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Baht Buses


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Baht Buses.

What is it with the transportation systems here.

Do the locals really think tourists want to ride around in

those crappy little, dangerous contraptions they call public transport ?

OK I guess for a quick half kilometer trip down the road but any novelty

value they have wears off very quickly.

Where's the aircon taxi's, there are plenty in BKK, very basic but serviceable ?

And they want to attract “quality tourists”. :o

Sheeeeeeeesh, gimmee a break !

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Well the Baht Bus concept gets used all over Thailand not just in Pattaya. Outsiide of Pattaya they call them Song Taew's. With the limited amount of space in Pattaya, I dont see cabs makin it as they will just add to road congestion. Who needs that.

There was the idea of using minibus taxi's for longer trips. That will in all likelyhood show up later this year. But to have alot of cars clogging roads. No way! :o

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Go home then! :o

Scintillating reply. :D

mainly because your question did seem to be devoid of thought.

as mentioned the song taew ( two benches ) is one of the most common modes of transport accross thailand.(after the motocy)

and does it not seem to you to be more efficient to have a vehicle carrying up to 20 people versus a car with one plus the driver?

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Baht Buses.

What is it with the transportation systems here.

Do the locals really think tourists want to ride around in

those crappy little, dangerous contraptions they call public transport ?

OK I guess for a quick half kilometer trip down the road but any novelty

value they have wears off very quickly.

Where's the aircon taxi's, there are plenty in BKK, very basic but serviceable ?

And they want to attract “quality tourists”.  :o

Sheeeeeeeesh, gimmee a break !

To answer your questions.

1 It is a co-operative whereby many Thais make a living by offering a cheap efficient service.

2. What the locals think is irrelevant.

3. Danger is everywhere even in aircon taxis..you have to be careful. Hope you get a good driver.

4. Yes they are very useful for short journeys in and around Pattaya. If you want to make longer journeys there are plenty of aircon taxis available...Try Avis at the Dusit resort. The baht bus has never had a novelty value for me, but I have used them 100`s of times over the years getting from a to b without any injury.

5. Yes and they do attract quality tourists who use them all the time.

So Stop winging..

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Go home then! :o

Scintillating reply. :D

mainly because your question did seem to be devoid of thought.

as mentioned the song taew ( two benches ) is one of the most common modes of transport accross thailand.(after the motocy)

and does it not seem to you to be more efficient to have a vehicle carrying up to 20 people versus a car with one plus the driver?

No argument with that, they have their place.

I just think that it would be nice to have some alternatives.

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It would be good to see a few taximeters around.

I just wish they would pass a law where all there bleeding horns are removed,we find them when we want them,the incessant beeping drives me crazy.

The samui ones are the worst as they stop whenever and whereever they like and block the roads.

Go home then! :o

Scintillating reply. :D

mainly because your question did seem to be devoid of thought.

as mentioned the song taew ( two benches ) is one of the most common modes of transport accross thailand.(after the motocy)

and does it not seem to you to be more efficient to have a vehicle carrying up to 20 people versus a car with one plus the driver?

No argument with that, they have their place.

I just think that it would be nice to have some alternatives.

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Vast road improvements would be necessary for taxi(s) to be serviceable. However to be honest I don't think there would be much profit w/taxi(s) - so be an utter waste of time.

Baht buses are great - no problem with them - cheap, reliable mode of transport.

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Alternatives are rent a car or a private taxi, there are loads of private taxi's available for local and Airport trips.

When I first came here I thought they were great, efficent and very regular..:o

Stay here a long while with a family and you are better of with a car, however ask most tourists and its the songthaews and the street food that they remeber Thailand for. Maybe a the girls a a tad.

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Vast road improvements would be necessary for taxi(s) to be serviceable. However to be honest I don't think there would be much profit w/taxi(s) - so be an utter waste of time.

Baht buses are great - no problem with them - cheap, reliable mode of transport.

Baht Buses great ... during Songkran week ... A bit uncomfortable I would say.


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Vast road improvements would be necessary for taxi(s) to be serviceable. However to be honest I don't think there would be much profit w/taxi(s) - so be an utter waste of time.

Baht buses are great - no problem with them - cheap, reliable mode of transport.

Baht Buses great ... during Songkran week ... A bit uncomfortable I would say.



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We were promised a new bus service starting in Jan 2005.

Does anyone know what happened to it?

My guess is the baht bus mafia said "no way" and that was it.

Pattaya certainly does need a more modern and safer service with a sensible

fare structure. Something that will appeal local and visitor alike.

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Baht buses are great - no problem with them - cheap, reliable mode of transport.

Great way to get around but when you are stuck in a traffic jam surrounded by them, the diesel fumes are overcoming, ok you can jam your nose in your armpit or wear one of them surgical masks :D:o

But I think it would improve Pattayas air quality and make it a far nicer place to walk around if they were ALL converted to GAS :D

I think the majority of bkk taxis are duel fuel :D

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I've got to agree with naka... baht buses are great for a short trip down beach road during an afternoon of shopping, but some proper air conditioned taxis would be a good thing.

Imagine a "quality" tourist couple who likes to get dressed up and go out for dinner and entertainment in the evenings is staying in Jomtien and wants to go to Pattaya for dinner. After a ride in a baht bus they are likely to be sweaty and smelling of exhaust.

I'm sure someone like that would pay a metered taxi for comfortable transprtation instead of having to ride in the back of a truck like a dog.

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I've got to agree with naka... baht buses are great for a short trip down beach road during an afternoon of shopping, but some proper air conditioned taxis would be a good thing.

Imagine a "quality" tourist couple who likes to get dressed up and go out for dinner and entertainment in the evenings is staying in Jomtien and wants to go to Pattaya for dinner. After a ride in a baht bus they are likely to be sweaty and smelling of exhaust.

I'm sure someone like that would pay a metered taxi for comfortable transprtation instead of having to ride in the back of a truck like a dog.

Air conditioned taxis are available from every hotel all you have to do is ask them to phone one for you.

Simple isn`t it... :o

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I first came across the concept of Baht buses in Tel-Aviv many moons ago. Called them Charoots there. More comfortable,but same principle. Travel in a circle stopping,picking up,dropping off willynilly. Great idea. In Pattaya it is perfect. Most people want to get from A to B as quickly as possible,and,dare I say,as cheaply as possible. What more could you want. OK when you're driving they tend to p1ss you off a bit,but this is Thailand. Everything p1sses you off when you're driving.

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Don't forget that things like air-conditioned, metered taxis, are usually more expensive. I don't use them in LOS (just never seems to be one around when I need it), preferring the ever present baht bus, or moto-taxi if I'm in a hurry (and feeling suicidal).

In Canada, metered taxis have a minimum fare. Soon as you get in, ching-ching, the meter starts at $3.50 (about 150 baht !) or more, before you even get the door shut !

I took a taxi from Chilliwack to Vancouver once (in a hurry, Greyhound bus was going to be a 6 hour wait). $120 (about 3,600 baht) fare for a 100 kilometer ride.

Compare that to a 1,500 baht ($50 Cdn) ride almost twice as far from Bkk to Pattaya (even cheaper on the return trip, 800 baht or $27 Cdn) ! And that is with a private, air-conditioned car.

Some of the baht bus drivers are OK guys too. I bought a bunch of furniture and a mattress at Tesco. Driver wanted 150 baht to haul it back to the apartment, then he helped me carry it all up the 4 flights of stairs !

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And what ever happened to the air con bus service ???

The one that the baht bus drivers protested against and after numerous incidents and one death of a aircon bus driver was discontinued.

Ohh yes it was scrapped and replaced with a baht bus going against the flow of traffic on second road :o it's strange but true. TIT.

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and replaced with a baht bus going against the flow of traffic on second road  :o  it's strange but true.  TIT.

You've just jogged my memory. In Tel-Aviv the charoots used to go against the flow of traffic as well. It worked fantastic till they synchronised the traffic lights. In fact all public transport went the other way in a special lane. Can't see it working in a country where 'Drive on the left' is just a hint though.

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OK, let's have a little roundup.


> What is it with the transportation systems here.

Excellent question. People have been asking that for many years.

> Do the locals really think tourists want to ride around in

Actually the locals themselves would like a better system. Local Thais

would also welcome an end to baht bus cheating. They would very much

like it if a baht bus driver would always return their change; would

always take the route to their destination that he had promised at the

beginning; and would not kick them off the bus for the sake of

better-paying passengers. The locals are also disgusted by the erratic

driving habits of baht bus drivers and the clogging of the streets

with empty buses constantly beeping at pedestrians. Locals would also

appreciate some longer and different routes. Taking half those

empty buses off the streets would mean a very substantial rise in the

incomes of the remaining drivers in addition to greatly improved

traffic conditions in Pattaya.

The problem you see is that the stupid farangs are subsidizing the present

system so well.


>Go home then!

That's all you got? Run away? No, we can do more.

We can refuse to be overcharged and take alternative modes of

transportation or walk. We should also complain and complain in the

hope, no doubt vain, that someone will eventually pay attention.



> as mentioned the song taew ( two benches ) is one of the most common

> modes of transport accross thailand.(after the motocy)

They work OK in smaller areas, except for the cheating of farangs.

Pattaya, however, has gotten too big for them. As did Bangkok. But in

Pattaya as well the system got WAY out of control long ago. Take at

least half the buses off the roads, enforce fair fares, and offer



> and does it not seem to you to be more efficient to have a vehicle

> carrying up to 20 people versus a car with one plus the driver?

It does, but you're not talking about songtaews in Pattaya, where most

of them are empty. A real bus system is what would be efficient. Cf.

Penang w/ its fine modern system. Pattaya can support some long routes,



> Yes and they do attract quality tourists who use them all the time.

Of course they use them as baht bus system is essentially a monopoly.

Tourists don't know much better and are blissfully unaware of the

extent to which they are overcharged. They aren't here long enough to

realize all the shortcomings. It all becomes part of a charming

vacation experience.



> Baht buses are great - no problem with them - cheap, reliable mode of transport.

No, they have many problems. See my summary below. They impose a high cost on this city.

What they are is a cheap, reliable, and very profitable mode of corruption and all that implies.


> Were the 5B flat fare enforced they would be spot on!

The cheating is a problem all right, but hardly the only problem.


> What more could you want. OK when you're driving they tend to p1ss

> you off a bit,but this is Thailand.

You could want--get this--a modern efficient air-con (or not) fair

non-monopolistic bus system a la Penang or Bangkok or any other

civilized city. There was a brief experiment with such a system in PTY

recently. Despite rave reviews, it was discontinued for reasons of . .

. .


> Driver wanted 150 baht to haul it back to the apartment, then he

> helped me carry it all up the 4 flights of stairs !

That's cause you already overpaid by 100 baht. Good job of convincing

you that you got a bargain though, eh?

> sendbaht:

> Sometime I wonder how they make a living.

By cheating the stupid farangs--and to a lesser extent Thais by not

returning their change. Impossible otherwise to field 800 or so buses, half of

which are empty at any given time.

If you have lived in Pattaya for a long while, been dependent daily on

the buses, continually have fought the unnecessary and hazardous

traffic and pollution (air, noise, eye) that the baht buses generate,

then you know what a plague on the city that the baht buses are. You

know of the long history of assaults and physical threats and cheating

committed (on a racially discriminatory basis) by the drivers against

farangs who have attempted to pay legitimate fares. You know of all

the failed attempts by city administrations over the years to rid the

city of the baht bus stranglehold. You'll certainly applaud any

improvements to the current system.

Edited by JSixpack
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I agree with Dave if you don't like it P1ss off home and pay through your nose for an aircon taxi in the UK or USA.

A good deal is a deal you are happy with, and if thats 100 baht to get home and have you shopping carried upstairs with a smile then so be it.  Who are you to complain.

Agree with the above but .............Fourbaht you didnt happen to get out the wrong side of the bed this a.m did you? :o

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