more serious than the first one, saying that as long as those classified as big businessmen/politicians still exist, poverty could never be eradicated.

These big businessmen/politicians have been allowed to prey on the poor and the underprivileged for so long, particularly operators of vans, motorcycle taxis and vendors, he said.

Mr Thaksin has already been supplied with information on the ringleaders of the  big businessmen/politicians operating at the Bo Bae market.

Police inspector-general Pol Gen Seripisuth Temiyavej and the National Intelligence Agency have been assigned to investigate the racket.

Some former military men, said to be big businessmen/politicians, are likely to face tough legal action as they had also expanded their influence to the provinces, including Phuket's Patong beach, the prime minister said.

-- Sriracha Post 2005-04-04

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He's promised to eradicate poverty so many times now that later on he can blame it on the mafia (which he also promised to eradicate some time ago) when his election promise fails miserably, once again.

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"Mafia" carries with it such a negative connotation. It's mostly just collecting rents, fees, gratuities, etc... regular family run businesses.

Hits, drive by's, and broken legs? Nah. Nowadays it usually takes less than half the harsh language a typical NYC cabbie uses in a day to get the "job" done.


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"Mafia" carries with it such a negative connotation.    It's mostly just collecting rents, fees, gratuities, etc... regular family run businesses.   

Hits, drive by's, and broken legs?  Nah.  Nowadays it usually takes less than half the harsh language a typical NYC cabbie uses in a day to get the "job" done.



The mafia just raises their voice to get what they want ?? Sure.

And backs it up with threats, beatings and murder occasionally to maintain enough fear so that just a presence gets the action they want.

Taksin, if he is serious about this, is quite courageous in taking on the underworld. He risks assaults to his family as well as assasination.

He should be applauded IMHO.

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The mafia just raises their voice to get what they want ??  Sure.

And backs it up with threats, beatings and murder occasionally to maintain enough fear so that just a presence gets the action they want.

Threats. Yes. Beatings and murder are hardly the regular way to go though. Bad for business. You can hardly spit on someone here without getting shot (and yes, even poor people have access to guns), nevermind beating them everytime they don't pay up. Harsh language really IS the norm.


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i trust the PM...he can wipe of the mafia...we shouldnt judge his ability...

and oh...by mafia he means :-

1) business rivals

2) political rivals (facing problems within the party?)

3) critics

4) Honest Policemen (if there still exists any)

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