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Nobel's Newest Category

Gonzo the Face

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I have been informed by a knowledgeable source that cannot be indentified because they were unauthorized to talk about this, that The Nobel Committee has anounced the awarding of this the first winner of ....

THE NOBEL PUTZ PRIZE to...........

Tacki Shenegro

Congratulations to the winner.

I understand that there is no cash award going with this winning, but in place of that the committee will be taking money from the winner to fund other more deserving recipients.


for the next NOBEL PUTZ PRIZE winner,

who would you nominate???????


Edited by Gonzo the Face
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Well we certainly suffer a dearth of Taksin stories here, so pleased to see one made up. As Obama got the peace prize, many would argue that these prizes are worthless exercise in ego stroking. Mate I would nominate you for beleaguering us with this post. You get bonus points for walking around CM with that banal attempt at humor on a sandwich board.

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Well we certainly suffer a dearth of Taksin stories here, so pleased to see one made up. As Obama got the peace prize, many would argue that these prizes are worthless exercise in ego stroking. Mate I would nominate you for beleaguering us with this post. You get bonus points for walking around CM with that banal attempt at humor on a sandwich board.

If you only knew ...... How much I love bonus points..... I take it you are one that prefers , smartazzed , caustic remarks over even banal humor.......

and by the way the sandwiched board is a good idea.... open faced turkey & stuffing sandwich on rye bread, smothered in gravy...... Thanks for the heads up...


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So in your world this guy the boogey man :)

Is that Iran's I'm-not-so-bad? My friend spent hours talking with him; she loves him.

I suppose you understand what your words intend to suggest. Well me i could not hazard a guess :D

would you care to enlighten us

Edited by rabcbroon
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