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Admin , Moderator, Super Moderator


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A moderator is responsible for just one forum, while a super moderator has more forums. Normaly a new moderator is just responsible for one forum and when he has gained more experience he will become a super moderator and deal with more forums.

A (super)moderator deals with the discussions on the forum. An administrator deals with more, like sponsors, web design, etc. They are also responsible for handeling complaints about the (super)moderators and have the final say.

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We can discuss the OP, but we can't violate rule 21. Don't swallow the troll's bait.

"Hierarchy" is


Super Moderator


Root Admin

This thread is of no interest to me personally as it's quite obvious what the roles of the hierarchy are but, you've got me confused.

Are you calling the OP a troll? if so, why would you even bother answering his question? Sorry, makes no sense to me at all.

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Maig06 is no Troll, a Troll will contribute to threads in a controversial manner to elicit responses that may, or may not gender retaliatory ripostes.

The posts intent are to draw others into a free for all that will have no bearing on the original thread title, or consequent responses, be lacking in substance, but can have a semblance of truth, or credibility, but be so outrageous that posters neither see the trap, or care little once they do.

Oh, hang on....................... :)

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Thank you, Mossfinn, for your excellent definition.

As far as I can see the OP’s question has been answered satisfactorily and exhaustively, except perhaps the Root Admin, which made me think of root canal treatment and this is not really far-fetched. When something goes askew with the root of ThaiVisa, for example with the underlying software or something like that, a root admin will jump into action to make sure that we all can enjoy the ThaiVisa forum without interruption, and he may initiate and/or implement ways to make the forum even more useful to its members, more user-friendly, etc.

So you may look upon the Root Admins as the roots of the ThaiVisa tree, the Admins as the trunk, the Mods as the branches, and the Members as the leaves dancing in the breeze and having a jolly good time.

Talking about hierarchy, one distinction that was mentioned some time ago in another topic in this forum is that moderators have the authority to issue warnings for violation of forum rules and where a ban is considered appropriate this will be carried out by an admin.

Incidentally, members can also exercise some degree of moderation activity by clicking on the REPORT button below a post that they find in violation of forum rules and this assistance is appreciated, most particularly when it helps to stop a spammer before he gets too many spam posts in. This cooperation from members is helping to maintain ThaiVisa a "clean" forum where members feel welcome and comfortable. Thank you all!

With this, I believe we can close this topic, not because anything inappropriate has been posted – which has not been the case – but because of the risk of a “free for all” which with this type of topic often ensues when everything that could be said has already been said.




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