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California Wow - Pattaya


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Very nice female staff,i dated one of them untill i found out she was a crazy Bleep,anyway decent Gym but i still prefer Tonys on 3rd road,the mui thai one..To many showboaters in C Wow looking for attention.In Tonys it seems a bit more rough and ready.Hardcore

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If you're a hardcore trainer who doesn't like too many distractions, California Wow is not the place to train.

It's too busy, too many newbies getting in the way... too noisy... too many posers.... and worst of all, too many girls wasting their time and hogging the machines.

If you go to a gym to socialize, watch and chat to ladies, enjoy loud music and don't mind waiting around to use equipment, California Wow is the place for you.

I have a life time at California Wow and a 3 gym membership at Tonys. My trips to California Wow have dropped off to zero in favour of Tonys (Soi 16) since July when I joined Wow.

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I have been a member of WOW for 2 months now.

Went there this morning and this <deleted>. was actually asleep on one of the cardio machines, it was my turn to use it :) so gave him a hefty kick to his ankle, soon woke up and was all apologectic to@@er, i am no poser not even in shape but the meat heads in there don't phase me as they would be too slow for a decent punch up anyway, have had words with tough looking and in shape germans about towels, yes towels, on the machines expecting action but they were pleasant enough, overall though I am quite happy with it.

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I have been a member of WOW for 2 months now.

Went there this morning and this <deleted>. was actually asleep on one of the cardio machines, it was my turn to use it :) so gave him a hefty kick to his ankle, soon woke up and was all apologectic to@@er, i am no poser not even in shape but the meat heads in there don't phase me as they would be too slow for a decent punch up anyway, have had words with tough looking and in shape germans about towels, yes towels, on the machines expecting action but they were pleasant enough, overall though I am quite happy with it.

Kicking people to wake them up. Insulting people just for having well developed physiques. Punching people to get your way.

You sound like a bit of a to@@er yourself actually.

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have you heard of the expression " tongue in cheek "?, if not I suggest you look it up, as for calling me a to@@er kettle and pot spring to mind, if you don't know what that means look it up as well. There is no accounting for ignorance.

Is this a "tongue in cheek" reply, or are you serious this time?

There is no way for strangers on an Internet forum from many different countries to understand everyone else's unique quirks and to know exactly who is serious and who is "tongue in cheek".

Having said that, your post comes across as typical assault on bodybuilers with developed physiques by an insecure person. Heard the same thousands of times before ...even on here.

As you said in your overused cliche - "there is no accounting for ignorance".

If you are not a to@@er, then please accept my apology.

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I picked up a membership for me and my girl. It does the trick but the female staff call my girl a few times a week and bother her to give them numbers of her friends who want to join. It's a bit of a pain in the ass, and even though we've told them to stop, they don't. Other than that... it's all good.

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Never been to Tony's, but heard of it. We are members of WOW, whole family. We are supposed to go there 3 times per week, but... well, things get in the way... :D

As a woman, I wouldn't want to go to a gym filled with huge intimidating body-duilding men sweating and lifting 100kg weights... I have always hated all kinds of exercise and I'm starting slowly. And I have a broken knee too, so I need a personal trainer to make sure I don't break it again. I'm not in the gym to build up muscles, I'm there to tone up a little, loose some weight and just get a little more fit. - Some guys who take this gym-thing too seriously barge from one machine to the other like their life depends on it! I don't want to see that and I don't want to be in a place like that. And as far as I have heard, Tony's is like that. So, no thank you.

And yes, the French speaking shortie who annoyed practically everyone in WOW is gone! Thank goodness!


One thing I don't like about WOW is that the trainers seem to disappear every now and then. They seem to have some other "business" on the side (they go off to get a diving instructor's degree or something) and are not available sometimes for a few weeks!

Edited by NamNam
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I have been a member of WOW for 2 months now.

Went there this morning and this <deleted>. was actually asleep on one of the cardio machines, it was my turn to use it :) so gave him a hefty kick to his ankle, soon woke up and was all apologectic to@@er,

Oh that was you.Sorry for annoying you but I will not bother you any time soon as I fell off from one of the bicycles the other day and hurt my chin .

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- Some guys who take this gym-thing too seriously barge from one machine to the other like their life depends on it! I don't want to see that and I don't want to be in a place like that. And as far as I have heard, Tony's is like that. So, no thank you.

There are plenty of guys in California Wow who barge from one machine to another like their life depends on it. I'm one of them, but I'm not the only one. It's called serious, intense training. You get faster and usually better results when you take the training more seriously.

It's hard to do this in California Wow because there are so many lazy trainers playing on the machines, but that doesn't stop us.

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  • 2 weeks later...
- Some guys who take this gym-thing too seriously barge from one machine to the other like their life depends on it! I don't want to see that and I don't want to be in a place like that. And as far as I have heard, Tony's is like that. So, no thank you.

There are plenty of guys in California Wow who barge from one machine to another like their life depends on it. I'm one of them, but I'm not the only one. It's called serious, intense training. You get faster and usually better results when you take the training more seriously.


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I paid 11,0000 about one year ago for 3 years, and wil pay another 1,000 or 3,000 / year after that. I do not remember.

I have found only a copuple of occasions to behave this way in Thailand, and WOW is one of them.

When you "interview" it is not just your filling out their forms to join, BE *&%#$@ Brutal!! They will ask non-stop about other offerings thay have for you and their prices. INTERUPT THEM AGAIN AND AGAIN. Don't be nice!! Tell them that you have little time and that if they do not get the papers signed and back to you, you will come back at another time to pay them. I hate to say this, but the sales staff are really annoying, and in order to deal with them you need to be on the atttack.

See if you can get the life-time to be really lifetime.

I think one of my friends did it this way before me.

Best of luck to you.

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If they do go out of business I think the pattaya branch would be sold to an somebody. After being at Tony's for 4 years, I would say it is a much newer,cleaner and better all around gym. It looks like there are new people signing up everyday and the gym and trainers there are for the most part busy. I hope they stay in business as I just bought a membership last week. 10k and 100 baht per year renewal..includes yoga and spinning and all classes

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The company lost 42 million Baht last quarter and has 29 million in cash remaining. You do the math.

In case you think this is a temporary thing, and just one bad quarter, they've lost 370 million Baht over the last 2 years

Yikes! I better get down there soon and have some more workouts on my lifetime membership. Since July I've been there about 30 times and paid 10,000 for my lifetime membership. If I get in another 70 workouts before they shut, then I've paid 100 baht per workout.

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I guess that they won't close because Major cineplex which owns the company at 49% is too big.

Major will just take over the company in the future.

So they also sell 10k lifetime membership in Pattaya ?

Major sold most of their share last week

Major Cineplex are doing it real rough in the Avenue. They're very quiet all the times I've been there.

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It used to be a great place to have a nice airconditioned nap on the machines, but lately there's some t@sser going around kicking my ankles and waking me up.


I'm surprised the t@@ser had to wake anyone up. There are alot of treadmills and steppers there. I've never seen them more than about 1/3 occupied.

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i went to join wow, but they wernt open late (i prefer to go 10-11pm ish), i had a look anyway and found out pricing, they tried to hard sell me for a while, cant remember the price now but after i said i'm going to tony's it halved, i still said i'm going to tony's another staff member (slightly higher up) came to authorise a cheaper price, i still said i'm going to tony's and the main farang manager came and discounted even more. he came across as a real wanke_r so i said no sorry, i'm going to tony's.

personally i dont like companies that price their services deliberately way too high to rape profits from people. set a price, make it fair and take care of your customers, dont just try to sell any crap to everyone just to make a buck.

they wern't doing me any favours by dropping their price and offering me discounts, they were just showing how overprice their services were worth.

my 2c anyway.

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