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Rememberance Sunday


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Article originally by Andy Mcinnes

A FURIOUS row is brewing over how Falkirk and Celtic fans will be asked to show their respects at the Remembrance Day fixture on Sunday November 8.

Angry Bairns fans last night aired their fears on sports websites that a two minute applause rather than silence will be ordered by either the club or SPL officials before the game which will be shown live by ESPN kicks off.

One supporter posted a message saying he was " totally disgusted " at the thought of applauding and warned that such a move would make a farce of the day and would bring " bad publicity" for Scottish football as the match was being screened throughout the country.

While another called himself Bairn4life said " we should not give in to them ( Celtic) as it is supposed to be a time of reflection not joy " Another opposition fan declared : " It would be ridiculous if my club was to change things to suit a minority"

But last night Falkirk's Operations manager Keith Hogg insisted no decison had yet been taken on the issue and that they would be seeking guidance from the SPL .

" We haven't started our planning for the Celtic match yet." he added " In the past we have had applause to commemorate an individual as after the death of former player Paul McGrillen and we've also held a period of silence on other occasions when we felt that was the most appropriate action.

" We will be speaking to the SPL and seeking their guidance over the next couple of days before any decision is taken "

Last night SPL spokesman Greg Mailer revealed the issue would be raised today at a Board Meeting.

" As last year was the 90th anniversary of Armistace Day we teamed up with Poppy Scotland and asked clubs to do something special. But before that we did not dictate what anyone should do allowing individual clubs the choice between silence and applause.

1. Celtic FC is the only senior club in British football that refuses to fly the Union flag over their stadium!

2. Celtic FC does NOT allow British service personnel to wear their uniforms within their stadium!

3. Last night you had the managers of Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea & Hearts (None of whom come from these shores!) all wearing poppies to remember the dead and injured....and what about the ENGLISH manager of Celtic???? To HIS shame he DID NOT show the same respect!!!

4. It is time that Celtic FC are named and shamed.... we need action......lets hear you voices.. Please, spread the word.

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Was discussing this the other evening with a few mates in the pub. Really is quite disgusting that the club seems complicit in siding with a minority of religious bigots, considering the sacrifices made by so many during two world wars. The sad thing is, this shouldn't even need to be a discussion.

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Could someone please explain Celtic's actions for those not familiar with this subject?

Jim it's a tricky one, and I may not entirely be right but a lot of it comes from Irish politics, and Britain's presence in Northern Ireland. Of course as you may or may not know, Catholics align with Britain out of Norhtern Ireland, where as protestants align with Britain in Northern Ireland. Celtic is a Catholic club, and has supposed sympathies for Sinn Fein etc. I'm no expert, but it is quite clear that there is religious intolerance and bigotry in both the main two clubs -Rangers and Celtic, neither of which should be proud of it.

On occasions like this, a little more tolerance and recognition should be shown -whatever the religous and political stance.

Apologies for not giving a more detailed description, but trying to keep it as simple as possible.

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Eire (Southern Ireland) does not recognise Remembrance Day, or it's nationals who have died in war.

Irish Republicans, i.e. Sinn Fein, IRA, INLA etc. reject Remembrance Day commemorations, and few Irish Catholics in the 32 counties participate. (Ever wondered why no RC's died in the Poppy Day massacre at Enniskillen?).

Celtic supporters are broadly supportive of Irish Republican terrorism.

In 1941 Celtic's ground was closed for one month following "unpatriotic and anti-British chanting, while the nation is at war".

Celtic fly the Irish Flag, not the Union flag above the ground, and the ethos behind the club is anti-British Irish Republicanism.

These are just plain facts and are common knowledge in Scotland and Ireland.

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Gers - could you add the source link for that article?

and guys - remember if this gets too political and heated, I will have to close it

so lets keep it calm ok?

(JS is preoccupied with things for a bit - so am kinda filling in :) )

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Gers - could you add the source link for that article?

and guys - remember if this gets too political and heated, I will have to close it

so lets keep it calm ok?

(JS is preoccupied with things for a bit - so am kinda filling in :D )

Is he updating the competition standings? :)

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Celtic supporters are broadly supportive of Irish Republican terrorism

Theere you go again with your BNP and semi-literate type bigotry. Funny that I've never seen you post anything whatsoever on football.

However, you talk unadulterated bilge son. Prove to me the that your nasty and ill-informed statement isn't a lie and I'll prove to you that Rangers supporters "are broadly supportive" of loyalist terrorism. I can't. There may be a small minority of both sets of supporters who supported terrorism , but it's always the ploy of your ilk to paint all that you don't like with the same divisive brush.

As I've intimated before. A brave lad like you should take your twisted prejudice onto the Celtic forum and discuss it there. But there's as much chance of that as there is seeing you talk about actual football. Probably less in fact.

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and guys - remember if this gets too political and heated, I will have to close it

MiG, you can't divorce international football from politics, whether with a small or large 'P'.

However, I for one would support you closing this thread, as it's probably the most divisive that I've ever seen on this forum.

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and guys - remember if this gets too political and heated, I will have to close it

MiG, you can't divorce international football from politics, whether with a small or large 'P'.

However, I for one would support you closing this thread, as it's probably the most divisive that I've ever seen on this forum.

I disagree, the LP and UTD pages are much more divisive. Shall we poll it?

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and guys - remember if this gets too political and heated, I will have to close it

MiG, you can't divorce international football from politics, whether with a small or large 'P'.

However, I for one would support you closing this thread, as it's probably the most divisive that I've ever seen on this forum.

I disagree, the LP and UTD pages are much more divisive. Shall we poll it?

Why would you disagree , James ? You've only been around for a couple of minutes and very probably don't understand the issues involved.

A poll may seem a good, although unrealistic, democratic ideal as far as leaving threads open or not is concerned. But I very much doubt whether going to happen.

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and guys - remember if this gets too political and heated, I will have to close it

MiG, you can't divorce international football from politics, whether with a small or large 'P'.

However, I for one would support you closing this thread, as it's probably the most divisive that I've ever seen on this forum.

The idea was simply to inform not to be divisive. The OP simply put up for discussion the idea that 'applause' is inappropriate when remembering fallen service personnel. It happened last month in a village in England when two fallen soldier were being repatriated. The 'applause' was given short shrift by the Legion and by the local townspeople. It has not happened again.

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Could someone please explain Celtic's actions for those not familiar with this subject?

Regarding the flag Jim, it would be down to the fact that the flag is a Unionist symbol and Celtic were formed from Catholic emigre's in the 19C and as such has always been linked to Irish Catholocism, please note I did not say extreme Catholicism, linked to the use of violence in trying to reach a United Ireland.

I doubt the flag has never flown, although not sure, I believe it has in the past.

Edited by Mossfinn
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MiG, you can't divorce international football from politics, whether with a small or large 'P'.

west hammer, that may be the case, but I recall from sometime back that most members on this part of the forum agreed that it was best to leave the political discussion out of our footie forum

of course I dont need to enforce that strictly, and am happy to let people discuss things as long as it can be done civilly and people can keep a cool head

(which if they cant, regardless of the topic of discussion it could all take an ugly turn).

Im leaving it be for now....if you guys promise not to kill each other overnight :) (its past my bedtime...they say older and very very young people need a lot more sleep. take a guess as to which I am...)

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