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Extreme Domestic Violence At Our Neighbours House


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just asked for my wifes advise :D domestic violence is regarded as inhouse family problems

and even if reported wont cause him mutch greaf :)

I"d be happy to put the first 10.000 bht on the table if we can make a colletion and get 100.000 bht

im sure she would be happy to be relocated with her kids :D

( unless of course she is a user of drugs her self ) its posible but i hope not

far away from that low life drug dealing wife and child beating scum

do we have the means to do somthing about this ( i aint ritch but a few uf us im sure can spare a few thousan bht )


What a great idea! My gf just said, that she most probably takes drugs also... but the chances are 50/50. But just for the kids sake it would be great. You know what, I seriously doubt, that she would handle the money well so maybe finding her a small flat and paying the first three months rent should do the job until she gets some grip and works for herself (as she does now anyway) She works in a bar overnight (I know, it so fits in the picture...) I just come to think, maybe she doesn`t care too much about her children anyway. If she would, she would at least go away seeing her husband beating them senseless. She had many instances where her husband was beating her and her children (children every day) so why the heck doesn`t she move. I just don`t get the point. I am not a professional in this area so I don`t understand her. I don`t understand her husband but even more - why doesn`t she do something for her and her children???

Don't even think about trying to understand a woman that is in that situation. AND be real careful when approching her with your concerns as it may backfire on you. Drugs in particular methanphetamines make people crazy SERIOUSLY CRAZY! You said earlier the other people around know whats happening there. Get together with all of them and speak to a high ranking police officer AND what little official abuse help is available . Sad but it happens way to often and not only in Thailand. Remember to CYA cause you may open a can of worms when you step in and be prepared for anything imaginable to happen cause it will!
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You MUST let someone know what's happening to those poor children.

However, I'd definitely move away, regardless. I certainly wouldn't want to live next to a guy like that especially as he is producing drugs.

In fact that might be the best tip off to the police that you can give, they will almost certainly investigate drugs, but move fast and move first, you and your family's safety is important too.

In my opinion its not worth putting his cowardice to the test, as he is obviously very violent. Also from the sounds of it he is wired up on all sorts of chemicals, which can certainly override feelings of cowardice and self preservation.

I don't need to tell you that drugs, and violence is not a good combination. Its also worth bearing in mind that his associates are probably cut from the same cloth, so beware.

You don't want to be seen as the enemy, get to safety and then report.

I am going to agree with this one. However I would move first !! Then report. You could talk to the tourist police, they have NO Power. However they are connected and can inform the right people. I would highlight the drugs. Not much is likely to happen over a Thai man beating his wife and kids. The woman would most likely deny that it's happening, out of fear for herself, and fear of losing financial support. If the man goes to jail for the drugs, problem solved.

Giving the woman the names and numbers that others have provided will do little good, and may cause more harm for her, and you, if discovered by the man. I'm sure that she can't even read the English, and would be to scared to go seek help on her own. She would have already, if that were the case. If you get involved while still living next door, remember what many have said here. The man is a COWARD. A coward will retaliate with his friends, and weapons. A coward would never confront you alone, or with out a weapon. He WILL get even though. It's easy for him to get 8 or 10 drunk or drugged up Thais to come over and beat a farang. Think of yourself and your family first.

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Is there a potted plant involved?


Aparently Onnut has one for sale :D

....it has a couple of grannies attached to it, they'd probably sort this coward out, they kept poor ole onnut on his toes long enough :)

Edited by neverdie
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Menny, this picture your slowly painting for us, grows uglier by the minute. :)

Yeah, sorry. I didnt want to speak about anything at first but we both feel so disgusted about whats going on and new stories from other neigbours are popping now in minute by minute. Also for us it gets nastier and nastier. The point has now come where we actively are looking for a new house to do the first step Getting to a safe distance. From there we will inform the house owner (because he is a very good man...) about whats going on here. He might give us additional ideas. Helping this woman might backfire indeed! What if she tells her husband that the neighbours are extremely bored and even want to help her...

I am protecting my family - Distance is the first step. The second will most probably be an anonymous call to the police giving a hint. They might send some undercover agent in (That would indeed be the best)

Third step will be maybe getting together with the neigbourhood and do something. But everyone is just crazy afraid of them here and wants to avoid conflicts. This man has a huge group of young people around him and its not too much saying that he knows many many people in Phuket. Oh, I forgot to mention that a police officer is his second neigbour (only 2o metres away) make yourself a picture...

Its a really difficult situation and we have to be extremely careful especially as a foreigner in Thailand. I don`t want to be involved with anything since we have a company... Man - its a real headache situation!

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Speaking of grannies...

We need more OAPs like this

Who says that just because you are retired you cant play a full, active & useful role in society .... prepare to be made very very happy!

Gun-toting granny Ava Estelle, 81, was so ticked-off when two thugs raped her 18-year-old granddaughter that she tracked the unsuspecting ex-cons down - - and shot off their testicles.

The old lady spent a week hunting those men down -- and when she found them, she took revenge on them in her own special way, said Melbourne police investigator Evan Delp. Then she took a taxi to the nearest police station, laid the gun on the sergeant's desk and told him as calm as could be:

'Those b*stards will never rape anybody again, by God.' Cops say convicted rapist and robber Davis Furth , 33, lost both his penis and his testicles when outraged Ava opened fire with a 9-mm pistol in the hotel room where he and former prison cell mate Stanley Thomas, 29, were holed up.

The wrinkled avenger also blew Thomas' testicles to kingdom come, but doctors managed to save his mangled penis, police said. The one guy, Thomas, didn't lose his manhood, but the doctor I talked to said he won't be using it the way he used to, Detective Delp told reporters. Both men are still in pretty bad shape, but I think they're just happy to be alive after what they've been through.

The Rambo Granny swung into action August 21 after her granddaughter Debbie was carjacked and raped in broad daylight by two knife-wielding creeps in a section of town bordering on skid row. "When I saw the look on my Debbie's face that night in the hospital, I decided I was going to go out and get those bastards myself 'cause I figured the Law would go easy on them," recalled the retired library worker. "And I wasn't scared of them, either-- because I've got me a gun and I've been shooting' all my life. And I wasn't dumb enough to turn it in when the law changed about owning one."

So, using a police artist's sketch of the suspects and Debbie's description of the sickos', tough-as-nails Ava spent seven days prowling the wino-infested neighborhood where the crime took place till she spotted the ill fated rapists entering their flophouse hotel.

I knew it was them the minute I saw 'em, but I shot a picture of 'em anyway and took it back to Debbie and she said sure as hel_l, it was them, the oldster recalled.

So I went back to that hotel and found their room and knocked on the door and the minute the big one, , opened the door, I shot 'em right square between the legs, right where it would really hurt 'em most, you know. Then I went in and shot the other one as he backed up pleading to me to spare him. Then I went down to the police station and turned myself in.

Now, baffled lawmen are trying to figure out exactly how to deal with the vigilante granny. What she did was wrong, and she broke the law, but it is difficult to throw an 81-year-old woman in prison, Det. Delp said, especially when 3 million people in the city want to nominate her for Mayor.

Edited by mahtin
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I want to reiterate what has already been said, but with a warning to NOT talk with the woman in this situation. If she is using drugs, then you will be seen as the enemy who might take away her drugs. Even if she's not, beaten spouses develop such low self esteem that they become psychologically dependent on their abuser, hence the vicious circle. By talking to her you are only endangering your own family. For those who have said that you should "put pressure" on the guy and that he will crumble, that's a good idea in the west, but they aren't factoring in the Thai issues such as the strength of face, the OP being a foreigner (which is associated with face), and the fact that if he's a drug dealer, he has powerful friends. A dead hero is still dead.

Please contact the the numbers on the UNIFEM website that Neverdie posted, or try some of the other women's issues based NGOs such as the ones on this site (they aren't just rape or wartime-injustice focused, but deal with many different issues of abuse): http://www.stoprapenow.org/ngoLinks.html

I would suggest doing this AFTER moving, preferably far enough away that they can't come after you. Good Luck!

(Wow, using those links twice in one day, what is this world coming to...)

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You need a good police contact. Many folks on here must know one and maybe your colleagues/friends in Phuket know one too. You need to ask their advice...explain calmly the situation...the two crimes, violence and drugs. Paint the picture and with the policeman's contact report him as a drugdealer. They'll be interested and will most likely stake him out (regardless of his "powerful" friends). Hopefully then he'll be put away if he really is a dealer and they can find proof. Otherwise it's back to square one.

And yes, although not a necessity, it would probably make you feel more at ease if you're on holiday or in another house when this ball starts rolling.

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Good morning everyone!

I was just reading all your helpful advise again. Thanks for beeing there and trying to help out with your good ideas, numbers and so forth. We both were thinking a lot on how we can resolve this issue.

First of all I will repeat the steps that have developed during this discussion and seem reasonable for us:

  • Get far away with my family, to a safe place.
  • From there informing the house owner partially about unbearable noise and trash in front of his house
  • and then...

Yes, and then we face this question. Is involving the police really clever?

There are some points that make it seem a good idea:

  • The childrens safety
  • Drug abuse and selling
  • Extreme violence
  • Stealing all their neighbours peace and scaring them
  • Gathering a scary gang around him bothering neighbours

And some points which make it seem even crazy going to the police:

  • Thai police may be involved
  • They don`t care about domestic violence
  • We don`t have proof on paper
  • We might get badly involved and the whole thing backfires on us
  • We don`t trust the police to work as clever and careful as they should here (e.g. undercover)
  • We don`t have any helpful connections with police

Well, a whole lot of points. Sure, its pressing since children are involved but how do we proceed to not make it even worse? Some infos about the wife for all of you:

Even though I am really sorry for her, I can have absolutely no understanding about her behaviour in this situations. She is a mother, she has three children (The two boys left the house yesterday and they didn`t come back. We don`t know where they are by the way...) so she is alone with the baby. When the husband isn`t around, she sits outside on the street and lets the baby crawl around all by himself (in the dirt just next to some wastecontainer) without even looking at the small guy. (I guess the baby must be one year old or something). Instead she is playing with the dog. She watches her boyfriend/husband day by day heavily beating her boys and speaking such a bad language with them and her - but she decides to stay. A decisiOn for her children? I doubt that! If she requests him not to beat them soooo strong, he beats her as well. We hear every word on the other side of the wall - they are fighting about this most of the time.

In our opinion, helping her could make it worse!

  • She might tell her husband
  • She might get caught by him phoning those numbers
  • She looses face - not beeing a good mum...
  • She isn`t interested in help - otherwise she would have asked someone for it a long time ago
  • Husband is watching her very very well...
  • If she moves or runs, her family might be in danger. (Parents, sister, children etc.)
  • Her families and our life would be in danger
  • We are dealing with one member (her) of semi-organised crime and so one never knows

I guess, that you slowly see the seriousness of this situation. We don`t want to sit back and do nothing but doing something is crazy dangerous! This is a really ****ed up situation and we feel so sorry for the boys and this wife. We want to do something to help them but its like our hands are bound and everything we do could make it worse for all parties...

First step - moving!

I keep you informed on this story!

Thanks again to all of you guys - especially neverdie for all your good tips!

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Speaking of grannies...

The wrinkled avenger also blew Thomas' testicles to kingdom come, but doctors managed to save his mangled penis, police said. The one guy, Thomas, didn't lose his manhood, but the doctor I talked to said he won't be using it the way he used to, Detective Delp told reporters.

:D Thanks for that mahtin, thats a classic story, they obviously breed their grannies tough down in Melbourne. :)

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close the thread. its clear you just gonna move! whic is the right thing to do. no need to put members here thru all the drama


there should be the word 'dead' in your nic as well, perhaps in the middle. :)

You gonna report yourself mate?

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I had a similar situation in Pattaya, though not nearly as serious as one you describe. Thai guy was beating his wife. I went to his house and rang bell. He came to door and I told him to stop. I do not speak Thai but he understood what I was talking about. Through gestures and such I told him that if he did not stop I would do the same to him. Apparently he believed me as the beatings appeared to cease . I do not live there anymore so I suppose things have gone back to the way they were. I hope not but probably they have. I know things could have gone wrong and the guy could have shot me or something, but it is not in my nature to do nothing, partly because I am retired from law enforcement so have dealt with much violence. I do not know your situation, such as your age, physical condition, etc. I am a big guy so I am sure this is why I got away with this. I only say what I did. My advice would be at the least call the police. it is unfortunately the Thai way not to get involved. In situation I described my girlfriend was actually mad at me for getting involved, but I told her that is the way I am so get used to it or find somebody else. Actually the neighbors were happy I did this. However, the problem is, not only in Thailand either, no matter what you or even police do, the woman will stay with the guy in the end anyway. I never understood this, but that is the way it is.

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You gonna report yourself mate?

You know what Jimmy, I rarely use the report button but I will use it especially when someone purposely tries to derail what seems to be an important thread, which is exactly what you were doing yesterday with 2 or 3 of your responses directed at me when I was trying to help the OP out. I chose to hit the report button rather than respond to the rubbish you were posting because clearly you would of acheived your objective of derailing the thread. I don't know why you were doing that, perhaps its because someone went against what you said or maybe it was a bit close to home, i dunno. Other posters saw what you wrote and directed comments at you regarding this, the mods chose to delete it, so get on with it.

Perhaps you should stick to you pen pushing and continue hiding in your little bangkok office & perhaps come out and give advice about things when your feeling a little bit better or somebody wants to know about papercuts or whatever. Theres absolutely no point in coming in here to take out your frustrations on other people who are only trying to help others.

Of course your statement "Beating the family in front of me might make me get arrested" impresses people & really helps the OP out. :)

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You gonna report yourself mate?

You know what Jimmy, I rarely use the report button but I will use it especially when someone purposely tries to derail what seems to be an important thread, which is exactly what you were doing yesterday with 2 or 3 of your responses directed at me when I was trying to help the OP out. I chose to hit the report button rather than respond to the rubbish you were posting because clearly you would of acheived your objective of derailing the thread. I don't know why you were doing that, perhaps its because someone went against what you said or maybe it was a bit close to home, i dunno. Other posters saw what you wrote and directed comments at you regarding this, the mods chose to delete it, so get on with it.

Perhaps you should stick to you pen pushing and continue hiding in your little bangkok office & perhaps come out and give advice about things when your feeling a little bit better or somebody wants to know about papercuts or whatever. Theres absolutely no point in coming in here to take out your frustrations on other people who are only trying to help others.

Of course your statement "Beating the family in front of me might make me get arrested" impresses people & really helps the OP out. :)

My comments to you are about your judging every second thread on here as started by a troll. Calling the most recent poster 'brain' dead is what may I ask if not a personal attack. But don't worry mate, I won't run to the powers that be like a lil baby.

As for derailing the thread, it appears that the advice I gave the op about considering what he is getting himself into (the big picture) first before jumping in with both feet, and echoed by many subsequently, he has taken on board.

For the record mate, you telling the guy to go confronting drug dealers with domestic violence issues probably is the worst advice he could get. Nobody said anything about condoning the guy's actions - quite the opposite, but sitting where ever you are encouraging the OP to get involved is brave of you considering you are not the one at risk.

Thankfully (for his sake) he will move first then contact the authorities. The difference between being a hero and a dead one, is using something that is found between the ears.

Edited by bkkjames
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I thought that someone might have had similar experiences in the past and so knew how one can solve such a problem in Thailand - so its specific.

The poster advising to call Paveena's foundation is a very good idea. She will get the children out of the house. That happened a woman in my Soi who did not let her children go to school, and who worked instead for her small business. Some neighbor's called Paveena's foundation.

I have similar neighbor's, drug dealing, beating wife, etc. No young children involved though, only grown up children. Neighbor's called police almost every week because of the noise. They came, but couldn't do much because the wife never filed charges.

Lately though the abused wife has turned it around, and began beating the husband up when he started on her again. He has been seen walking around the Soi bleeding a few times lately, complaing that the wife and the children started to gang up on him, much to the amusement of the inhabitants of the Soi. :)

Anyhow, your issue is serious. You should call Paveena, and maybe let your wife make an anonymous call to the police as well about the noise when it happens. You have to protect yourself though as well, so that the complaint cannot be traced back to you. He might have more friends than you, and they may not take interference lightly. But not doing something is also not really an option.

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For the record mate, you telling the guy to go confronting drug dealers with domestic violence issues probably is the worst advice he could get. Nobody said anything about condoning the guy's actions - quite the opposite, but sitting where ever you are encouraging the OP to get involved is brave of you considering you are not the one at risk.

Ohhh dear, now you are trying to verbal me by suggesting I am the one that said he should go and confont this man. Perhaps you might like to show me where I used those words or suggested such a thing? Its going to be difficult for you because nowhere here did I suggest such an absurd thing. From memory it was you who was the one suggesting you'd be the big man and end up getting locked up for it, am I correct?

Mainly what I did in this thread is obtain some contact details so the op could obtain help and provided him with other information. I was trying to help him

with his enquiry and I think you made some contructive comment about what I did by saying "Whats he suppose to do with that, take it and wave it in front of the wife basher" :)

Anyway Jimmy, I have absolutely no doubt that Ive dealt with this kind of thing more times in one week than you have in your life, but Im guessing you know best, don't you.

Edited by neverdie
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For the record mate, you telling the guy to go confronting drug dealers with domestic violence issues probably is the worst advice he could get. Nobody said anything about condoning the guy's actions - quite the opposite, but sitting where ever you are encouraging the OP to get involved is brave of you considering you are not the one at risk.

Ohhh dear, now you are trying to verbal me by suggesting I am the one that said he should go and confont this man. Perhaps you might like to show me where I used those words or suggested such a thing? Its going to be difficult for you because nowhere here did I suggest such an absurd thing. From memory it was you who was the one suggesting you'd be the big man and end up getting locked up for it, am I correct?

Mainly what I did in this thread is obtain some contact details so the op could obtain help and provided him with other information. I was trying to help him

with his enquiry and I think you may some contructive comment about "Whats he suppose to do with that, take it and wave it in front of the wife basher" :)

Anyway Jimmy, I have absolutely no doubt that Ive dealt with this kind of thing more times in one week than you have in your life, but Im guessing you know best, don't you.

I really must admit I didnt read the paragraphs above. However, if you can point me to your profile I will be sure to give you a big gold star.

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I had a similar situation in Pattaya, though not nearly as serious as one you describe. Thai guy was beating his wife. I went to his house and rang bell. He came to door and I told him to stop. I do not speak Thai but he understood what I was talking about. Through gestures and such I told him that if he did not stop I would do the same to him. Apparently he believed me as the beatings appeared to cease . I do not live there anymore so I suppose things have gone back to the way they were. I hope not but probably they have. I know things could have gone wrong and the guy could have shot me or something, but it is not in my nature to do nothing, partly because I am retired from law enforcement so have dealt with much violence. I do not know your situation, such as your age, physical condition, etc. I am a big guy so I am sure this is why I got away with this. I only say what I did. My advice would be at the least call the police. it is unfortunately the Thai way not to get involved. In situation I described my girlfriend was actually mad at me for getting involved, but I told her that is the way I am so get used to it or find somebody else. Actually the neighbors were happy I did this. However, the problem is, not only in Thailand either, no matter what you or even police do, the woman will stay with the guy in the end anyway. I never understood this, but that is the way it is.

I am very thin and weak so absolutely not the guy who would go over to them (its a whole gang not only one guy)! And besides that I have my wonderful girlfriend living with me and I want no one to do her any harm when I have to leave the house. Yes we are moving now. And I am sorry I this situation seems to offend some people - just don`t read it @braingurl! And to all the others! Thank you so much for sharing and not leaving us alone with this! Helpful advise was given and we are on it to do this step by step and in the best possible manner. As many of you have helped, I figure its good to tell you how its going on in the future.

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I thought that someone might have had similar experiences in the past and so knew how one can solve such a problem in Thailand - so its specific.

The poster advising to call Paveena's foundation is a very good idea. She will get the children out of the house. That happened a woman in my Soi who did not let her children go to school, and who worked instead for her small business. Some neighbor's called Paveena's foundation.

I have similar neighbor's, drug dealing, beating wife, etc. No young children involved though, only grown up children. Neighbor's called police almost every week because of the noise. They came, but couldn't do much because the wife never filed charges.

Lately though the abused wife has turned it around, and began beating the husband up when he started on her again. He has been seen walking around the Soi bleeding a few times lately, complaing that the wife and the children started to gang up on him, much to the amusement of the inhabitants of the Soi. :)

Anyhow, your issue is serious. You should call Paveena, and maybe let your wife make an anonymous call to the police as well about the noise when it happens. You have to protect yourself though as well, so that the complaint cannot be traced back to you. He might have more friends than you, and they may not take interference lightly. But not doing something is also not really an option.

This sounds like a real good option and I will do this as soon as we`ve moved. Its probably better calling them then the police but again - I am afraid this guy just runs amok seeing them pop up in his house! Jesus!

Thanks for this tip anyway. Its a good thing as the many foundations, Neverdie has mentioned. Thanks for sharing this. Maybe reporting with a call when we have moved could also be of help.

Sometimes I just wish the whole neighbourhood would fight this guy together...

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Don't even think about trying to understand a woman that is in that situation. AND be real careful when approaching her with your concerns as it may backfire on you. Drugs in particular methamphetamines make people crazy SERIOUSLY CRAZY! You said earlier the other people around know whats happening there. Get together with all of them and speak to a high ranking police officer AND what little official abuse help is available . Sad but it happens way to often and not only in Thailand. Remember to CYA cause you may open a can of worms when you step in and be prepared for anything imaginable to happen cause it will!

Firstly i would like to say that this situation must be an absolute nightmare. The children are suffering every day. Very difficult to know the best thing to do.

I think the advice I quoted is by far the best I've seen as yet.

Often, in these situations, the woman is caught up in something she cannot, for reasons of her own (drug dependency, emotional issues, possibly grown up in a similar environment) see any way out.

It is very possible that she will not respond to offers of help and you can get yourself in trouble and not make the situation better.

But something does have to be done.

If you can, then I would definitely go down the route of involving as many people from the community as possible, contact the institutions that neverdie has researched for you together.

From the outset it needs to be clear that the whole community is as involved as possible. Everyone will be thinking the same. 'we want to do something but don't want/cannot be singled out by this scumbag as retribution is very possible and puts us and our families at risk'

Get everyone together with representatives from the help groups and show a united front. You will all be able to do something about this terrible situation. Even if he has some police on his side, if you all make a stand he will at least have to move and the agencies neverdie pointed you towards will have strategies in place to approach the woman and 'hopefully, rescue her children.

I hope, for the childrens sake and for the neighbourhood that you can all manage to do something.

How awful it must be to hear their screams through your wall!

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I have scanned this thread and have the following comments:

1) First, the thread should probably be moved to the Phuket forum if that is where OP lives and observed the DV

2) He says his GF has talked to the wife and he said the wife's legs are blue from beatings. In that circumstance a simple photo of the victims legs would help to reduce the doubts of TV members who may (reasonably) think this is a troll or exaggerated post.

3) OP has not given any indication of the neighborhood where this is occuring in Phuket (if Phuket). Many of the TV Phuket members have traveled extensively throughout the province and know the neighborhoods. None of the posts that I have seen have described any incidents to indicate this type of violence going on. Though it is possible of course.

In sum, OP needs to provide more specifics and some visual documentation to add credibility and help inform the response. In 30 years in Thailand in all types of communities at all times of day, I have not witnessed or heard about such flagrant abuse going on for an extended period without community intrvention. It is not typical of Thailand and therefore not plausible.

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This sounds like a real good option and I will do this as soon as we`ve moved. Its probably better calling them then the police but again - I am afraid this guy just runs amok seeing them pop up in his house! Jesus!

Thanks for this tip anyway. Its a good thing as the many foundations, Neverdie has mentioned. Thanks for sharing this. Maybe reporting with a call when we have moved could also be of help.

Sometimes I just wish the whole neighbourhood would fight this guy together...

In Thai culture there is this unwritten rule in which people are very reluctant to interfere in others personal life, if not asked to do that.

Generally though, Thai class system makes people like that very tame very soon when they are confronted with people perceived higher in the pecking order, such as foundations, or cops. These foundations also have access to people one wouldn't want to have a problem with in case of such situations of people going ballistic.

If you are not part of the Thai pecking order, or are known to have friends that are part of the pecking order and in a position that give you some sort of protection, you are wise not to play the hero and directly interfere in things that could turn very dangerous to you and your family.

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I had a similar situation in Pattaya, though not nearly as serious as one you describe. Thai guy was beating his wife. I went to his house and rang bell. He came to door and I told him to stop. I do not speak Thai but he understood what I was talking about. Through gestures and such I told him that if he did not stop I would do the same to him. Apparently he believed me as the beatings appeared to cease . I do not live there anymore so I suppose things have gone back to the way they were. I hope not but probably they have. I know things could have gone wrong and the guy could have shot me or something, but it is not in my nature to do nothing, partly because I am retired from law enforcement so have dealt with much violence. I do not know your situation, such as your age, physical condition, etc. I am a big guy so I am sure this is why I got away with this. I only say what I did. My advice would be at the least call the police. it is unfortunately the Thai way not to get involved. In situation I described my girlfriend was actually mad at me for getting involved, but I told her that is the way I am so get used to it or find somebody else. Actually the neighbors were happy I did this. However, the problem is, not only in Thailand either, no matter what you or even police do, the woman will stay with the guy in the end anyway. I never understood this, but that is the way it is.

I am very thin and weak so absolutely not the guy who would go over to them (its a whole gang not only one guy)! And besides that I have my wonderful girlfriend living with me and I want no one to do her any harm when I have to leave the house. Yes we are moving now. And I am sorry I this situation seems to offend some people - just don`t read it @braingurl! And to all the others! Thank you so much for sharing and not leaving us alone with this! Helpful advise was given and we are on it to do this step by step and in the best possible manner. As many of you have helped, I figure its good to tell you how its going on in the future.

absolutely riveting!

first it was one bad guy! now its a gang of bad guys! next it could be the thai national army this guy is battling.

im starting to smell troll droppings!

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