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OK.........when it comes to computers, I am not that smart. 1......0....1........1........0.......0 etc.

Question: Is there any way to keep a port open using a dynamic IP address?

Why? I want to use Bittorent and need an open port. I am using TTT Maxnet Indy package.

I had my router set up for dynamic IP and my computer set up for static IP........that did not work.

They told me "you can't have a static IP unless you pay for it."

Meaning.......give us more money for the so-called "Premier Package" and we will give you a better router and a static IP.

I doubt that will make any difference in terms of speed, but maybe it will.

So, really, two questions:

1) Can you keep a port open for Bittorent using a dynamic IP?

2) Is TTT Premier Package worth it?

Have the same package, no problems.

You just must open the port in your router.


Thanks.........let me get it clear in my mind:

1) I select dynamic IP in my computer (Local Area Connection)

2) I select a port for Bittorent (say, 62000)

3) I log in to my router........and enter 62000 as an exclusion

But, inside my router, what IP do I enter by the 62000?

If I enter my current, dynamic IP, it will just change the next time I shut down and open the computer.......right?

I do have the following program: Simple Port Forwarding


You made me curious about the program you found, Simple Port Forwarder, so I just tried it.

Respect! It looks very nice and should make a complicated task pretty easy, if it only had supported my router model (Speedtouch Thomson ST536). The model is not supported, so I tried the script of 2 other Thomson models but it wouldn't work. Still, if somebody's model is supported and the tool actually works, I can only recommend it!

If your router is supported and the configuration process works (that is the port test works and your status symbol in uTorrent becomes green), then YOU ARE FINE!!

Just select step 3 'Set your local IP to a static IP' and YOU ARE FINE. You don't need to worry about static IPs anymore!

However, if it does not work out or you don't want to use that program, then the 3 steps you mentioned in your posts do NOT work.

Reason: As you already suspected, you have to enter your Computer's LAN IP address in the port forwarding configuration on your router. If you enable Dynamic IP assignment on your computers LAN configuration, then the IP address might change every time you start your computer, especially if you have more than 1 computer on the network (but sometimes even if you just have 1 computer).

That of course would require to modify the port forwarding configuration on your router each time the IP changes. To find out your assigned LAN IP Address: Howto for Windows XP, Howto for Windows 7

This is why you should assign a static IP address. You can use 'Simple Port Forwarding' to do that, or you can do it yourself (Howto).

You can always check the current local IP address of your computer (no matter whether statically or dynamically assigned) by following the howtos mentioned above (Howto for Windows XP, Howto for Windows 7).



So, really, two questions:

1) Can you keep a port open for Bittorent using a dynamic IP?

2) Is TTT Premier Package worth it?


I also have Maxnet Indy (5mbps) and have set up my router to forward port 12345 (or something like that!) to my PC's LAN IP address. This port (12345) is the one that Azureus is set up to use as it's "incoming TCP listen port" and "UDP listen port".

You can find out what your IP is by opening up a command window (Start / Run / command, enter) and typing "ipconfig". You should see your IP address as something like "". Forward the port (12345) to that IP address in your router's NAT (Network Address Translation) table:


If you have another computer on the network - I do - I sometimes get a NAT error reported by Azureus, because my IP address has been given to the other PC (it was probably turned on before my one) and I have been given another IP (usually

I then have to go into the router setup and change the IP address there.

Of course, the next day I probably have to change it back again.



I then have to go into the router setup and change the IP address there.

Of course, the next day I probably have to change it back again.

If you assign a static IP to your computers instead of letting the router assign a new one each time you will not have those problems.

On some router models it is also possible to configure the router to assign the same address to a device each time.


If you have another computer on the network - I do - I sometimes get a NAT error reported by Azureus, because my IP address has been given to the other PC (it was probably turned on before my one) and I have been given another IP (usually

I then have to go into the router setup and change the IP address there.

Of course, the next day I probably have to change it back again.

Assign your computer a static IP outside the router DHCP pool (on the same subnet). You will no longer have this problem.


You are dealing with two different types of IP's for lack of a better way to explain it. When you talk to the ISP about a static IP they are talking about the WAN IP and this is unimportant for what you are talking about doing. This is the IP assigned to your router when it logs in to the ISP. Your router can then be configured to assign LAN IP's to your computers when they connect to the router. Your computer can be setup to automatically get a LAN IP from the router or to have a static LAN IP. If you want to setup your router to forward a specific port you need to assign that computer a static LAN IP and then configure the router to forward that port to the static LAN IP that you assigned to that computer.

You are dealing with two different types of IP's for lack of a better way to explain it. When you talk to the ISP about a static IP they are talking about the WAN IP and this is unimportant for what you are talking about doing. This is the IP assigned to your router when it logs in to the ISP. Your router can then be configured to assign LAN IP's to your computers when they connect to the router. Your computer can be setup to automatically get a LAN IP from the router or to have a static LAN IP. If you want to setup your router to forward a specific port you need to assign that computer a static LAN IP and then configure the router to forward that port to the static LAN IP that you assigned to that computer.

:) I only wish one of you could set my computer up..........a bit confusing for a novice.

I did use two programs: 1) Simple Port Forwarding, and 2) Simple Static IP.......both from the same company.

I have Huawei Smartax MT880 router..........guess it is router/modem combination.

I entered the router.......it was set up for dynamic IP.

I tried to set it up for static IP and could not (that only comes with TTT Maxnet Premier........I am using TTT Maxnet Indy).

I did set up a static IP for my local area connection.

That worked for a short period.............THEN, it all stopped........no surfing the web, nothing. I called TTT Maxnet, they talked me through a configuration change, part of which was to go to my local area connection and select dynamic IP........also changed DNS (was trying to use Open DNS).

After the changes, the system worked, but the port for Bittorrent closed............more on that:

1) When I open Bittorent, the connection seems fine.........you can also check whether the port is open or closed........using the Bittorrent checker, it is open.

2) When I use this: http://www.dyndns.com/support/tools/openport.html it reports that the port is closed.

How odd is that?

Today, TTT Maxnet is supposed to come to my house and change my router to a "better one." They also want to "upgrade" me to their Premier package, but it does not sound worth it given the responses above.

I can easily figure out what my IP is and enter it in my router configuration next to the port I want open. After I get the new port, I will follow up on this.

But it appears that TTT Maxnet will not allow me to check static IP option in my local area connection.........doing that causes the system to crash. The only way to get a static IP is to pay for it.

You are dealing with two different types of IP's for lack of a better way to explain it. When you talk to the ISP about a static IP they are talking about the WAN IP and this is unimportant for what you are talking about doing. This is the IP assigned to your router when it logs in to the ISP. Your router can then be configured to assign LAN IP's to your computers when they connect to the router. Your computer can be setup to automatically get a LAN IP from the router or to have a static LAN IP. If you want to setup your router to forward a specific port you need to assign that computer a static LAN IP and then configure the router to forward that port to the static LAN IP that you assigned to that computer.

:) I only wish one of you could set my computer up..........a bit confusing for a novice.

I did use two programs: 1) Simple Port Forwarding, and 2) Simple Static IP.......both from the same company.

I have Huawei Smartax MT880 router..........guess it is router/modem combination.

I entered the router.......it was set up for dynamic IP.

I tried to set it up for static IP and could not (that only comes with TTT Maxnet Premier........I am using TTT Maxnet Indy).

I did set up a static IP for my local area connection.

That worked for a short period.............THEN, it all stopped........no surfing the web, nothing. I called TTT Maxnet, they talked me through a configuration change, part of which was to go to my local area connection and select dynamic IP........also changed DNS (was trying to use Open DNS).

After the changes, the system worked, but the port for Bittorrent closed............more on that:

1) When I open Bittorent, the connection seems fine.........you can also check whether the port is open or closed........using the Bittorrent checker, it is open.

2) When I use this: http://www.dyndns.com/support/tools/openport.html it reports that the port is closed.

How odd is that?

Today, TTT Maxnet is supposed to come to my house and change my router to a "better one." They also want to "upgrade" me to their Premier package, but it does not sound worth it given the responses above.

I can easily figure out what my IP is and enter it in my router configuration next to the port I want open. After I get the new port, I will follow up on this.

But it appears that TTT Maxnet will not allow me to check static IP option in my local area connection.........doing that causes the system to crash. The only way to get a static IP is to pay for it.

you do not need a static IP as tim 207 has said to use bittorrent, you need to set a lan ip such as 192.168.xxx.xxx. I will have a look at my maxnet router config and let you know.

You are dealing with two different types of IP's for lack of a better way to explain it. When you talk to the ISP about a static IP they are talking about the WAN IP and this is unimportant for what you are talking about doing. This is the IP assigned to your router when it logs in to the ISP. Your router can then be configured to assign LAN IP's to your computers when they connect to the router. Your computer can be setup to automatically get a LAN IP from the router or to have a static LAN IP. If you want to setup your router to forward a specific port you need to assign that computer a static LAN IP and then configure the router to forward that port to the static LAN IP that you assigned to that computer.

:) I only wish one of you could set my computer up..........a bit confusing for a novice.

I did use two programs: 1) Simple Port Forwarding, and 2) Simple Static IP.......both from the same company.

I have Huawei Smartax MT880 router..........guess it is router/modem combination.

I entered the router.......it was set up for dynamic IP.

I tried to set it up for static IP and could not (that only comes with TTT Maxnet Premier........I am using TTT Maxnet Indy).

I did set up a static IP for my local area connection.

That worked for a short period.............THEN, it all stopped........no surfing the web, nothing. I called TTT Maxnet, they talked me through a configuration change, part of which was to go to my local area connection and select dynamic IP........also changed DNS (was trying to use Open DNS).

After the changes, the system worked, but the port for Bittorrent closed............more on that:

1) When I open Bittorent, the connection seems fine.........you can also check whether the port is open or closed........using the Bittorrent checker, it is open.

2) When I use this: http://www.dyndns.com/support/tools/openport.html it reports that the port is closed.

How odd is that?

Today, TTT Maxnet is supposed to come to my house and change my router to a "better one." They also want to "upgrade" me to their Premier package, but it does not sound worth it given the responses above.

I can easily figure out what my IP is and enter it in my router configuration next to the port I want open. After I get the new port, I will follow up on this.

But it appears that TTT Maxnet will not allow me to check static IP option in my local area connection.........doing that causes the system to crash. The only way to get a static IP is to pay for it.

you do not need a static IP as tim 207 has said to use bittorrent, you need to set a lan ip such as 192.168.xxx.xxx. I will have a look at my maxnet router config and let you know.

Yes, please get back to me/us. I just talked with a Thai friend of mine who owns a computer store where I lived and asked him for a solution. He said to download this: No-IP DUC v2.2.1 If you know this program.........please enlighten me. Thanks.


As explained earlier i bridged my maxnet router and now I cannot get into it now without changing my linksys router config, i may be wrong on this as my gateway is setup on the linksys.

to get really good speeds all i did really was bridge maxnet modem, setup linksys router to dial connection, port forwarded in the router and now everything works like a dream. also i use a private tracker which there is a big difference in speeds. I really think you need to invest in a decent router and all your problems will be over and be able to download torrents all day long.

good luck.

i have maxnet indy 3mb and regularly max it out. so it is not maxnet that is giving so much trouble.


Once you're logged on to SmartAX MT880 web configurator, click Basic. You should see other sub-catogories listed... Click NAT.

NAT Settings

Virtual Circuit: PVC0

- Make sure the virtual circuit matches the connection profile in use. If you're unsure, check the WAN Setting.

NAT Status: Enabled

Number of IPs: Single

Click Virtual Server


NAT - Virtual Server

Rule Index: 1

Application: uTorrent

- Fill in the name of your torrent program in the first box. Name it whatever you want; leave the second box blank.

Protocol: ALL

- Both TCP and UDP.

Start/End Port Number: 51234

- Use the SAME port for all Start/End port number entries. Assuming you choose port 51234, enter this number twice.

Local IP Address: 192.168.1.xxx

- Enter your computers' lan ip address here.

Start/End Port (local): Same as Start/End Port number (see above)

Click 'Save' settings...

Yes, please get back to me/us. I just talked with a Thai friend of mine who owns a computer store where I lived and asked him for a solution. He said to download this: No-IP DUC v2.2.1 If you know this program.........please enlighten me. Thanks.

No-IP DUC is a tool that will not help you at all with your bittorrent problem. It deals with the problem of having no PUBLIC static IP.

Your PUBLIC IP is the IP address that your provider assigns to your router upon establishing the ADSL broadband connection, NOT the LOCAL IP that the router assigns to your computer upon connecting. These are 2 different IP addresses. The LOCAL IP usually starts with 192.168.x.x, the PUBLIC IP will NEVER start with 192.168.x.x (You can find out your PUBLIC IP here, but better you forget it right away because you do not need it to setup bittorrent (believe me :))!

Most internet users do NOT have a public STATIC IP, they get a new public IP assigned each time their router connects. A static public IP required to run bittorrent clients and it will NOT improve your bittorrent upload/download speed if you had one. (Btw, I don't think you will get a PUBLIC static IP as a Maxnet Premier user)

No-IP Updater is used with No-IP.com's free DNS service. This client keeps your IP address in sync with a specific DNS host name, provided by No-IP.com. This is helpful for users wanting to run a Web/FTP server on their home computer.

Again: This is not required to run a bittorrent client. Your bittorrent client will connect to the bittorrent servers each time you start the program and report your IP address there so other users can connect to you.

But it appears that TTT Maxnet will not allow me to check static IP option in my local area connection.........doing that causes the system to crash. The only way to get a static IP is to pay for it.

Maxnet does not allow you to change your PUBLIC IP to static. Remember, the public IP is the one you configure in the routers connection configuration, I guess you tried that one time and the router configuration complained (if I remember your posts correctly). You don't need to touch your router's ADSL/WAN configuration, only the port forwarding (sometimes called 'game sharing') configuration. And there you have to enter your LOCAL IP (192.168.x.x), not the PUBLIC IP.

Maxnet does allow you to change your LOCAL IP to static in your computers LAN settings. If support tells you to change back to 'dynamic' that is probably standard procedure to avoid any troubles resulting from misconfiguration there.

1) When I open Bittorent, the connection seems fine.........you can also check whether the port is open or closed........using the Bittorrent checker, it is open.

2) When I use this: http://www.dyndns.com/support/tools/openport.html it reports that the port is closed.

If you use bittorrents port checker webpage and that from dyndns at the same time for the same port, and it reports different results, then there is something wrong! Remember you have to refresh the two webpages to get an up2date result.

This behaviour points indeed to an instable component somewhere in your communication chain (provider, router, local firewall, bittorrent).


Yes, please get back to me/us. I just talked with a Thai friend of mine who owns a computer store where I lived and asked him for a solution. He said to download this: No-IP DUC v2.2.1 If you know this program.........please enlighten me. Thanks.

Forget about downloading programs and static IP addresses.

My Maxnet Indy works fine. Just enter the port number you've set up for your bittorrent client in your router and forward it to your LAN IP - already posted by many in this thread.

Yes, please get back to me/us. I just talked with a Thai friend of mine who owns a computer store where I lived and asked him for a solution. He said to download this: No-IP DUC v2.2.1 If you know this program.........please enlighten me. Thanks.

Forget about downloading programs and static IP addresses.

My Maxnet Indy works fine. Just enter the port number you've set up for your bittorrent client in your router and forward it to your LAN IP - already posted by many in this thread.

To Supernova, Welo, Sammycic, JetsetBKK: TTT Maxnet technicians came by the house and checked everything.

1) they took some small device and reset the router (now it is accessible)

2) they helped me enter the Bittorrent port in the Virtual Server settings (the port was open using several tests, but one time the open port test that comes with Bittorrent showed open then at another time closed............odd........one of you discussed this)

3) they said I could upgrade to Premier Package and get a static IP.........BUT, the least expensive Premier Package is 1090 B per month........and to get a static IP you add 1500 B per month to that........total: 2590 B per month (I said "no.......too expensive")

4) they said the Indy package was good for Thailand only; that the Premier package was more international..........and that since most of my "peers" are outside of Thailand, that is why my downloads/uploads of torrents is slow (I still said "no.....too expensive to make the change to Premier and you have already said it can be done with Indy

5) I followed Supernova's instructions after they left.........the only thing that was not entered is the program name..........Bittorrent........that is blank. I am not sure if it is really necessary. The IP by the port that I want open and associated with Bittorrent is the same as my LAN IP.

Right now the uploading to Ten Yard Torrents is slow as Xmas.......but three "green light" is showing on the Bittorrent program.

I downloaded an American football game last Sunday night.....right after TYT (Ten Yard Torrents) uploaded it, I downloaded it and started seeding. The speed was good..........now it has dropped off to almost zero..........guess it is a time thing..........too many people have already downloaded the game I am seeding.

I have to think more about all of your advise. Thanks.

Given what Welo said, I think I better avoid the NO-IP DUC program.

To Supernova, Welo, Sammycic, JetsetBKK: TTT Maxnet technicians came by the house and checked everything.

1) they took some small device and reset the router (now it is accessible)

In case the router's web interface is slow or unresponsive, or you suspect it is not working properly, you can always restart the router (ON/OFF). Resetting the device is necessary only in severe cases of misconfiguration, I assume again this is just standard procedure by Maxnet support to avoid any problems caused by misconfiguration.

2) they helped me enter the Bittorrent port in the Virtual Server settings (the port was open using several tests, but one time the open port test that comes with Bittorrent showed open then at another time closed............odd........one of you discussed this)

It's nice of them to do that, since it's actually not in their interest that you get bittorrent working :) Did they also assign a local static IP in your computer's LAN settings? Otherwise you might run into troubles again if your router assigns you a different IP one day. -> port forwarding will point to the wrong local IP address.

3) they said I could upgrade to Premier Package and get a static IP.........BUT, the least expensive Premier Package is 1090 B per month........and to get a static IP you add 1500 B per month to that........total: 2590 B per month (I said "no.......too expensive")

Premier might be a good investment, the static public IP is not necessary in your case.

4) they said the Indy package was good for Thailand only; that the Premier package was more international..........and that since most of my "peers" are outside of Thailand, that is why my downloads/uploads of torrents is slow (I still said "no.....too expensive to make the change to Premier and you have already said it can be done with Indy

From what I heard on this forum this statement is absolutely true and well-known. I was surprised to hear JetsetBKK say that his torrents work well with the Indy package.

As Maxnet support pointed out most times your 'peers' (the torrent users you connect to in order to download/upload) will be outside of Thailand. The Indy package is meant for users that mainly access computers (websites, torrent peers, etc) inside Thailand, the international bandwith is said to be heavily limited, this is the main reason why it costs less.

5) I followed Supernova's instructions after they left.........the only thing that was not entered is the program name..........Bittorrent........that is blank. I am not sure if it is really necessary. The IP by the port that I want open and associated with Bittorrent is the same as my LAN IP.

The program name is just for you as a reminder and means 'nothing' to the router. Sometimes the router will require you to enter any name, but your router obviously doesn't. The only information required is port and IP address (and maybe protocol, that is TCP/UDP, this might, again, be router model specific)

Right now the uploading to Ten Yard Torrents is slow as Xmas.......but three "green light" is showing on the Bittorrent program.

So here we are again... :D

I suggest you keep this configuration for a while. You will have to observe your internet connection over time as well as your router. You will learn that the internet connection is very unstable and will improve and worsen often within minutes. It might as well be that your router has issues, too, maybe it cannot handle the high number of connectins that bittorrent uses. If the routers web configuration interface slows down significantly you might want to check whether a router restart (ON/OFF) improves the situation.

Just remember: there are many components involved (international bandwith, ADSL connection, router, firewall, computer, etc) and each of them might cause troubles. If you change too many things at once you will never find out which component causes your issues.

I downloaded an American football game last Sunday night.....right after TYT (Ten Yard Torrents) uploaded it, I downloaded it and started seeding. The speed was good..........now it has dropped off to almost zero..........guess it is a time thing..........too many people have already downloaded the game I am seeding.

Absolutely right! I remember a discussion here on this forum where people started speculating about new cables in the pacific and such because the speeds had gone up, until one user pointed out that it was just the holidays that were over and all the kids were back at school :D

I have to think more about all of your advise. Thanks.

And read, read, read!! :D

Given what Welo said, I think I better avoid the NO-IP DUC program.

Yes, please, it will only confuse you at the moment. Believe all of us that tell you that it has nothing to do with bittorrent. :D

I am glad you could resolve your problem for now.

Try find some recent discussions on the matter Indy vs. Premier (read this and this for a start). Just a few months ago the Premier packages seemed to be pretty stable and pretty fast, even though quality seemed to have suffered lately.

However, when reading more on this forum you will notice that the problem with internet in Thailand is international bandwith, and Premier will give you more of that.


One more thing.............I noticed that inside my router UPnP was not enabled.......should I enable it?

No! uPnP is a feature that will allow your bittorrent program to configure the router's port forwarding automatically. This is an alternative to having the port forwarding set up with a explicit rule in the routers configuration interface (like the Maxnet support did for you).

Most people don't like uPnp and favor the method using an explicit rule (for security reasons and matters of stability). Some (crappy) routers have issues with uPnp and might even become unstable. Since your setup is working I would not activate it.


No! <snip>

My ZyXEL modem/router does not have UPnP enabled and my Windows XP service "Universal Plug and Play Device Host" is not started.

On well seeded torrents I get (sometimes) over 500 kBYTEs/second download on Maxnet Indy.

Especially 4 am Thai time. :D

Especially soaps like Eastenders :) from "TheBox".

Azureus picks which seeders/peers to d/l from and clearly chooses the fastest ones.

<snip>the only thing that was not entered is the program name..........Bittorrent........that is blank<snip>

My router doesn't have any place to enter a program name - it's the port number that is important (which clearly must be the same as the port your program uses), and the IP address that all inputs must be sent to (your PC's LAN IP address).

PS. I'm currently uploading at 58 kB/s = 464 kbps.

Not bad for 5mbps/512kbps link.

Just for a test, I just started downloading Hollyoaks :) from "TheBox". It's got 345 seeds and I'm getting 156 kB/s download from 33 seeds.



I used Azureus before and hated Vuze, so downgraded back to the last version before Vuze. Anyways, ya I had to deal with port forwarding which is a bit of a pain-in-the-butt. Anyways, now I am using uTorrent and it is just plugNplay. It find the open ports automatically and works great. No more port forwarding. Overall the program is much nicer to use than Azureus anyways. I won't be going back!

I used Azureus before and hated Vuze, so downgraded back to the last version before Vuze. Anyways, ya I had to deal with port forwarding which is a bit of a pain-in-the-butt. Anyways, now I am using uTorrent and it is just plugNplay. It find the open ports automatically and works great. No more port forwarding. Overall the program is much nicer to use than Azureus anyways. I won't be going back!

Vuze is the latest name for Azureus - my apologies for forgetting to update my brain!

You can make Vuze look like the old Azureus by clicking on the "Vuze UI Chooser" button, top right of the screen.

I agree, when it was first renamed Vuze and was automatically updated, and the default UI was the one full of news and graphics, I hated it and Googled how to change it back.

5) I followed Supernova's instructions after they left.........the only thing that was not entered is the program name..........Bittorrent........that is blank. I am not sure if it is really necessary.

The program name isn't required.

Its sole purpose is to serve as a 'reminder' (to you), the program associated with the virtual server. That's all.

One more thing.............I noticed that inside my router UPnP was not enabled.......should I enable it?

Most people don't like uPnp and favor the method using an explicit rule (for security reasons and matters of stability). Some (crappy) routers have issues with uPnp and might even become unstable. Since your setup is working I would not activate it.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. :)

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