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Chiang Mai Immigration - Marriage Visa Extension Requirements


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I plumped for this forum as I've had experience with different Immigration Offices having different paperwork requirements and I use the Chiang Mai office.

I would be grateful to hear from those who renew a marriage visa at Chiang Mai Immigration.

I've finally got my 1 year Non Imm O (Marriage). I took all the documents as per their leaflet and the Immigration people even came to check where I was living. The process seemed to go quite smoothly with a couple of minor hiccups eg A young guy from the immigration staff stood by the ticket machine asking what we wanted, checked my passport and then directed us to the wrong queue - thereby causing an unnecessary 3 hour wait before we were put in the right one. I produced the financial proofs and all the documents to show my marriage was kosher and the evidence of pre-marital status.

I'm now down to doing the 90 day run, which doesn't bother me unduly. The staff were very efficient and even explained the situation about the 90 day rule and re-entry stamps if required.

I asked the staff what the requirements would be when I want to extend the visa late next year. They told me that I would have to submit exactly the same. I was a little taken aback with this. Bearing in mind they've established my marital situation and have the relevant copies, why do they need this again?

Can anyone tell me what paperwork you need to take for an annual extension?

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why are you doing 90 day visa run if you have a one year extension?

I am no expert, but my understanding is that if you leave without your re-entry permission, THEN you would be required to reapply for the visa, all over again... which makes sense from a bureaucratic point of view.

but as long as you stay in compliance, reporting 90 days, and getting a re-entry permission before you leave the country, then you only have to do your yearly extension process again (which i have no knowledge of, as i too, am just getting my first one right now.)

i go in next monday for my formal one year approval... will see if i can get any more info on the situation at that time.

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Sorry to cause confusion; I meant do the 90 day report not a 90 day visa run. As I read it you are going in next Monday to get your first 1 year extension approval - the same as I've just got. It will be interesting to hear what they tell you about applying for an annual extension next year. As a matter of interest, thinking about the 90 day report, my next one is 9 Jan 2010, which is a Saturday. I would be interested to know how stringent they are about going in on the following Monday. Some people have told me that we get a 7 day grace period, but that's just heresay, not sure how true it is.

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You can report for the 90 day check upto 7 days before, or 7 days after the date shown. I usually go a couple of days before to avoid any unforseen problems, but recently I went a couple of days after the date and all was fine.

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Hi Wentworth.

For an extension based on marriage

you will require the following:

TM7 application form x 2 & 2 photos of each

B1,900 fee

Passport & attached Arrival Card (TM6)

Signed copy of passport & Arrival Card x 2

Marriage certificate

Signed copy of marriage cert x 2

Bank letter stating you have more than B400K for 2 months (60 days) x 2 or

letter from your embassy/consulate saying you earn 40 000 Baht per month x 2

O\original bankbook plus 2 copies

Tabien baan

Signed copy of Tabien baan x 2

Wife's ID card

Signed copy of ID card x 2

Signed copy of wife's passport x 2

Original bank book

Signed copy of bank book x 2

Signed map of address x 2

Photos of you and spouse around the house x 5

Hope I haven't missed anything.



Edited by Will27
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