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Something Bites My Feet


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It won't stop you getting bitten, but if you get bitten again, try rubbing a slice of lemon or lime on the bite. The itching should stop within a couple of minutes. We get a lot of mozzies in Spain, the lemon trick is pretty common practice. In your case it'll have the added bonus of giving your feet a citrusy aroma.
I have the same problem.... Interestingly they don't bother my Thai wife at all.

Anyone know why this might be?

I used to get eaten alive by mosquitoes in Spain when I first moved there when I was 13, but now they don't bother me. It's just a theory, but I'm thinking your immune system develops a tolerance to the bites. Also, according to Wikipedia, they prefer some people over others due to the levels of carbon dioxide and other compounds in your sweat.

Thats interesting. Its very very rare that i get bitten by a mozzie, but ants love to have a go at me usually. I figured it must be something to do with some kind of body excretions that they like/dont like, but never looked it up.

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Also, according to Wikipedia, they prefer some people over others due to the levels of carbon dioxide and other compounds in your sweat.

Thats interesting. Its very very rare that i get bitten by a mozzie, but ants love to have a go at me usually. I figured it must be something to do with some kind of body excretions that they like/dont like, but never looked it up.

Yeah I didn't know that either, and I guess it lends some credibility to the wives' tales about eating garlic, etc. to fend them off. Certain foods are excreted through your sweat glands (hence my garlicy armpits after last night's Chicken Madras and Garlic Naan), so I guess if they don't like certain compounds in your sweat they'd avoid you, as would your wife.

Solution: cover yourself in garlic juice (or mozzie repellent if you have a wife).

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Try Orange or lemon peel, they do not like citrus.Rub it on your legs or just leave the fresh peel on the floor near your feet . Its an old Thai remedy

Better still, try rubbing some Castor Sugar on your legs, it will not kill them but is will sure rot there Teeth so they will not bite you again.

Seriously though, I think we all suffer from this problem, sounds like Mosquito's or Ants, either use cream or spray, I am sure they will go whatever they are.

Good luck.

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i bought a mosquito light at tesco fo 200 baht shaped liked a panda for kids room i suppose

it probably works better in the dark at night

but i do see the little dead buggers collecting in there so it must work to some degree

next time i will buy the 700 baht model, bigger, more sturdy

the lamp on the cheap one is starting to flicker after only a month

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i doubt cockroaches bite humans

Trust me, cockroaches certainly do bite humans. However they almost always leave no mark. It is a strong exploratory nip which gives you quite a shock in the middle of the night and then they scuttle off.

Sounds like the OP may be allergic to dust mites.

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  • 3 weeks later...
i doubt cockroaches bite humans

Trust me, cockroaches certainly do bite humans. However they almost always leave no mark. It is a strong exploratory nip which gives you quite a shock in the middle of the night and then they scuttle off.

Sounds like the OP may be allergic to dust mites.

Cockroaches sure do......I have been nipped on 2 occasions quite hard on the nuts. It's a heck of a way to wake instantly from a deep sleep !

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I don't get bitten often at home, but my feet often get bitten when I'm eating at outdoor restaurants. I usually spray some Citronella on my feet and legs before going out. I prefer the Citronella because it's organic, rather than a poisonous pesticide. You can buy little spay bottles of it at most Big Cs.

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The floor is not carpeted no. Well, the most probable thing is offcourse mosquitos, allthough I can not see any even when I feel the bite... It's been the same with or without mosquitos net/fly screen on doors and windows, which have led me to believe that it's something residing in the dust between the computer cabels (i think i would notice a spider :)
sounds like mossies mate. try cleaner your feet more often

I fought mossies liked newly cleaned feets :D

Have you ever thought about tiny little ghosts? It's Thailand, man.......


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I have read that scientists use Limburger cheese to attract mosquitos to trap them for research. They said because the odor from that cheese is very close to feet odor!!!

Also read mosquitos are attracted to black, so perhaps wearing white socks would help?

Edited by mojaco
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i bought a mosquito light at tesco fo 200 baht shaped liked a panda for kids room i suppose

it probably works better in the dark at night

I have the same panda thingy. I swear by it. It kills every mosquito in the room. There is also a lovely positive feedback, with the electrocuted bodies fused to the surface of the electric coils. My worst night had a 20 body count...

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Small ants? If you dont clean much behind there you may have some crumbs and things that they like.

That is my guess as well. There have always been the tiny black ants in my apartment, but they've never bitten me. They just go for whatever is sweet. However, this year there was colony of tiny red ants and those buggers DO bite if they get brushed or squeezed in any way. And, every bite resulted in an itchy welt. I finally had to put ant powder down and that seems to have solved the problem. The tiny black ants are still around, but now in lesser numbers.

Thai mosquitos are another problem I haven't solved. Thai mosquitos are very small and fast. They are almost impossible to see and kill... even with one of those electric swatters. Fortunately, I'm not so attractive to mosquitos and for every 10 that bite me only a few result in an itch.

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I'm pretty sure I get bit by mosquito's everywhere but my body doesn't react anymore. Except for. yes .. you've guessed it. They play havoc with my Feet and funnily enough around my computer Table. I wear Socks atleast if not Shoes. Its quite cool up here now so not a problem.

The Talc as mentioned may help. The medicated 'prickly Heat Powder' may work better.

It only takes one persistant Mossie . So make sure you spray behind the computer desk before you use it.

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