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Patong Nightspots Under Curfew Scrutiny


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I love this part:

" Gov Wichai told the meeting that when he visited Patong's Soi Bangla Tuesday night to take part in Loy Kratong activities, he didn't see any signs of venues staying open past the 2am deadline.

"Maybe they recognized my face and were well-prepared. Anyway, we will continue to monitor the situation," he said.

Did he roam the roads all night? lol.

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I think they should follow the laws of were the tourist come from. The last time I was in England most of the pubs closed at eleven PM and some clubs closed at two AM.

Where I live most of the time the bars close at two AM that seems to be enough time for most people to get blitzed out of their mind.

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Well if you can't buy booze at a supermarket between 2:00pm and 5:00pm (for whatever reason) then tack that on the 2:00am and problem solved. If people wish to spend money drinking themselves into oblivion from 2:00am on so be it. Straight economics - supply and demand. If they don't drink the bars will close anyway.

As already said - people come here for holidays and if that reflects being outrageous or simply going somewhere to pass time with a few drinks - let the demand dictate it. If the country is blind to demand and tourism, then som num na. :)

For grownups - those over 18 or 21 - to not be allowed to buy beer (or any product containing alcohol) between the hours of 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. has got to be the most stupid law in any country in the world. Is this also a remnant of the Thaksin regime? How about a giant blur over a person's face on TV when he/she lifts a lighted cigarette or cigar to their face? With all of the corruption around us, closing bars and the two aforementioned crimes have got to take the cake.

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No, the worse law was in Great Britian when the pubs closed between, I think 3PM and 5PM then reopened and closed at 11pm. How did those brits get so drunk.

Well all know the closing times were just another nail in tourist Thailand.

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No, the worse law was in Great Britian when the pubs closed between, I think 3PM and 5PM then reopened and closed at 11pm. How did those brits get so drunk.

Well all know the closing times were just another nail in tourist Thailand.

I am happy if bars stay open, just turn down the hip-hop a bit so the neighbours can sleep.

If the bars in Chiang Mai were allowed to stay open 24/7 those poor little kiddies selling flowers

would never sleep at all..

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I wish someone would grow some brains and realize the early closing is to use a negative word, stupid.

I was here when the prime minister and the interior minister at the time did it to safeguard the youngsters from the evils of the nightlife. All it did was create the underground bars and clubs.

The government seems to want to be the babysitters of the general public. I am older than 50 and think it is stupid that I have to go to bed early just because some character in the past wanted to preserve the norms of fifty years ago.

But as farangs, we can do nothing other than laugh at the nonsense that we have to put up with with bar closing and other things too numerous to put in this forum.

LOL but when does Thailand ever follow through with anything they "mouth." LOL This place is famous for saying one thing and doing another eh?

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No, the worse law was in Great Britian when the pubs closed between, I think 3PM and 5PM then reopened and closed at 11pm. How did those brits get so drunk.

Well all know the closing times were just another nail in tourist Thailand.

Those laws were brought in during World War 2 to stop munitions workers in the factories getting drunk at lunch time!

Unfortunately, the legacy of them took a while to get repealed.

That's all changed now in the UK and pubs can open rather more freely.

The comments about zoning are pretty sensible. Phuket IS a tourist area, and tourists are on HOLIDAY ! They like to let their hair down and do things they sometimes cant do in their own country. I think clubs in none residential zones should be allowed to stay open late.

I must admit i find the officials comments about some pubs staying open late a bit surprising. Most expats here know where you can get late drinks. It's not exactly a secret!

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I love this part:

" Gov Wichai told the meeting that when he visited Patong's Soi Bangla Tuesday night to take part in Loy Kratong activities, he didn't see any signs of venues staying open past the 2am deadline.

"Maybe they recognized my face and were well-prepared. Anyway, we will continue to monitor the situation," he said.

Part of what the bars pay the police for is to tell them when some big wig is coming around so they can close on time.

anybody who's lived in Thailand for any length of time, knows the the bars and nightclubs operate on the good will of the Police dept., if not actually owned by some police big wig. This is just typical Thai politicing.. The longer the bars stay open, the more money in the pockets of the police. Personally, I don't care if they stay open 24/7. If the police could manage to keep the crime down at those early hours, more power to them. There are people who are going to vent their views, that these bars are run by criminals, well go figure. We all thought they were run by the local Baptist church.. :)

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anybody who's lived in Thailand for any length of time, knows the the bars and nightclubs operate on the good will of the Police dept., if not actually owned by some police big wig. <snip> :)

My favourite bar in Bangkok was owned by a BiB. It used to get really busy between 2 and 3 am. I never really thought about it until someone told me that they had just come from a bar that was closing and I asked one of the girls why my one could stay open.

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Just walk down sukhumvit road after all the go gos/pubs are closed at 2am (sometimes 12 or 1 depending on the BIB) and there are 100s of out door bars open. after the market stalls close the beer stalls open.

OBVOIUSLY BRIBES ARE PAID TO SOMEBODY. SO THEY CLOSE THE LEGIT GO GO BARS AND PUSH EVERYONE OUT AT 2ish, so they have another revenue stream they look after. does this make thailand look good to we farangs, or an untidy, unlawful place where you have to pee down a grate or behind someones house? it really stinks bad, nowhere to clean hands... very dirty.

i once went to BOSS CLUB, so many people packed in it, if there was a fire nobody would get out - and so hot in there. a disaster waiting to happen, still open TILL 6am 7yrs later.

So leave the real bars open as it used to be in the good old days.

Personally i rarely go to these pavement places (no toilets/no clean hands serving my beer), but they are open till daylight. now did nobody notice these?? does everyone 'in charge' ( LOL) go to bed at 9pm?? get real.



ill spend my money there ....

Edited by mushepea
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Patong Deputy Mayor Chairat Sukhabaan downplayed the problem of certain venues staying open late, saying it was less important than illegal drug use or tourist rip-offs.

Translation .. He and the Police not getting any kickbacks from drug dealers .. just the late opening bars.


Mr Chairat said it was time to re-think the 2am closing time that applies to most venues in Patong, as this would be good for tourism.

A Thai official utilizing logic. Wonders never cease.

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