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Will Thaksin "win"? As The Endgame Approacheth


Will Thaksin "win"? as the endgame approacheth  

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When a Thai sells his vote, who is cheated? Nobody. When a popular political party is disbanded and disqualified for doing what its opponents were also doing, who is cheated? Everybody.

The comparison question could just as well have been answered: "He was declared a criminal by a kangaroo court set up by a totalitarian and undemocratic regime" - as was Mandela; as was Aung San Su Kyi.

Everybody knows that Taksin is a corrupt self-serving politician, but the way correspondents on TV queue up to support the Generals and their works is nothing short of sickening.

I'm sorry, but I disagree. When someone sells his vote, the whole nation is cheated. Depending on who is buying the vote, the voter is saying, "I don't care if this candidate will work for the good of the people and the nation, I'll help him win because he just gave me 4,000 baht. If I had a choice between massive vote buying or a responsible military coup, I'd swallow hard and pick the latter.

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When a Thai sells his vote, who is cheated? Nobody. When a popular political party is disbanded and disqualified for doing what its opponents were also doing, who is cheated? Everybody.

The comparison question could just as well have been answered: "He was declared a criminal by a kangaroo court set up by a totalitarian and undemocratic regime" - as was Mandela; as was Aung San Su Kyi.

Everybody knows that Taksin is a corrupt self-serving politician, but the way correspondents on TV queue up to support the Generals and their works is nothing short of sickening.

I'm sorry, but I disagree. When someone sells his vote, the whole nation is cheated. Depending on who is buying the vote, the voter is saying, "I don't care if this candidate will work for the good of the people and the nation, I'll help him win because he just gave me 4,000 baht. If I had a choice between massive vote buying or a responsible military coup, I'd swallow hard and pick the latter.

Good posts, and basically sums up the endless arguments on TV for years now. Some people favor military coups and some flawed democracy. To each his own, as far as we are concerned. As for Thailand, it's guns and money politics, as usual, which currently favors Abhisit's employer. As for the future, all things are impermanent.

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Yeah, but if all of his frozen assets are taken from him permanently and if he also receives many more years jail sentence, will he have both the drive and MOTIVATION to continue this fight?

and the funds.............My opinion is that he cant win without violence. I equate win with his return to full control over Thailnad. I just wonder how far he is prepared to go? Violent Civil unrest he is happy to create, but Civil war?, assasination?, invasion? Regicide?

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When a Thai sells his vote, who is cheated? Nobody. When a popular political party is disbanded and disqualified for doing what its opponents were also doing, who is cheated? Everybody.

The comparison question could just as well have been answered: "He was declared a criminal by a kangaroo court set up by a totalitarian and undemocratic regime" - as was Mandela; as was Aung San Su Kyi.

Everybody knows that Taksin is a corrupt self-serving politician, but the way correspondents on TV queue up to support the Generals and their works is nothing short of sickening.

I'm sorry, but I disagree. When someone sells his vote, the whole nation is cheated. Depending on who is buying the vote, the voter is saying, "I don't care if this candidate will work for the good of the people and the nation, I'll help him win because he just gave me 4,000 baht. If I had a choice between massive vote buying or a responsible military coup, I'd swallow hard and pick the latter.

(Allowing for the fact that this is a discussion between a couple of farangs neither of whom is entitled to vote in a Thai election) I take the view that the disposition of my vote is my business and not yours. There is no established criterion to guide me in the casting of my vote. "National Interest"? - Baloney! "Base Selfishness" - yes, that sounds about right, and entirely respectable. My wife gets to sell her vote (the payment comes from the party she would have voted for anyway) - some benefit to her. In UK I am offered only lies and subsequent betrayal by the politicians. "Putting one's money where one's mouth is" represents a positive and not a negative act.

I am afraid that your use of the expression "a responsible military coup" is a sad and stark revelation; have you really thought about the implications of your words? But General Pinochet would have embraced you warmly, no doubt. You are probably still mourning his passing.

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Just see the results of the poll. That Mr Thaksin has 30% support is absolutely fantastic given the constant brain washing from the local english press. One can expect a clear majority once a more balanced information will be available

Yes, but you and Koo jumping on all your different account names/incarnations to increase his sad percentage is rather less than fantastic. lol

Krimson was a previously banned member and has taken his leave. He took pot shots at non Thai resident commentators for commenting, while he himself is a foreign resident. Now I'll look for Koo's rebirth/s.

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Why is he so tenacious and strong willed?

In his fight for justice (he was outsted in a coup and from then on everything was constructed to bring about his ruin).

So love him or hate him, you have to respect his tenacity in the face of injustice, most others would have rolled over and capitulated to the so called 'elite' bullies by now.

I thought that even very low grade minor academics could spell OUSTED. :)

Just a mere typo, my dear ...

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The comparison question could just as well have been answered: "He was declared a criminal by a kangaroo court set up by a totalitarian and undemocratic regime" - as was Mandela; as was Aung San Su Kyi.

Did Mandela and Aung San Su Kyi also attempt to bribe the courts with cash-stashed lunch boxes?

Defendants who behave in this way lose the right to moan and whinge about the credibility of the court.

Let us not also forget the assets concealment case that Thaksin won in extremely suspicious circumstances. Did Mandela and Aung San Su Kyi also put massive sums on money into the names of various employees like maids and gardeners so as to dodge complying with the law?

Everybody knows that Taksin is a corrupt self-serving politician, but the way correspondents on TV queue up to support the Generals and their works is nothing short of sickening.

Most of the anti-Thaksin sentiment you will find on this forum is exactly that, anti-Thaksin. The queues of people you speak of supporting Generals is a figment of your imagination, born out of desperate desire to in some way defend your cause.

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Yeah, but if all of his frozen assets are taken from him permanently and if he also receives many more years jail sentence, will he have both the drive and MOTIVATION to continue this fight?

and the funds.............My opinion is that he cant win without violence. I equate win with his return to full control over Thailnad. I just wonder how far he is prepared to go? Violent Civil unrest he is happy to create, but Civil war?, assasination?, invasion? Regicide?

His agenda is whatever it takes.

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Mandela was a terrorist who helped kill a lot more people than Thaksin ever thought of. If he is wandering around free as a bird, Thaksin probably should be too. :D

Wow - that just about sums you up right here. :D

I smell a FOX.

Oh, I forgot, Mandella was a good terrorist! :)

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Mandela was a terrorist who helped kill a lot more people than Thaksin ever thought of. If he is wandering around free as a bird, Thaksin probably should be too. :)

Didn't Mandela complete in court all of the cases against him, and serve a considerable amount of time in jail, before being allowed to wander around or enter politics ? :D

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Mandela was a terrorist who helped kill a lot more people than Thaksin ever thought of. If he is wandering around free as a bird, Thaksin probably should be too. :)

Didn't Mandela complete in court all of the cases against him, and serve a considerable amount of time in jail, before being allowed to wander around or enter politics ? :D

I suppose then that since he spent time in jail it's now ok that he killed women and children wit his bombs. A Nobel Prize well earnt.

Sorry, off topic i know :D

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Thaksin will win and I hope he will win. Compare Thailand of his time to Thailand nowadays! You know the answer already and he is ONLY hope for this country.

I know that no one is indispensable but he has at least brain to run the government and the country, not like the clowns we see nowadays.

Atleast the current government IMHO has the countries best interests at heart. Thaksin is totally self serving to better his own interests

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Those are the facts.

There is a dark side to Mandela which many people like to skip over. You have the advantage over many of your critics - they do not keep up with hostorical facts, you clearly do. Not of course that that will shut them up. Whatever they write is always right.

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Mandela was a terrorist who helped kill a lot more people than Thaksin ever thought of. If he is wandering around free as a bird, Thaksin probably should be too. :)

Didn't Mandela complete in court all of the cases against him, and serve a considerable amount of time in jail, before being allowed to wander around or enter politics ? :D

It is what he did or did not do after release that may be of more significance. His actions were not always for creating a peace and union in South Africa. Would be an interesting discussion but off topic for this thread I guess. Maybe bedlam

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I am afraid that your use of the expression "a responsible military coup" is a sad and stark revelation; have you really thought about the implications of your words? But General Pinochet would have embraced you warmly, no doubt. You are probably still mourning his passing.


Face it. This is a choice between the lesser of two evils. My revulsion at a demagogue like Thaksin destroying democracy is as great or greater than your revulsion at military coups. You are entitled to your opinion in this matter, but no more.

You do not hold the moral high ground.

I don't care about South Africa or General Pinochet. Right now, today, a coup in Thailand is a better outcome than tyranny by Thaksin. End of story.

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Most of the anti-Thaksin sentiment you will find on this forum is exactly that, anti-Thaksin. The queues of people you speak of supporting Generals is a figment of your imagination, born out of desperate desire to in some way defend your cause.

A Classic TV hypocritical cop-out.

If you are anti-Taksin (as I am) then unless you are also actively anti-coup (as I am) then it follows that you are a de facto supporter of the Generals (as you apparently are).

Democracy in Thailand is relatively new-born and has never been allowed an opportunity to establsh itself and grow strong by a process of learning from experience. You clap and cheer the continuing attempt (successful thus far) to smother the infant.

At least Phetaroi has the integrity to declare his shameful and craven choice; sadly it seems that you do not.

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imho I think he will be nailed - till now he made it way too clear what he's up to, may this never ever happen, Thanoms Premiership will then look like a fairytale!

Thailand would face something like Singapore a one party leadership, cronyism and iron rule of fist!

If he get's it his way, after what he sees as a heavy humiliation, that he hasn't deserved... :)

I just can;t imagine, but take his handling of the 'war against drugs", the Tak Bai and Kru Sae, the disappearance of the human rights activist..... one can figure out what is going to come if he can stage a come back into power!

I visit Singapore often.It makes a nice change to be able to go out without fear of being robbed.Cross over a road without fear of being run over.Get 5 star service where ever you go.Experience not one ounce of aggression from anybody EVER!.No one even trys to rip you off.Including taxis.The most pleasant and polite people I have met in Asia.The streets are clean, everything runs smoothly and efficiently.No graffiti, low crime rate, NO drug problems.Your children are safe.In a less than perfect world, Singapore has a lot going for it.I'd vote this government into power in the UK in a heart beat!Ask the guys who fought in the 2nd world war what they think of all the freedom they technicaly might have in UK.But in reality, are to scared to go down to the corner shop because of the fear they have of being mugged.All goverments could learn a lot from Singapore.

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Everything wrong about Thailand is right about Singapore. It is by far the most pleasant place to raise a family in the SEA region.

Singapore to raise kids? Make sure they don't chew gum or spit or else.....

Good. I used to hate getting chewing gum stuck to my shoes as i trudged to work along a garbage infested London street!!!!!!!!

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