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Case Of The Twisting Baby


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Be careful when you think you have won the day and your Thai wife says "yes, you have logic!" a few months ago for a few weeks when ever me and Thai wife were in discussions over anything.....instead of the normal....total 100% disagreement she was saying "yes, you have logic" and i was taken aback and thought wow..she is listening to reason and seeing things logically as i am explaining the situation....

NOT, she was speaking Thai and English mixed... Thai word = logic = brain disease!!!! :D "You have logic(brain disease)" and i was saying yes, and agreeing. For weeks we had no major discussions ..it was a golden couple of weeks..my Thai logic..... :D

:D:) thats beautiful, exactly one of the reasons I bother turning thaivisa on, is to hear stories like that, THANKS :D

"Thai word = logic = brain disease"

:D Yes, I nominate for "ThaiVisa Quote of the Week" !

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...and even more westerners read and BELIEVE all that astrology claptrap! :)

That's typical trait of a Leo:

Generous and warmhearted; Creative and enthusiastic; Broad-minded and expansive; Faithful and loving but lacking faith in the controlling powers of the Sun's energy and the moon-beams on their own persona.


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I have a frustrating story that happened to me last January. I was in the town of Kanchanaburi with some of the Thai family I look after: the mother and the two younger kids (10 and 8 yrs old). The kids love to swim and hike so I wanted to take them to the Mt Erawan waterfalls for a day. The children were really looking forward to it, as was I. I had set up a good deal with a local driver to take us to the falls and bring us back later in the afternoon for 1000 baht. Then the mother of the children got the bright idea that her sister should drive us.

I thought okay, it's keeping the money in the family, so no problem. I don't mind spending a little more and offered to pay the sister 2000 baht. What I didn't count on was the brother, sister in law and little baby were coming along as well. And, instead of arriving at 9 in the morning like we had planned, they arrived at noon because they came from Luk Kae (40 km closer to Bangkok). That meant the children had to be fed before we left. Then, because it is a National park I had to pay for everyone. No big deal. I also paid for a big lunch for everyone. Again, no big deal. But, it meant instead of hiking up to the top of the falls, everyone but the kids and I stayed down at the bottom. I took the kids on a short hike instead of a long one like we first intended. Then, the other adults (?) decided they wanted to see a certain temple. I was the odd man out and went along with the other's decision because I had no idea where the temple was. I thought is was some place nearby. That was my mistake.

We all piled back into the truck and started driving, and driving, and driving, and passed right through Kanchanaburi where my hotel was located. But, we didn't stop there. We kept right on driving, and driving, and driving, and right through the little Thai village where the family lives. We finally found the temple they were looking for... a few kilometers outside of Bangkok. It was dark out, it was cold, and 4 of us were huddled in the back of the little pickup truck on the metal frame. We did about a 15 minute tour of the temple and then had to head back to Kanchanaburi. I was so pissed off I said just let me out and I'd take a bus back to Kanchanaburi. I got back to my hotel at 11 at night and the family still had to take the children back to Luk Kae. It completely ruined my day with the kids. We sat for 5 hours in the back of a pickup truck for a 15 minute stop at some temple I've seen a few times before.

After that I vowed NEVER to allow Thais to make any plans that included me.

Ian, I avoid getting into the back of the family pickup at virtually all cost with the exception of a short jaunt into the local town to visit tesco lotus or something.

Im also amazed at some of the lack of planning and spontaneousity of some of the family trips, similar to the one you have described. Sometimes its just a matter of one family member muttering a few words and next minute theres a dozen bodies in the back of the vigo and their off on a 3 day roadtrip :)

Every morning when I wake up I dread the 'Mum say we have to go to [insert some wat, market or relative] now' Now means like now.

Unless it's an establishment, it will be 50% likely that the recipient of this visit is closed or away. I constantly insist that they phone ahead to check, but they just think I am an anal falang. Go with the flow or go nuts

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Talking about superstition ,my wife comes from a quite well to do familly,yet we have to have a small turtle in the bedroom also the bedroom door has to be kept closed when we are not in there ,so its not just Isaan familys,however my wife says its feng shui. all b-llocks to me.

I bought a book on Feng Shui, when I got home I couldn't decide where to put it. :)

Thank you geek, You must have the Steven Wright gene


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