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Enlighten Me On The Conflict With Cambodia

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I think it will not go better in the near future regarding the relation thailand-cambodia. What are the historical and social reasons for the conflict? What is thaksins motive for becoming an advisor for cambodia?

I think it will not go better in the near future regarding the relation thailand-cambodia. What are the historical and social reasons for the conflict? What is thaksins motive for becoming an advisor for cambodia?

I think your probably right regarding the relationship in the near future. :D

Didn't know there was a conflict other than the 'Temple' border dispute.

As for Thaksins motives I'm sure someone will be along with a full list of them but I suspect the main one will be him having somewhere to settle rather than being on the run so to speak. It'll be interesting to see if he's allowed to dabble (stir the Sh*t) in Thai politics whilst retaining his advisor position. :)


Without going into Thaksin's reasons, and looking at the very basics, the relationship between Thailand and the Khmers has been a patchy one ever since the Sukhothai period, arguably the first real "Thai" state. Prior to that, much of present day Thailand came under the Khmer empire. While Burma has been the principle bogey man, many Thais have remained suspicious of Cambodia, rather like neighbouring European countries remembering when the other invaded them a thousand years ago, and generally look down upon the Khmer race as an extension of Isaan. Animosity from the Cambodian side is mainly more recent, stemming from the support Thailand gave to the Americans during the Vietnam war, including providing the bases from which the country was carpet bombed in the early '70's, and the tacit support for the Khmer Rouge given by the Thai military, again, under the watchful eye of the Americans. In fact, if you do a bit of research, it's not hard to come to the conclusion that the present political system, and resultant turmoil, in both countries may be directly traced to the early to mid 60's involvement of America. Not America bashing, just something that must be looked at in order to fully understand the roots of the current situation, both in this thread and the whole "elites vs the poor" debate as a whole. Sadly, it is one of these touchy subjects that we can't fully explore here however.


short version:

The temple dispute is very old, till some month ago, everything was just overlapping area and everyone was happy.

Than PPP/Thaksin made a doggy deal with Hun Sen so Cambodia get control over it and Thaksin get some rights on Koh Kong + Thailand finance the streets he need in Cambodia.

What let a lot Nationalists in Thailand jump on the problem.

That problem is bundled with a much bigger thing, the dispute on the sea boarders where Oil and Gas was found. That might be the real big cash.

So Hun Sen has big interests that Thaksin come into power again so they can share that money.


ok, thanks guys. definately a very interesting history. If there are books that are especially good, it would be great to know about it. both the khmer period and the recent wars would be interesting to read about.

ok, thanks guys. definately a very interesting history. If there are books that are especially good, it would be great to know about it. both the khmer period and the recent wars would be interesting to read about.

When you read how the border was drawn on the map and who made what (or did not made it) you will pull out your hairs about all the nonsense.

There are valid arguments why the temple should be with thailand and valid arguments why it should be with Cambodia.

The only acceptable solution is to share it, and rip of the tourists together....


Most have missed the mark as to what is reason for the current tensions between Thailand and Cambodia. The historical reasons going back several hundred years are very interesting, but the people involved today don’t give a hoot about that.

Do a Google search on “Thailand Cambodia overlapping claims area” and you will get some idea at what is actually at stake here.



so even when one tries to talk about history ppl on this forum cant avoid using smartass insulting jokes. ppl talk like this in bars and on the streets, but there it can actually be funny, because one can see faces. When are you thugs going to learn net etiquette?

so even when one tries to talk about history ppl on this forum cant avoid using smartass insulting jokes. ppl talk like this in bars and on the streets, but there it can actually be funny, because one can see faces. When are you thugs going to learn net etiquette?

I certainly didn’t mean to insult you and I apologize if you took it as such. I guess I did forget to put the little smilie on my post. :D

But, don’t shoot the messenger. I’m sorry if that this is not some historically based conflict and instead is just another money grubbing despot trying to get the most he can out of the modern day commodity that keeps the world running.




It's worth researching the indochina war - you can wiki it. The French called it 'The Dirty War'

The Americans were providing financial aid to the French for decades before they got involved on a military level. Thailand was a base for the French and later the Americans who I believe built most the exisiting roads in Isaan to move there military arsenal around. Thai troops were fighting Cambodians not too long ago.

Then there is the ancient conflicts with the Khymer kingdom.

Thaksin has strong support in the Isaan region, some of which (buriram, Surin, Sisaket) are of Cambodian stock with Thai passports. It's the Isaan region that are the most loyal to his cause. Thaksin is hopeful that a potential turn of events at the highest level in the Thai hiarachy will provide room for him to squeeze himself back into Thai politics. Cambodian is a springboard with toys to barter for power back in Thailand


Dream on. This about Thaksin making a deal that if he gets back in power he will make concessions on the overlapping area in the Gulf. In return he gets a base and official Cambodian recognition very close to Thailand from which he can continue to stir up trouble. It also assures that no deal will be made with the current Thai government, depriving Thailand of the natural gas they are going to need in about 10 years so work needs to start now.



One factor that has not hitherto been mentioned is that when France, having its hands full when purporting to fight the invading Wehrmacht, could not defend Indo-China (present day Cambodia and Vietnam), the Japanese walked in and took possession. To gain Thai acquiescence of this, the Japanese offered them the lands west of the Mekhong and greed and self interest, those salient features of the Thai psyche, ensured that the offer was accepted. Whatever prevented Thailand from noticing the smile on the face of the tiger. Did they not take heed of events in Manchuria and, in particular, Nanking?

In 1945 when the unpleasantness was over the original border was reinstated and reparations enforced.

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