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Vaccination Against New Flu Virus In Jan 2010

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Vaccination against new flu virus in Jan 2010

By Pongphon Sarnsamak

Jeerawan Prasomsab

The Nation.

Published on November 21, 2009

Vaccination against new flu virus in Jan 2010

The vaccination programme against the typeA (H1N1) virus will begin on January 11 for highpriority groups, including frontline healthcare workers, pregnant women, people with obesity and other chronic disease, the disabled and the elderly.

Dr Manit Teeratantikanont, directorgeneral of the Disease Control Department, said French manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur would send samples of inactivated vaccine by the end of this month.

The Medical Science Department will run tests to determine the safety of the vaccine before registering it with the Food and Drug Administration.

The ministry is training healthcare professionals to prepare them for the vaccination programme.

About 400,000 healthcare workers, 800,000 women three months into pregnancy, 123,000 people who weigh over 100 kilograms, 130,000 patients with neurological impairment, and 600,000 patients with chronic diseases and diabetes will receive the vaccine.

Manit said the Government Pharmaceutical Organisation (GPO), which is responsible for importing the vaccine, is planning to allocate a portion of the inactivated vaccine to private hospitals for those people who have enough money to buy the vaccine, which would cost about Bt200 per dose.

The price of the vaccine at private hospitals is expected to be controlled by the GPO.

Health authorities yesterday reported two more people had succumbed to the typeA (H1N1) virus, bringing the number of fatalities to 188.

The virus killed a 32yearold man in Loei province, who had suffered from cirrhosis of the liver, and a Bangkok resident who had attended the redshirt demonstration in Nakhon Ratchasima's Khao Yai National Park in the past weeks.

The reoccurrence of the typeA flu this month has prompted the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration to tighten measures to prevent the spread of the disease in the capital.

BMA deputy governor Malinee Sukavejworaki said she had been informed that about 55 per cent of 2,665 students in Bangkok had developed flulike symptoms.

In a bid to tackle the second wave of the outbreak, the BMA will implement four preventive measures: screening of patients, public relations, acting to stop its spread into educational institutions, and urging students to practise personal hygiene.

The BMA will also monitor risk groups to prevent an increase in fatalities and seek collaboration from relevant agencies to stop the outbreak spreading, she said.

Malinee added that the BMA would strictly control the screening measures in schools. Teachers and students will be trained in prevention measures against viral infection, as they were a risk group during the previous outbreak. Students with flulike illness will be told to wear face masks.

She said the BMA is now considering restoring its fasttrack unit to screen patients for typeA (H1N1) influenza.

She said the BMA would nonetheless send 10,000 health personnel, including health volunteers and Mister Flu 2009, to screen out patients with flulike symptoms who plan to attend the ceremonies to mark His Majesty the King's birthday on December 5.

About 1 million face masks are being made for distribution that day.


-- The Nation 2009/11/21


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Too late. Foreigners will swell in numbers starting in mid December. Many visitors will be carriers of virus and will act as vectors of infection. The time to innoculate is now.


not sure about swelling and swine flu from foreigners. An argument about farangs might be used by the thai government and media to ricochet against us, as well as serve as an excuse to not prepare properly against the pandemic.

Some foreigners would have already a jab and sick people (or recently sick) do not travel. In thai international airports there are heat cameras, which detect higher body temperature - those above a limit are immediately stopped and quarantined (but of course, the system won't detect carriers).

Too late. Foreigners will swell in numbers starting in mid December. Many visitors will be carriers of virus and will act as vectors of infection. The time to innoculate is now.

Dont know about other countries but in the US there just does not seem to be the activity to warrant it.

Although there sure are many here who took the vac & got sick or had rashes etc.

Also many reports now surfacing here of pregnant ladies who had complications, bleeding,miscarriages after receiving the vac.

Yet they were told they were the high risk group along with children & should be first in line for the vac

Could be coincidence but all that aside the numbers still do not add up. Actual numbers/cases/deaths still are just a tiny fraction of normal flu season & these never caused such a scare as they are implying with this H1N1.......preventive medicine?

H1N1 deaths just broke 1000 in the US

Yearly deaths due to normal influenza usually 36000



The Swine flu has much lower fatality rates than the normal flu, why is it that a vaccine is needed? Why has the WHO changed their definition of pandemic so it conviently now includes swine flu, when it wouldn't otherwise? Why are the 'experts' from the WHO also working for big pharmacy?

I am not getting any vaccination.


There is a big thing going on about this Swineflu thing world wide..... after my own researches, i think its a well planned Hoax/scam with diffrent goals of whoever created that bad plan.... but check out this reports and investigations for your own before u judge....


not to accept any vaccination is a good advice for anyone who wants to be more healthy


PS: one thing left: the vaccination is classified as Biological Weapon.... surprise surprise.... just check the patents and u will find it out for your own...


People who believe vaccinations are an evil conspiracy go to the same category with people who think world is full of conspiracies. Please don't spam that in here.

Many of my friends have been vaccinated (not in Thailand) and some have gotten complications for a day or two.


I work in the healthcare field , and we had no flu(standard-not pig) going around until everyone started getting the shots that are just about shoved down your throat. I blame those who got the shots for spreading it as many I know got sick post shot, as well as those of us who did not fall for it but were infecected by the carriers(those that recieved there shots) . H1N1(this strain) , pig flu, has been going around for a couple hundred years documented. British journal of medicine put out an article last year that showed the standard flu vacine they push each year-never matches the flu that goes around . It is a guess as to what strain will go around each year , and has never been correct-it mutates-Logic says why get it then, but people are scared into getting it by media,governments and the pharmaceutical lobbyists. The pharmaceutical companies are making lots of money. I have no reason therefore to trust a pig flu vacine. I WILL SAY IT AGAIN THE FLU THAT GOES AROUND EACH YEAR HAS NEVER MATCHED THE VACINE THEY GIVE. Another thing , it is ok to get flu, if you dont use your immune system you will loose it, making you stronger for mutations. I am not anti vacine-some have great benefit POLIO, HEP B, etc. , the polio vacine worked-the flu vacine does not.


Golly gee travelingmike, there are alot of people that work in healthcare, you know, like orderlies, cleaners, cooks, electricians, but I don't think that qualifies them to render an opinion on the efficacy of flu vaccinces. You make several claims that you should substantiate. Unless you are able to provide specific citations, you know "stuff" like bonafide documentation as in published studies, you shouldn't be making your claims.

The fact is that alot of people that think the had the flu, did not. Why don't you look up the studies that showed that between 50-75% of self reported flu" cases were actually due to another cause like a basic rhinovirus or a coronovirus. Can you cite 1 published paper that shows that people receiving a flu vaccine are infectious? C'mon, you are in "healthcare" so you must read the various journals. Just 1 study, from a recognized research facility, like a university teaching hospital.

Flu vaccines in a pandemic are made under pre existing emergency contract protocols that in effect nationalize the designated vaccine companies, even though they are left in the private sector. The vaccine manufacturers are expected to invest billions of euros/dollars in the ability to manufacture a vaccine on short notice. The payments distributed are intended to compensate the manufacturers for that investment along with lost revenues that arise from having to shut down other vaccine lines to meet the designated pandemic order.


There is much rumour about how dangerous that vaccine is. The German army said that it is to toxic for theyr soldiers. Because of that reason, government employees and Soldiers won't get that vaccine which contains an agent known to be responsible for the 'Gulf War Syndrome". Besides that,many people had bad sideeffects in Canada when people were getting vaccinated!!


hxxp://www.theflucase.com/ **important information about what is going really on!!



working in healthcare doesn't mean being cleaner etc.

Mike substantiates his statements by giving first hand examples from his workplace and is quaoting british journal of medicine.

people receiving flu vaccine and getting sick (even if not obvious symptoms) would be infectious to others.

as to self reported flu cases, it was said yestarday on the bbc, that the majority of kids in the UK already had a swine flu. Actually, 70% cases are without any symptoms, those hospitalised are only a small frakction of infected.


Geriatrickid: Thanks for the very informative post.

I remember studying something in history when I was in grade school about the scare with the smallpox vaccine. Something about people taking it and starting to grow horns (I think it was made from cows milk or something to do with cows). That would have been around the time when polio vaccine was first being introduced.

I had a regular flu shot and it seemed to provide some protection during the first wave of swine flu. I was in very close contact with a number of people who were confirmed with it. I did not get it. I was not in peak physical condition at the time either.

Anyway I think I'll not take medical advise from the University of Hysteria, school of Voodoology.

There is much rumour about how dangerous that vaccine is. The German army said that it is to toxic for theyr soldiers. Because of that reason, government employees and Soldiers won't get that vaccine which contains an agent known to be responsible for the 'Gulf War Syndrome". Besides that,many people had bad sideeffects in Canada when people were getting vaccinated!!


hxxp://www.theflucase.com/ **important information about what is going really on!!


working in healthcare doesn't mean being cleaner etc.

Mike substantiates his statements by giving first hand examples from his workplace and is quaoting british journal of medicine.

people receiving flu vaccine and getting sick (even if not obvious symptoms) would be infectious to others.

as to self reported flu cases, it was said yestarday on the bbc, that the majority of kids in the UK already had a swine flu. Actually, 70% cases are without any symptoms, those hospitalised are only a small frakction of infected.

Disagree with you and here's why;

1. Over 7.5 million people have been vaccinated in Canada. SIX (6) people were believed to have experienced allergic reactions from one batch. There is elevated monitoring of the vaccine and the Canadian HPB is erring on the side of caution with the GSK recall of one production batch (170,000 doses). The allergic reactions might be due to the batch or they might be due to another factor, since the allergic reactions were seen in one (1) vaccination center with a high concentration of aboriginal reciepients, many of whom had underlying ailments. No one died from the allergic reactions. 6 reactions ranging from mild to very serious is pretty good considering 7.5 million are now vaccinated. Have a look at the HPB recall page for the same date. More food products have been recalled due to salmonella poisoning fears than vaccine. More people contracted serious illness from these food products than from the vaccine. And yet, I don't see anyone panicing over the Canadian food supply.

2. A reference is made to the BJM. Cool. How about citing the specific article, you know, something like month, author, page number etc.? My feeling is that the BJM article was not read by the OP and that he instead read the reference on some website. So how about backing up the allegaton with a specific reference to the study? Not too difficult is it, assuming the article states what is claimed, right?

3. There is no proven link to "Gulf War Syndrome" and the vaccine. Please cite the current published studies that show this. You can't cite anything in the past 2 years, because, that hypothesis has been discredited. The current consensus is that the cause may have come from exposure to depleted uranium ordinance. Support staff and troops that were in areas where the munitions were used are the ones reporting the symptoms. You may want to go and read the studies.

4. The vaccine does not cause anyone to become "infectious". If people are ill, it is because they either had colds prior to innoculation, or the population in which they circulate were ill. Again, you are confusing the actual flu with people that have colds. People think they have the flu, when in fact they have a non flu illness.

5. The german military is receiving Baxter's version of the vaccine which is a different format than the GSK vaccine which was on order for Germany, because that is what was immediately available.. The Baxter vaccine is intended for pregnant women and children because it ajudvant free. Adjuvant free means that some people will require multiple doses. The two vaccines are formulated differently. There is more virus in the Baxter version. Did you know that? The adjuvant allows a smaller exposure of virus to be used in the vaccine. Baxter's Celvapan uses the full dead H1N1 virus. The GSK version uses pieces of the virus, which is why an adjuvant is required.

people receiving flu vaccine and getting sick (even if not obvious symptoms) would be infectious to others.

londonthai, if you are saying that the "getting sick" bit, (when some people can experience very mild flu symptoms for a brief period after taking the vaccine as the body's immune system responds to the dead virus by making more white blood cells etc), makes them able to infect others with that virus, your are simply dead wrong. That is not how it works. The fact that you can think this makes me very skeptical about anything you have to say on this subject.

There is much rumour about how dangerous that vaccine is. The German army said that it is to toxic for theyr soldiers. Because of that reason, government employees and Soldiers won't get that vaccine which contains an agent known to be responsible for the 'Gulf War Syndrome". Besides that,many people had bad sideeffects in Canada when people were getting vaccinated!! Source: hxxp://www.theflucase.com/ **important information about what is going really on!! hxxp://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20091119/Flu_Reaction_091119/20091120?hub=Health

I think it's several agents but the main culprit is squalene. This substance just DOES NOT belong in your bloodstream...

There is a big thing going on about this Swineflu thing world wide..... after my own researches, i think its a well planned Hoax/scam with diffrent goals of whoever created that bad plan.... but check out this reports and investigations for your own before u judge.... www.theflucase.com not to accept any vaccination is a good advice for anyone who wants to be more healthy cheers PS: one thing left: the vaccination is classified as Biological Weapon.... surprise surprise.... just check the patents and u will find it out for your own...

I am in agreement with ya on this. But the brain-washed sheeple out there will still knock down the doors to get it...

There is much rumour about how dangerous that vaccine is. The German army said that it is to toxic for theyr soldiers. Because of that reason, government employees and Soldiers won't get that vaccine which contains an agent known to be responsible for the 'Gulf War Syndrome". Besides that,many people had bad sideeffects in Canada when people were getting vaccinated!! Source: hxxp://www.theflucase.com/ **important information about what is going really on!! hxxp://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20091119/Flu_Reaction_091119/20091120?hub=Health

I think it's several agents but the main culprit is squalene. This substance just DOES NOT belong in your bloodstream...

Gee, that's funny cause it's an organic compound already found naturally in your bloodstream.

"The study which attempted to link squalene to Gulf War Syndrome, had several technical deficiencies in the way in which it analyzed its data. On top of this, it has been determined that the anthrax vaccines given to those US military personnel, did not use squalene as an adjuvant."

Source: http://www.who.int/vaccine_safety/topics/a...and_answers/en/

There is a big thing going on about this Swineflu thing world wide..... after my own researches, i think its a well planned Hoax/scam with diffrent goals of whoever created that bad plan.... but check out this reports and investigations for your own before u judge.... www.theflucase.com not to accept any vaccination is a good advice for anyone who wants to be more healthy cheers PS: one thing left: the vaccination is classified as Biological Weapon.... surprise surprise.... just check the patents and u will find it out for your own...

I am in agreement with ya on this. But the brain-washed sheeple out there will still knock down the doors to get it...

That site, theflucase one, is the scam here. They have two messages, one is that vaccines are harmful, and the other is that climate change is a hoax. If you don't believe them, just ask them. Their DVD is $5.

And I'd like to see some source to back up the comment that the vaccine is a biological weapon. If you make outrageous claims like that don't ask us to accept it as fact by saying "Check the patents." <deleted> does that even mean?

There is much rumour about how dangerous that vaccine is. The German army said that it is to toxic for theyr soldiers. Because of that reason, government employees and Soldiers won't get that vaccine which contains an agent known to be responsible for the 'Gulf War Syndrome". Besides that,many people had bad sideeffects in Canada when people were getting vaccinated!!


hxxp://www.theflucase.com/ **important information about what is going really on!!


working in healthcare doesn't mean being cleaner etc.

Mike substantiates his statements by giving first hand examples from his workplace and is quaoting british journal of medicine.

people receiving flu vaccine and getting sick (even if not obvious symptoms) would be infectious to others.

as to self reported flu cases, it was said yestarday on the bbc, that the majority of kids in the UK already had a swine flu. Actually, 70% cases are without any symptoms, those hospitalised are only a small frakction of infected.

Disagree with you and here's why;

1. Over 7.5 million people have been vaccinated in Canada. SIX (6) people were believed to have experienced allergic reactions from one batch. There is elevated monitoring of the vaccine and the Canadian HPB is erring on the side of caution with the GSK recall of one production batch (170,000 doses). The allergic reactions might be due to the batch or they might be due to another factor, since the allergic reactions were seen in one (1) vaccination center with a high concentration of aboriginal reciepients, many of whom had underlying ailments. No one died from the allergic reactions. 6 reactions ranging from mild to very serious is pretty good considering 7.5 million are now vaccinated. Have a look at the HPB recall page for the same date. More food products have been recalled due to salmonella poisoning fears than vaccine. More people contracted serious illness from these food products than from the vaccine. And yet, I don't see anyone panicing over the Canadian food supply.

2. A reference is made to the BJM. Cool. How about citing the specific article, you know, something like month, author, page number etc.? My feeling is that the BJM article was not read by the OP and that he instead read the reference on some website. So how about backing up the allegaton with a specific reference to the study? Not too difficult is it, assuming the article states what is claimed, right?

3. There is no proven link to "Gulf War Syndrome" and the vaccine. Please cite the current published studies that show this. You can't cite anything in the past 2 years, because, that hypothesis has been discredited. The current consensus is that the cause may have come from exposure to depleted uranium ordinance. Support staff and troops that were in areas where the munitions were used are the ones reporting the symptoms. You may want to go and read the studies.

4. The vaccine does not cause anyone to become "infectious". If people are ill, it is because they either had colds prior to innoculation, or the population in which they circulate were ill. Again, you are confusing the actual flu with people that have colds. People think they have the flu, when in fact they have a non flu illness.

5. The german military is receiving Baxter's version of the vaccine which is a different format than the GSK vaccine which was on order for Germany, because that is what was immediately available.. The Baxter vaccine is intended for pregnant women and children because it ajudvant free. Adjuvant free means that some people will require multiple doses. The two vaccines are formulated differently. There is more virus in the Baxter version. Did you know that? The adjuvant allows a smaller exposure of virus to be used in the vaccine. Baxter's Celvapan uses the full dead H1N1 virus. The GSK version uses pieces of the virus, which is why an adjuvant is required.

I suggest you take a look at hxxp://theflucase.com Those adjuvants are TOXIC! There is not more to say about it:

it is of very importance that you look this YouTube video Please take a look at

which explains whats going on. There is much more going on then only 'Allergies'. The WHO tried to give the german army vaccines which contained mercury (a very dangerous heavy metal, often used in older thermometers -when they fall down and break, people in room will die...)

Mercury and most of its compounds are extremely toxic and are generally handled with care; in cases of spills involving mercury (such as from certain thermometers or fluorescent light bulbs) specific cleaning procedures are used to avoid toxic exposure.[80] It can be inhaled and absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, so containers of mercury are securely sealed to avoid spills and evaporation. Heating of mercury, or compounds of mercury that may decompose when heated, are always carried out with adequate ventilation in order to avoid exposure to mercury vapor. The most toxic forms of mercury are its organic compounds, such as dimethylmercury and methylmercury. However, inorganic compounds, such as cinnabar are also highly toxic by ingestion or inhalation of the dust.[81] Mercury can cause both chronic and acute poisoning.

Source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_%28element%29 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_poisoning

and Squalen ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squalene) an Anti-bioweapon agent which soldiers have been vaccinated with and which suffer now the Gulf War Syndrome

Symptoms attributed to this syndrome have been wide-ranging, including chronic fatigue, loss of muscle control, headaches, dizziness and loss of balance, memory problems, muscle and joint pain, indigestion, skin problems, shortness of breath, and even insulin resistance. Brain cancer deaths, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (also known as Lou Gehrig's disease), multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia are now recognized by the Defense and Veterans Affairs departments as potentially connected to service during the Gulf War.[3]

Source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_war_syndrome).

because all those poisons were inside, the german army refused to give it to their soldiers. The german government didnt test it and just believed that the WHO does the job right. I have much more information on that but cant put all in context right now.

This is a very very serious matter.

Go to YouTube and search for JANE BURGERMEISTER.

There is nothing more important at the moment then this.

There is a big thing going on about this Swineflu thing world wide..... after my own researches, i think its a well planned Hoax/scam with diffrent goals of whoever created that bad plan.... but check out this reports and investigations for your own before u judge.... www.theflucase.com not to accept any vaccination is a good advice for anyone who wants to be more healthy cheers PS: one thing left: the vaccination is classified as Biological Weapon.... surprise surprise.... just check the patents and u will find it out for your own...

I am in agreement with ya on this. But the brain-washed sheeple out there will still knock down the doors to get it...

That site, theflucase one, is the scam here. They have two messages, one is that vaccines are harmful, and the other is that climate change is a hoax. If you don't believe them, just ask them. Their DVD is $5.

And I'd like to see some source to back up the comment that the vaccine is a biological weapon. If you make outrageous claims like that don't ask us to accept it as fact by saying "Check the patents." <deleted> does that even mean?

I hope it counts that 200 people in Canada already died from the vaccine? (hxxp://www.euronews.net/2009/11/24/faulty-swine-flu-vaccine-withdrawn-in-canada/)

You can download the DVD - there is a torrent link at flucase.com. Its free. And YouTube is full of it, just search for Jane Burgermeister.

The DVD download link - hxxp://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5113864/The_WHO_Flu_Scam to get the full version (link comes from theflucase.com)

These videos are not false propaganda. The contents include a substantive and comprehensive collection of video news reports (from the major news networks), text news reports (from major newspapers) and unclassified government documents.

Look at it and make your own decision. Everyone is responsible for his-/her own health. Hyst asj yourself: why do people get 'forced' to take vaccinations for a flu where only a very small percentage of people die? Why not for the seasonal fly where hundred times more people die?

There is much rumour about how dangerous that vaccine is. The German army said that it is to toxic for theyr soldiers. Because of that reason, government employees and Soldiers won't get that vaccine which contains an agent known to be responsible for the 'Gulf War Syndrome". Besides that,many people had bad sideeffects in Canada when people were getting vaccinated!! Source: hxxp://www.theflucase.com/ **important information about what is going really on!! hxxp://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20091119/Flu_Reaction_091119/20091120?hub=Health

I think it's several agents but the main culprit is squalene. This substance just DOES NOT belong in your bloodstream...

Gee, that's funny cause it's an organic compound already found naturally in your bloodstream.

"The study which attempted to link squalene to Gulf War Syndrome, had several technical deficiencies in the way in which it analyzed its data. On top of this, it has been determined that the anthrax vaccines given to those US military personnel, did not use squalene as an adjuvant."

Source: http://www.who.int/vaccine_safety/topics/a...and_answers/en/

Here an excerpt from WIKI about squalene: ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squalene )

Use as an adjuvant in vaccines

Immunologic adjuvants are substances, administered in conjunction with a vaccine, that stimulate the immune system and increase the response to the vaccine. Squalene is one of those adjuvants.[5] It is added to improve the efficacy of several vaccines, including pandemic flu and malaria vaccines.

An adjuvant using squalene is Novartis' proprietary adjuvant MF59, which is added to influenza vaccines to help stimulate the human body's immune response through production of CD4 memory cells. It is the first oil-in-water influenza vaccine adjuvant to be commercialized in combination with a seasonal influenza virus vaccine. It was developed in the 1990s by researchers at Ciba-Geigy and Chiron; both companies were subsequently acquired by Novartis.[6] It is present in the form of an emulsion and is added to make the vaccine more immunogenic.[7] An MF59-adjuvanted influenza vaccine (Fluad, developed by Chiron, which contains about 10 mg of squalene per dose) has been approved by health agencies and used in several European countries for seasonal flu shots since 1997.[5] However, the Food and Drug Administration has not authorized the use of such adjuvants in the United States.[8] Glaxo Smith Kline used the squalene-based AS03 adjuvant in their 2009 influenza pandemic vaccine Pandemrix and Arepanrix.

Health controversy

There have been attempts to link squalene to Gulf War Syndrome mainly due to squalene supposedly being present in an anthrax vaccine given to some military personal during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. One study found that deployed Persian Gulf War Syndrome patients are significantly more likely to have antibodies to squalene (95 percent) than asymptomatic Gulf War veterans (0 percent; p<.001);[9] however, the study concludes with the following statement: "It is important to note that our laboratory-based investigations do not establish that squalene was added as adjuvant to any vaccine used in military or other personnel who served in the Persian Gulf War era." A later study reported that many humans have squalene antibodies in their blood, regardless of whether or not they received squalene from a vaccination.[10]

Would you take a vaccine which was never tested and face the risk of getting sick/die from it? I stay clear of it.

There is much rumour about how dangerous that vaccine is. The German army said that it is to toxic for theyr soldiers. Because of that reason, government employees and Soldiers won't get that vaccine which contains an agent known to be responsible for the 'Gulf War Syndrome". Besides that,many people had bad sideeffects in Canada when people were getting vaccinated!!


hxxp://www.theflucase.com/ **important information about what is going really on!!


working in healthcare doesn't mean being cleaner etc.

Mike substantiates his statements by giving first hand examples from his workplace and is quaoting british journal of medicine.

people receiving flu vaccine and getting sick (even if not obvious symptoms) would be infectious to others.

as to self reported flu cases, it was said yestarday on the bbc, that the majority of kids in the UK already had a swine flu. Actually, 70% cases are without any symptoms, those hospitalised are only a small frakction of infected.

Disagree with you and here's why;

1. Over 7.5 million people have been vaccinated in Canada. SIX (6) people were believed to have experienced allergic reactions from one batch. There is elevated monitoring of the vaccine and the Canadian HPB is erring on the side of caution with the GSK recall of one production batch (170,000 doses). The allergic reactions might be due to the batch or they might be due to another factor, since the allergic reactions were seen in one (1) vaccination center with a high concentration of aboriginal reciepients, many of whom had underlying ailments. No one died from the allergic reactions. 6 reactions ranging from mild to very serious is pretty good considering 7.5 million are now vaccinated. Have a look at the HPB recall page for the same date. More food products have been recalled due to salmonella poisoning fears than vaccine. More people contracted serious illness from these food products than from the vaccine. And yet, I don't see anyone panicing over the Canadian food supply.

2. A reference is made to the BJM. Cool. How about citing the specific article, you know, something like month, author, page number etc.? My feeling is that the BJM article was not read by the OP and that he instead read the reference on some website. So how about backing up the allegaton with a specific reference to the study? Not too difficult is it, assuming the article states what is claimed, right?

3. There is no proven link to "Gulf War Syndrome" and the vaccine. Please cite the current published studies that show this. You can't cite anything in the past 2 years, because, that hypothesis has been discredited. The current consensus is that the cause may have come from exposure to depleted uranium ordinance. Support staff and troops that were in areas where the munitions were used are the ones reporting the symptoms. You may want to go and read the studies.

4. The vaccine does not cause anyone to become "infectious". If people are ill, it is because they either had colds prior to innoculation, or the population in which they circulate were ill. Again, you are confusing the actual flu with people that have colds. People think they have the flu, when in fact they have a non flu illness.

5. The german military is receiving Baxter's version of the vaccine which is a different format than the GSK vaccine which was on order for Germany, because that is what was immediately available.. The Baxter vaccine is intended for pregnant women and children because it ajudvant free. Adjuvant free means that some people will require multiple doses. The two vaccines are formulated differently. There is more virus in the Baxter version. Did you know that? The adjuvant allows a smaller exposure of virus to be used in the vaccine. Baxter's Celvapan uses the full dead H1N1 virus. The GSK version uses pieces of the virus, which is why an adjuvant is required.

wrong, 200 people died in Canada. It seems the coverup doesnt work as planned...


There is much rumour about how dangerous that vaccine is. The German army said that it is to toxic for theyr soldiers. Because of that reason, government employees and Soldiers won't get that vaccine which contains an agent known to be responsible for the 'Gulf War Syndrome". Besides that,many people had bad sideeffects in Canada when people were getting vaccinated!!


hxxp://www.theflucase.com/ **important information about what is going really on!!


working in healthcare doesn't mean being cleaner etc.

Mike substantiates his statements by giving first hand examples from his workplace and is quaoting british journal of medicine.

people receiving flu vaccine and getting sick (even if not obvious symptoms) would be infectious to others.

as to self reported flu cases, it was said yestarday on the bbc, that the majority of kids in the UK already had a swine flu. Actually, 70% cases are without any symptoms, those hospitalised are only a small frakction of infected.

Disagree with you and here's why;

1. Over 7.5 million people have been vaccinated in Canada. SIX (6) people were believed to have experienced allergic reactions from one batch. There is elevated monitoring of the vaccine and the Canadian HPB is erring on the side of caution with the GSK recall of one production batch (170,000 doses). The allergic reactions might be due to the batch or they might be due to another factor, since the allergic reactions were seen in one (1) vaccination center with a high concentration of aboriginal reciepients, many of whom had underlying ailments. No one died from the allergic reactions. 6 reactions ranging from mild to very serious is pretty good considering 7.5 million are now vaccinated. Have a look at the HPB recall page for the same date. More food products have been recalled due to salmonella poisoning fears than vaccine. More people contracted serious illness from these food products than from the vaccine. And yet, I don't see anyone panicing over the Canadian food supply.

2. A reference is made to the BJM. Cool. How about citing the specific article, you know, something like month, author, page number etc.? My feeling is that the BJM article was not read by the OP and that he instead read the reference on some website. So how about backing up the allegaton with a specific reference to the study? Not too difficult is it, assuming the article states what is claimed, right?

3. There is no proven link to "Gulf War Syndrome" and the vaccine. Please cite the current published studies that show this. You can't cite anything in the past 2 years, because, that hypothesis has been discredited. The current consensus is that the cause may have come from exposure to depleted uranium ordinance. Support staff and troops that were in areas where the munitions were used are the ones reporting the symptoms. You may want to go and read the studies.

4. The vaccine does not cause anyone to become "infectious". If people are ill, it is because they either had colds prior to innoculation, or the population in which they circulate were ill. Again, you are confusing the actual flu with people that have colds. People think they have the flu, when in fact they have a non flu illness.

5. The german military is receiving Baxter's version of the vaccine which is a different format than the GSK vaccine which was on order for Germany, because that is what was immediately available.. The Baxter vaccine is intended for pregnant women and children because it ajudvant free. Adjuvant free means that some people will require multiple doses. The two vaccines are formulated differently. There is more virus in the Baxter version. Did you know that? The adjuvant allows a smaller exposure of virus to be used in the vaccine. Baxter's Celvapan uses the full dead H1N1 virus. The GSK version uses pieces of the virus, which is why an adjuvant is required.

wrong, 200 people died in Canada. It seems the coverup doesnt work as planned...


The link is dead because it was bullshit, like most the "data" from sensationalist, non-scientific sources which support the anti-vaccine scare. The Thaivisa swine flu forum has been hijacked by 3 or 4 very vocal but ignorant and almost completely inaccurate members, (possibly the same member under different names.) If you frequent the swine forum, you will know I have successfully debunked every position, theory, half-truth, or confused argument put forth by these scaremongers which I have had the unlucky fortune to respond to. (Just look at the source of some of their claims. Wikipedia is not a reliable souce. I can make it say anything I want. Look at the end notes in Wiki and you will find the source, or maybe you won't because it's BS!!) I no longer have the time or patience to do so. 70-80% of the information contained in the Swine flu forum is now utter nonsense and downright dangerous for the populace to be believing in. Thai visa admin should really consider shutting down the swine flu section on moral grounds before people really start to get hurt. Or at least provide some moderation to the more obvious inaccurate and sensational statements and disinformation being spewed forth.

I'm sure euronews will be printing a retraction soon.

There is a big thing going on about this Swineflu thing world wide..... after my own researches, i think its a well planned Hoax/scam with diffrent goals of whoever created that bad plan.... but check out this reports and investigations for your own before u judge....


not to accept any vaccination is a good advice for anyone who wants to be more healthy


PS: one thing left: the vaccination is classified as Biological Weapon.... surprise surprise.... just check the patents and u will find it out for your own...

Wow you are so smart during your own research. I have been busy to do any as i spend all my life enjoying the night life.

So they are trying to kill us with the vaccine. Thanks a lot


It seems to me that the ratio of people contracting swine flu and dying out of the total population is much less than those getting the vaccination and dying. Don't want mercury. Don't want squalene. Don't want to even know whether my body can tolerate them or not. I'll take my chances refusing to be a guinea pig for big pharma. Bayer is guilty in several cases of spreading HIV through contaminated blood, plasma, and pharmaceuticals. In at least one case, because they were discovered to be contaminated, they were taken off the shelves in the US but then resold to Asia and Europe. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, doesn't it? Just Google "bayer aids scandal".

It seems to me that the ratio of people contracting swine flu and dying out of the total population is much less than those getting the vaccination and dying. Don't want mercury. Don't want squalene. Don't want to even know whether my body can tolerate them or not. I'll take my chances refusing to be a guinea pig for big pharma. Bayer is guilty in several cases of spreading HIV through contaminated blood, plasma, and pharmaceuticals. In at least one case, because they were discovered to be contaminated, they were taken off the shelves in the US but then resold to Asia and Europe. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, doesn't it? Just Google "bayer aids scandal".

Ahh, and now the threat of HIV is brought up. OK then, way back before the scientific community knew how HIV was transmitted, there was no screening of blood transfusions. The assumption at the time was that plasma derived products would be safe after processing. It wasn't just Bayer. The tainted blood scandals brought down the Red Cross in Canada. Today, the Red Cross no longer has oversight of the various blood banks in Canada. Does the fact that many people contracted hepatitis and HIV in Canada mean that people should no longer donate blood or accept blood transfusions? No. Changes were made and we have moved forward.

Guinea pig for big Pharma. Yea, right. The vaccine seed stock for the H1N1 vaccine was developed by Health Canada and the US CDC . The seed was distributed to the contracted vaccine manufacturers and the majority of the H1N1 vaccine has been made in the same way flu vaccines have been made for the past 50 years. The H1N1 flu vaccine is basically no different than any other flu vaccine. Big Pharma is manufacturing vaccine in the west on previously agreed upon "national emergency" protocols, in effect a nationalized production system that is controlled by implicated national health administrations.

The need for the vaccine isn't about just saving lives due to an H1N1 infection, it's about keeping the health system alive. Are you aware that a pediatric patient admitted to hospital with H1N1 stays in the hospital 4-7 times longer than a regular flu patient? Are you aware that when an adult goes into a hospital with H1N1, that patient usually ends up on a respirator and more often than not in an ICU. Do you understand that if ERs in any country are clogged up by patients presenting with H1N1, this has the effect of blocking other seriously ill people from accessing medical care? This is what has happened in several western countries already. There is not one health system that could respond if the caseloads of people visiting an ER or admitted to hospital increased 10X, let alone 5X. What the governments are trying to do is to preserve access to primary care. An H1N1 infection is not lethal for most people, but it wipes them out for 5-10 days. I know, several of my colleagues have been infected. We have one unfortunate woman, aged 57 that is currently in an ICU on a respirator. She probably won't die, but she'll be off work for a long time and the economic cost will be significant. If more people like her become ill, the medical care will have to be paid for. In most countries where there is a public health system, that system cannot afford to provide the care. In those countries where there is no public system, people will not be able pay for their care and/or it will cause private insurance costs to increase making private health care even more out of reach for working people.

If you don't want the vaccine, don't take it. However, don't present unsubstantiated nonsense as fact.


As I said it would, euronews has printed a retraction, or as close as close to a retraction as I guess they are willing to go:

(Replaces earlier version that contained factual errors)
Of the millions of doses administered in Canada so far, a small number of adverse reactions have been reported.

The recall affects 172,000 doses. But health officials have said there is no cause for alarm.

Canada has been particularly badly hit by the H1N1 flu virus.


Where's rabacoon and sedflonga now? Probably here: http://www.alaska.net/~clund/e_djublonskop...arthsociety.htm

As I said it would, euronews has printed a retraction, or as close as close to a retraction as I guess they are willing to go:
(Replaces earlier version that contained factual errors)
Of the millions of doses administered in Canada so far, a small number of adverse reactions have been reported.

The recall affects 172,000 doses. But health officials have said there is no cause for alarm.

Canada has been particularly badly hit by the H1N1 flu virus.


Where's rabacoon and sedflonga now? Probably here: http://www.alaska.net/~clund/e_djublonskop...arthsociety.htm

what your problem? Do you have to get personal just because we are not your opinion? Yes, I was wrong but I fixed it by calling to france, as I said earlier to clear that up. If I would not have called them they would probably not even changed it. There is more news then only one site which reported wrong! Playing &lt;deleted&gt; doesn't help. We try to find the truth. If you not like it press ALT-F4!

Also seeing that you write now ridiculing comments to my other posts AFTER I called that news station and correcting my statement ( I can not edit the posts like other forums, else I would have done it already) just to ridicule me shows just how low you will go. Everyone has the right and the duty to research for him/herself.

Here more links about of swine flu vaccine. Everyone should make their own decisions.

http://watch.ctv.ca/news/ctv-national-news...-19/#clip237358 ** Canadian TV about the dangers (nope, no factual errors)




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