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Thais Hunt For Missing Hippo At Chiang Mai Night Safari


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You say Thais love animals well maybe...I once asked a Thai friend why you don`t see many wild animals in Thailand ...his response was "if it is free and you can eat ...we have already ate it " so I guess you are right Thais love animals .....are hippos good eating ?


Edited by sangfroid
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In Australia the RSPCA spends eighty million dollars a year. In Brisbane RSPCA alone, they put down 1,000 cats and dogs a week!!!!!

That is a fact. Mistreatment of animals is a world wide phenomenon and not confined to any one country.

I guess I will never see 15 fully grown ADULTS standing under a tree and try to shoot a squirrel down with slingshots :) OK may be you are

new to Thailand but like I said above, I am not concerned about cats and dogs only. What concerns me more is the wildlife in Thailand, specially in Isaan

is NOTHING left anymore....

and regarding to the Hippo....should give a lot of portions nice fat Khao Mo Khop

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I constantly read a reference to buddhists supposedly having a compassion for animals. I've never seen this in Thailand, Sri Lanka and certainly not China - if the latter is sort of buddhist. I've observed that thais are reluctant to kill an animal or even an insect but otherwize there's nothing like the love and compassion for animals one routinely sees in northern Europe.

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The zoo, situated about 650 kilometres north of Bangkok, has been the target of criticism for poor management and mistreatment of animals in the past.

The mistreatment of ALL animals, wild or not, in this so called buddhist country makes me sick every single day.

It is unbelievable and a shame for every human beeing how Thais treat all kinds of lifeforms. In my opinion they are in the most cases not worth called Buddhists!

Are farangs wild or not wild animals????? :)

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, Thai people have no compassion for animals at all. so many times,

I believe this is nonsense. I see Thais feeding feral dogs and cats everyday in Pattaya. I never see them running over dogs and cats either. In other countries in the region they're looked upon as food.

From what I see generally, Thais love animals.

i think you are in the minority on this one,

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You couldnt make this up!

A baby hippo, last seen having a nice soak in the bath at the hospital, waits for the security guard to fall asleep before making good his escape.

It's the funniest thing i've read in TV for ages. This is funnier than George's April Fool's threads.

How hard exactly can it be to find a hippo in Chiang Mai?

Has anyone checked the beer bars? He might have disguised himself in there.

good point, big fat bald , only a few teeth , should fit in with the locals no probs

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The zoo, situated about 650 kilometres north of Bangkok, has been the target of criticism for poor management and mistreatment of animals in the past.

The mistreatment of ALL animals, wild or not, in this so called buddhist country makes me sick every single day.

It is unbelievable and a shame for every human beeing how Thais treat all kinds of lifeforms. In my opinion they are in the most cases not worth called Buddhists!

....."....all kinds of Lifeforms"..........oh oh, better dig out those big 70's dark shades...... like now !!!!

yours swimmingly,


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I don't understand some of you guys moaning about "Thai Buddhists" not always following Buddhist philosophy to the letter.

Do all Christians refrain from eating meat on Fridays, being unfaithful to spouses, random killings, theft, blah blah blah?The same with any other religions/philosophies and it's "followers".

Ohh , look at the Jew working in his Dental Surgery on a Saturday morning. They can't do that.

Ohh , look at the Catholic who when asked what "What are you giving up for Lent?" replies " Stuff that". They can't say that!

etc etc.

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This topic is about one poor Hippopothalamus who lost his way coming from hospital, but he don't have assurance so they don't want to care him, so he called Takki Takki to help him..... now he's waiting in front of post office with the Nation in its right hand.

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"The zoo, situated about 650 kilometres north of Bangkok, has been the target of criticism for poor management and mistreatment of animals in the past." I hope that people don't equate the Night Safari with the Chiang Mai Zoo which has far superior management and treatment of animals.

If the C.Mai zoo is managed better, then that is a sad commentary on the Night Safari which, by the way, I never plan to visit. The zoo is so badly laid out that many displays take long hikes up steep hills to see something - if you're lucky. 20 minutes trekking up hot asphalt roads and you may or may not see an animal at the end of the trek. Every so often, a late model car whizzes by with tinted windows tightly shut. Those are VIP guests, or course.

I visited the lion/tiger petting zoo north of C.Mai, only because of the insistence of my Thai g.f. It was sad. The tigers were so morose, they didn't move. Young guy workers were on hand to slap the tigers with sticks any time one did anything more that raise its head from prone position. I asked if the tigers were drugged and they said 'no' but I'm not convinced. I saw some younger tigers getting disciplined nearby, away from tourists' prying eyes. The tigers were being provoked, and any time one showed any response that hinted at agitation, it was hit with a stick.

There are practically no wild mammals left anywhere in Thailand. Unless you're a dog or chicken, Thailand is not a good place to be for an animal. As for domesticated animals. Yes, Thais like their animals, but they don't have a clue how to discipline them.

Edited by brahmburgers
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My wife was considered a hippo...? she went missing several years ago, but I didn't bother sending a hundred people to look for her.  I actually felt she belonged in the wild..gosh I hope they don't find my wife instead of the real hippo...?

Oh and by the way....she disappeared while I was on duty fortunately for me I fell asleep too :)

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 Us humans are a living form of cockroaches

As distinct from the dead forms of cockroaches.

We have gone from a population of 1 billion, to over 4 billion in a space of 50 years, soon there will be no space left on this world

Do your bit and don't have any kids.

Anyway, many happy returns and a new year to all.

You too :)

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, Thai people have no compassion for animals at all. so many times,

I believe this is nonsense. I see Thais feeding feral dogs and cats everyday in Pattaya. I never see them running over dogs and cats either. In other countries in the region they're looked upon as food.

From what I see generally, Thais love animals.

Most ill informed & wrong Post i've seen on this Forum for a long time.

I think this really depends on how they are prepared. :)

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You say Thais love animals well maybe...I once asked a Thai friend why you don`t see many wild animals in Thailand ...his response was "if it is free and you can eat ...we have already ate it " so I guess you are right Thais love animals .....are hippos good eating ?

If so how come there are so many stray dogs everywhere in this country? They are eatable, ask the chinese!

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, Thai people have no compassion for animals at all. so many times,

I believe this is nonsense. I see Thais feeding feral dogs and cats everyday in Pattaya. I never see them running over dogs and cats either. In other countries in the region they're looked upon as food.

From what I see generally, Thais love animals.

Thais love animals what planet are you on??

Ive seen thais deliberately run over dogs and cats in their cars, beating monkeys, just take a look at the state of some of the elephants its disgusting, just check out some of the markets where you can illegally buy a monkey. THe real world stopped using animals for tourist photos like the monkeys on spanish beaches but in thailand it still happens, I actually chased a thai lady away when she come into a bar with a drugged up chimp, she knew its bad and when i said police she ran much faster. Thais do eat dogs, snakes, rats whatever has a pulse they will eat.

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its just the way thais are, they eat what they eat,, we can not lay blame on the way people have lived for centuries, Arabs eat some strange things and have some strange ways of killing them/ sacrificial type ways, but hey,,


animals have escaped from zoo's before, in other parts of the world,, although i cant recall a sick one escaping before???

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Thais do eat dogs, snakes, rats whatever has a pulse they will eat.

How about elephants? They have pulses. Haven't seen much in the way of Khow Paht Chang.

They do eat a lot of insects, shellfish and crustaceans though, no heart, no pulse.

Vegetables? Well there is a group called "pulses" I suppose. Haven't seen any bananas with a pulse though. (at least not in polite company)

You're not making much sense. Then again, neither am I.

Edited by jensonmcm
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animals have escaped from zoo's before, in other parts of the world,, although i cant recall a sick one escaping before???

TRUE, but most of them doesnt have a 50/50 chance to wake up in tourism areas on the shoulder of some camera carrying boy :):D :D

anyway, the REAL STORY is: ....the watchman was not sleeping, he was dam_n sick after he ates a whole Hippo :D

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