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Entry Timings

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If my Non imm B visa expires 24th November then legally I have to leave on the 23rd, no problem with that. But can I come back in on the 24th using the 30 day visa exempt available on my UK passport, or would the timings be too obvious and would this be considered back to back? would the 25th be better. Annoying thing is that I have two meetings scheduled on the 26th and 30th and will then return to China

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You have to leave on the date, or before, of your entry stamp permitted to stay until. Your visa is not relevant - only the permitted to stay stamp is. And you have until midnight of that date to leave without being overstay. The is no rule about back to back. You can just turn around and depart the other country and return immediately.

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30 days by air, 15 if by land.

Hi all,

I would like to ask you guys some questions about tourist visa. I have been reading this forum and tried to figure out myself, but because it is very important for me to know the real state of things, I've decided to post anyway.. So the thing is, I'm citizen of the Czech Republic, 27 yrs old, and I would like to stay in Thailand for about one year (I'm not going to work there, I have enough savings to make a year there and travel around the country). It is not easy for me to get other kind of visa than tourist visa. So my plan is to obtain tourist visa for two entries (Thai embassy in my country wouldn't issue more than double entry), and after 90 (60 + 30) days cross the border and then, let's say after few days, cross the border again back to Thailand, which, if I understand the whole thing correctly, would give me another 60 + 30 days of legal stay. Then, when my double entry tourist visa will expire, I will travel to some Thai embassy in a nearby country and try to get tourist visa again. Forgive me please, if I'm asking for something, which was already asked for thousand times, but as I've said, the whole thing wasn't very clear for me. I don't exactly understand, what's the difference between "re-entry permit" and "double entry tourist visa".

Thanks a lot for all replies

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Looks like you’ve pretty much got your plan together. Double entry tourist visa at the outset will give you nearly 6 months stay with extensions and border run in the middle.

Thereafter you will need another tourist visa. Vientiane (Laos) is currently issuing double entry tourist visas which would give you nearly another 6 months stay. If policies change at the embassy between now and then you would have to obtain 2 single tourist visas (and apply for extensions at Thai immigration), but with your travel itinerary, and presumably an air ticket back home at the end, it should not be a problem.

You would use a re-entry permit if you were to make a trip out of the country during your time here, and it would preserve your permission to stay pertaining at that time. Otherwise you would have to sacrifice the second entry on your visa on re-entry (or if travelling during the period of the second entry you would need to obtain a new visa as your nationality does not qualify you for visa exempt entry). So, for example, if you first entered Thailand on 1st Dec your 60 day permission to stay would take you to 29th Jan. If you left Thailand on 1st Jan to visit a neighbouring country for a few days, with a re-entry permit you would be stamped back in until 29th Jan. A re-entry permit can be obtained from local immigration office; fee 1000 baht single entry or 3800 baht multiple entry. Note a re-entry permit can only preserve the time period of your current permission to stay, so if you were to travel outside Thailand a lot during your time here you may need to apply for more than one re-entry permit.

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Actually there is still one thing which I wasn't able to find anywhere else - I've read that after coming to place where you are going to stay, you should report at local police station witnin 24 hours and tell them you are going to stay in their district. Is that true? Thanks again for last reply which finally made the whole tourist visa thing clear to me..

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Actually there is still one thing which I wasn't able to find anywhere else - I've read that after coming to place where you are going to stay, you should report at local police station witnin 24 hours and tell them you are going to stay in their district. Is that true? Thanks again for last reply which finally made the whole tourist visa thing clear to me..

Strictly speaking yes, but don't worry about it, as hotels/guesthouses are supposed to report foreigner details to immigration by law.

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Hi, one more thing on my mind - if I have single tourist visa, ask for re-entry permit, and - let's say - after 30 days leave Thailand, would that time outside Thailand with re-entry permit count into the 60 days period, or wouldn't? I mean, are the tourist visa going to expire anyway, independently on not being in Thailand, or would the period be paused, and started again when I cross the borders back to Thailand? In other words, is the expiration date of single entry tourist visa with all extensions going to be 90 days from crossing the Thai border, even if I ask for re-entry and leave the country? Thanks for replies and sorry for my bad English:)

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So today I was at the embassy to apply for visa and they told me that with tourist visa I can stay in Thailand for only 90 days per 180.. (90 days per half of a year). Any suggestions on that? I thought this was the issue to deal with for people with tourist visa exemption, who were doing border runs repeatedly.. Also they wouldn't issue two entry visa valid for 6 months, but for 90 days only.. Anybody reading this from Czech Republic or Slovak Republic have some experience with applying for visa in Bratislava? They seem to be issuing tourist visa valid for 6 months with up to 4 entries..

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90/180 days is an old immigration law that ceased on 4th Dec 2008 and related to visa exempt entry. It appears the consulate staff are not up to date on latest immigration requirements. Not all consulates issue the same types of visas. With 60 day tourist visa you can obtain 30 day extension at Thai immigration. You will then have to apply for double entry tourist visa at Vientiene a bit earlier than planned, with a further single entry tourist visa thereafter. I can see no mention of 4 entry tourist visa on consulate website. What did you obtain?

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Ok, thx again for the answer. Here is the link to the web page of Thai embassy in Bratislava with the offer for issuing 4 entry visa valid for six months> http://www.thaiconsulate.sk/visa.htm (unfortunately it is in slovak language only, which I understand, because it is very similar to ours (we were one country lately)). The information itself is "doba platnosti turistických víz je 3 mesiace (1-vstupové víza), alebo 6 mesiacov (2, 3, 4 – vstupové víza)". Words in parentheses are the information about issuing 2, 3 or 4 entry visa. . As to my application: I was applying at embassy in Prague (in Czech Republic) and I didn't finally apply, because I'm leaving around the end of January in 2010 and I would have to use my second entry in fourteen days after arriving to Thailand. So I've decided to wait until the very end of January and will apply just week before departure. The other option is to try get two or more entry visa in Bratislava (about 6 hours by bus from Prague and they are supposed to issue the visa the same day you apply for it).

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