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Papaya Acidic Or Alkali?


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seems to me that the pH would necessarily change during ripening (oxidation) the ripened fruit being less acidic...

a guy I knew in Nicaragua that had a dodgy stomach useta eat lots of ripe papaya for medicinal reasons...he even useta cut grooves into the fruit to accelerate ripening...I wondered what he had against pepto-bismol... :)

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Ok, this is actually REALLY easy: If something tastes sour, it's acidic. Heck, the latin root word "acidus" means sour!

I'm going to assume your wife was advised not to eat sour foods due to a digestive disorder. If that is the case, it is highly advisable to ignore charts like the one found on the site ballzafire linked. There is a trend in "new age" diets to prefer "ALKALINIZING" foods and avoid so-called "ACIDIFYING" foods. The basic concept is, despite a food's specific pH value, it might have a very different effect on body chemistry. This may or may not be true. I have read no scientifically verification either way for this fad thus I am highly skeptical of its veracity.

What I would suggest is: if your wife has been told to avoid acidic foods by a doctor, she might simply try not to eat sour things. If the issue is in fact directly related to the stomach, or alimentary canal in general, what does it matter how lemons might affect body chemistry if they are HARSHLY acidic in the digestive system?

Good luck!

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