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Sweet Revenge


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I think you need to read that thread again. You are misquoting me if you think my response to you on another thread was "just for complimenting Nat on her mammeries''. You obviously don't know me, so please stick to what I say, rather than what you want to think I'm saying.

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I think you need to read that thread again.  You are misquoting me if you think my response to you on another thread was "just for complimenting Nat on her mammeries''.  You obviously don't know me, so please stick to what I say, rather than what you want to think I'm saying.

Granted Kat - I realized that shortly after, it was funny though wasn't it?

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Good points - except for maybe the 1st. :D

If people love me I run away or treat them like shit so it's only my fault. :D

You'll grow out of this stage one day Scamp , I did ( Thank God ! ) :D

Chonny old son, come out for a beer with me and LC. :D

I will when I'm back in Los for sure , meeting LC may regress my "family man" status somewhat , but I'm willing to take the risk.... :o

Don't forget to invite K L :D

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A woman I used to work with many years ago confided in me about her husband. He would come home drunk and beat the crap out of her. She told me how she once fed him Chilli Con Carne for his dinner and added her baby's crap to it. :D

He came home drunk as usual but she lovingly presented him with this wonderful meal which he could not get enough of!! :o:D:D

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A friend and I were talking today of stories of sweet revenge by scorned lovers.  We've heard the ones about prawns in the curtains and sugar in the petrol tank (dos that really work anyway?) but there must be more than that. 

What's the best sweet revenge story you've heard of (or did)?  And did it make you feel better afterwards?

Heard this one doing the rounds ?

Only in South Carolina!! Yes, revenge when applied this way can be sweet revenge eh? Below is a true story about a recent wedding that took place at Clemson University.

This was a huge wedding with about 300 guests. After the wedding, at the reception, the groom got up on stage at the microphone to talk to the crowd. He said that he wanted to thank everyone for coming many from long distances, to support them at their wedding. He especially wanted to thank the bride's and groom's families for coming and to thank his new father-in-law for providing such a fabulous reception. To thank everyone for coming and bringing gifts and everything, he said he wanted to give everyone a special gift from just him.

So taped to the bottom of everyone's chair was a manila envelope, including the wedding party. He said that this was his gift to everyone, and to everyone to open the envelopes. Inside each manila envelope was an 8x10 picture of his best man having sex with the bride. He had gotten suspicious of the two of them and hired a private detective to trail them weeks prior to the wedding. After he stood there and watched the people's reactions for a couple of minutes, he turned to the best man and said "F--- you," he turned to the bride and said "F--- you," and then he turned to the dumbfounded crowd and said "I'm out of here."

He had the marriage annulled first thing that Monday morning. While most of us would have broken off the engagement immediately after finding out about the affair, this guy goes through with it anyway as if nothing was wrong.

His revenge: Making the bride's parents pay over $32,000 for 300 guest wedding and reception.

Letting everyone know exactly what did happen.

And best of all, trashing the bride's and best man's reputations in front of all of their friends, their entire families, i.e., their parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, nieces and nephews, etc.

This guy has balls the size of church bells.

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A woman I used to work with many years ago confided in me about her husband. He would come home drunk and beat the crap out of her. She told me how she once fed him Chilli Con Carne for his dinner and added  her baby's crap to it.  :D

He came home drunk as usual but she lovingly presented him with this wonderful meal which he could not get enough of!!  :o  :D  :D


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I have often wondered about the 'psychology' behind the Avatars. I think there must be some psychological influence in there somewhere? Something of how we perceive ourselves maybe? Perhaps people who change their avatars are not happy with 'who they are' and are still searching for themselves? Those that keep the same one maybe people who are happy with who they are, and have found themselves?

An interesting subject... I remember when choosing mine, I thought an avatar was a sort of 'mask' and I happen to like masks... bought a few in Italy a couple of years back... So, I looked for pictures of masks, and chose one that I liked. Maybe I like to 'hide' behind a mask of who I really am...? It would be interesting to know??

Nothing wrong with hiding behind a good mask Rav. :o


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I havn't seen any research into avatars and personality theory. In fact there has been very little psychology research into cyber characters at all - mostly it has been using standard character models trying to track paedophile 'groomers' masquerading as teenagers.

One effective form of revenge on someone who has gone away on holiday is to soak their carpets with water and plant water cress in it.

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I havn't seen any research into avatars and personality theory. In fact there has been very little psychology research into cyber characters at all - mostly it has been using standard character models trying to track paedophile 'groomers'  masquerading as teenagers.

One effective form of revenge on someone who has gone away on holiday is to soak their carpets with water and plant water cress in it.

And pop an advert for a mowing service on the front door :o

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I havn't seen any research into avatars and personality theory. In fact there has been very little psychology research into cyber characters at all - mostly it has been using standard character models trying to track paedophile 'groomers'  masquerading as teenagers.

One effective form of revenge on someone who has gone away on holiday is to soak their carpets with water and plant water cress in it.

And pop an advert for a mowing service on the front door :o

along with a jar of mayonaise ....

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