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Life Changing Things To Do In And Around Chiang Mai


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Well, life Changing is taking it a bit far but...

I've been in Thailand for the last 2 months, spent most my time on the islands partying, drinking, doing things 24 year olds do.

Now I've escaped to Chiang Mai to gather my thoughts and finish up my trip before I go home in 2 weeks.

I want my last 2 weeks in Thailand to really change me, the last couple of days I've been a bit quieter than usual and have been looking around at the local way of life and taking things in. I feel Im growing up a little bit and getting a bit more mature.

So I ask everyone, what are some suggestions on places to go/things to see and do that are interesting, grounding and make me think, laugh or cry?

So far on my list is just the standard CM stuff

Visit Hill Tribes

Elephant Trekking

Bungee Jumping

Zoo, Monkey Centre

Should I cross over into Burma or Laos? It might sound a bit sick but I want to see just how little some people have and what condition's some people have to live in. Kind of want to be shocked.

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Rent a decent motorcycle. Tour Northern Thailand, getting off the beaten track. Perfect time of year for it.

This sounds interesting for myself. Do you know of any sites or places to get info on how to plan such a trip?

Edited by jazvisa
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If you want shocking poverty and something completey different to what you've seen already, stop off and spend your last two weeks in India instead.

Although Burma would probably do it if you got right into the country. China is good too but with only two weeks... not enough time. Wouldn't advise Laos. Beautiful as it is, it isn't life changing.

Edited by RoastLamb
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have a look at one of the orphanages with hilltribe kids, Wat Don Chan

puts everything into perspective in about 2 minutes

Can you give a little more specific info on Wat Don Chan? A search of my GPS map shows about 6 Wat Don Chan and Wat Don Chan schools at a number of different locations.

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Two weeks is not much time to change your life. if you are serious about this, my advice is find the absolute cheapest place to stay, eat as cheaply as possible, and spend all your remaining time and money helping everyone you see. Most people won't go this far but in my own humble opinion one of the best ways to change your life is sacrifice for the sake of others. There is nothing wrong with visiting hilltribes or going to temples, and they are both good things to do but don't know if these things will change your life.

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If you really want a life changing experience you might like to spend a night on the tiles with me or one of my "life changing associates"

Regardless of the outcome your life will change, I promise you that, "but I don't / won't, gaurantee it will be for the better" :)

Edited by john b good
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What you don't want to do is stay in Chiang Mai, in fear you might fall in love with the place like I did 20 years ago!

If you are lucky enough meet some friendly locals (thai).

I love the late night riding in/around the city after the traffic has died down... something about a warm breeze on my face and the smell of wonderful food. (Sorry reminising...). Nothing better, well maybe one thing...

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Go bareback in a truckie's brothel.

A late night visit to Las Vegas could also change the way you look at things :)

Has anyone ever been in this place?, I just look at it and I get goosebumps it reminds me of one of those movies with the old haunted houses - where the locals say don't go in there and you know that something bad is going to happen to the person who goes inside :D

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Get married.. have a child ... and get fully absorbed into a Thai family.. it can be done.. But everything gets brought down to the lowest common denominator. If you give all your money to your family and take up a job like a Thai person.. You will no longer feel like a walking atm... and you will be in an environment where everyone looks out after everyone else.. You don't have to do it alone and feel exploited, you do it together and feel a bond with your family.

It will change your life.. and how you perceive the world ...

Edited by swain
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