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Talcum Powder Enthusiasts


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Prickly Heat does wonders for my sweaty balls, i love the stuff.


It sounds counterintuitive, but I like a liberal schmear of high grade organic body butter on "the boys", applied while moist.

Funnily enough, there is a new product on the market here in the USA, called "Fresh Balls" and it is also a cream. It is supposed to be paraben, aluminium and talc free as well. Haven't tried it yet.

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Some people believe breathing in Talcum powder can cause lung cancer.

The reason this could be true is that in nature two minerals virtually always occur together -- talc and asbestos.

Johnson & Johnson claim their talcum powder never contained any asbestos for its entire history. Okay, that statement I don't trust, since it was sometime around the turn of the century that they introduced their baby powder to the market.

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Funnily enough, there is a new product on the market here in the USA, called "Fresh Balls" and it is also a cream. It is supposed to be paraben, aluminium and talc free as well. Haven't tried it yet.

hahaha! I can just imagine the commercial for it!

could be just like that 'just for men' ad :)

I opened this thread expecting to read about Thai talc, which I kindof have, but certainly did not expect to learn about what TV members put on their <deleted>!

Still, thanks for sharing, I think! :D

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I remember watching an episode of Sienfield once where Kramer had a Manzeire (sp) a bra designed for men with man puppies :)


Reading earlier posts and thought of that Seinfeld episode . . . and there it was! Manssiere

made my day.

There would be quite a market for these at Phuket beaches right now.

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Some people believe breathing in Talcum powder can cause lung cancer.

Also, I remember reading, many years ago that talc can block the skin pores, which can lead to skin cancer.

Actually, this is the reason I've an aversion to using the stuff as well. Minor acne is constantly a problem for me living in Thailand, and I'm afraid it would only worsen the problem due to pores being blocked by using the powder. I like the idea of having the lingering coolness effect, but the thought of making the problem worse out weighs the benefits for me. :)

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It sounds counterintuitive, but I like a liberal schmear of high grade organic body butter on "the boys", applied while moist.

Body butter, please tell me more.

Available at Boots and the The Body Shop in Thailand. It ain't cheap, but sometimes Boots has good sales on it.

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Prickly Heat does wonders for my sweaty balls, i love the stuff.


Ok. I see now. I must try it some time for myself. I thought that maybe it reduced a heat rash but didn't realize it actually has cooling properties.

Buy a small tin and splash some on ya testicles, bit "surprising" at first but after a while you will love the stuff, even better is to lay spread eagled on your bed (towel underneath you) and get your missus to gently "massage" some into your nether regions.

Haha, classic...but I dont bother with Talc...I have a pair of these. Keeps the plums nice and cool all of the time....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zrl5sYmApcI

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Some people believe breathing in Talcum powder can cause lung cancer.

Also, I remember reading, many years ago that talc can block the skin pores, which can lead to skin cancer.

Pretty much everything causes cancer these days. I used to work in the hazardous waste industry in the UK. Some of the stuff we had to put through treatment due it being carcinogenic was laughable. Burnt toast and dead seals were two of the things that come to mind as having carcinogenic levels of organic carbon. What do you think's worse? The air in Bangkok and tropical sun or talcum powder? If you life in fear of cancer you'd never leave the house.

I for one would rather have a sweet smelling, chaff free knackers than worry about sack cancer. How many of us are nicotine or beach addicts I wonder?

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When I am in the tropics I use a womans hand held hairdryer to dry the dangling bits then coat with a liberal amount of Vaseline. Only problem is when I am on the motor bike. If I brake too hard I slide up over the petrol tank which leads me to receive a painful jab in the gonads from the handlebar clamps!

I may try this Prickly Heat powder when I am over next year.

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hysterically funny , all of it.

first of all, the 'balls cream'. whats it called? i can get my mom to post some for my son who is suffering the dreaded 'chafed ball area/soldier syndrome'... as they get issued zinc baby bum cream and he hates it. i did see protex

second: talc is not like asbestos. it is a type of silica. there are several types. some cause cancer. some are just deemed 'possible danger to health' since they can cause a type of silicosis. OSHA has probably changed their definitions /labelling for these items since i last dealt with the silica question (safety and hygiene manager in our glass bending factory)... however, talc is not used in most baby powders that we get here ; cornflour is the white smooth powdery ingredient. the baby powder we get from china owever, is real talc.

either way, i also liked the purple bottle of powder my sis in law used on her kids after their cold water rinse before school. i also have a bottle of some quasi british masculine smelling powder that some thais gave me as a present once. ive noticed that here the guys prefer to buy the feminine (floral) body powders and sprays rather then the masculine (spicey/lemony) types.

and the white paste is just this powder mixed with water, made in to a paste and smeared for the same reason i stated in a previous post of mine about laos ceremonial use of clay painted on poeples faces. cant remember where i got that info from however...



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Pretty much everything causes cancer these days. I used to work in the hazardous waste industry in the UK. Some of the stuff we had to put through treatment due it being carcinogenic was laughable. Burnt toast and dead seals were two of the things that come to mind as having carcinogenic levels of organic carbon. What do you think's worse? The air in Bangkok and tropical sun or talcum powder? If you life in fear of cancer you'd never leave the house.

I for one would rather have a sweet smelling, chaff free knackers than worry about sack cancer. How many of us are nicotine or beach addicts I wonder?

No, pretty much everything doesn't cause cancer. I've told you one fact -- in nature talc and asbestos almost always occur together. I doubt there is anyone who honestly disputes that asbestos causes cancer.

You sort of sound like all my relatives who maintained for years that cigarette smoking didn't affect one's health. Several died from lung cancer, all died from diseases their doctors said were directly related to smoking (e.g. emphysema).

But, they're you're plums, do with them as you wish.

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