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Diarrhea, Very Bad Smell And Gass


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Was out on Sunday night and on monday started to get diarrhea on monday was very bad smelling and my gas that i passed for a few days was very bad smelling it seems to be going away but not after a rash on my ass from going to the bathroom. I didnt feel to sick or not an upset stomach or any other symptoms/ Could this be from some type of food or drink, strees . any opinion on the symptoms and my ash on my ass lol.

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You got some bad bacteria from food. Don't worry about it unless it gets worse. Your body will take care of it. Just drink a few containers of Yakult or Beta and put more good bacteria in there. Most commercial yoghurt does not have enough active bacteria....it has been pasteurised.

Maybe also eat a large helping of papaya.....it will clean you out, but not too brutally.

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You got some bad bacteria from food. Don't worry about it unless it gets worse. Your body will take care of it. Just drink a few containers of Yakult or Beta and put more good bacteria in there. Most commercial yogurt does not have enough active bacteria....it has been pasteurized. Maybe also eat a large helping of papaya.....it will clean you out, but not too brutally.

That's no remedy to just say "don't worry about it." The OP is seeking relief.

My simple recommendation to drink a tall glass of some-what strong salt-water before bed (a second glass later may be necessary) is at least offering a solution. It has worked for me without resorting to any medication. Then, after one's gut has recovered and re-hydrated (the latter due in part to the salts) one can reintroduce favorable flora by eating some yogurt.

However, if the strong salt-water does not help and said condition worsens then by all means see a doctor at that point.

Edited by ballzafire
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If it continues it could be giardia, sulfur smelling gas is one of the symptoms. Take some electrolyte stuff and if still lasts for another few days, see a dr and get tested.

The drug you will need is Tinidazole. Cheap and most pharmacies have it. Funny thing is, it is also used to treat chlamydia.

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I am absolutely amazed at the complete lack of knowlege or the advice from certain posters who claim to be long term expats in tropical countries...boggles the mind..

Go and get yourself some charcoal tablets CA-R-BON or similar and some Sultamcillian or Oxymcillian from your pharamcy, Pharmacist will be able to suggest which AB to give you..

Take 2 charcoal caps straight away and 2 every 4 hours....if its just a case of "gut rot" - 6 caps over this period will sort you out, if it doesn't have some form a bacterial infection as well...ie full blown food poisoning...start taking the AB's....

If after 3-4 days of starting this you are still not right after starting on AB's, you need hospital, ie high potency IV antibiotic, which will fix you up in a couple of hours literally..

You need to drinking as much water as you can get down your neck

This protocol was suggested to me many years ago by a good friend who is a Pharamcist and has worked for me for the last 20 years working all over the world.

Do not take immodium, all this does is compounds the problem...

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As I read the post he says it is subsiding.

if it stops/has stopped, I wouldn't worry about it. Many possible causes, all of them types of pathiogens ingested in food or drink, but your body has dealt with it.

If it persists, agree that both the smell and gas factor are consistsent with giardia and that treatment is tinidazole.

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If it is going away that is probably a good sign, but if you then start to develop other flu like symptons go to a doctor straight away.

4 weeks ago I had diarrhea for about 5 days. It went, but one week later I started getting hot flushes which turned into fever attacks and general debilitation. Have just escaped from hospital here in the UK after a miserable couple of weeks. It has finally been diagnosed as a liver fluke, picked up probably from cow shit on uncooked water mimosa or similar aquatic plant in Issaan. My white blood cell count went through the roof and my liver was described as 'deranged'!

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