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Is there anyone with a similar problem as me - I have compulsive binge overeating disorder and I CAN'T STOP! Have been struggling so much with this disorder. I binge every day, not even a single day without screwing up and I'm really FED UP. I feel so out of control. I eat every minute throughout the whole day and in huge amounts. I will eat at midnight, 2 am etc..basically just eating 95% of my time. I don't even ever remember consuming normally anymore. Since I have been having this problem when I was 14years old. I'm so bloody well addicted to food (snacks like ice-cream, cookies and cakes to be exact), that I can't fathom living a day without them. Snacks are really fine actually, it's just the huge amounts that hurts me after that. I can never stop at a whole 2 litres tub of ice-cream. I'll still need to top up with a few bags of Ruffles potato chips usually and cookies and more. How addicted am I?! Anyone who has been there done that and can share some advice with me? I'm screwing up everyday, 7 days a week and it just goes on and on like a horrible cycle and I don't know how to stop (i'm eating non-stop the entire day). No one out there seems to understand my situation (many people are anorexic but I'm the opposite! They can't identify with my disorder and I know I'm all alone in this problem. Sometimes I wish I can be so determined as the anorexics. For me, I just eat way too much. Is something wrong with my metabolism? Or what? No one else binges so much on food and we are not even talking about alcohol bingeing) I don't know where else to turn to so I'm putting up a post as I'm so horribly down again

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Basically, you need to find a way to burn off that food you eat. There is nothing wrong with eating a lot of food, as long as you counter-act it with good exercise routine. I eat a good 10-12 times a day, but i also work an active job and go to the gym daily. For some reason your body feels the need to take in energy, do you have a lot of stress during the day? You need to find a way to let all that out, take some cardio kick-boxing classes followed by a swim, eat more healthy foods when your hungry, more vegetables and catabolic foods. Find out what foods take more calories to digest then they actually put into your body and eat them. It all boils down to you finding the discipline in yourself to do this.

This is just my input on it, i'm sure more will follow, probably better, but this worked for me. I used to be 210lbs (5' 11") now i am down to 175.


Please excuse my frank words...

My first and continuing sense is that you are punishing yourself for something, or trying to literally kill yourself. Why?

Gets some professional help to try and figure what's going on, but stop saying that you can't control yourself, because that's a lie that you are using to continue to give yourself permission to hurt yourself. You ARE making the choices, but maybe you don't unferstand why, and that's the only part you're not really in control of.

Learn more about yourself through professional help, is my advice. It might help you to better take care of yourself if you can figure out what's REALLY behind all this. There could be medical issues, but most likely it's in your own head. Find out what's up...

Throughout my life, I've been in the same boat at times, and it's still a struggle for me sometimes, because I sometimes equate food with love, which is obviously nonsense, but when you're all caught up in those terrible feelings, it might not seem so obvious at that moment...

Support and love. Try to get all you can. Best of luck to you. :o


bulemia is a disorder along with but not always with anorexia

it falls in to compulsive obsessive disorders also

since dont know what country you are in, age, if you also induce vomiting etc cant help much

just type in bulemia/anorexia or cumpulsive eating disorders in google etc and find good forums there (also junk ones so watch out) also overeaters anon have some links etc

a friend of mine is bulemic so she went thru overeaters anon and it seemed to help actually quite a lot , some women i know went to get more serious help i.e. psychological etc, bulemia ruins body, teeth, bones etc just as anorexia does.....

Is there anyone with a similar problem as me - I have compulsive binge overeating disorder and I CAN'T STOP! Have been struggling so much with this disorder. I binge every day, not even a single day without screwing up and I'm really FED UP. I feel so out of control. I eat every minute throughout the whole day and in huge amounts. I will eat at midnight, 2 am etc..basically just eating 95% of my time. I don't even ever remember consuming normally anymore. Since I have been having this problem when I was 14years old. I'm so bloody well addicted to food (snacks like ice-cream, cookies and cakes to be exact), that I can't fathom living a day without them. Snacks are really fine actually, it's just the huge amounts that hurts me after that. I can never stop at a whole 2 litres tub of ice-cream. I'll still need to top up with a few bags of Ruffles potato chips usually and cookies and more. How addicted am I?! Anyone who has been there done that and can share some advice with me? I'm screwing up everyday, 7 days a week and it just goes on and on like a horrible cycle and I don't know how to stop (i'm eating non-stop the entire day). No one out there seems to understand my situation (many people are anorexic but I'm the opposite! They can't identify with my disorder and I know I'm all alone in this problem. Sometimes I wish I can be so determined as the anorexics. For me, I just eat way too much. Is something wrong with my metabolism? Or what? No one else binges so much on food and we are not even talking about alcohol bingeing) I don't know where else to turn to so I'm putting up a post as I'm so horribly down again

>>>>> No one out there seems to understand my situation <<<<<<<

Oh, I understand you perfectly, honey!

You've just gotten a US Marine (no wonder we can't win wars anymore) and the Pope himself to kiss your ass in this thread! :o:D

As for me, if you keep this up, I'm going to drop a big sausage on your head!

Dig? :D:D


Actually Ajarn, yes I think I am self-destructing. I know it;s like an excuse to say you can't control. But the feeling of stuffing myself with all those satisfying snacks and desserts is so ecstatic. At the time and moment it just satiates me, but when your hand and mind and everything else refuses to stop and the after effect feels hellish. But then within a while, I'll be back to the same old cycle of stuffing myself. It's not just a matter of discipline, I'm already like an addict addicted to drugs (only thing is mine is lotsa junk food). Drug/ smoking addicts can't stop too can they? I've consulted professional help, but what do the doctors know? They gave me anti-depresssants for compulsive overeating disorder. Needless to say, I stopped after it landed me in hospital for 2 suicide attempts overdosing on the pills (prozac makes me worse). Is binge overeating so rare that there is no specific treatment for it? And trust me, I am TRYING so hard to kick out of the whole cycle. If I can just stop at just 40 cookies, it is an Achievement for me (right now, I can't even stop after 5 bags). But THANKS to both devildog and Ajarn, your words have given me moral support to try harder. It's just that sometimes I feel so alone in this (like I'm the ONLY ONE dealing with this illness). 10 years is a long time to be living with this problem. I feel like giving up and resigning to my fate that that's the way I should live everyday, gorging till I hurt physically and mentally. I'm so in a dilemma. Half of me wants to destroy myself, while the other half wants to pull back.

Is there anyone with a similar problem as me - I have compulsive binge overeating disorder and I CAN'T STOP! Have been struggling so much with this disorder. I binge every day, not even a single day without screwing up and I'm really FED UP. I feel so out of control. I eat every minute throughout the whole day and in huge amounts. I will eat at midnight, 2 am etc..basically just eating 95% of my time. I don't even ever remember consuming normally anymore. Since I have been having this problem when I was 14years old. I'm so bloody well addicted to food (snacks like ice-cream, cookies and cakes to be exact), that I can't fathom living a day without them. Snacks are really fine actually, it's just the huge amounts that hurts me after that. I can never stop at a whole 2 litres tub of ice-cream. I'll still need to top up with a few bags of Ruffles potato chips usually and cookies and more. How addicted am I?! Anyone who has been there done that and can share some advice with me? I'm screwing up everyday, 7 days a week and it just goes on and on like a horrible cycle and I don't know how to stop (i'm eating non-stop the entire day). No one out there seems to understand my situation (many people are anorexic but I'm the opposite! They can't identify with my disorder and I know I'm all alone in this problem. Sometimes I wish I can be so determined as the anorexics. For me, I just eat way too much. Is something wrong with my metabolism? Or what? No one else binges so much on food and we are not even talking about alcohol bingeing) I don't know where else to turn to so I'm putting up a post as I'm so horribly down again

>>>>> No one out there seems to understand my situation <<<<<<<

Oh, I understand you perfectly, honey!

You've just gotten a US Marine (no wonder we can't win wars anymore) and the Pope himself to kiss your ass in this thread! :D:D

As for me, if you keep this up, I'm going to drop a big sausage on your head!

Dig? :D:D

how the helll do you get me kissing her ass from my post? :D

just passing on some information that has worked for others in her situation and letting her know she needs to find some self-discipline


Actually Ajarn, yes I think I am self-destructing. I know it;s like an excuse to say you can't control. But the feeling of stuffing myself with all those satisfying snacks and desserts is so ecstatic. At the time and moment it just satiates me, but when your hand and mind and everything else refuses to stop and the after effect feels hellish. But then within a while, I'll be back to the same old cycle of stuffing myself. It's not just a matter of discipline, I'm already like an addict addicted to drugs (only thing is mine is lotsa junk food). Drug/ smoking addicts can't stop too can they? I've consulted professional help, but what do the doctors know? They gave me anti-depresssants for compulsive overeating disorder. Needless to say, I stopped after it landed me in hospital for 2 suicide attempts overdosing on the pills (prozac makes me worse). Is binge overeating so rare that there is no specific treatment for it? And trust me, I am TRYING so hard to kick out of the whole cycle. If I can just stop at just 40 cookies, it is an Achievement for me (right now, I can't even stop after 5 bags). But THANKS to both devildog and Ajarn, your words have given me moral support to try harder. It's just that sometimes I feel so alone in this (like I'm the ONLY ONE dealing with this illness). 10 years is a long time to be living with this problem. I feel like giving up and resigning to my fate that that's the way I should live everyday, gorging till I hurt physically and mentally. I'm so in a dilemma. Half of me wants to destroy myself, while the other half wants to pull back.

That is your key. Good girl vs 'Bad' girl boxing match, with 'Bad' mostly winning, but 'Good' still in there, looking for a different fight strategy to win... Seek out the right kind of support for that. Now you know it's not likely going to be an MD.....

Hey, think about the Marine Option, too. But one with at least a heart to go with that mouth. :D

One day at a time.... :o

Best to you, Lass. :D

Actually Ajarn, yes I think I am self-destructing. I know it;s like an excuse to say you can't control. But the feeling of stuffing myself with all those satisfying snacks and desserts is so ecstatic. At the time and moment it just satiates me, but when your hand and mind and everything else refuses to stop and the after effect feels hellish. But then within a while, I'll be back to the same old cycle of stuffing myself. It's not just a matter of discipline, I'm already like an addict addicted to drugs (only thing is mine is lotsa junk food). Drug/ smoking addicts can't stop too can they? I've consulted professional help, but what do the doctors know? They gave me anti-depresssants for compulsive overeating disorder. Needless to say, I stopped after it landed me in hospital for 2 suicide attempts overdosing on the pills (prozac makes me worse). Is binge overeating so rare that there is no specific treatment for it? And trust me, I am TRYING so hard to kick out of the whole cycle. If I can just stop at just 40 cookies, it is an Achievement for me (right now, I can't even stop after 5 bags). But THANKS to both devildog and Ajarn, your words have given me moral support to try harder. It's just that sometimes I feel so alone in this (like I'm the ONLY ONE dealing with this illness). 10 years is a long time to be living with this problem. I feel like giving up and resigning to my fate that that's the way I should live everyday, gorging till I hurt physically and mentally. I'm so in a dilemma. Half of me wants to destroy myself, while the other half wants to pull back.

Hey, think about the Marine Option, too. But one with at least a heart to go with the mouth. :D

sorry if i came off too aggressive :o


DD, I'll bet you're feeling confused :o

I think you have valid feelings, but maybe best not to seek an answer sometimes :D

Sorry Harmonica..I have no idea what you are talking about? Please, I'm seeking sincere advice not jokes or anything. Thanks

I was not joking! You are pulling a fast one and playing us to the hilt. :o:D

No one out there seems to understand my situation (many people are anorexic but I'm the opposite! They can't identify with my disorder and I know I'm all alone in this problem.

Actually, you’d be surprised at how many people can relate to you. An eating disorder is an eating disorder, regardless if it’s going in or coming out. A small percentage of disorders are due to hormonal imbalance, but many are due to psychological issues which manifest through eating habits. Family conflicts, strained relationships, abuse, etc may all play a part, with such issues as control, identity, and self-esteem arising.

Do not see a GP or regular doctor regarding this issue, as you yourself have experienced, they will most likely prescribe antidepressants (quite often depression is linked with eating disorders). See a psychologist who will advise you on the appropriate therapy, such as behaviour modification or other counselling techniques. All the best. :o


It could very well be a chemical imbalance in your body. I have a similar problem, I found lots of very useful and enlighting information in this website http://hypoglycemia.asn.au Have a look at the articles (serotonin connection, addiction, depression etc) I'm sure you'll find information that relate to you. Good luck!


[/b]Help for a lass

The cause of eating disorders it’s based on a psychological problem.

The Food is only a weapon or you can call it a cover for an underlying problem.

Usually conversation therapy and a straight diet set up of professionals and followed over a long time will get you back on track. It will take time. Give yourself that time and you will make it.

Good Luck.



Hi Nat, as a matter of fact, I did not see a general doctor. They (yes I've seen a few, hopping from one to another) are psychologists. But still all they could do for me is put me on all these antidepressants (prozac and seroxat). And felt so horrible during these time, life sucked and ended up overdosing and comitting suicide.Counselling only helps for the moment itself (but after the session I'm like back to normal, pigging out and stuff). Though I've stopped the therapy sessions, I still have the habit of recording down my consumption, but it's kinda useless when you know how much you consumed without being able to even stop. As usual today I had a bad day. Just gobbled down 6 pizza and 8 cream buns while I'm typing this. I've seeked help medically and religiously, and seriously on the verge of giving up. Food is obviously very enjoyable but when you are addicted and live on large amount of snacks 24/7, that's what drives me nuts. Does religious healing help? NOn-scientific as it is, it's a last resort for me.

Nevertheless thank you all for the info/insights/links


Hi Lass-

I know exactly what you're going through. You're dealing with serious addiction and feel at the end of your rope. Ignore for now all the diet advice and the "you just need to have more discipline" suggestions - they're meant well, and they may help someday, but basically anyone who gives you this advice based on what you described in your original post just doesn't get what you're going through. Right now, you're treating food as a late-stage alcoholic treats liquor or a junkie treats heroin. You need to take it that seriously - while this won't kill you as quickly as booze or smack, it will take your life and health away.

Different approaches seem to work for different people. I know people who have stopped bingeing through talk therapy, others through anti-depressants (though that didn't work for me, and it sounds like, not for you either.) Overeaters Anonymous worked for me - I don't know where you're located, but go to the www.oa.org web site and you can see if there is a meeting in your area. If not, email them and they can try to hook you up with people in your area. You may find that it's not for you - but whatever you do, I urge you to take it seriously, and find some sort of support group.

Oh, one other, and most important, thing – you're not alone. Not by a long stretch. Take it from a guy who has been exactly where you're at right now, and come through.

Good luck, lass - let us know how it goes.

Hi Nat, as a matter of fact, I did not see a general doctor. They (yes I've seen a few, hopping from one to another) are psychologists. But still all they could do for me is put me on all these antidepressants (prozac and seroxat).

That’s interesting, as psychologists are not allowed to prescribe antidepressants or any other medication for that matter :o. Anyway give the religious thing a shot and hope it all works. God bless. :D

Hi Nat, as a matter of fact, I did not see a general doctor. They (yes I've seen a few, hopping from one to another) are psychologists. But still all they could do for me is put me on all these antidepressants (prozac and seroxat).

That’s interesting, as psychologists are not allowed to prescribe antidepressants or any other medication for that matter :o. Anyway give the religious thing a shot and hope it all works. God bless. :D

Really? I think they are, or at least they are here (or maybe they have medical doctors also doubling as psychologists)... She's not in Thailand though.

Hi Nat, as a matter of fact, I did not see a general doctor. They (yes I've seen a few, hopping from one to another) are psychologists. But still all they could do for me is put me on all these antidepressants (prozac and seroxat).

That’s interesting, as psychologists are not allowed to prescribe antidepressants or any other medication for that matter :o. Anyway give the religious thing a shot and hope it all works. God bless. :D

Really? I think they are, or at least they are here (or maybe they have medical doctors also doubling as psychologists)... She's not in Thailand though.

Dealing with eating disorders first requires finding the underlying cause. Then once it is identified it needs to be sorted out on both a conscious and subconscious level. Once that happens replace the negatives with positives and the problem should be self correcting. /mods edit


Yes khompi, your words just so mirror what I'm going through now. I'm not the most disciplined of people. In fact, I lack it COMPLETELY. Otherwise I would not slip into this stage. Are you also suffering from compulsive overeating disorder? (since you mentioned you've been through it). Have you recovered fully? I don't think it's quite possible to be cured from this obsession with junk. I'm not much different from a heroin addict actually. Don't do drugs but I'm still an addict by other means. I think I'll look through the OA site. Dr.P, I'm not located in Thailand. I'm from Sing. As for psychologists not able to prescribe antidepressants?? Then why did they gave me seroxat and all that stuff when they don't have the license to do so..They are most definitely all doctors in psychological practice. They are supposed to specialise in helping state of the mind (but I guess that's why it didn't work for me. Because they are NOT specialists in eating disorders. Any kind of disorder is treated with the same old medication for depression. They just don't understand that it's not quite depression that drives me in bingeing. It's the bingeing that leads me to being more depressed. Depression is not the root of the problem, so what's the whole point of giving me something which is not suited to my condition? It really makes me think that all doctors want is money and they DON'T care if you are dead or not the next day.

Really? I think they are, or at least they are here (or maybe they have medical doctors also doubling as psychologists)... She's not in Thailand though.

medical doctors also doubling as psychologists= Psychiatrists

Really? I think they are, or at least they are here (or maybe they have medical doctors also doubling as psychologists)... She's not in Thailand though.

medical doctors also doubling as psychologists= Psychiatrists

Ahh... didn't realize the difference... thanks :D

AKA 'Headshrinkers' :D:D

Hmm.. I know of a few bloated heads on this forum that need shrinkin'.. :o:D

But seriously, hope you can overcome this disorder, lass.. as mentioned in my message you can always contact me if you need the moral support :D


Hi Lass-

Interesting reading all the advice you're getting here. Yes, in the long run it's helpful to know the root causes of an eating disorder, but when you're right in it, in the middle of it, it's not that useful. As with all addictions, the behavior or substance you're using to deal with the root problem eventually becomes the problem itself, and you're locked into a vicious cycle.

Yes, Lass, I suffer from the same eating disorder. I know the binge-depression-binge cycle all too well. I'm not sure if the compulsion ever goes completely away, but I've seen lots of people who have had good, long-term recovery where they haven't had to ever binge or purge again. There is hope. The point is, as I mentioned in my previous post, is to deal with it, and deal with it now. It's not going to go away by itself.

I really hope things are going ok - if you want to you can contact me here by clicking on my ID.


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