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Case Of The Twisting Baby


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^ years ago some things use to alarm or disturb me ....... now I feel as if im always disturbed, only the level of disturbence changes from time to time :D

I could have told you that. :)

I thought that was well said :D .

P.S. Re

Why is it people like this are willing to accept as 'the rule' what someone says just because they are older than them, irregardless of what the common sense of it is? Imagine the world if we operated on these principals, we'd still be doing things as there were being done in day dot and there wouldnt even be such a place as thailand.

Correct; without this unmindful obedience Thailand would collapse. The North Koreans flee in droves, but ... :D .

Edited by WaiWai
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I have a frustrating story that happened to me last January. I was in the town of Kanchanaburi with some of the Thai family I look after: the mother and the two younger kids (10 and 8 yrs old). The kids love to swim and hike so I wanted to take them to the Mt Erawan waterfalls for a day. The children were really looking forward to it, as was I. I had set up a good deal with a local driver to take us to the falls and bring us back later in the afternoon for 1000 baht. Then the mother of the children got the bright idea that her sister should drive us.

I thought okay, it's keeping the money in the family, so no problem. I don't mind spending a little more and offered to pay the sister 2000 baht. What I didn't count on was the brother, sister in law and little baby were coming along as well. And, instead of arriving at 9 in the morning like we had planned, they arrived at noon because they came from Luk Kae (40 km closer to Bangkok). That meant the children had to be fed before we left. Then, because it is a National park I had to pay for everyone. No big deal. I also paid for a big lunch for everyone. Again, no big deal. But, it meant instead of hiking up to the top of the falls, everyone but the kids and I stayed down at the bottom. I took the kids on a short hike instead of a long one like we first intended. Then, the other adults (?) decided they wanted to see a certain temple. I was the odd man out and went along with the other's decision because I had no idea where the temple was. I thought is was some place nearby. That was my mistake.

We all piled back into the truck and started driving, and driving, and driving, and passed right through Kanchanaburi where my hotel was located. But, we didn't stop there. We kept right on driving, and driving, and driving, and right through the little Thai village where the family lives. We finally found the temple they were looking for... a few kilometers outside of Bangkok. It was dark out, it was cold, and 4 of us were huddled in the back of the little pickup truck on the metal frame. We did about a 15 minute tour of the temple and then had to head back to Kanchanaburi. I was so pissed off I said just let me out and I'd take a bus back to Kanchanaburi. I got back to my hotel at 11 at night and the family still had to take the children back to Luk Kae. It completely ruined my day with the kids. We sat for 5 hours in the back of a pickup truck for a 15 minute stop at some temple I've seen a few times before.

After that I vowed NEVER to allow Thais to make any plans that included me.

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There was another time when the lady of the house was telling us of her ghost experiences, supposedly there was a ghost in the field behind her house which she would see at night with her own eyes from time to time.

Her neighbour admitted that he himself had never seen this ghost even though he has kept an eye out for it, especially as he is known to walk through that very field himself at night sometimes when returning home drunk from a friends house.

Knowing the solution of 2+2, I offered the obvious answer to the mystery of the haunted field but alas... "This is Thailand, yadda yadda etc."

And the eeriest part of the tale was the frightening wailing of the vengeful spirit as it wandered the haunted field for all eternity

"4 and 20 virgins came down from Inverness...."

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After we bought our new car last fall, my wife kept insisting I check the coolant level. I said not to worry, its a new car and the "water" is ok. I told her I've worked on many car repairs over the years and I know what I am talking about. Yeah, sure, right. A year later I am still checking the water often per her insistence. I just do it. I give up. I've given up on a lot of things.

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Why is it people like this are willing to accept as 'the rule' what someone says just because they are older than them, irregardless of what the common sense of it is?

That's one thing that makes me smile about Thai culture. My sister in law is about 3 years older than me and had a flat battery in her driveway. She lives near us so I popped round with my jump leads to help out. She kept asking my wife if I knew what I was doing despite my wife telling her that my father owned a vehicle recovery and haulage firm and that I'd jump started 100s of cars. MY SIL wanted to wait for her dad (my FIL) to come and sort it out. For Christ's sake. He owns a furniture company. He'd most probably get the cables on the wrong terminal and have the battery blow up in his face. :D

I have a similar story, I have, an 4x4 pick-up and 6 months ago, one morning, it wouldn't start, OK, so I go and get a mechanic from my local garage. He has a look and tells me I need a new Battery, fine no worries sound right. Long story short! New battery fitted all OK.... so I think. Well I don't use my pick-up every day, sometimes a week or two apart. Next time I come to use the motor..... Flat Battery!!!!!! Mechanic out, new bty in, no charge, or attempt to charge, (me! Not the bty) all working, 4 days later Flat again..... Hang in there its coming! So! To my mind, I'm no electrical mechanic, but this to me is a leaky earth! I have been to, what feels like every garage in N Thailand to get it sorted, even the dealership, I tell them the history and what I think, I know big mistake!!! Every single garage Knows what the problem is! With a wary smile and shit eating grin, (dumb Falang) they tell me really, really slow so I can understand, "It you batrry" and just want to send me away with a new battery........ I've given up!!! And have now bought a bty charger. I get so mad, My wife to whom I took a long time explanting, and she do's understand what I'm saying, will go all "flip flop" at the first sign of a Thai telling her that he, (me) is a falang........... what do's he know!!!

Thats so funny (from here) but for you it must be so bloooooooody frustrating. It reminds me of the time I wanted to put air in the tyres at the local service station and the little tyre dude was the only one allowed to operate the air pump. Anyway, so there he is blowing in the air and im telling him enuf and im standing by with my tyre guage to check the pressure (he had the bottle of gas, no guage). He laughs at me and jokes with me about why farang need guage :) .

He then commenced to joke with his friend there staying things like, why the farang want me to put the air in, so he can let it out & he doesnt know about tyres you just keep pumping them up until their full, guage not needed. I have since bought my own compressor to do the tyres, just so i dont have to deal with all these types of brain surgeons.

Its the level of stupidity here in LOS that never ceases to amaze me. :D

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^ years ago some things use to alarm or disturb me ....... now I feel as if im always disturbed, only the level of disturbence changes from time to time :D

I could have told you that. :)

Dont worry harcourt, Ive been told by more highly qualified persons than yourself :D:D

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I have a frustrating story that happened to me last January. I was in the town of Kanchanaburi with some of the Thai family I look after: the mother and the two younger kids (10 and 8 yrs old). The kids love to swim and hike so I wanted to take them to the Mt Erawan waterfalls for a day. The children were really looking forward to it, as was I. I had set up a good deal with a local driver to take us to the falls and bring us back later in the afternoon for 1000 baht. Then the mother of the children got the bright idea that her sister should drive us.

I thought okay, it's keeping the money in the family, so no problem. I don't mind spending a little more and offered to pay the sister 2000 baht. What I didn't count on was the brother, sister in law and little baby were coming along as well. And, instead of arriving at 9 in the morning like we had planned, they arrived at noon because they came from Luk Kae (40 km closer to Bangkok). That meant the children had to be fed before we left. Then, because it is a National park I had to pay for everyone. No big deal. I also paid for a big lunch for everyone. Again, no big deal. But, it meant instead of hiking up to the top of the falls, everyone but the kids and I stayed down at the bottom. I took the kids on a short hike instead of a long one like we first intended. Then, the other adults (?) decided they wanted to see a certain temple. I was the odd man out and went along with the other's decision because I had no idea where the temple was. I thought is was some place nearby. That was my mistake.

We all piled back into the truck and started driving, and driving, and driving, and passed right through Kanchanaburi where my hotel was located. But, we didn't stop there. We kept right on driving, and driving, and driving, and right through the little Thai village where the family lives. We finally found the temple they were looking for... a few kilometers outside of Bangkok. It was dark out, it was cold, and 4 of us were huddled in the back of the little pickup truck on the metal frame. We did about a 15 minute tour of the temple and then had to head back to Kanchanaburi. I was so pissed off I said just let me out and I'd take a bus back to Kanchanaburi. I got back to my hotel at 11 at night and the family still had to take the children back to Luk Kae. It completely ruined my day with the kids. We sat for 5 hours in the back of a pickup truck for a 15 minute stop at some temple I've seen a few times before.

After that I vowed NEVER to allow Thais to make any plans that included me.

Ian, I avoid getting into the back of the family pickup at virtually all cost with the exception of a short jaunt into the local town to visit tesco lotus or something.

Im also amazed at some of the lack of planning and spontaneousity of some of the family trips, similar to the one you have described. Sometimes its just a matter of one family member muttering a few words and next minute theres a dozen bodies in the back of the vigo and their off on a 3 day roadtrip :)

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After we bought our new car last fall, my wife kept insisting I check the coolant level. I said not to worry, its a new car and the "water" is ok. I told her I've worked on many car repairs over the years and I know what I am talking about. Yeah, sure, right. A year later I am still checking the water often per her insistence. I just do it. I give up. I've given up on a lot of things.

You see the wife is right about your water ole mate.......back in 1984 a friend of the neighbour down the road, you see, his 20 year old car suddenly ran out of water (or coolant) over about a 5 year period and 100,000km and the cars engine seized........So the wifes brain is locked into that exact moment she heard the story & she applies it to all vehicular situations. :)

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What is it exactly that makes Thais like this? Even intelligent, educated Thais.

The water in the radiator thing...I can relate totally.

As for air in the tyres!!! She bought a new car recently and so clucks over it alot....refills the tyres every week, etc. The tyres have the recommended pressures printed on them so I fill them to that amount....not good enough: the kitchen hand at a friend's Thai restaurant (KITCHEN HAND, with no education and no English language!!!!) told her something else...so I am wrong, and the tyre manufacturer is wrong.

Filling up the petrol, I always selct "fill" and the bowser pumps untill some back-pressure stops it.

GF says, don't selct "fill", but select an amount ($70, say) because you lose all the petrol in the hose.


I tried to reason with her that either way, there is always some petrol left in the hose and I pay for whatever I get. No, her sister's BF told her that selecting a specific amount means you lose nothing. Sister's BF is a scientist or mathematician or something? No. Uneducated, unemployed.....but still smarter than me.

I've actually become offended with this attitude from her and it has caused problems. Now, when I stand my ground with real science or logic backing me up, I'm a stubborn fool.

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What is it exactly that makes Thais like this? Even intelligent, educated Thais.

The water in the radiator thing...I can relate totally.

As for air in the tyres!!! She bought a new car recently and so clucks over it alot....refills the tyres every week, etc. The tyres have the recommended pressures printed on them so I fill them to that amount....not good enough: the kitchen hand at a friend's Thai restaurant (KITCHEN HAND, with no education and no English language!!!!) told her something else...so I am wrong, and the tyre manufacturer is wrong.

Filling up the petrol, I always selct "fill" and the bowser pumps untill some back-pressure stops it.

GF says, don't selct "fill", but select an amount ($70, say) because you lose all the petrol in the hose.


I tried to reason with her that either way, there is always some petrol left in the hose and I pay for whatever I get. No, her sister's BF told her that selecting a specific amount means you lose nothing. Sister's BF is a scientist or mathematician or something? No. Uneducated, unemployed.....but still smarter than me.

I've actually become offended with this attitude from her and it has caused problems. Now, when I stand my ground with real science or logic backing me up, I'm a stubborn fool.

Try to think about it from the Thai perspective.

You might be smart. You might be able to read manufacturers instructions or use logical thought, but the general Thai benchmark for intelligence is very low. Then, because people in Thailand don't see you at work solving problems with your initiative or using independent thought, you're lumped with the rest of the population, with this similar benchmark for intelligence. If you say one thing and two Somchais say the opposite, unfortunately the Thai person will believe the Somchais over you. Saying that you went to university or whatever means nothing, since you seem to need to go to university here to get a job doing simple accounting.

You need to prove your credentials, somehow. If you can independently do something that will make Thais say "wow, he's so smart" then they might start to believe you. Otherwise you're just another uneducated and unemployed person, who just happens to have a lot of money, and people won't believe you over the average buffoon here.

Also you're going up against the fact that Thailand and Thai people are superior in every way to everyone else, as if there's no reason why 'farang have big money' ... it's an uphill battle.

Edited by Matan
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Harcourt, you make me laugh, u funny boi!

Mate, I couldnt be jacked taking them on, you're better of just dismissing what is being said and continuing on your way, elsewise it becomes like banging your head on a brick wall.

Special note regarding the twisting baby, the grandfather has also now stopped using the washing machine himself (or should I say leaving his dirty washing in the basket) and now looks at me like im some kind of stunt man every time i go near it :)

.....being the prickk I am, Im going out to buy another one, a much bigger one, I really feel the power of intimidation here :D

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. Uneducated, unemployed.....but still smarter than me.

I've actually become offended with this attitude from her and it has caused problems. Now, when I stand my ground with real science or logic backing me up, I'm a stubborn fool.


Be careful when you think you have won the day and your Thai wife says "yes, you have logic!" a few months ago for a few weeks when ever me and Thai wife were in discussions over anything.....instead of the normal....total 100% disagreement she was saying "yes, you have logic" and i was taken aback and thought wow..she is listening to reason and seeing things logically as i am explaining the situation....

NOT, she was speaking Thai and English mixed... Thai word = logic = brain disease!!!! :D "You have logic(brain disease)" and i was saying yes, and agreeing. For weeks we had no major discussions ..it was a golden couple of weeks..my Thai logic..... :D

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After we bought our new car last fall, my wife kept insisting I check the coolant level. I said not to worry, its a new car and the "water" is ok. I told her I've worked on many car repairs over the years and I know what I am talking about. Yeah, sure, right. A year later I am still checking the water often per her insistence. I just do it. I give up. I've given up on a lot of things.

You see the wife is right about your water ole mate.......back in 1984 a friend of the neighbour down the road, you see, his 20 year old car suddenly ran out of water (or coolant) over about a 5 year period and 100,000km and the cars engine seized........So the wifes brain is locked into that exact moment she heard the story & she applies it to all vehicular situations. :)

YES, exactly! Locked in, never to be budged!

Another thing I have given up on is trying to tell them I've learned the directions to somewhere now. Once I made the wrong turn in the Saraburi highway loops and had to make a turn around to remedy it. Now, of course it is understood by EVERYBODY that I will ALWAYS make that same wrong turn, being the stupid farang I am. And I am reminded constantly of my error. Burns my bloody blood.

BTW mate neverdie, I woke up pissed off about the grandfather being so bloody stupid as to believe a rotating washer would cause a twisting baby! Your post has, once again my friend, made it into my subconscious! :D


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. Uneducated, unemployed.....but still smarter than me.

I've actually become offended with this attitude from her and it has caused problems. Now, when I stand my ground with real science or logic backing me up, I'm a stubborn fool.


Be careful when you think you have won the day and your Thai wife says "yes, you have logic!" a few months ago for a few weeks when ever me and Thai wife were in discussions over anything.....instead of the normal....total 100% disagreement she was saying "yes, you have logic" and i was taken aback and thought wow..she is listening to reason and seeing things logically as i am explaining the situation....

NOT, she was speaking Thai and English mixed... Thai word = logic = brain disease!!!! :D "You have logic(brain disease)" and i was saying yes, and agreeing. For weeks we had no major discussions ..it was a golden couple of weeks..my Thai logic..... :D

:D:) thats beautiful, exactly one of the reasons I bother turning thaivisa on, is to hear stories like that, THANKS :D

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BTW mate neverdie, I woke up pissed off about the grandfather being so bloody stupid as to believe a rotating washer would cause a twisting baby! Your post has, once again my friend, made it into my subconscious! :)


I am truely sorry if I have interferred with your brain, I have a habit of doing that to people. I have the telephone number and an account with a good psychiatrist if you so feel the need :D

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What is it exactly that makes Thais like this? Even intelligent, educated Thais.

The water in the radiator thing...I can relate totally.

As for air in the tyres!!! She bought a new car recently and so clucks over it alot....refills the tyres every week, etc. The tyres have the recommended pressures printed on them so I fill them to that amount....not good enough: the kitchen hand at a friend's Thai restaurant (KITCHEN HAND, with no education and no English language!!!!) told her something else...so I am wrong, and the tyre manufacturer is wrong.

Filling up the petrol, I always selct "fill" and the bowser pumps untill some back-pressure stops it.

GF says, don't selct "fill", but select an amount ($70, say) because you lose all the petrol in the hose.


I tried to reason with her that either way, there is always some petrol left in the hose and I pay for whatever I get. No, her sister's BF told her that selecting a specific amount means you lose nothing. Sister's BF is a scientist or mathematician or something? No. Uneducated, unemployed.....but still smarter than me.

I've actually become offended with this attitude from her and it has caused problems. Now, when I stand my ground with real science or logic backing me up, I'm a stubborn fool.

tell her you're filling up the hose for the next person because the person before you filled up the hose for you. If you leave 'air' in the hose (i know, there's no air in the hose) a ghost will get in your car/get bad luck.

If science won't work maybe a ghost will do the trick?

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Earlier this year I went to Hua Hin for the weekend with a friend of mine. She is early thirties, educated, etc, etc. We are getting ready for bed and she comes out of the bathroom after brushing her teeth and proceeds to kneel on the bed and pray! I am sitting there thinking <deleted>, she's never done this before? When she finishes, I ask her what that was all about, and she tells me there are ghosts around here! Then she has me check that all the windows and doors are locked and insists that we have to sleep with all the lights on. This happened both nights we were there! I do get a laugh out of it now but was not too amused at the time.

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Earlier this year I went to Hua Hin for the weekend with a friend of mine. She is early thirties, educated, etc, etc. We are getting ready for bed and she comes out of the bathroom after brushing her teeth and proceeds to kneel on the bed and pray! I am sitting there thinking <deleted>, she's never done this before? When she finishes, I ask her what that was all about, and she tells me there are ghosts around here! Then she has me check that all the windows and doors are locked and insists that we have to sleep with all the lights on. This happened both nights we were there! I do get a laugh out of it now but was not too amused at the time.

Well, if the lights are on then there isn't much sense in trying to sleep is there. After a few times of all night playing, she'll be HAPPY to have the lights turned out... ghosts or not. :):D

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What is it exactly that makes Thais like this? Even intelligent, educated Thais.

The water in the radiator thing...I can relate totally.

As for air in the tyres!!! She bought a new car recently and so clucks over it alot....refills the tyres every week, etc. The tyres have the recommended pressures printed on them so I fill them to that amount....not good enough: the kitchen hand at a friend's Thai restaurant (KITCHEN HAND, with no education and no English language!!!!) told her something else...so I am wrong, and the tyre manufacturer is wrong.

Filling up the petrol, I always selct "fill" and the bowser pumps untill some back-pressure stops it.

GF says, don't selct "fill", but select an amount ($70, say) because you lose all the petrol in the hose.


I tried to reason with her that either way, there is always some petrol left in the hose and I pay for whatever I get. No, her sister's BF told her that selecting a specific amount means you lose nothing. Sister's BF is a scientist or mathematician or something? No. Uneducated, unemployed.....but still smarter than me.

I've actually become offended with this attitude from her and it has caused problems. Now, when I stand my ground with real science or logic backing me up, I'm a stubborn fool.

tell her you're filling up the hose for the next person because the person before you filled up the hose for you. If you leave 'air' in the hose (i know, there's no air in the hose) a ghost will get in your car/get bad luck.

If science won't work maybe a ghost will do the trick?

Funny. I know what you're saying......but here's the thing: the inconsistancy!!! Because she is actually intelligent and educated. If I said something about ghosts, if she thought I was serious, she'd laugh at me, saying I'm ignorant, and if she thought I was taking the piss, she'd say don't make jokes about ghosts, "you don't know that it's not true".

Furthermore, if I make the throw-away comment, "I just can't win, can I?", she says, "Do you have to win me all the time?" ("win me" = beat me (in competition)).

I started making bets with her; If I'm wrong, $50 to her, if I'm right, she pays me $50. (She has the dosh).

Having lost a couple of times, she doesn't make bets for money anymore, instead wagers things like who does the dishes.

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After we bought our new car last fall, my wife kept insisting I check the coolant level. I said not to worry, its a new car and the "water" is ok. I told her I've worked on many car repairs over the years and I know what I am talking about. Yeah, sure, right. A year later I am still checking the water often per her insistence. I just do it. I give up. I've given up on a lot of things.

Ive noticed a lot of the queer ideas involve cars and Thai females..my experiences:

If i go over a bump doing more than 20kmph she hits the roof (tho not literally!)...because it will BREAK the car...yet its ok for her or her brother to go over bumps at 100 :D

A general service MUST cost no less than 5000 baht (no matter what work is done) OR the car will die :D

Must always have a newish car and must constantly spend thousands upgrading as older cars DIE on the highway :D

The aircon will break if its not turned on and off each time before starting/turning off engine :D , (although after doing this for 6 months her (newish car) still needed 4000 worth of work done on the aircon. :)

And may i add...the most annoying and wasteful of all...leaving the aircon on constantly,even when its not cold she will turn up the temp up and tuen the fans down but refuses to turn the air con off and just use the fan :D

No amount of lectures from me or anyone else will ever change any of these beliefs

I must point out that i had nothing to do with paying for the car or its upkeep, so in this regard im happy to remain "the stupid farang"

And i guess i shouldnt be the one to lecture...As far as thai girls and silly ideas go i am usually up for a "trade in" every 12 months or so :D

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The aircon will break if its not turned on and off each time before starting/turning off engine :D , (although after doing this for 6 months her (newish car) still needed 4000 worth of work done on the aircon. :)

:D Are you married to my wife too???

Exactly the same, when i drive the car i just switch off the ignition and that kills the aircon, when she gets in and starts the ignition and the aircon is already on...i get the verbals about sia/phaang..... never quite managed to extract the full knowledge from her what will be sia/phaang...

Just make sure you turn on/off air con before/after ignition otherwise sia/phaang! :D

You cannot win any situation here with your Thai spouse/wife...i was trying to get a definite answer from mine the other day so i wouldn't make another flup.up about something as she beliefs everything i do i flup up... her exact answer "sometimes yes, sometimes no, sometimes maybe!" :D:D

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Funny. I know what you're saying......but here's the thing: the inconsistancy!!! Because she is actually intelligent and educated. If I said something about ghosts, if she thought I was serious, she'd laugh at me, saying I'm ignorant, and if she thought I was taking the piss, she'd say don't make jokes about ghosts, "you don't know that it's not true".

Furthermore, if I make the throw-away comment, "I just can't win, can I?", she says, "Do you have to win me all the time?" ("win me" = beat me (in competition)).

I started making bets with her; If I'm wrong, $50 to her, if I'm right, she pays me $50. (She has the dosh).

Having lost a couple of times, she doesn't make bets for money anymore, instead wagers things like who does the dishes.

hmm yeah inconsistancy i reckon that would p1ss me off too. Whatever stance you take you're wrong. My ex g/f (English) very well educated, bright, funny, intelligent etc. once had a right go at me, and I mean really started to tell me off, as we were driving through London. It went something like this...

her 'did you just go through a green light?' me 'ummm'

her 'you did! I saw that light, it was green!' me 'umm'

her '<deleted> are you trying to do? kill us both? me 'umm'

her 'well that's just bloody typical..blah blah blah (off on a great big rant about all kinds of unrelated stuff, her mother, her father, my mother my father etc. etc.) me 'umm, honey?'

her 'rant rant rant' me 'umm honey? the light was GREEN!'

her 'yes i know!.......(pause) oh yes, green is ok isn't it?.....well you were driving too fast anyway'.....followed by sulking for an hour.

Again, an otherwise perfectly reasonable intelligent woman, late twenties, responsible job, street wise (ok maybe not about traffic lights) displaying an alarming ignorance of an everyday phenomenon and, somehow, simultaneously being able to prove (to herself anyway) that this was indicative of MY stupidity!

After a while I just agreed with her all the time, again, that seemed to prove how stupid I was! Eventually I agreed with that too :)

Edited by bifftastic
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Earlier this year I went to Hua Hin for the weekend with a friend of mine. She is early thirties, educated, etc, etc. We are getting ready for bed and she comes out of the bathroom after brushing her teeth and proceeds to kneel on the bed and pray! I am sitting there thinking <deleted>, she's never done this before? When she finishes, I ask her what that was all about, and she tells me there are ghosts around here! Then she has me check that all the windows and doors are locked and insists that we have to sleep with all the lights on. This happened both nights we were there! I do get a laugh out of it now but was not too amused at the time.

Well, if the lights are on then there isn't much sense in trying to sleep is there. After a few times of all night playing, she'll be HAPPY to have the lights turned out... ghosts or not. :):D

:D Ohhh Ian, YOU really crack me up, how come just about everything comes back to your penis? Lights are on, must mean play time......lights are out, must mean play time........out for a nite on the town, must mean play time :D MADNESS! :D

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BTW mate neverdie, I woke up pissed off about the grandfather being so bloody stupid as to believe a rotating washer would cause a twisting baby! Your post has, once again my friend, made it into my subconscious! :)


I am truely sorry if I have interferred with your brain, I have a habit of doing that to people. I have the telephone number and an account with a good psychiatrist if you so feel the need :D

I called but unfortunately he said he was just today booked solid for the next several weeks. Said something about a strange aussie client who had been seeing "stars" , or not seeing them, or something. :D

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