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The Big Bug Gers Are Out Again ... Beware !


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last year i caught sight of a huge bug in loi kroh road at night ( see pic )

well today was my lucky day in daylight !

i went to see a friend in a temple and this little 8 inch nasty walked straight in front of us , needless to say the camera was out very quickly and i got a few good shots even though it was moving fast.

my little friend wanted to eat there and then .. RAW .... but i pursuaded her not to so ive put the best four of todays pics up in case anyone wants to see one or download one !

enjoy .... dave2

ps ... the blue tiles in the pics are 12 inches square.

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My Wife says those little blighters can give you a pretty nasty sting !!

We don't see the often in our garden...but we see'em

And if you're so unfortunate to receive their nasty wrath near your package......there's no return! :)

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This is our famous "Centipede". Depending on your allergic reaction, it has a very nasty sting and it will and can make you very sick. Millipedes eat them. Most other insects and animals stay away from them. Eating one is at your own peril and a very dumb idea. It may be your last. The newest species to be found here are "pink" ones that fetch $50 US by collectors. They are said to be even more dangerous but I don't know how much hype that is. Nice pictures.

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I have had the occasional one visit my garden. If seen my dogs usually kill them. Gross things, truly.

A friend once told me that these things like to make for high ground. They see people as high ground and will attempt to run up your leg. If it decides to sting, some of the legs drop off and embed into the flesh having to be extracted by a Doctor.

If this happens it is said to be one of the most painful experiences a person can suffer.

Not sure whether this is fact or not, but that`s what I was told.

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i believe this is a scolopendra, Living in greece i got stung 2 times by these ...one time on the leg in bed while sleeping, it injects a pain mediator which is very painful but not fatal , infact it was like my leg had gone to sleep once the pain had worn off but this lasted about 6-7 hours...i spent the whole night stamping my foot on the floor trying to get the feeling back, I was told they are a gardners best friend...they eat slugs but i prefured to kill them anyway when i found them in the house.

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A friend once told me that these things like to make for high ground. They see people as high ground and will attempt to run up your leg.

That must been what happened to me late yesterday afternoon. Was out washing my car in the car port and felt something moving up my leg fast. Took a quick look down and there was one moving up my calf. Stomped my foot hard which knocked him off and he scurried or rather swam away fast. He was small, about 5 cm long so probably a young one. Never expected it since I've only seen one rather large one in the years I've lived at this house.

Still have a chill down my spine thinking about it. :)

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We have one a fat one near ten inches long in a bottle of very clear, slightly yellowish, distilled rice whisky purchased up in Doi Mae Salong : well, we think it's distilled rice whisky : could be tiger piss, for all we really know. Chinese medicinal thing and all that.

We are sure it will cure of us diseases we don't even know we have once and for all, including sanity and mortality ... take us right out of the meat-package into the eternal ... if we ever drink of it.

best, ~o:37;


Robert Service : The Ballad of the Ice-Worm Cocktail : excerpt :

"A toughish yarn," laughed Major Brown, "as well you may admit.

I'd like to see this little beast before I swallow it."

"'Tis easy done," said Deacon White, "Ho! Barman, haste and bring

Us forth some pickled ice-worms of the vintage of last Spring."

But sadly still was Barman Bill, then sighed as one bereft:

"There's been a run on cocktails, Boss; there ain't an ice-worm left.

Yet wait . . . By gosh! it seems to me that some of extra size

Were picked and put away to show the scientific guys."

Then deeply in a drawer he sought, and there he found a jar,

The which with due and proper pride he put upon the bar;

And in it, wreathed in queasy rings, or rolled into a ball,

A score of grey and greasy things, were drowned in alcohol.

Their bellies were a bilious blue, their eyes a bulbous red;

Their back were grey, and gross were they, and hideous of head.

And when with gusto and a fork the barman speared one out,

It must have gone four inches from its tail-tip to its snout.

Cried Deacon White with deep delight: "Say, isn't that a beaut?"

"I think it is," sniffed Major Brown, "a most disgustin' brute.

Its very sight gives me the pip. I'll bet my bally hat,

You're only spoofin' me, old chap. You'll never swallow that."

"The hel_l I won't!" said Deacon White. "Hey! Bill, that fellows fine.

Fix up four ice-worm cocktails, and just put that wop in mine.""

Edited by orang37
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There's an interesting article on Wikipedia about centipedes


including the fact that the largest of them catches bats in flight.

Note that the "sting" of centipedes is actually a bite (from modified front appendages), although makes no difference to the pain felt!

here's another link: http://www.siam-info.com/english/centipedes.html

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We have one a fat one near ten inches long in a bottle of very clear, slightly yellowish, distilled rice whisky purchased up in Doi Mae Salong : well, we think it's distilled rice whisky : could be tiger piss, for all we really know. Chinese medicinal thing and all that.

We are sure it will cure of us diseases we don't even know we have once and for all, including sanity and mortality ... take us right out of the meat-package into the eternal ... if we ever drink of it.

best, ~o:37;


Let us know when the two of you are going to drink / eat it, mixed with whatever other cocktail of substances you usually use it should be an interesting thing to observe :):D

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They have the capability to kill things under 40kg. For an adult expect 12-20 hrs of intense burning.

I used to have one as a pet, fed it pinky mice and never found bones....

Yes, I was told that they 'can' be fatal to small children--I think Thais call them 'Takraab' or something similar,--I kill as many as I find--usually hiding under stones, rocks, conc. blocks etc..

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Yeah Da-kaab or whatever the local dialect pronounces it as, we are probably both wrong! :)

For those unaware and want to kill them, they are extremly aggresive, and quick moving. You can notice the last two legs are modified. They can grabon to something from behind and whip around and strike you before you have time to react. Beat em with a long stick, if you use something short they are fast enough to jump on it run up and bite you.

P.S. Always shake out your shoes!

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... snip ... We are sure it will cure of us diseases we don't even know we have once and for all, including sanity and mortality ... take us right out of the meat-package into the eternal ... if we ever drink of it.
Let us know when the two of you are going to drink / eat it, mixed with whatever other cocktail of substances you usually use it should be an interesting thing to observe :):D

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Anonymouse,

We'd love to have you at our farewell party ! We thought the Red Lion would be the right venue for a final tipple of Ta-Khrub juice, since it's already full of dying people.

best, ~o:37;

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... snip ... We are sure it will cure of us diseases we don't even know we have once and for all, including sanity and mortality ... take us right out of the meat-package into the eternal ... if we ever drink of it.
Let us know when the two of you are going to drink / eat it, mixed with whatever other cocktail of substances you usually use it should be an interesting thing to observe :):D

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Anonymouse,

We'd love to have you at our farewell party ! We thought the Red Lion would be the right venue for a final tipple of Ta-Khrub juice, since it's already full of dying people.

best, ~o:37;

A farewell party would be to sad Khun Orang, I was thinking of something more 'Alice in Wonderland' :D

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