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Met The Glitter Man At Friendship Today


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I think he's some kind of peddler. :)

Was he gone in a Flash ,

Who's the man who walks the beach road , he juggles sticks while walking along.

Isn't that "The Beach Road Walking Juggling Guy?"

(TBRWJG?!? Maybe we oughta help the guy out, and think up a catchier name... whadaya say?)

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I think he's some kind of peddler. :)

Was he gone in a Flash ,

Who's the man who walks the beach road , he juggles sticks while walking along.

Isn't that "The Beach Road Walking Juggling Guy?"

(TBRWJG?!? Maybe we oughta help the guy out, and think up a catchier name... whadaya say?)

Thats the One ,I see him regularly He never drops the sticks,

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He must have a quirky, eccentric brother cause I was out riding and on my left, waiting at the junction traffic lights was a farang with a great parrot on his shoulder!

I sh*t you not!

I couldn't stop or look for a double take (traffic was right behind me) but it was either a stuffed fake, or the real deal!

Amazing Pattaya :)

It is a real, live parrot. Unlike the Norwegian Blue "pining for the fjords."

This is another local celebrity who has been around for a few years.

Edited by Jonathanpattaya
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I can remember when there were lots of eccentrics here - whether they had to be shipped off and put away who knows but it made the place even more interesting.

Who remembers the guy who used to walk around in the green monk robes? He would wander for miles.

Or the two guys who met on Beach Road every afternoon to play badminton? They would come from different directions both with their racquets, one always had the flight(?), not a word was said between them - they would play quite a few sets and then depart again separately.

The very tall man dressed in a suit every day who used to walk like he had something important to get to? He carried a briefcase and muttered away to himself constantly. He was another than used to be seen all over the place.

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He must have a quirky, eccentric brother cause I was out riding and on my left, waiting at the junction traffic lights was a farang with a great parrot on his shoulder!

I sh*t you not!

I couldn't stop or look for a double take (traffic was right behind me) but it was either a stuffed fake, or the real deal!

Amazing Pattaya :)

That must be Don from Hawaii, he lives at Nirun Condo, the bird is real.

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He must have a quirky, eccentric brother cause I was out riding and on my left, waiting at the junction traffic lights was a farang with a great parrot on his shoulder!

I sh*t you not!

I couldn't stop or look for a double take (traffic was right behind me) but it was either a stuffed fake, or the real deal!

Amazing Pattaya :D

Yeah, man!

Seen The Parrot Guy, too! And the bird's the real deal! Maybe he'll be the next Pattaya super hero I run into...!

PS- let's show a little care & concern for our fellow farangs here, in our wonderful (new) hometown. Sabai sabai, men! Live & let live... and let the good times roll on!

PPS- Oh, forgot to tell you: when I ran into the Parrot Guy for the first time, I said to him, "Wow, you look great!" Then, the parrot said, "Yeah fine, Buddy. Now can you get this f---in' guy off my butt?" True story...


The parrot guy often walks by the Marriot pool so his 'bird' can socialize with the 2 parrots that are kept by the hotel to entertain guests :D

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What happened to snow white, the very thin Thai girl with white painted face often seen around beach road Soi 7 and 8 area.

She is still around the same area .For Loy Kathrong ( sp ? ) she dressed up in Thai traditional dress .I have a photo and may drag it out later .

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What happened to snow white, the very thin Thai girl with white painted face often seen around beach road Soi 7 and 8 area.

She is still around the same area .For Loy Kathrong ( sp ? ) she dressed up in Thai traditional dress .I have a photo and may drag it out later .

She is still around. She has a painted white face and often dresses in jeans and a large-buckled belt. She reads bar-girls palms for cash and chain-smokes 'Golden Rain' menthol cigarettes.

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What happened to snow white, the very thin Thai girl with white painted face often seen around beach road Soi 7 and 8 area.

She is still around the same area .For Loy Kathrong ( sp ? ) she dressed up in Thai traditional dress .I have a photo and may drag it out later .

She is still around. She has a painted white face and often dresses in jeans and a large-buckled belt. She reads bar-girls palms for cash and chain-smokes 'Golden Rain' menthol cigarettes.

Sorry 'bout how my mind works but, tell the truth:

If anybody wanted to check, how many 'Golden Rain' butts would they find in your ashtray...? (Tarot cards and cold cream on the dresser...? Only guessin', whoa!) JJ (just jokin', matey!)


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What happened to snow white, the very thin Thai girl with white painted face often seen around beach road Soi 7 and 8 area.

She is still around the same area .For Loy Kathrong ( sp ? ) she dressed up in Thai traditional dress .I have a photo and may drag it out later .

She is still around. She has a painted white face and often dresses in jeans and a large-buckled belt. She reads bar-girls palms for cash and chain-smokes 'Golden Rain' menthol cigarettes.

Correction: 'Falling Rain' menthol cigarettes. Freudian slip.

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I chatted with him briefly on Pattaya Beach Road when he was in his civvies. He is British and I suspected aristocratic roots.

I checked his name on Burke's Peerage online; and low and behold there he was.

Burke's Peerage

Syd mate, what's his name, it's clearly not Glitterman.

Whoa, hang on! Wait a minute, will 'ya? You just gave me an idea! Or maybe I just thought of something, I'm not sure. Do you think our man could be Harvey Glitterman, long-lost heir to the Glitterman family empire...?? It is possible- they still haven't found him you know...

Some say he died in 1984 when he suddenly vanished, without a trace, failing to return from work to his family's Hampshire estate. Neither Scotland Yard nor Interpol found a single clue to firmly determine what actually took place on that ill-fated day; just that the 26-year old man-child had disappered. They always knew young Harv was well, a tad... simple. Plain of thought, some called it. A lovely boy his whole life; rarely a problem to anyone. In fact, they say, you really never even noticed he was there- he was so quiet and reserved, keeping to himself most of the time, roaming the family home, quietly and alone (and, there was something about a cape & a flag...).

Anyway, after his father, Sir Harry Glitterman invented the Magic Marker, life changed for young Harvey. He was put in charge of the division that operated the lab that studied the possible colours of Magic Markers- past, present & future. Under his inspired leadership, technicians & colorists were moved to countless new innovations (ghastly green, posh pink, yuppie yellow...) in the hues of their product. Soon, though, a dark cloud was to pass over all concerned...

It was 20:30 on 22-August, 1884- only 16 days after Harry Glitterman's newest invention: Day Glo Paint! It all started innocently enough in the basement lab. There, Harvey Glitterman and his staff of 6 all bent over the mixing vat, happy to be working overtime, inspecting their newest and most exciting concoction ever... Day Glo Glitter Paint! Perfect! This would be Harvey's big moment! Maybe he never invented anything, but the obvious rightness of his own new idea: Glitter paint... created by Glitter man! Dad never thought of that! This was his baby. But it wasn't meant to be...

This is where the story gets kinda... fuzzy, if you catch my drift. Again, it's one of those, "Well, some say.... this happened. And other people say... that happened." And you just come away wondering, "What on God's green earth actually did happen here??" Well...

My cousin told me he had a friend who knew a guy who was related to the paperboy of one of the colorists on the Glitter Glo project. And he said they hush-hushed the whole thing to the max! You know: a very wealthy family, operating a very big factory. Where something kinda goes wrong. And people go missing, and they're just never seen again. But the families don't talk... not anymore. At first, like on 23-August, they spoke with the press- concerned that their loved ones were all missing- together, at the same time. No one had come home from work that night; everyone who worked on the Glitter Glo project had completely vanished into thin air. But the very next day, three of the families had moved away from Hampshire, leaving no forward address, and three others sold their homes and made plans to move soon. And... no one was talking anymore.

After these many years, the best guess as to what really happened that night is quite plain and simple: It didn't work. Glitter and Glo simply could not occupy the same place at the same time. Oil & water... Glitter & Glo. It is said that, once the first bit of Glitter hit the wet spot of glow on the petrie dish... the bent-over assemblage was overcome enmasse by Glitter Glo toxic fumes, leaving all in a distinct and prolonged state of happy relaxation.. where nothing really seemed so bad... or so important... and everything looked well, nice...

The doctors called it: Euphoric nonchalance.

They say the Glitterman family had more than enough money to pay-off the families, and enough clout to silence the politicians and the press. And basically, the whole subject was dropped... like it never even happened.

And Harvey Glitterman...? Is the intrepid and incredible Glitter Man of Pattaya actually, in reality, one in the same as the long-missing heir, Harvey Glitterman of Hampshire, England...? Well, I really couldn't say. And... to tell the truth... I really wouldn't say, if I knew!

Who am I to mess with Euphoric nonchalance...?


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He must have a quirky, eccentric brother cause I was out riding and on my left, waiting at the junction traffic lights was a farang with a great parrot on his shoulder!

I sh*t you not!

I couldn't stop or look for a double take (traffic was right behind me) but it was either a stuffed fake, or the real deal!

Amazing Pattaya :)

That must be Don from Hawaii, he lives at Nirun Condo, the bird is real.

Disco Don and his dancing parrot! :D

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In 1974 Lord Lucan fled Britain following the murder of his childrens' nanny. He arrived in South Africa where he took up with the English wife of diamond merchant. The couple ran away to Thailand where the British aristocracy's old boy network enabled them to live in comfort and security under assumed names. This affair produced a baby boy in 1976. The whereabouts of Lord Lucan is at present unknown, if in fact he is still alive. Those in the know are fully aware that the Glitterman as you call him is that boy who was born in 1976, the illegitimate son of the Earl and his fancy woman. He lives on an allowance from Lucan's family estates.

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>>Those in the know are fully aware that the Glitterman as you call him is that boy who was born in 1976, the illegitimate son of the Earl and his fancy woman. He lives on an allowance from Lucan's family estates.

Those in the know as you say are not in the know .His father is foreign ( not from a Western country ) ,and his mother is English .

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