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What On Earth Did I Do To You?


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You're back to three stars;

you're very welcome.

I didn't even know there were stars, or that anyone cared. :D

But now that I do know, I think I want them. Can you return the favor and give me a bunch? :D

I tried winnie, I tried, but apparently a person can only vote once, unless of course they want to change their vote for you, up or down and then they can vote again. UNFORTUNATELY dude, you must have read out some real truths on the forum and despite my vote of 5 stars, your still listed as a lowly 1. Dont worry, at least you cant go to zero, so theres only one way from here :D

I been wondering a loong time why i only have 1star,so maybe some evil go in my profile and take away all of them i got during my days in here :D

Yeah, theyre the kind of people who sneak around in the dark looking for victims to stab in the back :)

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I know where you're coming from nd, my 5 year old daughter gets quite excited when when the teacher gives her a star for her homework :)

It must excite all us 5 year old people then.....actually I will tell you a secret, I'm not actually 5 anymore, i just like to act that way :D

A kleenex for me then. I went from 3 to 2 recently. Sad, so sad. I must be doing something right.

I wanted to give you 30 stars, actually more (i guess by now), for each and every year you have been tortured here in LOS. :D

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Besides the very 'odd' member who brings it up from time to time, what's the point of these stars anyway?

Maybe we should have a system based on # of posts.

1) > 100 posts : virgin territory

2) > 1,000 posts : voice is starting to change, first shave

3) > 10,000 posts : silverback, mature, dominant

4) < 10,000 posts : last legs, lost cause, beyond reform.

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Join the club Neverdie :D

I started out with 5 stars, and quite recently shot down to 2.

I think people like to demote for the smallest thing, and those other nice folks who like something you say, forget to promote.

There are some pretty sad people around that will do anything...even something as petty as that..to have some kind of go at those they are disgruntled by.

Heck, i wouldnt be surprised if there are major sad acts that go back regularly to keep demoting!

Would be interesting if the forum was changed to be set up to show those who click us (particularly on a regular basis). In another forum ive used it shows who has "groaned" or "thanked" you. I wonder how those grumbling star demoting cowards would react if the forum was set up like that. :)

In the end it doesnt really matter though. The weirdos with a need for some kind of forum "revenge" are the ones with the ridiculous hangup. Just let it go. :D

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Don't fret ND ....I had 5 so gave you some of mine :D

Right back at you man.....& then there was 3 stars in total.

Anyone thats been raped of stars, come on up and spill ur story :D , I'll just run out and get some more kleenex :D

Hahaha, I've been one star for a while now. Whoever rated me one star must be feeling very satisfied with themselves, anonymously giving me a low rating for whatever perceived offense or embarrassment I must have caused them! :)

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Would be interesting if the forum was changed to be set up to show those who click us (particularly on a regular basis). In another forum ive used it shows who has "groaned" or "thanked" you. I wonder how those grumbling star demoting cowards would react if the forum was set up like that. :)

Actually, it does show who has recently visited your profile. Look in the right column of your profile page in the section titled "Last Visitors." Unfortunately, it doesn't show who gave you which star ratings. That would require a spine on the part of the giver of low star ratings!

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Don't fret ND ....I had 5 so gave you some of mine :D

Right back at you man.....& then there was 3 stars in total.

Anyone thats been raped of stars, come on up and spill ur story :D , I'll just run out and get some more kleenex :)

Couple/three months ago a good friend gave me a 5-star, which brought me up to three. The next day I pissed off a guy (had to be him, the only person who looked up my profile that day) who dropped me back to two. Such are the perversities of human nature. :D

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mario y are repeating yourself again time to twink about alzheimer's

Can you tell me Dr. Alzheimers first name?

No? That's how it starts.

Al. Dr Al Zheimer. Look him up in the BKK Yellow Pages under "Medical Scams." :D

I used to joke about having early-onset Alzheimer's. I'm too old for early-onset now, so it must be the real thing :)

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We have profiles?

That is what I was going to say. :):D

I can't recall EVER looking in my profile... if I even have one.

I never pay attention to what others think of me anyway. I'm too old to care and love life too much to let the little things worry me. Most know who I am and what I stand for anyway. I've certainly posted enough photos of myself and others to give some idea.

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:) neverdie. You must be bored up there in the middle of nowhere.

You've got a good point there, sbk. People have to have a hobby or a special interest to keep them occupied, otherwise you go stir crazy. The only reason I've been on the internet so much this year is I'm working on a book and I'm always on my computer. I need a break now and then to clear my brain.

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:) neverdie. You must be bored up there in the middle of nowhere.

You've got a good point there, sbk. People have to have a hobby or a special interest to keep them occupied, otherwise you go stir crazy. The only reason I've been on the internet so much this year is I'm working on a book and I'm always on my computer. I need a break now and then to clear my brain.

Ian, piece of advice. Unless you are writing a book about bullshit, don't spend so much time on TV. Believe me, I know. :D

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I also went from 3 stars to 2 overnight. Bit of a surprise because I've been stuck on 3 for a year or so and I'm not posting enough to upset anyone these days. :)

Must be someone with a long memory.

Changing star ratings can be done anonymously, by cowards.

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Join the club Neverdie :D

I started out with 5 stars, and quite recently shot down to 2.

I think people like to demote for the smallest thing, and those other nice folks who like something you say, forget to promote.

There are some pretty sad people around that will do anything...even something as petty as that..to have some kind of go at those they are disgruntled by.

Heck, i wouldnt be surprised if there are major sad acts that go back regularly to keep demoting!

Would be interesting if the forum was changed to be set up to show those who click us (particularly on a regular basis). In another forum ive used it shows who has "groaned" or "thanked" you. I wonder how those grumbling star demoting cowards would react if the forum was set up like that. :D

In the end it doesnt really matter though. The weirdos with a need for some kind of forum "revenge" are the ones with the ridiculous hangup. Just let it go. :D

And for gems like you, young eeek, there should be a sixth star :)

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I must have pissed someone off,as I had four stars this morning and now I have two. No profile viewers since neverdie, so it must work if you log in as invisible, some cunning star pluckers out there :)

I gave you 5 Maejo, but I had actually done that previously too.

I feel you can only vote once at 5, if you keep clicking 5 after that, it makes no difference, but if you click less then it changes your score.....i could be wrong but thats the way I think it works.

George, sbk, anyone who gives, the members of thai visa are calling for a system where we can see who votes for us and what their vote is.......lets stand in the face of these midnight runners that are sleeking around in the shawdows.

Is it true that visitors can vote? If so, that should be stopped immediately.

Maejo, ive got a feeling you were already 2 this morning when i went to vote, but i couldnt be sure, i was voting like a mad hatter this morning. :D

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I must have pissed someone off,as I had four stars this morning and now I have two. No profile viewers since neverdie, so it must work if you log in as invisible, some cunning star pluckers out there :)

I gave you 5 Maejo, but I had actually done that previously too.

I feel you can only vote once at 5, if you keep clicking 5 after that, it makes no difference, but if you click less then it changes your score.....i could be wrong but thats the way I think it works.

George, sbk, anyone who gives, the members of thai visa are calling for a system where we can see who votes for us and what their vote is.......lets stand in the face of these midnight runners that are sleeking around in the shawdows.

Is it true that visitors can vote? If so, that should be stopped immediately.

Maejo, ive got a feeling you were already 2 this morning when i went to vote, but i couldnt be sure, i was voting like a mad hatter this morning. :D

Hang on mate, TV has about 8 million members if my math is correct, only two are asking to see who is voting for them. Hardly a majority.

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The only stars ive ever seen maigo throw are ninja ones..

and he's pretty dam_n good at to i must admit :D

Yeah well maigo has been dancing for a while here a thaivisa, hes definately one of the very hard heads here, but inside hes a real pussy cat and a softie.....ohhh and he once told me in pm that he wears frilly underwear, i dont know what thats got to do with anything :D .....perhaps hes just trying to show his soft side, albiet a hair one :D

Is there a more subtle way of gathering sympathy to get more stars? If there is, I'll try that method.

Hey I dont mind screaming from the roof top when an injustice is done. I also like to hit from the front, not sneak around like a soi rat :)

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I never knew about the stars...and just for a laugh i have just given you a 1 :D

No, really i have!


Well at least ur man enough to stand up and say it sanook. Anyway, 1 is more than i gave you, since i havent voted on you, uve only got a 0 from this end....and you cant reduce on one :D:D

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I wouldn't worry Mr Neverdie - I gave you 5 starts. I know my good old friend Thaksin -also known as Mc2 dropped by to give me a zero rating, as he sent me a message. Must have cheered up his day that, small things and small minds I guess. :)

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I never knew about the stars...and just for a laugh i have just given you a 1 :D

No, really i have!


Well at least ur man enough to stand up and say it sanook. Anyway, 1 is more than i gave you, since i havent voted on you, uve only got a 0 from this end....and you cant reduce on one :D:D

The only reason he gave you one star, is because he can't count any further. :D

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