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Hard Time Living In Western Culture


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Canada was and still is one of the most sought after countries worldwide to live. Even for Europeans. Would the chance/price to get a woman in Thailand be equal to Canada, I suppose many had no Hard Time Living In Western Culture.

I love LOS too, and am now in Vancouver for a while with my wonderful Thai wife. You know fellows.. Vancouver has SO many Asians now..if a guy likes Asian culture, it is NO problem to meet nice Asian women ( I went out with several before my heart was "lost forever" to LOS )... if you are a decent person, not an alcoholic or druggie..etc..so one does NOT have to go to Thailand to meet a nice woman..although you may have to "settle" for a lovely Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Philipina etc..one here, as Thais are not too plentiful here..but having said that there are some single Thai 30 year old stunners (with great hearts) at my church here in canada.. :) signed: keep your damned eyes on your own prize :D

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Well I'd take Canada over the UK anyday of the week. You've got easy access to the states and as a country you produce a lot of your own stuff (compared to Euro-land.

I know the weathers a lot colder but at least you get left alone by the authorities more and you've got tons of land to play with that's dirt cheap in comparison to the UK...

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Ah those oil dollars and the great things they can buy in Thailand.

Just don't forget to keep enough to one side to pay for the flight home.

Very true...from second-hand info. We had a teacher and his wife who had gone to Saudi Arabia to teach at one of the oil company schools. Their intent was t work there for a decade, save money to build that nest egg, then come back to the States to wrap up a career with enough time to build a retirement account from an American school. And, I might add, they were fairly conservative people. They never built a big enough nest egg while in S.A., and once back in the States built a smaller-than-expected retirement account. They lived modestly the last few years of his life. They weren't complaining...just said that the scenario they had built their lives on wasn't as sweet as expected.

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I am a retired canuck living in Thailand. I wouldnot move back to Canada for anything.I was a single man there outside the loop here I am a single man who is made a part of anything going on. In Canada single men like me are left out to dry no one cares a sh#t about us. Work all our lives pay tax get no respect. If we marry in canada the wife divorces us takes everything and everyone says serves you right you are a man.

In Canada I had sailboat on the salt water,powerboat on the lake ,ocean view property on Vancouver island , could see Vancouver from my living room window,on 1/2 an acre of land, new car in driveway all paid for debt free. Money in tha bank.

Here I drive a nissan pickup but mostly a honds wave. Rent a 2 bedroom townhouse.

I would never return. Thailand has brought laughter back into my day, it has brought sharing and caring as everyday events.I am so happy here. I cannot remember when I was as happy in Canada,it was so long ago.

Canada is smoke and mirrors. The land of followers. The land of the living dead. Schools and hospitals being closed all over the place and taxes going up. All social programs are just employments centers for government workers the public gets nothing.

Unemployment insurance would rather pay a lawyer to fight you in court than give you your benefits,same goes for workers compensation. Try to get an xray in a clinic or hospital you will be there all day and come back another day to see the with your doctor.

Political correctness and womens lib handcuff you.

Corruption is the king and to survive most associate and become corrupt or be left out side the loop. Violence is everywhere,tough guys rule. It is said in some BC communities one 1 in 3 residential houses is a grow op of some form for cannabis not all communties just some.

so do you like my rant so far?

Enough said but I love it here.

To the op, yes I am from Vancouver and this post is the absolute truth about what's happening in Western Canada. It is the land of the dull. A country that so lacks an identity that the best they can come up with is that we're not Americans. For the upcoming Olympic games what cultural images of Canada will be on display? What image is recognized worldwide as Canadian? Nothing, so instead they will trot out a few Indians with feathers stuck in their hair to dance around, even though most Indians are confined to reserves and have barely any impact on modern day Canada. They will have a mock pond hockey game even though only 6 out of the 30 NHL teams are actually based in Canada and a Canadian team hasn't won the championship in 16 years. Probably bring out Celion Dion or some other celebrity that made their fortune in the US. Of course because the Olympics are happening in Vancouver they will have to mention "the mountains".

The truth is Canada is a status quo country designed to regulate to death anyone who tries to excel beyond the comfort of the masses. Canada desperately want to be taken seriously on the world stage but few realize how little the country matters outside of the few American states rely on cross border shoppers. Ever hear about Canada on the news? Of course not because nothing news worthy every happens there. It truly is the land of followers, like a flock of sparrows all flying around following each other but actually going no where.

The UK website Indpendant.com had a very good story on the true nature of Vancouver.

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It really doesn't matter were one lives you can wake up and find the good or the bad depending on your outlook. At present I have had a 4 year stay in the states and miss Thailand a great deal but the last 4 years have been great and when I get back to Thailand that stay will be great as well but different.

Look for the good things in your life and you will find them. Look for the negative things and you will find them.

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Somebody said something like "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."

I think that is one common factor at play here........live abroad, especially in a cold climate, and Thailand probably looks attractive.

If single, you may be under the delusion that Thai women are special and different (wrong!).

You come to Thailand and stay......at first you think your delusion is not a delusion......later reality sinks in.

You are in a messed up Third World country with rising xenophobia and a growing "we don't want you here" attitude.

Poverty is very widespread in Thailand..........the heat really starts to get to you.........paradise turns into a mosquito infested swamp.

The visa rules are stress inducing........nobody wants you to work in Thailand..........you are seen as a walking ATM machine.

The surface smiles become surface smiles once you learn to see.

The fact is that Thailand, like all places, has massive problems. It is far from paradise.

MONEY, however, helps..........if you don't have a lot of it, Thailand can be a difficult place to live/retire.

Canada oh Canada..........such a gorgeous place. But, if you live there all of the time, "the grass is greener" thought process enters.

I have, for a long time now, thought the best option for most expats is to live in their home country for 1/2 of the year and their country of choice (e.g., Thailand) for the other 1/2. That way each place stays fresh and interesting.

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Take away the easy pussy from Thailand and I wonder how many would still find Thailand so attractive? :D

Based on what??.....your own experience???

There are many enjoyable social activities in Thailand ...that do not involve sex....... :) ........are you saying you don't see them???........or do you think others don't appreciate what Thailand has to offer?

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I've been here in thailand off and on 5 years lately though going on being here 2 years without returning to the USA. To be honest I've got everything here that I can get back home ( material items though )

Since I'm working here in thailand though I'm in a way happier even now than before at least I still have a job. Everyone I know from back home has either

lost their job, & can't find a job or

been moved to a part time basis

I know that sounds strange but I rather enjoy the job and keeps me busy. After being here for a while I've saved money, and really I have good company benefits

I rather like being here more than being back in the USA. To many people back home have such a narrow view on the international world, at least living abroad and learning new things and seeing new cultures has greatly helped expand my views on many things.

In all you may have a hard time living here but i don't I'll stay here as long as possible

Unfortunately its (on the whole) only some Americans who "have such a narrow view on the international world". The rest of the Western community have some idea what is going on internationally.

Non-US Farangs that I meet tell me that all the time but frankly I haven't found most of them to be any more worldly than their peers from the States. It seems that people who tell you that they are sophisticated seldom are.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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There are lots of great comments on this topic and too many to quote. I know exactly what the OP is saying. I love Canada for what it offers me, but I also know its problems. Some of those have been mentioned already. There IS corruption in Canada, but probably not as much as Thailand. Our so called Justice System is a farce. The laws are only in place to convince the public that somebody cares. In reality the system is set up to make lawyers and judges rich. We have more politicians per capita than any other country in the world. None of them do a dam_n thing, and only those in Cabinet have any power. And, those in Cabinet are ruled with an iron hand by the Prime Minister (or Premier of the separate provinces). In effect, Canada has an elected dictator who runs the country on his own whim. It's an assinine system.

Because I'm an outdoorsman/angler/hunter I love Canada with a passion. There are very few places in the world that have so many opportunities to enjoy the wilderness and almost live off the land. And, it is relatively free with very little cost other than transportation. There are some similarities in Thailand, but most everything that slithers, slides, crawls, walks, hops, runs, swims, flies, or lies there inert gets eaten. Other than national parks, everything is fair game in Thailand and the environment comes last.

One thing that nobody mentioned is the actual FREEDOM you have in Thailand. The laws of the country only seem to be a general guideline. If you are pleasant enough you can do pretty much whatever you want. But, you also have the freedom to make mistakes and pay the consequences. In Canada they wet nurse you from cradle to grave. If someone with money makes a mistake they get a lawyer to get them off the charges. There is a spirit of the old wild west in Thailand, and that is invigorating. I feel about 40 years younger the moment I walk onto the plane to Thailand. In the 13 years I've been coming to Thailand it feels like a second home to me. I love BOTH countries equally, but for different reasons. In Canada we are very regulated and have to follow all the rules and laws. It feels a bit restrictive.

I realized the other day in the Cayman Islands how regulated we are in Canada and the USA. An American couple were walking down the street and asked me how to cross the road that was busy with traffic. They were dead serious. They actually didn't know how to cross the road without a traffic light or regulated crosswalk. I just explained to them to spot a gap in the traffic on their side and run to the middle of the road and stand on the white line. Then, wait for a gap in the other lane and dash across to safety. It's what happens all the time in Thailand and you don't think anything of it.

The lovin topics have been so frequent on thaivisa that there is no need to comment on them, but there are very few places in this world where an older man can have lovely young ladies at his beck and call. And, you have to pay for it one way or another no matter where you live.

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But if you have at least passed through university you are grounded in your home culture and would/will readjust within days of a return.

Returning expats might run into one or more of the following problems:

1) Expat communities in Asia/Africa/Latin America are often small, and everybody is interested in a newcomer. Going back home, people are not automatically interested in you.

2) Being an expat and going on a holiday back home, you have an exotic status and people are eager to talk with you. But once back home permanently, you lose this special status. People you know there have been living in say the UK all those years you were away, and that is their reality. They are not so much interested in listening to your wild stories about bribing policemen and single handedly fighting off cannibal tribes. Also they invariably seem to have very little time.

Having lived abroad for 18 years, I think if I would go back to the Netherlands permanently I would have to build a completely new social life, maybe doing volunteer work or something. Old friends, sure, they would be more than willing to meet up with me for dinner or drinks, but in most cases this would be just a one off affair.


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Take away the easy pussy from Thailand and I wonder how many would still find Thailand so attractive? :D

Based on what??.....your own experience???

There are many enjoyable social activities in Thailand ...that do not involve sex....... :) ........are you saying you don't see them???........or do you think others don't appreciate what Thailand has to offer?

Based totally on my experience, yes.

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Sure, it's more statistics, but as a measure for those who are interested, according to Transparency International's global corruption index:

Australia and Canada share equal place as 8th least corrupt

UK is 17th least corrupt

US is 19th least corrupt

Compared to Thailand which is 84th least corrupt


I think it pays to remember that when you come to Thailand, your financial resources and the benefits you gained from growing up in a wealthy country allow you to take a station in society far higher than you would be able to in your own country. Here's a few things to think about.

When was the last time the guy at your local noodle store took a vacation?

Do you really think those girls work in bars becaus they like meeting interesting people from around the world?

Would the same policeman that just accepted an "on the spot payment" for your traffic infringement, be so amenable if you were falsely accused of a serious crime?

Sure the freedom is fun, but when the faeces hits the airconditioner, the only thing that saves you in Thailand is the fact that you are comparably so much wealthier than other people, not because Thailand is somehow "better" than your home country.

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I don't compare where I came from when asked about living abroad vs my home country in negative. I just say where I'm from is like vanilla ice cream a dependable taste vs the difference of consuming Cherry Garcia or Rocky road. Their both ice cream and good in their own way

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I just got back, I feel the same as you. I am getting out of drilling and going into service rigging. The work is so hard that it is screwing with my head. If I think about the beach too much at work then I just want to die.

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I agree with the OP, I have been in Thailand for 9 years. I have not been back to the western world in 5 years.

I got tired of the Pattaya night live, about 7 years ago.

I live as the only falang in a Central Thailand rice growing Village, with real friendly people that I have grown to love.

I will never go back to the west, maybe only to visit my children ,the only thing I miss in the old Country.

I wish all of you going back the best!

Good Luck you will need it.


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I can certainly relate 100% precent to OP's story. But, as many other of you also have said, you will sooner or later see your romantic picture of Thailand crack up a little bit, and maybe also start to see how there are still some postive sides of the western world. Don't forget that you have the luxury to come to Thailand as a fairly rich person and that you not have to work there too. No wonder it is good!

First time I stayed in Thailand was when I was 23 years and worked for a company in Pattaya for 6 months. Coming back to Norway was pure agony. and I was provoced by all that seemed so organized, perfect, streamlined, slave-like, expensive, law-abiding etc. As for you, we are breastfed with the idea that Norway is the best and richest country to live in according to the UN. But I was met with a big sign in the airport, telling arrivers that: "the only thing we smoke here is salmon". I thought and said to myself and others that this was only possible to do in a silly country like Norway. But wait a minute - suddenly I came back to Thailand after almost 2 years not being able to return. And there I was met by very bad images being printed on the cigarettes. Still it was not as bad as Norway I thought, but again, I came back in 2008 and then to my big suprise smoking was not allowed in bars in Pattaya.

Bad things...

During several stays of 6 months and more - or araound 3 years - Thailand has also shown its bad ways. Having a strange releationship with regards to freedom of speech. Absolute corruption. Red-/blue- and yellow-shirts. Songkran-festival. One time I was robbed at gunpoint near Pra-Tam-Nak Hill. No police effort without money. Road-safety. Farang-rights. Strong superstition. Media dumb-downing and cencorship of movies, internet etc. Open distribution of children-pornography along beach road in Pattaya. People having problem telling the truth / saying no. Accuracy regarding time and appointments. And many other things...

I can give an equally bad list about Norway. But I guess my point is, that both countries have their issues. And when I think about it, its the combination that makes it so perfect for us. I mean; what do you think your life would look like if you where actually born in Thailand? What are the chances of you beeing more than an average person there with around 10'000 THB pr. month. Short life-expectancy. An average or less than average health insurance. Maybe doing hasardous or backbreaking work 8-12 hours a day, 6 days a week. No real prospect for your kids. Maybe having to be ok with your wife or gf having some other farang on the side.

This is why I think you and me feel so happy and thrilled about coming to a low-cost country. We can sit day out and day in, doing nothing but explore the last levels of the Maslow-pyramid. Maybe enjoying the hospitality in the countryside beeing the richest person in miles, paying for all kinds of services in the value of a 50 Baht 12-call-card or a small bottle of Lao-kao.

Once you get old and you suddenly need a buypass operation because of a lazy-lifestyle in Thailand, or maybe you drove from a bar on your Honda Wave being too drunk to handle it, you will be happy to have Canadian or Norwegian welfare-system well in place for you to take care of your needs and some sort of oportunity to continue your life in LOS after that on government pension, and a non-immigrant pension visa.

I guess OP is still a young man like me, or younger. As he would see from all answers, he will just need a few more eventful trips there. Seing Thailand from a workers-perspective, learning the language, and freeing himself from the beautiful and nice world of toursim, and open his eyes to the less glamorous side of Thailand. I still love that country a lot, and will hopefully return soon, but I also have finally found some peace in my home-country too, making it a lot less stressfull and painful to think of my return.

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I agree with the OP Canada is the most boring nation that the British colonized and its unbearably freezing (0 to -35) for 7 months of the year in the majority of the place, and its got all the sterile bastardised American franchise restaurants absolutely everywhere, with the most politically correct unspontaneous people on the planet, anywhere would be exciting in comparison.

But saying that at least you can build a pavement in Canade unlike this braindead lot, and i believe after seeing Thai builders dig up the paving slabs on Sukhumvit last week to put some fresh sand down then to put the paving slabs down in the same way they were originally laid, i'm in my right to call them braindead, but its something you have to get used to living here.

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