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Frustrating Experiences In Los


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LOS is my favorite place..but have been frustrated a few times. One that comes to mind is with the VAT... bought the wife a wedding ring at the BIG jewelry place in BKK. The Sales guy asked me when I was leaving LOS, and I told him. He got out the calendar and said..WOW, 60 days exactly, you are okay for the VAT refund. When it came time to leave, I stood in the long line up at the Vat place at the BKK airport. I heard last call for my flight..and finally got to the counter, only to hear..sorry its 61 days.( the refund would have been about 20,000 Baht) . I did a full sprint the length of the airport, and almost missed the flight. Signed..check the calendar YOURSELF :)

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Wait, so you trusted someone who was selling you something to give you an answer that was not self serving? hmmm... did you take your temperature recently? been having blurred vision?...

Sadly I don't think this is just a reflection on LOS.


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this has the potential to be the longest thread on TV :)

What frustrates me most is all the hoops you have to jump through to stay here legally, not so easy when you want to work but are not employed by some large company... and even when you do, the whole 90 day immigration check thing, isn't that like being out on parole? *shrug*

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1. When poor manners are dismissed as "this is thai culture", I get a bit miffed. Been here long enough to know the difference as reported by educated honest non xenophobic Thais in not all, but a number of cases.

2. When you run into the ex navy seal turned English teacher who earns three times what a regular teachers does, owing to his military pension. Only compounded by him then complaining about being broke 2 weeks into the month.. (one week after spending a weekend with his new thai "love of his life".

3. Not being able to get diet tonic water ANYWHERE.

4. people trying to induce an epilileptic episode using whistles and flashing lights while I try to park the car.

5. Having my black skin commented upon, touched, generally ridiculed and it being not considered rude. Who taught these folks to call black people "chocolate man"? It makes me feel sorry for Thai's as a race that they could fall so far behind what is regarded as common decency.

finally the greatest frustration is meeting the incredibly polite and civilized Thais who make being here a joy. Why are they frustrating? Because then you realise that what was being passed off as "thai culture" was just nice people making excuses for the not so well informed ones, who seem to be in the VAST majority.

apologies if I have made this thread too sombre...

Edited by Loz
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Ha! Loz that was good. "Chocolate man"..... ya they have no clue. At least they do it to themselves more than foreigners, if a child has dark skin his nickname becomes "Blackie", if hes fat, he's "fatty", ugly becomes "Ugly".... not a lot of deep thought going on.

Diet tonic water! Was that as joke? Made me laugh regardless.

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Serious about the tonic water. When I saw the Tesco Lotus I was spell bound! I thought, YES!!! diet ginger ale and diet tonic, just like home.

FAT CHANCE!!! (pun intended)

I like to drink tonic with Grapefruit juice (also hard to find but stocked in the mall now :D ) So given the volumes of it I drink, I'd rather avoid the calories.

As an interesting aside I stopped drinking it for new year and switched to Ice tea as my beverage of choice. within days I was plagued with Mossie bites so went back to the tonic and they have stopped biting. Maybe its the quinine?

Back on topic.

I am also frustrated by house cleaner leaving to run a restaurant in phuket. I am curious to see what her sister ( the replacement) looks like though... :)

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1. When poor manners are dismissed as "this is thai culture", I get a bit miffed. Been here long enough to know the difference as reported by educated honest non xenophobic Thais in not all, but a number of cases.

2. When you run into the ex navy seal turned English teacher who earns three times what a regular teachers does, owing to his military pension. Only compounded by him then complaining about being broke 2 weeks into the month.. (one week after spending a weekend with his new thai "love of his life".

3. Not being able to get diet tonic water ANYWHERE.

4. people trying to induce an epilileptic episode using whistles and flashing lights while I try to park the car.

5. Having my black skin commented upon, touched, generally ridiculed and it being not considered rude. Who taught these folks to call black people "chocolate man"? It makes me feel sorry for Thai's as a race that they could fall so far behind what is regarded as common decency.

finally the greatest frustration is meeting the incredibly polite and civilized Thais who make being here a joy. Why are they frustrating? Because then you realise that what was being passed off as "thai culture" was just nice people making excuses for the not so well informed ones, who seem to be in the VAST majority.

apologies if I have made this thread too sombre...

I think most people would agree with every word :)

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Wait, so you trusted someone who was selling you something to give you an answer that was not self serving? hmmm... did you take your temperature recently? been having blurred vision?...

Sadly I don't think this is just a reflection on LOS.


absolutely, you are right!! When I got her the ring at the BIG jewellry store in BKK, I was a little star struck that morning I guess, as we had just gotten married on paper the day before, and after waiting 18 months, FINALLY got to sleep with the new ( Thai ) wife.. when the guy got out the calender and said 60 days, i believed him

signed: gullible

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having a conversation with my staff only to have another staff member come up 10 minutes later to ask me what I was talking about so they could translate to the first staff member! who by the way normally agrees to everthing I said first time round :)

Whistles :D

Thai Soaps on TV :D

Motor Bikes hitting your car and not even stopping to say SORRY. i know they have no insurance and no money, but at least stop and say sorry. :D

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Ha! Loz that was good. "Chocolate man"..... ya they have no clue. At least they do it to themselves more than foreigners...

Maybe they got that moniker from American movies? ("Hot Chicks"). Might as well blame America since it's a convenient and frequent scapegoat on TV--which is really my only frustrating experience in LOS--all those Asian and European TV members whose butts we saved from Hitler and Tojo less than a generation ago, now think it's politically hip to throw mud at their savior. AH! There's some bait fer ya! :)

Edited by toptuan
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Ha! Loz that was good. "Chocolate man"..... ya they have no clue. At least they do it to themselves more than foreigners...

Maybe they got that moniker from American movies? ("Hot Chicks"). Might as well blame America since it's a convenient scapegoat on TV--which is really my only frustrating experience in LOS--all those TV Asian and European members whose butts we saved from Hitler and Tojo in years past now think it's politically hip to throw mud at their savior. AH! There's some bait fer ya! :)

no no no. Americans only think they saved us from Hitler! but truth of the matter is, if it wasnt for the efforts of everyone coming together to help otherthrow him we would not have done so. except for the French and Italians of course! :D

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Ha! Loz that was good. "Chocolate man"..... ya they have no clue. At least they do it to themselves more than foreigners...

Maybe they got that moniker from American movies? ("Hot Chicks"). Might as well blame America since it's a convenient scapegoat on TV--which is really my only frustrating experience in LOS--all those TV Asian and European members whose butts we saved from Hitler and Tojo in years past now think it's politically hip to throw mud at their savior. AH! There's some bait fer ya! :D

no no no. Americans only think they saved us from Hitler! but truth of the matter is, if it wasnt for the efforts of everyone coming together to help otherthrow him we would not have done so. except for the French and Italians of course! :D

And Swiss... :)

One notable exception: Tom Cruise (I think a German-American?) who tried to assassinate Hitler! :D

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1. Going into a 7-11 and asking for Benson & Hedges. Staff say "finish", and give no indication when or if they will have more in stock, nor do they offer an alternative.

2. Trying to get someone to fix my internet connection. "Come tomorrow, sir", they say. When they haven't arrived, call up. "Sorry sir, cannot come", is their reply. Grrr!

3. Ordering something from the menu at a reataurant. Wrong meal arrives, when I ask for the meal I ordered, "Not have".

4. Cannot understand why I am paying twice for my internet connection (ADSL). 856 baht to Loxinfo, and 700 baht to TOT. When I ask why, no-one can tell me.

Mind you, all these are minor things - you learn to live with them. Life in Thailand is GOOD!

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Thai Soaps on TV :D

Oh the inanity! Seriously, why are all women on Thai soaps all so dam_n bitchy pampered queens... girls who watch these shows end up thinking that is the behavior people expect from them, and round and round we go...

Yeah, but I like how they always cry and fuss over the handsome young guy in the hospital bed. :) Something to look forward to when I get bed-ridden.

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What I find so vewwy fwustwating is the constant, sometimes relentless noise in Thailand. I have read posts by people who left this country because of it. For sheer volume, the Phillipines horrified me, but here it's the television in food courts, 3 different advertising jingles plus two voice-overs in Tesco, then Thai pop ( real pap ) in the taxi on the way home. For someone who loves the sophistication of complex Latin beats and those wonderful Brazilian melodies, pop here is excruciating. But my fiance is too polite to ask the driver to shut it off. And the couple I did ask seemed grumpy because of it. Next time I'm back home I'm getting an FM radio transmitter to block their signals, or even better, to play MY cd through their radio. harrr harr :)

Or are there a lot of AM stations here too ?

It's also a little frustration not being able to breathe due to the smoke from burning-off here on the outskirts of BKK, or just the dust ( mixed with dried dog poo ) being thrown up in the air on roads.

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This is so true....and really frustrating!

having a conversation with my staff only to have another staff member come up 10 minutes later to ask me what I was talking about so they could translate to the first staff member! who by the way normally agrees to everthing I said first time round

best post here in my humble opinion :)

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This is so true....and really frustrating!

having a conversation with my staff only to have another staff member come up 10 minutes later to ask me what I was talking about so they could translate to the first staff member! who by the way normally agrees to everthing I said first time round

best post here in my humble opinion :)

gotta laugh, it sends me mad! but now I am used to it and tend to hang around until I see said member of staff doing what was asked of them.

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having a conversation with my staff only to have another staff member come up 10 minutes later to ask me what I was talking about so they could translate to the first staff member! who by the way normally agrees to everthing I said first time round :)


Motor Bikes hitting your car and not even stopping to say SORRY. i know they have no insurance and no money, but at least stop and say sorry. :D

I also find it frustrating that I lack the communication skills to explain my point clearly to non-native English speakers, but like you, I am lucky that I have polite friends and colleagues who work round this without making me look ignorant and stupid. I can do that for myself on internet fora.

I don't know why you stop your car blocking the flow of motorbikes. I hope you apologise for it.


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another one.

Broken down busses! I see one at least once a week sat in the middle lane of Sukhumvit. I drove to Tops about an hour ago and couldnt understand why the traffic was at a standstill at the green lights until I saw a broken down bus again.

gotta feel for the drivers though! what a &lt;deleted&gt; job.

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I also find it frustrating that I lack the communication skills to explain my point clearly to non-native English speakers, but like you, I am lucky that I have polite friends and colleagues who work round this without making me look ignorant and stupid. I can do that for myself on internet fora.

I don't know why you stop your car blocking the flow of motorbikes. I hope you apologise for it.


You just did.

LOL, there is always one poster.

how would you like it if you came into my restaurant that sells and caters to Foreigners and you ordered some food and drink to which my staff couldnt understand you? you would think there was something wrong surely? if we serve foreigners then surely we should speak English???? thats why I get frustrated, its not because I am arrogant, its more to do with the fact that I put a lot of time and effort into staff training to help them do there jobs better to which hopefully people will give them a good tip and come back to support my business!

so that is why I expect English Speaking Staff!!!

another thing that frustrates me is that there is always one poster who like to go against the grain and try to make themselves look better for it.

They dont look better for it, They end up looking like a sad old git with no life off the forum.

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I also find it frustrating that I lack the communication skills to explain my point clearly to non-native English speakers, but like you, I am lucky that I have polite friends and colleagues who work round this without making me look ignorant and stupid. I can do that for myself on internet fora.

I don't know why you stop your car blocking the flow of motorbikes. I hope you apologise for it.


You just did.

LOL, there is always one poster.

how would you like it if you came into my restaurant that sells and caters to Foreigners and you ordered some food and drink to which my staff couldnt understand you? you would think there was something wrong surely? if we serve foreigners then surely we should speak English???? thats why I get frustrated, its not because I am arrogant, its more to do with the fact that I put a lot of time and effort into staff training to help them do there jobs better to which hopefully people will give them a good tip and come back to support my business!

so that is why I expect English Speaking Staff!!!

another thing that frustrates me is that there is always one poster who like to go against the grain and try to make themselves look better for it.

They dont look better for it, They end up looking like a sad old git with no life off the forum.

Easy there Onnut, I haven't commented on this thread yet. :)

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