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What Will Our Friends The Americans Do -


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I predicted some time ago that gold would rise above $1000 per ounce - it was $350 at the time. Ofcourse I based my prediction on information gleaned from proffesional pundits.

I now predict the collapse of the US$ by early 2010 (think $00.03). So the question being: what will Americans - living in Thailand - do when the $ becomes virtualy worthless overseas?

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"I now predict the collapse of the US$ by early 2010 (think $00.03). So the question being: what will Americans - living in Thailand - do when the $ becomes virtualy worthless overseas?"

they might become prophets like you and charge for their forecasts to make a living :)

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... Americans - living in Thailand - do when the $ becomes virtually worthless overseas ....

We'll virtually prop it up in new and exciting ways, it's all in the product brochure, :)

yes America props up the rest of the world - thats why we all love the Amercians

Edited by rabcbroon
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"I now predict the collapse of the US$ by early 2010 (think $00.03). So the question being: what will Americans - living in Thailand - do when the $ becomes virtualy worthless overseas?"

they might become prophets like you and charge for their forecasts to make a living :)

Ok i see i could be in for a slating - so i will rest my case and leave my forecast on the record. No charge :D

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As an American, the prospect of a dollar crash is very exciting indeed. I could sell my Thai and other non-dollar investments and live like a king in my own country. Just think what my Thai real estate alone would be worth in USD if the USD crashed!

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Well give yourself a big slap on the back. Now show me where you predicted it. Otherwise it's all bull do do.

I take no credit - so no slap on the back. As i said I just followed trend forcasters advice. I can probably find the links -but then so can you.

I do however, follow my instincts based on observations and I have to agree with numerous respected economists and forcasters that the dollar will be dust within months :)

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As an American, the prospect of a dollar crash is very exciting indeed. I could sell my Thai and other non-dollar investments and live like a king in my own country. Just think what my Thai real estate alone would be worth in USD if the USD crashed!

a sensible response :)

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Well according to Nostradamus 2012 will end the world as we know it. So No worries mate.

Nostradamus never said such a thing - mate. And whats the relevance to the post mate. I assume your an Ossie by your term - mate.

Global warming alarmists say its the end of the world as we know it - mate

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As an American, the prospect of a dollar crash is very exciting indeed. I could sell my Thai and other non-dollar investments and live like a king in my own country. Just think what my Thai real estate alone would be worth in USD if the USD crashed!

Perhaps For currencies not tied to it.......Then again sometimes when a currencies crashes

it take a crazy amount of it just to buy dinner



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Hey Mr. Dollar Doomsday, does that mean we can mock you for the rest of the year if the dollar is still strong past Q2, 2010?

I am long strong and hard on the dollar and don't see a crash anytime soon. In my view the RMB is a MUCH weaker currency.

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Well give yourself a big slap on the back. Now show me where you predicted it. Otherwise it's all bull do do.

Everyone knows that America is broke' the US budget has not even enough money allocated to service the interest on their borrowed economy.

Something like every American citizen would have to pay at least $30,000 USD to the Government for the budget to break even, i think that figure is actualy higher now.

Also it has been said by some major banks that there is a danger of seven million more homes going into foreclosure very soon as year 4-5 of the sub-prime interest rate rises kick in.

Obama recently visited China' i suspect he was there to beg the Chinese government to go easy on the US economy and to deffinatly not cash in any of their US treasury bonds anytime soon as there is no money in the piggy bank to back them.

So whats going to happen ? USA will be forced to print so much money that it will become a worthless currency to invest in.

It's no secret anymore just a matter of time.......


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The same thing that the Brits and Europeans will do when their currencies also collapse. :)

Which would happen. All the "stable" countries have huge dollar reserves, if the dollar collapses they lose megabucks so they're not going to allow it are they? I'm sure China's evil plan of world domination doesn't include losing several trillion dollars in hard cash.

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Hey Mr. Dollar Doomsday, does that mean we can mock you for the rest of the year if the dollar is still strong past Q2, 2010?

I am long strong and hard on the dollar and don't see a crash anytime soon. In my view the RMB is a MUCH weaker currency.

Sure thing - will be relativley painless for me.

PS many people dont see a crash before it happens - however, some people do and manage to take action to aviod the worst.

Thing with the RMB is that the Chinese print their own money as opposed to having a private group of bankers print it from nothing and loan it to them at interest

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Something like every American citizen would have to pay at least $30,000 USD to the Government for the budget to break even, i think that figure is actually higher now.

Not that they ever plan to break even but....

It is 39k per citizen & 110k per taxpayer.....Since not all citizens are tax payers.

http://www.usdebtclock.org/ Warning looking at the Debt clock can make one dizzy :)

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Something like every American citizen would have to pay at least $30,000 USD to the Government for the budget to break even, i think that figure is actually higher now.

Not that they ever plan to break even but....

It is 39k per citizen & 110k per taxpayer.....Since not all citizens are tax payers.

http://www.usdebtclock.org/ Warning looking at the Debt clock can make one dizzy :)

So basically - America is bankrupt and depends on othere nations buying their debt to survive.

Edited by rabcbroon
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So basically - America is bankrupt and depends on other nations buying their debt to survive.

For many years now......

They are burning up their charge cards & as long as the merchants/buyers of debt continue to buy....Then I guess the game continues. I agree with you the USD is in serious trouble but my guesstimate will put it in the 60's next year. After that who knows & as always it depends on the servicing of the debt.

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