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Mbk Scooter Meeting


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I went to this show from 1-3 with some other scooter guys from here.

We have new scooters and were hoping to see tricked out small cc modern scooters and vendors, but no luck.

Does anyone know when and where the modern small scooter shows are in BKK?

The show was cool, but it was only tricked out big cc scooters and Vespas/Lambrettas.

They did have a trio of hot Thai girls dancing about which was nice to watch.

At 3pm, it had rained several times already so the bike count may have been low at around 75 bikes.

There was also a stage set up for the evening but I didn't hang till 7 to see what happened.

Thanks for the heads up Richard.

If you have a big scooter or Italian scooter then this is a must see, but I recommend the show to anyone since its cool, free, and you can go shopping at MBK after.


















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I was told that Scooter Thailand has found a major sponsor and is planning must more activities.

Hi there,

I see on "whois" that you are the Registrant/Admin/Billing/Technical contact @ Scooter Thailand.Plus you seem to be the support/sponsor for that site too. Are you going to make this site just a one pager or will there be more to come...sure nice to have a Scooter site in english that hopefully become as vast as "thaiscooter dot com"


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My company is indeed the register of this domain, still I can insure you that I'm not the operator of the website. Motorcycle Thailand registers many domain names and provide free hosting space for motorcycle clubs. Some will never become actual popular clubs and some very popular, we give everybody the opportunity to start a club...

Edited by Richard-BKK
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