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Anyone With A Modded 360 Avoid Logging Onto Live


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Please be advised that M$ have wielded the banhammer again ever since late last week and have banned lots of consoles from connecting to Xbox live.

Normally this does not really bother me as I've had 2 consoles banned already, The BIG difference this time is that these newly banned consoles have disabled the ability to install and play full games which have been installed on the HDD!

I modded my 360's after buying 4 of them and having all 4 RROD! The repairs lasted a year and now cannot be repaired any further :)

I now have a modded PAL 120GB Elite and install all the games I'm currently playing to extend the lifespan of my current 360 (the DVD spinning generates heat and the 360 runs much quieter when playing from HDD)

I'll be getting another 360 (cheap PAL arcade model) when my mum arrives in the new year that I'll use for XBL games and the AAA games I buy once I'm sure they are great games. I buy my AAA 360 games from Amazon and get them shipped to my mum's house and she airmails them - only takes 3-4 days to get here

I don't really care about XBL but do like the ability to install full games onto the 360.

Be very wary when logging in. Even if you log in with original game in the tray you can get the ban!

And to think I'm still using my launch day Wii and PS3. Not had a single problem with either of these consoles

In my mind the PS3 wins out this fall with the AAA combo of Uncharted 2, Ratchet & Clank and Demonstone

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I though only the old models suffered with RRODs. Never had an issue with mine - even here running for hours with the aircon off seems fine. What does p!ss me off though is no ability to change the country settings (without illegal - M$ illegal - hacks that get bans). I called M$ and said I have a full UK spec machine and have moved to Thailand (which is mostly true - I was already here and brought one over with me following a trip home) - I wanted the DVD region code set mainly as I get the games from the UK (like the OP) anyway. They told me flat out no way to change the region code - even store bought DVD players and PCs allow it to be reset 5 times!

And if I live in Thailand, why can't I play Thai games - its nuts, all they worry about is getting pretty looking hardware out asap regardless of its build quality or usability/longevity.

No problems with my Wii either - or DS - don't have a PS3 (gave my old PS2 away when I moved to LoS).

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Please be advised that M$ have wielded the banhammer again ever since late last week and have banned lots of consoles from connecting to Xbox live.

Normally this does not really bother me as I've had 2 consoles banned already, The BIG difference this time is that these newly banned consoles have disabled the ability to install and play full games which have been installed on the HDD!

I modded my 360's after buying 4 of them and having all 4 RROD! The repairs lasted a year and now cannot be repaired any further :)

I now have a modded PAL 120GB Elite and install all the games I'm currently playing to extend the lifespan of my current 360 (the DVD spinning generates heat and the 360 runs much quieter when playing from HDD)

I'll be getting another 360 (cheap PAL arcade model) when my mum arrives in the new year that I'll use for XBL games and the AAA games I buy once I'm sure they are great games. I buy my AAA 360 games from Amazon and get them shipped to my mum's house and she airmails them - only takes 3-4 days to get here

I don't really care about XBL but do like the ability to install full games onto the 360.

Be very wary when logging in. Even if you log in with original game in the tray you can get the ban!

And to think I'm still using my launch day Wii and PS3. Not had a single problem with either of these consoles

In my mind the PS3 wins out this fall with the AAA combo of Uncharted 2, Ratchet & Clank and Demonstone

Hello Ian

I too am a big xbox fan, been in Bangkok a few years now, have avoided xbox live so far thanks to advice like people like yourself. However as im sure your aware MW2 is out next week and i have every intention of slaughtering some peeps online. The only problem is where to get a unchipped xbox over here, i normally go to Nadz project in silom but theyre all out of the falcon console (5900 no controllers etc) and im looking at having to fork out 14000 + baht for controllers, leads etc i dont need. I dont suppose you know anywhere that sells just consoles (un- chipped) ?


wandering monk

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The only problem is where to get a unchipped xbox over here, i normally go to Nadz project in silom but theyre all out of the falcon console (5900 no controllers etc) and im looking at having to fork out 14000 + baht for controllers, leads etc i dont need. I dont suppose you know anywhere that sells just consoles (un- chipped) ?


wandering monk

Do you mean that they sell the falcon consoles at 5900 Baht without the controllers?

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For MW2 and the big multi-platform AAA releases that have a heavy multi-player components I always get the PS3 version of the game. The original PS3 games are 1800 or less these days

Did this with MW1 and last years COD. PS3 multiplayer is completely free and generally bas much less lag as you are more likely to be playing somebody from Asia Pacific region

Been playing Single Player MW2 and Dragon Age over past few days and even though I finished SP on MW2 it is so good I'll be getting the PS3 version when that comes out. BTW Dragon age on PC is FAR FAR superior to the console verions both in graphics and playability as you can zook out much further and plan the battles easier with a mouse

These days there is hardly any difference quality-wise between 360 and PS3

Plus the 3 best games of the year so far are all PS3 exclusives - Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank and Demon's SouBest thng about PS3 is all the games are region-free. My 260 is PAL so a lot of the games from MBK etc will not play on my console

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The only problem is where to get a unchipped xbox over here, i normally go to Nadz project in silom but theyre all out of the falcon console (5900 no controllers etc) and im looking at having to fork out 14000 + baht for controllers, leads etc i dont need. I dont suppose you know anywhere that sells just consoles (un- chipped) ?


wandering monk

Do you mean that they sell the falcon consoles at 5900 Baht without the controllers?

They did, all sold out now.


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I am selling my xbox 360 with a bunch of games, live access until April next year and some full games that I have purchased from live arcade. It is NOT chipped so no worries about getting banned. Perfect condition, been looked after very well and runs quietly and is very cool. 14 months old.

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Note: I am pretty sure that the Asian console is NOT region protected, if you take a look at the games list on Play Asia you can see that they all say 'no region protection':


Btw, Asian games are cheaper here than most other regions, usually around 1500 to 1800 each

Edited by davejonesbkk
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The 360 is pretty much an outdated console anyway. I'm having a lot more fun on my friend's PS3 when I go over to his place. Been thinking about selling the 360 to get a PS3 but I don't have enough time at home to play it regularly anyway. Perfectly happy just doing so at my friend's place. May as well start saving up for next gen now. :)

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The thing I love about the PS3 is that it is not region locked

If the 360 was the same I'd never have to resort to using "backups". The 360 has Pal, US, Japanese, Asian etc region coding and although many games are region free often the games I really want are region coded!

Also the PS3's online service is completely free and I find the games are generally lag-free as I'm usually playing on Asian servers

Played the 360 version of modern warfare last week and bought the PS3 version yesterday. Both seem identical but with the PS3 version I can finally play online

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The thing I love about the PS3 is that it is not region locked

If the 360 was the same I'd never have to resort to using "backups". The 360 has Pal, US, Japanese, Asian etc region coding and although many games are region free often the games I really want are region coded!

Also the PS3's online service is completely free and I find the games are generally lag-free as I'm usually playing on Asian servers

Played the 360 version of modern warfare last week and bought the PS3 version yesterday. Both seem identical but with the PS3 version I can finally play online

Agreed, and it's much easier to find servers around Asia on the PS3. With the 360 you're mostly playing with an American playerbase and that's naturally going to land you at 500-1500ms with our brilliant internet.

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