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Howto Get Full Access To Tot's Speedtouch 536v6 Modem


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Not sure about other parts of Thailand but here in my corner there are still a lot of Speedtouch 536v6 around (used by TOT), so I thought this information might be useful to some. It describes howto get full Administrator access since admin/tot is just a 'superuser'.

You can easily get full access to TOT's Speedtouch ST536 by using a simple trick: enable 'remote assistance' and use the provided temporary user to login via your public IP and create a new user with 'Administrator' privileges - voila!

Step by Step

Part 1 - Enable 'Remote Assistance'

  1. Login with default user or admin/tot
  2. Goto Toolbox -> Remote Assistance
  3. Hit the 'Enable Remote Assistance' button
  4. Take notes of the provided URL, username and password. Actually you only need the IP address, just forget about the 'http://' and the port at the end (e.g. ':5001')

Part 2 - Create the new user via telnet

  1. Open Windows Start Menu -> Run... and type 'cmd' and click OK
  2. type 'telnet [YOUR-PUBLIC-IP]', e.g. 'telnet', then hit ENTER.
  3. Enter username and password from above
  4. type the following commands: 'user' ENTER 'add' ENTER, the system will ask you for username, password and role ('Administrator'), the rest of the fields can be left blank (ENTER).
  5. type 'exit' and telnet quits

You can now logon to the web interface with your newly created user. If you end up with the default user just click the 'user' link near the top of the web interface and choose 'Switch user'. If you have troubles switching try a different browser. You could also try telnet to test whether the login with your newly created user works.

Firmware for Speedtouch 536v6 here, I am running



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I am confused...what does one hope to achieve by obtaining 'full administrator access'?

I use a speedtouch 536v6 with my ToT ADSL, it came with the original set up 6 years ago and it's working the best now than ever. can I improve speed/performance with full administrator access or is this access a diagnostic facility to identify the source of problems?

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I am confused...what does one hope to achieve by obtaining 'full administrator access'?

Do a firmware upgrade for instance.

Just did a firmware upgrade today on my neighbours Speedtouch when the TOT guys wanted to charge them 1400 THB for a new modem because his one was 'broke'. The modem would not sync the DSL line anymore, maybe there was a technical change on the provider's side that the old firmware could not handle.

Not sure why he would have had to pay anyway (they said something about a 1 year warranty which was long over) when TOT gives free modems to all new users. But my Thai is not good enough to find out and to the neighbour everything was too complicated anyway (better pay the money if it solves the problem...)

However, interestingly their modem is somehow different from mine since the firmware is kindof locked down now, not allowing access to the 'Remote Assistance' feature anymore. The DSL sync works again though, 1400 THB saved..

Btw I would recommend only 'advanced' users to do a firmware upgrade since in the worst case it can render the device useless. However, playing around and creating a root user is harmless and can be undone with resetting the device.


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I am confused...what does one hope to achieve by obtaining 'full administrator access'?

I use a speedtouch 536v6 with my ToT ADSL, it came with the original set up 6 years ago and it's working the best now than ever. can I improve speed/performance with full administrator access or is this access a diagnostic facility to identify the source of problems?

If it ain't broke don't fix it! :)

If you don't experience any problems (modem lockups or freezes) then there is probably no need to upgrade the firmware and I would recommend against it.


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