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Something Bites My Feet


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I've had a problem in every apartment I've lived in in Thailand, that when I sit at my computer desk something bites my feet. It's like a mosquito or gnat bite but i've never seen any... it's offcourse alot of cables back there that makes it hard to get all the dust away when cleaning, do you know of what can "live" there that bites you like this?

I've tried to spray with insects-spray-poison-thingi, but just helps temporarily. It is really annoying to scratch my feet all the time, anyone have a good solution for this problem, please let me know!

Edited by fritiof
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I assume floor is not carpeted because if it is, it could be mites? Sometimes mosquitos are hard to spot and may come back after spraying, if you have windows/doors open without fly screen. Apply some anti mozzie lotion on feet and legs and see if it works. If it does not work, it may not be mozzies after all. A spider perhaps?

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I assume floor is not carpeted because if it is, it could be mites? Sometimes mosquitos are hard to spot and may come back after spraying, if you have windows/doors open without fly screen. Apply some anti mozzie lotion on feet and legs and see if it works. If it does not work, it may not be mozzies after all. A spider perhaps?

sounds like mossies mate. try cleaner your feet more often. :)

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The floor is not carpeted no. Well, the most probable thing is offcourse mosquitos, allthough I can not see any even when I feel the bite... It's been the same with or without mosquitos net/fly screen on doors and windows, which have led me to believe that it's something residing in the dust between the computer cabels (i think i would notice a spider :)

sounds like mossies mate. try cleaner your feet more often

I fought mossies liked newly cleaned feets :D

Edited by fritiof
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The floor is not carpeted no. Well, the most probable thing is offcourse mosquitos, allthough I can not see any even when I feel the bite... It's been the same with or without mosquitos net/fly screen on doors and windows, which have led me to believe that it's something residing in the dust between the computer cabels (i think i would notice a spider :)
sounds like mossies mate. try cleaner your feet more often

I fought mossies liked newly cleaned feets :D

or wear long pants and socks mate. :D

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This may sound funny, but it workede for me.

Ive had this problem with something very small biting me, i don't know what because Ive never seen it but then my ankles and lower legs get as itch as hel_l. Anyway, when that happens I put powder, you know like talcum powder that people use after showering. I put some of that on the effected areas and it seems to relieve the problem. I also find that cooling my ankles and lower leg first under the shower and then toweling off and applying the powder releives it the fastest.

I was originally thinking it was micro sandflies or something (which are capable of penetrating the nets on the windows and doors) but as Ive still never seen one Im figuring it may also be dust mite related. I often get this seated at the desk & whilst the room is spotlessly clean I cannot get down behind the desk where there is heaps of dust & to pull it out is very difficult with all the cords and cables I am running here, this is a dusty area and i believe mites love heat, dunno just a thought.

Try the powder for relief.

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I assume floor is not carpeted because if it is, it could be mites? Sometimes mosquitos are hard to spot and may come back after spraying, if you have windows/doors open without fly screen. Apply some anti mozzie lotion on feet and legs and see if it works. If it does not work, it may not be mozzies after all. A spider perhaps?

sounds like mossies mate. try cleaner your feet more often. :)

I agree , I get bitten by mossis when i use a computor for a while, it hurts like hel_l when you get bit on your toes.maybe you should put a light on near your computer , Mossies like dark or dim areas.

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If you do decide to use a magnifying glass, be prepared for what horrors may await you.

Its quite possible you may have a toe monster down there. This is an artists impression of one:


But ive heard they are often invisible though.

However, at least they are much preferable to toilet monsters. Those guys are relentless!!


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Mosquitoes are likely, they can be very small...

then mites, and if pets, perhaps fleas.

Disregard spiders.

Keep your feet clean and use anti-skeeter repellent.

Organics or a particular skin lotion...

seems it's called "skin so soft", or something like that.

Neem works also.

Google is your friend.

Cheers, howto

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mosquitoes - bite will raise up pink or white and last 1 or 2 hours, love ankles and feet

ants - usually red bite, itch and or hurt lasts for days on and off

spiders - i think will actually take a piece of skin out of you, hurts and itches (some other bug may cause this as well)

small green/gray flea? - itch like heck, very hard to see the insect itself, perhaps comes after the rain

sharp quick stinging, no long term itch – dry skin???

small black flying bug - does it bite?

if it has a red dot in the center it is not a mossie bite and will probably last longer than a few hours

i don't have this down as an exact science as the only ones i see biting me are the mossies

i doubt cockroaches bite humans

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I used to have that problem every time I sat at my desk , my wife told me to use the fan so I do , no more bites or itching . To get rid of the itch from mossy bites I just put spittle on them , after a few applications the itch is gone , in Canada we used vinegar but I got fed up smelling like a chip shop .

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Trolls, sounds like you have an infestation of trolls most likely driven out of your computer by the anti virus software. Do you find posts made in your name that you do not recall making? If so, could be further evidence of the trolls at work or maybe it's the Changs and they're worse.

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mosquitoes - bite will raise up pink or white and last 1 or 2 hours, love ankles and feet

ants - usually red bite, itch and or hurt lasts for days on and off

spiders - i think will actually take a piece of skin out of you, hurts and itches (some other bug may cause this as well)

small green/gray flea? - itch like heck, very hard to see the insect itself, perhaps comes after the rain

sharp quick stinging, no long term itch – dry skin???

small black flying bug - does it bite?

if it has a red dot in the center it is not a mossie bite and will probably last longer than a few hours

i don't have this down as an exact science as the only ones i see biting me are the mossies

i doubt cockroaches bite humans

Wrong I'm afraid.........roaches do bite humans! I know as I was once bitten by one - on my plums of all places. Bloody great thing it was and hurt like hel_l. :D Taught me not to sleep in piss-poor, cheapo hotels above kitchens on Sumatra, Indonesia.

However, very much doubt the OP could fail to spot a roach on his feet, so that kind of rules out this option. :)

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Wrong I'm afraid.........roaches do bite humans! I know as I was once bitten by one - on my plums of all places. Bloody great thing it was and hurt like hel_l. :) Taught me not to sleep in piss-poor, cheapo hotels above kitchens on Sumatra, Indonesia.

Yes....me too....TWICE. Once in Australia, and once in Thailand. In both cases I was in a very deep sleep and was woken INSTANTLY ( as you can imagine ).

I can really sympathise with those guys who are victims of an angry Thai woman and her sharp knife........

Also in Thailand I've had 1 cm wide holes appear in my favourite shirt the next morning from cockroaches being attracted to the sweat.

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It won't stop you getting bitten, but if you get bitten again, try rubbing a slice of lemon or lime on the bite. The itching should stop within a couple of minutes. We get a lot of mozzies in Spain, the lemon trick is pretty common practice. In your case it'll have the added bonus of giving your feet a citrusy aroma.

I have the same problem.... Interestingly they don't bother my Thai wife at all.

Anyone know why this might be?

I used to get eaten alive by mosquitoes in Spain when I first moved there when I was 13, but now they don't bother me. It's just a theory, but I'm thinking your immune system develops a tolerance to the bites. Also, according to Wikipedia, they prefer some people over others due to the levels of carbon dioxide and other compounds in your sweat.

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Hi all

This is my first post, so please go easy on me to start with.

Yes, it`s mosquitoes.

They are very difficult to see. I actually caught dengie fever from this a few years ago.

I tried wearing socks, but the little devils even manage to bite through them.

What I do is spray under my computer table with an insect spray. That normally does the trick. Besides that there isn't much else you can do to solve the problem.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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