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Another Tale Of Deception?


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... snip ... You might be having a lively online debate somewhere at some time with Dave, Julie, Sam, Eddy, Haans, Yolonda, and Becky, who are all probably one of the same :)

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Drew,

We think a major reason we feel so "at home" here is that nobody is who they really are.

best, ~o:37;

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wouldn't the mods just ban that ip addy?

if it were a troll.

Still, no reason to dump a girl just because she is unfaithful, if we all did that it would be a real pain.

AIDS is a real pain too ! You are just joshing right? :)

Very true.

It reminds me of some of those American Movies, guy meets girl, they have sex the same night and in their world no need to have protective sex because stds and aids doesn’t exist.

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If she is doing this right under your nose, image what she is doing when she is out of your sight?

If you think she will ever change, you unfortunately are a fool.

Living with you for months and still not content, means you simply do not have what she is looking for.

She will trade up on you first chance she gets for what she feels is a better deal for herself

The whole forum will be ashamed if you let this trash play you any longer

Have some courage and show her the door.

I wouldn't presume to speak for the whole forum, but I am probably not alone in saying I would not be ashamed, whatever he does....up to him

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Everybody pretty much gave the same advice... walk quickly out of the situation. Orang37 gave the most appropriate advice. As soon as a couple lose trust in each other the relationship is finished... even if it hasn't ended yet. Sorry, but it happens all too frequently. The lady in question is probably addicted to the excitement of the game... even though she "might" not be planning on any liasons with other men. Living with anyone with an addiction is a soul destroyer.

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wouldn't the mods just ban that ip addy?

if it were a troll.

Still, no reason to dump a girl just because she is unfaithful, if we all did that it would be a real pain.

AIDS is a real pain too ! You are just joshing right? :)

Aids is extremely hard for a straight guy to catch even if you are having unprotected sex with an infected woman, I know all the propaganda put out to try and legitimise it as a universal disease, but it isn't.

I won't even bother to explain it (transfer of bodily fluids across mucus membranes) as this is just another popular religion and will only attract flaming from the ignorant and bigoted.

I know many gay men, some with Aids, some who died from Aids, but none of the guys who had it caught it from having sex with a lady.

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... snip ... You might be having a lively online debate somewhere at some time with Dave, Julie, Sam, Eddy, Haans, Yolonda, and Becky, who are all probably one of the same :)

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Drew,

We think a major reason we feel so "at home" here is that nobody is who they really are.

best, ~o:37;

I can assure you, orang, I'm quite real and exactly who I portray myself as. There certainly have been enough photos of me to prove that.

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wouldn't the mods just ban that ip addy?

if it were a troll.

Still, no reason to dump a girl just because she is unfaithful, if we all did that it would be a real pain.

AIDS is a real pain too ! You are just joshing right? :)

Aids is extremely hard for a straight guy to catch even if you are having unprotected sex with an infected woman, I know all the propaganda put out to try and legitimise it as a universal disease, but it isn't.

I won't even bother to explain it (transfer of bodily fluids across mucus membranes) as this is just another popular religion and will only attract flaming from the ignorant and bigoted.

I know many gay men, some with Aids, some who died from Aids, but none of the guys who had it caught it from having sex with a lady.

That's the stupidest thing I've heard all day. Thank god you are not a doctor. I knew a guy who died of AIDS that he got from having unprotected sex with a female.

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I'd say she's put you in a no-win situation.

If you keep this girl in your life, she would never respect you as she will interpret that you're a gutless coward for not turfing her out. Believe me, she knows that she should be on the street right now, and had she done that to a Thai boyfriend, she'd be on the street with a couple of black eyes. Besides, do you think that could ever really trust this woman?

There are thousands and thousands of Thai women who are quite willing to play you for a fool, so you should have no regrets as she takes that teary-eyed walk down the street.

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I don't agree with most of the posters. You can't blame a girl for keeping her options open. I know of guys who find girls from dating sites, meet up, BS them, make promises, get what they want and head out never to be seen again. How does she know the poster isn't one of those guys? I have a lot of Thai girls who are my friends and it has happened to some of them. Taking advantage of these girls takes a true low life but it happens all too often.

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I would give her a second chance. But I would install a key logger on her computer that would enable me to see ALL that is typed. If there are any conversations that are not platonic in nature, then.......

Please VIBE.

If you have to resort to that type of stuff

then the trust is not there. So why bother?



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... snip ...I can assure you, orang, I'm quite real and exactly who I portray myself as. There certainly have been enough photos of me to prove that.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Ian,

We think we'll let Brother Walt Whitman speak to you on that one, Brother Ian.


fyi : the type is set in Matrix Small Caps from Emigre. the map background is a public domain copy of Homann's map of 1716. graphics "voodoo" done, of course, in PhotoShop. we have taken some liberties in using internal capitalization in the text compared to the original for which we have no excuse other than we were, at the time (three years ago), under the spell of Pynchon's "Mason-Dixon."

Edited by orang37
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I don't agree with most of the posters. You can't blame a girl for keeping her options open. I know of guys who find girls from dating sites, meet up, BS them, make promises, get what they want and head out never to be seen again. How does she know the poster isn't one of those guys? I have a lot of Thai girls who are my friends and it has happened to some of them. Taking advantage of these girls takes a true low life but it happens all too often.

In business negotiations it's perfectly normal and understandable for a buyer or seller to keep various parallel negotiations humming along until a deal is irrevocably finalized. One can look at it dispassionately and there's no hard feelings.

When it comes to personal relationships, it's hard not to take it, well, personally. By the sound of it, the OP was more invested in the woman than she was in him. If she wasn't sure, she shouldn't have moved in with him. The fact that she did while keeping her other options actively open shows a cavalier attitude towards the relationship. Granted, she wasn't fully secure because he hadn't actually married her yet. But then, she shouldn't have moved in. Maybe I'm just conservative that way, but to me, moving in constitutes a commitment, one that includes cutting all other non-platonic ties.

Both here and in China I've known many guys who prey on the hopes of girls from poor backgrounds who live in hopes of "marrying up." Without exception such guys are scum. With only some exceptions, most of the girls involved know the risks they're taking. They roll their dice and take their chances, because they know that the potential payoff can be pretty sweet. Of the girls I've met in these situations, none struck me as the naive type. I accept that others' experience may differ.

I've also in my time known a few foreign men who were in situations similar to the OP. They asked for advice but it turned out that what they were looking for was others who would validate the decision they'd already made. Hence, they heard only what they wanted to hear. The OP needs to spend more time examining his own motives, needs and wants and worry less about the woman's motives because if he looks dispassionately at his own postings here, it seems he's already got her number. He should be selfish and get a woman who deserves him (and then be faithful to her).

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I don't agree with most of the posters. In business negotiations it's perfectly normal and understandable for a buyer or seller to keep various parallel negotiations humming along until a deal is irrevocably finalized. One can look at it dispassionately and there's no hard feelings. ... When it comes to personal relationships, it's hard not to take it, well, personally.

Oh sia jai, tee nee ben kon yurt yurt mai coee mee jai bunyakdee. ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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Thank you, Thakkar, for a very, very thoughtful comment.

Yes, there have been some interesting and useful posts on this thread. Well done to the OP for starting this.

At the risk of sounding like we all need to rush off to therapy and end in a "group hug", I think this thread shows that guys need as much a chin-wag about relationships as the girls do (and that they have on a regular basis).


Edited by piercefilmlid
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Thank you, Thakkar, for a very, very thoughtful comment.

Yes, there have been some interesting and useful posts on this thread. Well done to the OP for starting this.

At the risk of sounding like we all need to rush off to therapy and end in a "group hug", I think this thread shows that guys need as much a chin-wag about relationships as the girls have (on a regular basis).


I assume you are excluding men from the North of England in that statement. :)

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Thank you, Thakkar, for a very, very thoughtful comment.

Yes, there have been some interesting and useful posts on this thread. Well done to the OP for starting this.

At the risk of sounding like we all need to rush off to therapy and end in a "group hug", I think this thread shows that guys need as much a chin-wag about relationships as the girls have (on a regular basis).


I assume you are excluding men from the North of England in that statement. :)

I'm off to (my pussy southern) bed now. :-0

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you went ballistic?? Wrongo sir.. please keep your cool. If you want her, tell her, and show her that you care. At the same time, tell her that although you want her to stop communicating with others, it is up to her. Tell her you will also pursue other women, and will stop if and when she stops chasing other men. In LOS attractive available women are a satang a dozen. signed: its a cruel world sometimes, so have plan B and C if A ain't in the cards

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I don't agree with most of the posters. In business negotiations it's perfectly normal and understandable for a buyer or seller to keep various parallel negotiations humming along until a deal is irrevocably finalized. One can look at it dispassionately and there's no hard feelings. ... When it comes to personal relationships, it's hard not to take it, well, personally.

Oh sia jai, tee nee ben kon yurt yurt mai coee mee jai bunyakdee. ~o:37;

Mai dtong sia jai. People do what they think they have to, to survive. I don't condone it, but I understand.

Usually the people who get taken in are those who assist the con by fooling themselves. Hence, as The Sages have always advised: Know Thyself.

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Every man with a pulse should know but 2 things regarding the fairer sex.

1. You CAN lose a lot of money chasing after women

2. But you will NEVER lose women chasing money!

The moral of that little lot is this; Every single one of us is going to die. A third of our lives we know nothing about because we're unconscious sleeping. Oh yeah, and we're a long time old (if we're lucky!). So if any phase of what bit of time we do have on planet earth is not treating us well, then maybe it's a good idea to move onto something that is, assuming it's doable of course. Heck, we owe that much to ourselves. Don't we?

Don't waste your time on a woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you! :)


you sir, are wise in my books.. I moved on from a similar situation, and found my Thai soulmate, oh ya

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 The reason one would bother is to find the truth. To give her a second chance, and to know for sure that she is not on the sites again. Its a means to an end.

That great Liverpool poet, Elvis, once lamented in one of his classic songs 'What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?'. That was written about 25 years ago, so internet forums weren't around then. Otherwise, the song would never have been aired.  :)

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 The reason one would bother is to find the truth. To give her a second chance, and to know for sure that she is not on the sites again. Its a means to an end.

That great Liverpool poet, Elvis, once lamented in one of his classic songs 'What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?'. That was written about 25 years ago, so internet forums weren't around then. Otherwise, the song would never have been aired.  :)

Uhhhh, what??? :D

Generally, there is not much in the way of 'give her a second chance', as you suggested, on public forums. 

In that respect, I got it completely wrong - his song was about the lack of sympathy and tolerance so I suppose it is even more relevant these days.

Edited by KevinHunt
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 The reason one would bother is to find the truth. To give her a second chance, and to know for sure that she is not on the sites again. Its a means to an end.

That great Liverpool poet, Elvis, once lamented in one of his classic songs 'What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?'. That was written about 25 years ago, so internet forums weren't around then. Otherwise, the song would never have been aired.  :)

Uhhhh, what??? :D

Generally, there is not much in the way of 'give her a second chance', as you suggested, on public forums. 

In that respect, I got it completely wrong - his song was about the lack of sympathy and tolerance so I suppose it is even more relevant these days.

off topic but seriously.....

Shame shame shame.....Elvis was born in London, lived in Twickers and went to the paddy senior school in Hounslow.

You've got the Beatles and Gerry Marsden....nice pedestrian stuff.

Our Declan is far to lyrical to be a scouse. :D

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off topic but seriously.....

Shame shame shame.....Elvis was born in London, lived in Twickers and went to the paddy senior school in Hounslow.

You've got the Beatles and Gerry Marsden....nice pedestrian stuff.

Our Declan is far to lyrical to be a scouse. :D

I'm sorry , I thought he was a scouser , he moved there when he was 17, it seems. Too lyrical to be a scouser? That's a good one. Even our accent is desribed as lyrical or singy-songy!!

Music in Liverpool didn't start and end with the Beatles. Here's a list of famous Liverpool musicians (it includes Elvis!? and Rick Astley, but not Arthur Askey!!)

Liverpool bands

To the OP - sorry, it's off topic.  :)

Personally, I think that having never met the lady in question, it is impossible for anyone to judge.

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