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Hun Sen: Thaksin Will Visit Phnom Penh On Thursday


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Wonder why the Thaksin lecture seems to have been brought forward from Thurs to today?

That is an interesting question

"very busy man"!

or a simple tactical maneuvering "stage the show now", who knows what is going to happen after the "times Bomb" went public...

... but credentials to whom, who deserves credentials, no matter what the price, he remains on the top of the news...

...stirring the pot..."

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I agree with Plachon that ASEAN is largely ineffective politically.

However, if you go the route of interfering in another country's business then that's clearly Thailand interfering in Cambodia.. Thaksin is a private person; he can do what he wants, he is only responsible for his own actions and can do anything he wants, from trading diamonds in Africa to doing a seminar in Phnom Penh. The Thai government on the other hand is responsible for 60 million Thais. In theory anyway. They're the ones making drama about it like Channel 7 soap TV ladies, trying to make it sound as if some country hiring an unemployed economic advisor is somehow about them, or an act of treason worthy of the death penalty. Please; if they didn't want him doing work elsewhere then maybe they shouldn't have supported a coup to remove him. :)

Oh come on. Thaksin has been found guilty in a Thai court and whatever you think of the verdict no neighbour would go offering governmental jobs to the guy unless they want a bad relationship. And of course it is interfering in Thailand's affiars and Hun Sen knows it and desont care. I agree that Thaksin is a private person but this about the government of Cambodia trying to rile the Thai government which is fair enough when it comes to Hun Sen saying horrible things adn Kasit before him. That happens on a dialy basis world wide including by western countries. However, offering a job to a convicted fugitive ex-PM (technically he is whether you or I like it) is definitely overstepping the mark (excuse the pun)

You usually make good points no need to be disingeneous on this one.

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Oh... alright then. Hun Sen probably does get a kick out of stirring up Thailand, and it's pretty much Thaskins full time day job. But why the people in/around the Thai government are such knee-jerk suckers for it is beyond me. Make a snide or sarcastic remark or whatever and go back to fixing the economy already. Come next election they will be judged on how well they've managed the Thai economy. They will be judged by votes, not Academy Awards for their drama performance.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Oh... alright then. Hun Sen probably does get a kick out of stirring up Thailand, and it's pretty much Thaskins full time day job. But why the people in/around the Thai government are such knee-jerk suckers for it is beyond me. Make a snide or sarcastic remark or whatever and go back to fixing the economy already. Come next election they will be judged on how well they've managed the Thai economy. They will be judged by votes, not Academy Awards for their drama performance.

Personally I thought Abhisit's please clarify this interview was actually about right. Kasit and some others seemed to go over the top. However, Im not Thai and it is not exaclty the kind of thing Im going to ask about down the local market so I am not sure how out of touch their reactions actually were.

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Could it now be that Thaksin is simply bent on making Thailand's role in ASEAN as difficult as possible this weekend...?

"Wild" is a bit of an understatement to describe his actions recently. Guess the real intentions will be known sooner or later...

That's perspective. I think it's primarily the Thai government's response that was wild. Recalling their ambassador from a country they should be building mutually beneficial relations with, for... for what?

Honestly, there's a whole country and economy out there that needs running, and they're running around like headless chickens.

Thaksin is not a private person.

As Thai PM he signed various agreements including the MOU with Cambodia- to then go and work for the other side, knowing all the details of the Thai side is unethical and/or treacherous. Even his own party know it.

The government's responses have been measured, Apisit maturely pointing out that you have to differentiate between private and public interests, something neither Thaksin nor Hun Sen are capable of.

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I agree with Plachon that ASEAN is largely ineffective politically.

However, if you go the route of interfering in another country's business then that's clearly Thailand interfering in Cambodia.. Thaksin is a private person; he can do what he wants, he is only responsible for his own actions and can do anything he wants, from trading diamonds in Africa to doing a seminar in Phnom Penh. The Thai government on the other hand is responsible for 60 million Thais. In theory anyway. They're the ones making drama about it like Channel 7 soap TV ladies, trying to make it sound as if some country hiring an unemployed economic advisor is somehow about them, or an act of treason worthy of the death penalty. Please; if they didn't want him doing work elsewhere then maybe they shouldn't have supported a coup to remove him. :)

Oh come on. Thaksin has been found guilty in a Thai court and whatever you think of the verdict no neighbour would go offering governmental jobs to the guy unless they want a bad relationship. And of course it is interfering in Thailand's affiars and Hun Sen knows it and desont care. I agree that Thaksin is a private person but this about the government of Cambodia trying to rile the Thai government which is fair enough when it comes to Hun Sen saying horrible things adn Kasit before him. That happens on a dialy basis world wide including by western countries. However, offering a job to a convicted fugitive ex-PM (technically he is whether you or I like it) is definitely overstepping the mark (excuse the pun)

You usually make good points no need to be disingeneous on this one.

It's more than hard to imagine a valid or viable argument in support of Thaksin and Hun Sen. The Red forumists are reaching for pure air in trying to explain this one.

Anyway, I still wonder if Thaksin is going to meet with Isaan people and others, or might go to the Thai border. It could be - could be - Thaksin moved up his arrival date to be in Cambodia for more than one day and to, shall we say, get around the countryside a bit, towards the Thai-Cambodian border but not across it.

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The Cambodian gov't probably should not have offered him a job, but let's remember their take on the situation is that his crimes are 'politically motivated'. The Thai gov't doesn't come off looking very good with it's serious overreaction to the situation.

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let's remember their take on the situation is that his crimes are 'politically motivated'.

Ehh, you mean the charges are politically motivated right.. His crimes were motivated by financial gain.. Oh shit, wait... Let me try again: ...... :)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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The Cambodian gov't probably should not have offered him a job, but let's remember their take on the situation is that his crimes are 'politically motivated'. The Thai gov't doesn't come off looking very good with it's serious overreaction to the situation.

It's Hun Sen's take, not the Cambodian people's, and hiding behind that' polically motivated' nonsense are several vested interests with Thaksin,either on a personal basis or with Thaksin as PM.

The Thai people certainly don't think the government has overreacted, look at the polls.

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This just in from Thaksin:

"Today I arrived in Phnom Penh. I miss home a lot. Tonight I will meet and have dinner with Mr. Hun Sen's family. I would like to repeat that my country, religion and the monarchy are always in my heart."

I've got that at 202 characters.

For 31 characters, he could of "twittered" I've made a monumental balls up.

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This just in from Thaksin:

"Today I arrived in Phnom Penh. I miss home a lot. Tonight I will meet and have dinner with Mr. Hun Sen's family. I would like to repeat that my country, religion and the monarchy are always in my heart."

So I guess now that Thaksin has <deleted> (to use Colbert language) I guess we can assume that he is either twittering more frequently, or, as most now describe him, he is just a f&*king twit.

Let's face it, he can come home any time he wants.

If it was good enough for Mandela and the Hurricane to do time when they did nothing wrong and good enough for Milosovic and Fujimori to face the music (two also elected leaders who were even worse possibly at running anything), surely he can take one for the red shirt team and do a spot of time given that he clearly DID cheat in the asset declaration, making a mockery of the 1997 constitution; he obviously rigged the land purchase (as anyone in property can tell you based on 3 TRT families bidding on the same plot) and was found guilty of that; he surely can be willing to front up and face the rest of his charges head on like a man. His cabinet did, don't know why he didn't even have a pair to show up when his mob whipped up in frenzy were running amok in Bangkok and Pattaya after he urged them to bring their children in a celebration of democracy no less!

His wife got caught making fraudulent documents, the son was caught cheating in university, the dad was caught cheating in his asset declaration. He even admitted it, I think he called it 'an honest mistake'

So obviously......he is innocent LOL.

What is it with these PPP/PTP sissies? First we have Chalerm's son doing a runner to escape charges of murder - admittedly it worked and Thaksin's then incumbent TRT didn't exactly investigate much when all the witnesses disappeared, nor even take any action against Chalerm, in fact I think they were quite proud of the aiding and abetting. Then we have Wattana Asavahame hanging in Cambo. We have Jakapop in someone's pants parts unknown. And the entire Shinwatra family absent in April during the riots. And Thaksin he flies in kissing the ground like a hero while all his suck up fan squad greet him at Suvarnabhumi but when he realises he hasn't been able to fool enough people he flies back out?

Basically, he is too much of a girly girl to show up in court against these additional charges. And he says my country? Nah mate, you would rather help Hun Sen than 'your country'

If I was his highly paid PR advisor writing twits for him, right now I'd be saying:

Today I arrived in Phnom Penh. I miss home a lot, I hope P Jaew can teach me how to grow a pair and persuade me to take off this training bra, so I stop acting like a girly girl and come back and face the music I created (and not in Lydia or Mai's pants either).

You can read it in my own twittering threads, if you know where to look.

And lest it be said I am sexist, let me remind you PTP types that Chavalit was the twitterer who proposed that men shouldn't be allowed to talk on mobiles while driving in case their wives nagged them. It was only when Herr Square Face reminded him to stop playing with the ARPUs that Chavalit went back to the usual senile rants which have earned him the title of 'yes he's very very stupid.....but he's also stupid'

The <deleted> has spoken.

Edited by steveromagnino
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Rumour has spreaded Thaksin may not accept position of Cambodia's economic adviser to reduce political pressure and anger among Thais.

His signature!

First say something damaging, or accuse someone, then deny to have ever said something like it!

Damage done!

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I am eager to hear it explained how a former PM becoming a puppet for a Khmer warlord is in "Thailand's best interest". Im sure the reds will have an answer though.

Yes, some of the Red forumists are trying to concoct something that in this case is at least marginally reasonable but are quite at a loss. When I asked the question at another thread a Red poster's best reply was the rediculous question of why do we always have to ask about the best interests of Thailand, a question which reveals the clear implication among Thaksin's own Reds that his latest stunt with Hun Sen is not in the best interests of Thailand.

This royal appointment of Thaksin to be advisor to the government of Cambodia is so far out in deep space that it's not discernable with the strongest telescope. Further, Thaksin's The Times Online statements were not spontaneous or off the cuff, as he has thought these things through from his own perspecitve and self interest long ago. I wonder how the interveiw was initiated, did Thaksin invite Mr. Parry or vice versa? The matter of who intitiated the deep space interview might be illuminating, because if it were Thaksin then we'd see a clearer picture of his spastic grand plan.

Even Thaksin's own PTP members are divided on the appointment in Cambodia. Thaksin is a divider, he's a natural born conflict of interest and he is a meglomaniac.

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Interestingly TAN have story that PTP (or at least a group of leading members) asked Thaksin not to take the role as it affected popularity:


My wifes theory:

It is one of the usual Chavalit plans.

First he took Thaksins money and get PTP leader.

Than he talk Thaksin into this crazy idea. Than he distance himself from it and let all the complains fall on Thaksin

At the end he is the Party leader someone else financed.


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